Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 28/10/2022: Diffoscope 225 Released and Updated antiX-sid ISO

  • GNU/Linux

    • Linux LinksLinux Around The World: USA - Kansas - LinuxLinks

      We cover events and user groups that are running in the US state of Kansas. This article forms part of our Linux Around The World series.

    • KifarunixWhat Are the Differences Between Linux and Windows? - [Ed: Poorly written, badly researched]

      Both Linux and Windows are operating systems used all over the world, but these two operating systems have a few minor functional differences.

    • DiffoscopeReproducible Builds (diffoscope): diffoscope 225 released

      The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 225. This version includes the following changes:

      [ Chris Lamb ]
      * Add support for detecting ordering-only differences in XML files.
        (Closes: #1022146)
      * Fix an issue with detecting ordering differences. (Closes: #1022145)
      * Add support for ttx(1) from fonttools.
        (Re: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#315)
      * Test improvements:
        - Tidy up the JSON tests and use assert_diff over get_data and manual
          assert in XML tests.
        - Rename order1.diff to json_expected_ordering_diff for consistency.
        - Temporarily allow the stable-po pipeline to fail in the CI.
      * Use consistently capitalised "Ordering" everywhere we use the word in
        diffoscope's output.

    • Desktop/Laptop

      • Barry KaulerFydeOS alternative to ChromeOS works on PCs

        Today I stumbled across someone mentioning FydeOS, and alternative to ChromeOS. Recalled briefly looking at it sometime ago, decided worth another look...

        What attracts me to ChromeOS is support for Android and Linux apps, and FydeOS also has this support. A significant difference is that FydeOS can be installed on "Windows" PCs. ChromeOS is only available on Chromebooks; however, a bit of online reading revealed that Google have ChromeOS Flex, that can be installed on PCs -- unfortunately, it does not run Android apps, and a bit of further reading indicated problems with Linux apps.

    • Server

      • Make Tech EasierHow to Set Up a LOMP Stack on Ubuntu Server - Make Tech Easier

        As a web developer, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to set up a Linux, OpenLiteSpeed, MariaDB (or MySQL), and PHP stack server (LOMP). This can be a daunting task. Here we show you the steps to install a LOMP stack on your Linux server.

      • Istio / Announcing Istio 1.15.3

        This release contains bug fixes to improve robustness. This release note describes what’s different between Istio 1.15.2 and Istio 1.15.3.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Kernel Space

      • IT World CALinux kernel could finally discontinue 486 support - IT World Canada

        Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel, is seriously considering discontinuing the Intel 486 processor, 486 Linux and any other 486 architecture. The transition would occur after most users had upgraded to newer processor architectures.

        Torvalds explained in a message to the Linux Kernel Mailing List, the main hub of Linux kernel development, that he considers the 486 architecture obsolete and museum material. “We got rid of i386 support back in 2012. Maybe it’s time to get rid of i486 support in 2022”? Torvalds also commented, “Not that I’m convinced most distros do 32-bit development anyway these days.”

    • Applications

      • H2S Media2 Best Alternatives to Docker Desktop GUI Dashboard

        To replace the already existing Docker Desktop Dashboard GUI, here we are representing some popular alternative GUI platforms to manage containers.

        To manage Docker containers on Windows 10/8/7, Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS, Redhat…), and macOS graphically use these top and best-in-class Docker GUI desktop and web management tools in the free or open-source category. Docker is basically a virtualized open-source environment that allows users to distribute and install multiple apps on the server without interfering with each other’s installation and process. Docker benefits most from cluster environments and data centers. It provides an isolated environment for the container.

        You can compare the Docker Container with multiple containers available on a single shipyard with different articles. In the same way, Docker has implemented a technology called containers, which you can say is a term used alternatively instead of virtual machines. However, containers take up less space as compared to regular VMs.

      • LibreOffice on the Microsoft Store

        LibreOffice is now available for download from the Microsoft Store, for those users who choose or are required to get their desktop software from that channel. A small fee is charged.

      • MedevelOpenPose: Open-source Real-time Multi-person Key point and Pose Detection Program

        OpenPose has represented the first real-time multi-person system to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot keypoints (in total 135 keypoints) on single images. It is authored by Ginés Hidalgo, Zhe Cao, Tomas Simon, Shih-En Wei, Yaadhav Raaj, Hanbyul Joo, and Yaser Sheikh.

