Bonum Certa Men Certa

Over at Tux Machines...

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Sep 25, 2024

A small memorial to the 30,000 civilians massacred by Chiang Kai-shek KMT troops in March, 1949.

Updated This Past Day

  1. Steam Deck Without x86
    big news if true


  2. x86 Now Calling UEFI 'BIOS' (Deliberately Misleading) and Proponents of Software Patents Pretend to be Fighting Trolls
    deceit as the new norm
  3. Linux in Devices
    3 stories for now
  4. SK Hynix applies CXL optimization solution to Linux
    5 articles about this
  5. Programming Leftovers
    Programming picks, many about R, some Qt
  6. Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
    FOSS links for the day
  7. today's leftovers
    only 3 more for now
  8. Ubuntu and Debian Leftovers
    The Debian camp
  9. CentOS and NeuroFedora News
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  10. Security Leftovers
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  11. Audiocasts/Shows: LINUX Unplugged, Destination Linux, Late Night Linux
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    faking "open"
  13. Open Hardware/Modding: ESP32, Raspberry Pi, Adafruit, Arduino, and More
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  14. today's howtos
    many howtos
  15. PSQL: pgAdmin, pgMustard, and Pigsty
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  16. Puppy Linux and EasyOS: Kernel 6.10.11 compiled and BookwormDog build script
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  19. Security, Windows TCO, and Digital Restrictions (DRM)
    Security centric picks
  20. Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Red Hat Sales Fluff
    mostly server stuff
  21. Mozilla and Programming
    mostly PR nonsense from Mozilla
  22. LXQt 2.1 Promises Experimental Wayland Session, Styling Improvements
    The developers of the lightweight LXQt desktop environment have showcased some of the major changes coming to the LXQt 2.1 release later this year, including the long-awaited Wayland session.
  23. Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi, Purism, and More
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    despite a bit of a learning curve
  25. LXQt 2.1 Will Introduce Modular Wayland Sessions
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  35. Games: PlayStation, Steam, and More
    Latest articles from GamingOnLinux
  36. Today in Techrights
    Some of the latest articles

    The corresponding text-only bulletin for Tuesday contains all the text.

    Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):

    Span from 2024-09-18 to 2024-09-24
    1059 /n/2024/09/18/GNOME_47_Denver_Desktop_Environment_Officially_Released_Here_s_.shtml
    1048 /n/2024/09/20/PREEMPT_RT_in_Mainline_and_Microsofters_Trying_to_Use_Rust_to_D.shtml
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    885 /n/2024/09/17/Latest_Microsoft_Openwashing_and_Linux_Foundation_PR_Cruft.shtml
    862 /n/2024/09/15/Linux_6_11.shtml
    792 /n/2024/09/17/Fedora_Linux_41_Enters_Public_Beta_Testing_with_Linux_Kernel_6_.shtml
    756 /n/2024/09/17/Software_Valkey_PGP_and_More.shtml
    755 /n/2024/09/21/Ubuntu_24_10_Oracular_Oriole_Enters_Public_Beta_Testing_with_Li.shtml
    715 /n/2024/09/16/MX_Linux_23_4_Released_with_Linux_Kernel_6_10_Based_on_Debian_1.shtml
    697 /n/2024/09/21/Wine_9_18.shtml
    662 /n/2024/09/18/Linus_Torvalds_advises_open_source_developers_to_pursue_meaning.shtml
    649 /n/2024/09/22/There_s_No_Lower_Spec_Linux_Machine_Than_This_One.shtml
    604 /n/2024/09/21/OpenSSH_9_9.shtml
    586 /n/2024/09/11/Announcing_Incus_6_5.shtml
    573 /n/2024/09/18/Haiku_Activity_Contract_Report_August_2024.shtml
    571 /n/2024/09/19/Sparky_7_5_Drops_with_Updated_Packages.shtml
    570 /n/2024/09/20/today_s_howtos.1.shtml
    565 /n/2024/09/18/Nextcloud_Hub_9_Released_Here_s_What_s_New.shtml
    563 /n/2024/09/19/today_s_howtos.shtml
    560 /n/2024/09/20/today_s_leftovers.shtml
    529 /n/2024/09/20/today_s_howtos.shtml

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The EPO's Central Staff Committee Explains the EPO Became So Corrupt That It Strives to Almost Automatically Grant Every Patent (Monopoly) Request
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Red Hat Publishes Windows Article, Omits Authors' Names
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Why We Keep Saying Bryan Lunduke is a Liability
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[Meme] EPO Versus Technology (and Versus the Law)
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