Layoffs Are Healthy and Not Happening
When life gives you lemons...
Good news for a change? This is AP a few hours ago:
Things aren't as they report. They don't count the unemployed, they count people who haven't given up and are still actively looking, e.g. people who spend time and money when few openings still exist.
Worse yet, we've noticed WARN Act being de facto abandoned. Either layoffs stopped happening... or some people in government just stopped updating the records!
Or companies stopped reporting their layoffs?
This is how systems rot and transparency goes away.
Congrats to WASHINGTON!!! NO MORE LAYOFFS!! Nothing in over a month and only once in August? In the entire state?
Does that mean "layoffs remain at healthy levels" as AP puts it? Are layoffs defined as health now?
If nobody reports layoffs, will that improve the public mood? (Despite the layoffs happening)