      • MedevelOctoPrint 3D Printer Interface

        OctoPrint is a free open-source 3D printer manager that allows a full control over your 3D printer, processes, and tasks.


        OctoPrint 3D is a free and open source software released under the Affero General Public License (AGPL).

      • It's FOSSFOSS Weekly #22.40: Vanilla OS, Impervious Browser, Vim Guides and More

        This week's newsletter focuses on improving your Vim skill and introducing new open source projects.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • ID RootHow To Install NextCloud on Rocky Linux 9 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install NextCloud on Rocky Linux 9. For those of you who didn’t know, Nextcloud is free and open-source software that allows you to create file hosting services. It has features that are comparable to other services such as Dropbox or Google Drive. The popularity of Nextcloud grew immensely with the large community of developers behind it. A lot of plugins have been added to Nextcloud making it offer more features such as collaborative editing, email client, note-taking, project management, video conferencing e.t.c

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the Cacti monitoring tool on Rocky Linux. 9.

      • H2S MediaDownload and install Google Chrome Deb package on Linux

        How can I download and install Google Chrome Deb for Linux 64-bit such as Ubuntu or Debian? If you are looking for the answer to this question then you are at the right place. Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers available for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. Easy-to-use features, security, and clean navigation are some of the few features to enhance the user experience.

        However, in Linux, unlike Mozilla FireFiox, users will not have it by default on the system. They have to install it manually either using the Chrome Deb package or its official repository. The key reason why this browser is not available in Ubuntu or Debian’s system repository is Google Chrome is not an open-source browser. That is the reason, Chromium (open source) which has been used to develop Chrome is available through the system repo.

      • Red Hat Official3 surprising things you can do with the Linux wc command | Enable Sysadmin

        You can use the wc command to count a file's word, line, character, or byte count. But those aren't the only system tasks it can handle.

      • AddictiveTipsHow to use KeePassXC on a Chromebook

        Google Chrome has a pretty good password management tool; however, if you prefer to control your data and passwords without relying on Google’s cloud service on your Chromebook, consider KeePassXC.

        KeePassXC is a local password database tool for Linux. However, as ChromeOS supports Linux apps via LXC containers, you can use it on your Chromebook to manage passwords. Here’s how to use it.

      • HowTo ForgeHow to Set up Chrony as NTP Server and Client on Rocky Linux

        NTP or Network Time Protocol is a networking protocol for time and clock synchronization on the computer network.

      • Linux HandbookFile Locking in Linux

        Nope, this is not about password-protecting your files.

        When multiple processes are working on the same file, you might not get intentional output as there was no order defined on how processes are going to handle the same file!

        And file locking is the solution by which you can ensure that the file for reading/writing is going to be handled the safe way by defining the order.

        It might sound too complex and that's perfectly fine. So before approaching the solution, let me bring light to the problem.

      • HowTo ForgeHow to Install Apache with ModSecurity on Ubuntu 22.04

        ModSecurity is a free and open-source firewall tool supported by various web servers, such as Apache, Nginx, and IIS.

      • Make Use OfHow to Set Up Keylogging on Your Linux Computer

        Keep track of all the keystrokes and input by installing Simple Keylogger on your Linux machine.

        Keylogging has a bad reputation among computer users, and there are daily warnings to watch out for keylogger-related malware in extensions, dodgy apps, and even on web pages. But what if you actually want a keylogger installed on your Linux computer? Here's how to do it.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • OMG UbuntuA New ‘KDE Control Centre’ Widget Inspired by iOS

          Check out ‘Control Centre‘. This is a new third-party Plasma widget directly “inspired” by Apple’s oft-lauded toggle n’ settings hub.

          It’s not a 1:1 clone, and a (current) lack of interface transitions makes the experience of using it feel blunter than Apple’s version — but hey: it’s a promising start.

        • H2S MediaKDE neon 22.04 ISO is available to download - Linux Shout

          KDE Plasma Linux distro project KDE Neon has been updated from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy. Hence, the new version of KDE Plasma 22.04 user edition is available in ISO image format to download.

