The War on Free Software Reporters - Part VI - Stalking
In Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part V we covered a number of different angles or aspects. We showed how people who focus on particular topics/subjects may find themselves at the receiving end of personal abuse, which sometimes extends to family members like parents and spouses. Pressure by peer (via loved ones) is a leveraging factor.
Stalking has been a growing problem in the past few years. Myself and loved ones were for sure subjected to that. And the effect of surveillance on behaviour is a well recognised and deeply explored subject. As this one article puts it: "Every personal relationship can become a risk when under heavy surveillance. Whether through social media monitoring or street cameras, people who are being watched always have to worry about how they are perceived, making it difficult to have genuine interactions with others."
"Limited contexts, such as when two people share an inside joke, are no longer confined to just two people, and whoever’s watching or listening may have a different interpretation (or misinterpretation) of the situation."
One day we'll shed more light on the surveillance we've been subjected to. We have ample evidence of it.
"The owner of UC Global, which held a security contract at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, also kept intimate images of a diplomat in his safe for alleged blackmail attempt," a report said under a year ago, covering or uncovering a longstanding scandal about attacks on publishers based in the UK. █