Bonum Certa Men Certa

Welcome to Techrights

Welcome to the current iteration of Techrights, online since 2006 with a major infrastructural upgrade in late 2022. Here you will find our latest posts. In addition to HTTP/HTTPS here, Techrights is also available via Gemini and IPFS editions, though the IPFS service is on hiatus for the foreseeable future. Just recently, Techrights has upgraded from a heavy content management system to a much lighter and lower maintenance static site generator which produces both HTML for the WWW and GemText for the Gemini space. The site is mostly prose, but there are also quite a few topical videos in the Techrights archive. A complete, chronological index of current and past articles is also available, from the latest to the oldest.

Recent posts are syndicated and can be tracked via RSS. An audio file with the latest headlines in Morse is updated every four hours.

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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery  


Recent Techrights' Posts

[Meme] EPO Versus Technology (and Versus the Law)
They just simply don't care about the law; they break the law for profit
Links 24/09/2024: Lowered Interest Rates and Financial Woes
Links for the day
Technology: rights or responsibilities?
I've been wondering why I enjoy occasionally writing things for the Techrights site? What does "tech rights" mean to me?
Truth Prevails
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light. -George Washington
A Year Since the Big Switch - Part IV - Intimidation Against the Host/ISP, Which Offered Help Relocating to a Safer Haven
Robust hosting helps sites prevail for decades, not years
Links 25/09/2024: ccTLD Phishing Characterisation, Advertising Industry Has Over a Thousand Contracts With Polluting Industries
Links for the day
A Lot of Litigation at the European Patent Office Because the Administration Crushes the Rights of Staff
"on the real scope of cutting benefits the Office is thriving, with new measures every year."
Consensus Inside IBM That the Leadership is Gutting What's Left of the Company
Considering the debt and the lack of direction, it's hard to see how IBM can recover
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Gemini Links 25/09/2024: Playing With Micro Emacs and Luddites
Links for the day
Even the EPO's Biggest or Loudest "Media Partner" Now Covers EPO Corruption and Grant of Illegal Software Patents
Better late than never?
Links 24/09/2024: Independent Web and Supply Chain 'Cleanup' by USA
Links for the day
Gemini Links 24/09/2024: New Release of xBill for PalmOS, Hex Encode
Links for the day
WordPress is the Latest Free Software Project Facing Calls to Expel the Chief
Expulsions like these create more problems than they can ever solve
Linus Torvalds Has a Blog at But It's Full of Spam, Outsourced to Google, and You've Probably Never Heard of It
Only a single blog post in it
YouTube Might Still Be Accessible Using Some Free Software (for Now), But Not
Just hanging by a thread
Links 23/09/2024: TLS Weaknesses Explained, Banksy Art Recovered
Links for the day
Expect Microsoft Windows to Nosedive in China, Just Like in India
Huawei is breaking up with Microsoft
The Linux Foundation Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt Falls Below 1% in Geminispace (It Used to Be Around 12%)
Two days ago it was 29. A day ago 28. Now... 26.
If You Start Your Own Show, Don't Do the First Episode With the Head of a Terror Group
What could Wikileaks possibly accomplish by giving a platform to Nasrallah?
Mozilla's Concept of Web Security: Firefox Cannot Access Wikileaks Because of Clocks or Mindless Bytes
When a company is run by idiots expect idiotic policies and directions
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, September 23, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, September 23, 2024
[Meme] Poor Return on Internet Abuse (RoIA)
goodbye, CentOS
A Year Since the Big Switch - Part III - Deliberate Deceit and Misunderstandings
Retreat from the prior webhost was only a matter of time since around 2021 (things had turned sour due to SLAPP and other threats)
[Meme] Playing 'Internet Cops'
OK, disable first; Ask questions later
GNU is Turning 41 Next Week and It'll Outlive Linux
"Next week is the anniversary of GNU!"
5649 Articles/Pages in the First Year
we've clearly become far more productive
The Slow March Towards Computers as Prison
The "death march" of Software Freedom
Year 2 of New Techrights
We received recognition from some high-profile and mainstream sites
Links 23/09/2024: More Layoffs and Toxic Politics
Links for the day
Gemini Links 23/09/2024: Holidays and Window Managers
Links for the day
A Migration to Centralised Certificate Authorities (CAs) Has Betrayed LXer
Suffocating oneself is never a good option
[Meme] Lamb to the Slaughter
Companies need to compete in the market
A Year Since the Big Switch - Part II - Early Discussions About More DDoS- and Censorship-Resistant (Robust to SLAPP) Hosting
This started around 2021 or 2022
RTOS on a Kernel With Nearly 40 Million Lines of Code
Hardly simple
Burying Criticism of Linux as an RTOS
Curiously enough, people who know Linux best (from the inside) mocked the idea of Linux as realtime/real-time OS
YouTube: You're Blocked From Watching Videos About Why YouTube Sucks Until You Make YouTube Suck Even More
Sometimes the jokes write themselves
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Has Chosen PeerTube
The FSF also uses MediaGoblin
Google Has Left Almost Nothing of Invidious
the solution may be to boycott YouTube
YouTube Stopped Working With Free Software a Long Time Ago; Now It Stops Working if You Use an Ad Blocker (Across the Web!)
Does Google now leverage "YouTube addiction" to wage a war on ad blockers everywhere?
Does the WARN Act Still Matter in the United States? (Layoffs and Closure Transparency)
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act was meant to help workers, but does it still work? Do companies follow the law?
Here Comes Winter
We have a number of series planned for this coming winter and next year
[Meme] Threatened at Knifepoint
Thugs and bullies come in many forms
Finding Hosts That Are Robust to Censorship, Not Just Boasting Decent Uptime Record
Synopsis: think carefully, choose wisely
Wow! Microsoft Promotes DirectX (Proprietary)
I covered this in a video 4 years ago
All-Time Highs for Android and GNU/Linux in India
As a reminder, India is the world's largest population and a growing force in "IT"
[Meme] Debian's Black Eye: Free Speech
Debian: "Stop. Criticising. Me."
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, September 22, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, September 22, 2024
Gemini Links 23/09/2024: Autumns, Hackney Carnival 2024, and ROOPHLOCH
Links for the day