          For those who have not used KDE Neon, yet, it is a Linux based on popular Ubuntu LTS editions. For Desktop environment UI, it comes with the latest and stable KDE Plasma version plus additional software package sources. If you switch to KDE neon 22.04, you will benefit from new packages from the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS basis plus the latest KDE Plasma 5.26 version.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • New Releases

      • H2S MediaDownload Zorin OS 16.2 Linux ISO - Linux Shout

        The Linux distribution Zorin OS, which is based on Ubuntu LTS, has published the second point release for version 16 i.e Zorin OS 16.2. Almost seven months after the release the first point release Zorin OS 16.1, the second point release again brings interesting innovations.

      • It's FOSSZorin OS 16.2 Released, It's All About Useful Refinements

        Zorin OS is one of the most beautiful Linux distributions based on the Ubuntu LTS releases.


        Zorin Connect is a valuable utility that helps you connect your mobile device to a Zorin OS-powered computer.

        It already offered a seamless experience. Now, you can view your computer's battery status on your phone, which should be handy for laptop users.

        The battery stats are available by default in Zorin OS 16.2. If you have an older version of Zorin OS, you should update the Zorin Connect app first.

    • SUSE/OpenSUSE

      • Dominique LeuenbergeropenSUSE Tumbleweed - Review of the week 2022/43 - Dominique a.k.a. DimStar (Dim*)

        Tumbleweed snapshots are being released stably and reliably. Whenever a snapshot comes out, you know it has gone through extensive testing using openQA. Of course, this is no guarantee that all snapshots are error-free. openQA works on virtual machines based on scripts, so it tests what it is instructed to try (not seldom do we see issues that were not intentionally tested for, but they are ‘happy accidents’).

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • LinuxiacFedora 37 Release Has Been Postponed for the Second Time

        Due to an OpenSSL vulnerability, Fedora Linux 37 has been postponed with a new release date.

        The postponement of Fedora’s releases is not something new that can surprise the devotees of this popular Linux distro. But, unfortunately, when it comes to Fedora, this has gone from episodic to more of a pattern.

        The story is nearly identical to that of Fedora 36, which was released about six months ago and was delayed twice before arriving almost a month later than the initially planned date.

        While some GNOME components caused the delay, it is now due to an identified and unpatched OpenSSL vulnerability. Here’s what it’s all about.

      • It's FOSSOh No! Fedora 37 Release Gets Delayed

        The Fedora team usually targets an early release and a delayed date for their schedule.

        This time around, Fedora 37 is getting pushed back with an unexpected delay. From a release target date of 18th October to 25th October, and then 1st November.

        Now, we have to wait until 15 November 2022 to download Fedora 37 available.

        But why the delay? Isn't the testing complete for Fedora 37? What is the hold-up?

        💡 OpenSSL has announced a new version that addresses a critical security bug. The new version is scheduled to release on November 1, 2022. Until the release, Fedora's team is unaware of the details regarding the security fix. It could be significant, so Red Hat recommends waiting for it before releasing Fedora 37.

      • Red Hat OfficialPedal to empower

        Red Hatters "clip in" to share sustainable, life-changing transportation worldwide

        Throughout July, the Tour de France transfixed fans as they tried to catch glimpses of the leading yellow jersey in the blur of racers. The color to watch this past June, however, was red.

        In a show of efficiency, over ten days, Red Hatters celebrated World Environment Day and World Bicycle Day by mounting their bikes and logging kilometers to give the gift of sustainable, life-changing mobility to women and children in developing regions of the world.

      • FreeIPA authentication improvements and Fedora Infrastructure part 1

        The Fedora project exists because of its contributors. Their contributions shape the landscape of Linux distributions in a direct way but they also have made a significant influence on the Open Source projects themselves. Fedora contributors are not only people who participate in package maintenance, there are upstream developers, documentation writers, quality assurance engineers across multiple industries, students, volunteers and many many others. As with many other areas, this participation is bi-directional and practices established in the Fedora project may apply elsewhere too.

        One area dear to me is authentication. The FreeIPA project serves as an umbrella to provide a consistent centralized identity management and authentication solution for Linux systems (in the first place, though standards-compliant, UNIX-like operating systems benefit from its use as well). FreeIPA’s core is built around Kerberos authentication protocol and SSSD daemon. It makes use of Kerberos’ features for single sign-on ease on the client side.

