Lots More Coming About Satya Narayana Nadella, Rajiv Solanki, and Technomind Info Solutions
Microsoft is quite accustomed to having criminals in charge
THE article we published yesterday about Nadella's secrets and scams (criminal past) is not a one-part, unsourced, unverified guest (and first) post. It's part of an ongoing series. We just wanted to clarify this - to make it abundantly clear that we do have material and some supportive/supporting evidence. We don't want to be shamed into rushing the series. The first part received 4 times more requests than the average post/page we publish and we're already preparing part two, which is independently being audited.
To Microsoft, appointing a fraud as CEO has an upside and a downside; the upside is, they can easily remove him at any time by recalling rather than engineering a scandal, so he's never truly in charge (they can moreover blackmail him into taking particular action/s or else be unmasked; he won't blow the whistle or assert firm control). The downside is, after all the accounting fraud and lies it can be very dangerous - not to mention harmful - to have one's CEO exposed as a fraud. But then again consider what Bill Gates had been doing until Microsoft shyly removed him from the Board (but not from power).
The title of today is dropping some more clues. Stay tuned. █