One Can Speculate Why Windows-Friendly OEMs Start Enforcing Windows-Only Boot on Laptops (Microsoft Blocking BSD and GNU/Linux With UEFI)
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2022-08-03 13:00:49 UTC
- Modified: 2022-08-03 13:00:49 UTC
"Operating System Market", aside from Android (which dominates internationally and uses Linux)

Homeland of Linus Torvalds (from Helsinki), sharing a border with a very hostile neighbour that engages in cyberattacks. The above graph is missing the latter days of August (no legend, either, but it's relative share in %). An associate squeezed in "an observation that these behaviors are not new, and they are not only decades old, but that they have not abated over the decades and [Microsoft] only resort to marketing spin to obscure their anti-competitive behaviors" (while looking to hire the saboteurs).
Summary: As Windows is spyware that surveys/surveils every single user of Windows, Microsoft knows best what's going on and judging by this month's numbers one can guess why they resort to overt antitrust violations with UEFI 'killswitch' while GNOME/IBM helps them (for money and favours)