        Many Free Software and Open Source projects use FreeIPA to deploy centralized identity management, authentication and authorization for their own contributors. Examples can be found small and large: GNOME project was one of the earliest, migrating its infrastructure to FreeIPA in 2014. The Fedora project is not an exception, it has been using FreeIPA for quite some time, though FreeIPA deployment was only handling Kerberos – user accounts were stored in a different place and synchronized with FreeIPA. The old Fedora account system was gradually rewritten to be built on top of FreeIPA and in 2021 all accounts were migrated to the new system.

      • FreeIPA authentication improvements and Fedora Infrastructure part 2

        This article continues the discussion about FreeIPA authentication improvements and how they could benefit Fedora Infrastructure.

        FreeIPA 4.9.10 has added support for relaying authentication to OAuth2 identity providers (IdPs). Users would get their access to FreeIPA resources mediated by an external OAuth2 identity provider which supports OAuth2 device authorization grant flow (RFC 8628). This is not too dissimilar from how smart TVs connect to Youtube and other media services on your behalf. A user would be able to grant access to a scoped information to a FreeIPA OAuth2 client registered with such IdP. In order to authorize the access, the user might need to login to the IdP first and this is performed with the help of a browser running elsewhere. Most common browsers do have support for Webauthn/FIDO2 tokens, thus it is possible to build a system where a login to FreeIPA-enrolled system is authenticated by the FIDO2 token exclusively.

      • Fedora ProjectFedora Community Blog: Friday’s Fedora Facts: 2022-43

        Here’s your weekly Fedora report. Read what happened this week and what’s coming up. Your contributions are welcome (see the end of the post)!

        I have weekly office hours on Wednesdays in the morning and afternoon (US/Eastern time) in #fedora-meeting-1. Drop by if you have any questions or comments about the schedule, Changes, elections, or anything else. See the upcoming meetings for more information.

      • Fedora ProjectCPE Weekly Update – Week 43 2022 - Fedora Community Blog

        This is a weekly report from the CPE (Community Platform Engineering) Team. If you have any questions or feedback, please respond to this report or contact us on #redhat-cpe channel on

        We provide you both infographics and text version of the weekly report. If you just want to quickly look at what we did, just look at the infographic. If you are interested in more in depth details look below the infographic.


        Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (or EPEL) is a Fedora Special Interest Group that creates, maintains, and manages a high quality set of additional packages for Enterprise Linux, including, but not limited to, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS and Scientific Linux (SL), Oracle Linux (OL).

      • Red Hat OfficialLearn about Red Hat OpenShift sandboxed containers

        Red Hat OpenShift sandboxed containers, based on the Kata Containers open source project, provide an Open Container Initiative (OCI)-compliant container runtime using lightweight virtual machines (VMs) running your workloads in their own isolated kernel. This contributes an additional layer of isolation to Red Hat’s defense-in-depth strategy.

      • Enterprisers ProjectInterview tips: 9 ’green flags' to watch for | The Enterprisers Project

        Today’s IT job seekers square up in an interesting market where technical skills are in high demand. When you’re ready to start looking for your dream job, red flags can tell you it isn’t the right opportunity.

        But it’s just as important to identify the "green flags" that demonstrate a company offers what you’re looking for. Remember, you’re looking for a fulfilling career, not just another job. You want to ensure that an organization values the qualities you’ll bring to your new role.

    • Debian Family

      • antiX LinuxUpdated antiX-sid iso files available - antiX Linux

        For those that like to live on the bleeding edge and build upwards from a small base, antiX has made available iso files based on Debian sid. Users are expected to be proficient.

        We offer the following completely systemd-free and elogind-free flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture. User can download sysVinit or runit versions.

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

      • UbuntuAccelerate IT/OT convergence in Industry 4.0 [Part II]

        Welcome to Part II of this three-part mini-series on bridging the gap between operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) in Industry 4.0. In Part I, we set the stage for the remainder of the series and gave an overview of IT and OT, the two technological layers of modern industrial factories.

        In this blog, we expand on that knowledge by confronting the two domains and discussing the automation pyramid concept. In the final chapter of the series, we will make a case for how to close the gap and reap the benefits of Industry 4.0.

    • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • LinuxSecurityEverything You Need To Know About Open Source Network Monitoring Tools

      It's necessary to monitor your company's network for several reasons. Modern networks can be monitored in a variety of ways. In contrast to application performance management systems, which use agents to retrieve performance information from the application stack, network monitoring tools are specifically made for the purpose of monitoring network traffic and response times.

