Week of Microsoft Chaff and Layoffs
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WITH many Microsoft layoffs every month this year (no, it's not just the alleged "10,000" from January!) it's worth looking back at and properly examining what we've published so far this week (quite a lot yesterday). It seems to have attracted particularly nasty and sometimes illegal trolling, basically vandalising the IRC network by all means available. It resulted in plenty of distraction and time-wasting.
"It seems to have attracted particularly nasty and sometimes illegal trolling, basically vandalising the IRC network by all means available."The video above focuses on what I studied this morning. I closely monitor the situation at Microsoft (with focus on layoffs) every 30 minutes or so/thereabouts. It looks like some truly nasty s*** is about to hit the fan, but endless fluff about s***GPT will be used to change the subject or distract from the substance. For this week we shall prioritise articles on this topic as we try to take a better glance, peering beyond the smokescreen and Microsoft's paid-for spam (plenty of it this week, including the straw man that Microsoft means security and any confrontations to that claim are "sexism"; several British publishers played along and actively participated in this ludicrous PR). ⬆