"Says Microsoft Boss"
The corporate media does another "MICROSOFT SAYS" 'article'.
Is that so?
It keeps happening. They never learn.
They said the same in 2022. Many pieces saying Google was doomed, or something to this effect in mainstream/corporate media, e.g.:
Now it's 2024, not 2022. Where are we now?
Bing LOST share. Last year there were countless layoffs in Bing, which was struggling to show any turnaround.
Why does the corruptible media just repeat lies from Microsoft?
Does it try to make the case for its demise?
Investigate, then report FACTS. Enough with that "he says, she says..."
Remember what they kept telling us in "the media". That became a meme (with a dedicated domain, no less!):
More sound bite spam that did not age well. Vapourware. Microsoft has almost nothing new to show, its market share goes down (back to 0%) in almost every sector, but now they rebrand and tie old stuff to buzzwords. The media is an active participant in this charade, elevating the fake 'valuation' of companies based on lies. █