      Regardless of the sector you operate in, you must install some sort of network monitoring if your company relies on a network to function. Tools for network monitoring are a priceless resource that gives you the visibility you need to maintain your system's operation. The performance of individual nodes and apps can be monitored using open-source network monitoring tools.

      This article provides an overview of open-source network monitoring and tools that can be deployed.

  • Leftovers

    • Security

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • Internet Freedom FoundationHow to protect yourself from coercive Aadhaar-Voter ID linking

          Is linking of your Voter ID with Aadhaar mandatory? NO! However, actions by government officials have caused confusion which has resulted in people being afraid about losing their voting rights. In this post, we unravel the quagmire surrounding this issue and provide you with an easy solution for the next time that an election official comes knocking on your door.


          However, since the IFF staffer was aware that linking Aadhaar with Voter ID is not mandatory, they refused to share their Aadhaar number with the BLO. On digging deeper, the BLO provided the IFF Staffer with a letter dated August 12, 2022 which they claimed was the basis on which the name of the IFF staffer would be removed from the electoral roll if they did not share their Aadhaar number. As can be seen above, the letter clearly states that BLOs have to collect the Aadhaar numbers “voluntarily” from electors.

          After we published this tweet thread shedding light on the issue, we received responses from the Chief Electoral Officer, Haryana and the Election Commission of India (On Saket Gokhale’s representation). Both the responses state that submission of Aadhaar in Form 6B (Letter of Information of Aadhaar number for the purpose of electoral roll authentication) is voluntary.

    • Censorship/Free Speech

      • Internet Freedom FoundationIFF's Statement on the notified IT Rules Amendment, 2022

        The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (“MeitY”) has notified the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Amendment Rules, 2022 (hereinafter, “IT Amendment Rules, 2022”). As a result, the IT Rules, 2022, will retain several of the detrimental amendments proposed by MeitY on June 06, 2022, under the draft amendments to the Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. This will unarguably cause injury to the digital rights of every Indian social media user.

        One such notable provision is the establishment of a Grievance Appellate Committee (“GAC”), which is essentially a government censorship body for social media that will make bureaucrats arbiters of our online free speech. Given that the GAC would hear appeals against the decisions of social media platforms to remove content or not, it will incentivise platforms to remove/suppress/label any speech unpalatable to the government, or those exerting political pressure. In fact, since the GAC is empowered to hear appeals from users whose content has been taken down by a social media intermediary for violation of its community guidelines or terms of use, the government will also be in a position to force social media platforms to display content that the platforms have found to violate their norms.

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • 🔤SpellBinding — TFGILNC Wordo: GAZES
      • Media Rec: Shining Girls

        So it's time for me to rave about another show I enjoyed. Shining Girls was one of those things that didn't seem particularly interesting to me in theory, but really surprised me with how different it was. I'm not the biggest fan of crime dramas, or at least I don't have much interest in a lot of the popular ones. There have been a few that have stood out to me over the years and it's usually because they manage to do something interesting. Shining Girls is definitely that kind of show.

    • Technical

      • Installing DTail on OpenBSD

        This will be a quick blog post, as I am busy with my personal life now. I have relocated to a different country and am still busy arranging things. So bear with me :-)

        In this post, I want to give a quick overview (or how-to) about installing DTail on OpenBSD, as the official documentation only covers Red Hat and Fedora Linux! And this blog post will also be used as my reference!

      • ytfzf - Youtube from the terminal

        Because I can't stand ads and tracking, I was used to use FreeTube as a Youtube client. FreeTube is an electron application, so its massively bloated. But otherwise it has all the features I need. Unfortunately it only supports youtube-dl and that's very slow on my end so the videos buffer often.

        Now I've found 'ytfzf', the "Youtube fuzzy finder". You can search videos on the terminal and watch them with mpv. It even displays thumbnails in the terminal with ueberzug!

      • Science

        • Star Log 2022-10-27 (Fairbanks, Alaska, US)

          Unexpectedly, as I was leaving choir practice last night, the skies had suddenly become clear. I was quite excited, so I headed home, put on all my cold weather gear, and got my equipment set up in the front yard. Then, about fifteen minutes later, a large sheet of what looked like alto-cumulus rolled in and covered nearly the entire sky.

          So, that was a bit disappointing. But in those fifteen minutes, I was able to get another look at Jupiter with the 60mm refractor. I saw four planets off to left side (the inverted view) and another nearby star on the same side, which I determined later was "BT Pisces", in Stellarium. That was at 10:20PM AKDT.

      • Internet/Gemini

        • [Rant] The broken capitalist web, yet another example

          Don't worry, this post is not a ranting post about why the web as it is now is broken. All people reading content on gemini is fully aware of it I'm sure. This post is just highlighting yet another example that hit me while listening (against my will^^) to the latest TV ads of a well known company. The company is Carglass, but in the rest of the post it will be companyX because I don't want to repeat their name 10 times in this post :P. For those known familiar with this brand, it is known in France for their campaign for changing your car windshield and having a very annoying catch phrase (so marketing worked well). It is also known as Belron is other countries. Anyway enough about them.


          Don't get me wrong, I really don't care about the brand and their ads, or the google ads paid by competitors to be "at the top", but I find it fascinating that search engine can't do their most basic work… What is it going to be next? Search engine are really in a shitty place right now, even for advanced users. I can't believe how harder it is now to find a response to a precise question without having to go through so much crapy results that are mostly just copies of other existing sites.

          Also, it should be a good reminder that google is not a bookmark engine… It is a search engine making lots of money by allowing companies to "hack" the search results (not even talking about how they actually "play" with their ranking engine).

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

The Ludicrous Mythology of Commonality as Signal of Value, Merit, Popularity
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Added to a channel several days ago by Manuel Cuda News
[Video] Richard Stallman on Understanding the Misconception of So-called 'Artificial Intelligence'
to "know and understand"
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Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025
FSF's Defective by Design (DBD): Amazon Tightens the Digital Handcuffs
Reproduced verbatim
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Plenty of Issues, Plenty of Censorship
The OSI is abusive on many levels!
EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
In prior reports the staff representatives said that rewards typically went to people who granted many patents, i.e. didn't do proper examination and instead just allowed many fake patents get enshrined as EPs, causing fiasco (from which some patent attorneys could profit)
As The Web Gets Drowned Out, Sinking in a Pool of LLM Slop, Real News Sites With Real News Become Increasingly Rare If Not Extinct
This is a real problem
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Hiding Problems Doesn't Work
transparent organisations will be more stable and sustainable
The Harder They Try to Censor, the Bigger the Scandal (and the Impact) Will Be
We don't plan to self-censor our coverage; sometimes we just delay publication a little
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Links for the day
All-Time Low for Microsoft in Africa
it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
French woman (frontaliere) trafficked to promote unauthorised cross border Swiss insurance
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
New York Times & Guardian reporting on Modern Slavery Act prosecution of Glodi Wabelua
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Diana & Adrian von Bidder-Senn, EVP, Palm Sunday & Debian death on wedding day
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
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Under the Pen Name "John O'Donnell" (LLM Slop, Not Real Article or Author) LinuxLinks Pushes Spammy Page
it happened some hours ago.
Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 08, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 08, 2025
Graveyard of Mastodons: A Vast Number of Inactive Accounts
More than 80% of users in (the "big one") are no longer active
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Links for the day
No, We Don't Want to Go "Viral" (and You Probably Don't, Either)
"Viral" junk gets forgotten quickly
Windows is Being Eradicated
On the Web, in Africa in particular, user strings or UAs that say "Windows" are becoming more rare
For International Women's Rights Day (Today) Staff Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPO) Opened Up on Gender Discrimination at the Office
Office discrimination against women is widely known; unless you sleep with men in management
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Working Like a Pack of Hyenas, the Microsofters Try Hard to Hide the Truth and Actively Censor Critics
They even target women
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Bylaws of the OSI a Shocking Oversight
That's what the OSI is right now: a salesperson
Thinking About Abandoning 'Google News' Altogether Due to Easy Poisoning by LLM Slop
As long as Google News keeps sending traffic to these leeches, it'll be very hard to justify relying on Google News for anything at all
Links 08/03/2025: Microsoft Failures, Further Attacks on Speech in Hong Kong
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Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Physical Albums, Analog Computing, Deleting All Social Control Media
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, March 07, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, March 07, 2025