Gemini Links 01/10/2024: ROOPHLOCH and Photos
Gemini* and Gopher
Week Notes?
I might finally start to use this pub site for "little notes" or "week notes" for mini blog posts. I love the simplicity of it. I also found a good rss embed application that I can use to send these small notes to another site!
Rubber duck helps me debug my daily driver issues
I love Fedora, but I don't like having to do updates and reboot more than once a week. If only there was a Debian-like LTS for Fedora...
It's October and Spooky Season is Upon Us
It actually struck me earlier as I was heading out for one of my regular runs a little later than usual. Well, not-so-regular as of late. The other thing that struck me was that I've been kicking that can down the road for over a fortnight. As someone who ran diligently over the summer at least three times a week for over 10k a time, I've certainly been taking it easy for a little as the weather has got worse. But, I digress.
The main thing that hit me was that the nights are definitely drawing in. I left the house at around 18:30 and it was practically dark by the time I got back in. It truly is starting to feel like Autumn as the calendar turns over to the beginning of October.
This is my extremely late and poorly thought out entry to ROOPHLOCH. This is my first attempt at participating. Although I've contemplated several hair-brained schemes over the years that might have qualified, I never get up the time/energy to pull any of them off. This time I seem to have set the bar low enough that even with procrastination turned up to 11 it seems I'll be able to at least submit an entry. :)
Okay, following the long tradition of ROOPHLOCH entries, I suppose now I need to explain my setup. I'm currently sitting with a bog standard laptop out on a park bench in the middle of the night, attempting to look as non-dodgy as it's possible to look while doing this.
Was a turbo 4-cylinder engine a mistake for the new Toyota Tacoma? Sales are down across the board for the extremely popular Tacoma truck. A lot of internet pundits seem to think that the switch from the legendary (but underpowered) 2GR V6 may be to blame.
I'm not that convinced. Truck sales across the board are down in the US and it just so happens that the Tacoma has morphed totally into a lifestyle vehicle more than any other previous generation. Long gone are the base Work Truck versions that populated fleets across the nation.
In that respect, I think that the market will eventually warm up to the turbo-4 cylinder like they have for all other Toyotas where the V6 has been replaced.
Afterall the Tacoma has no work truck pretensions so the reliability and durability of the V6 doesn't seem to be anything Toyota wants to offer.
2024 Week 38/39: Status and Photos
I'm currently working on revamping Rob's NNCP guide. I've tested quite a few features and configurations, some of which I had no exposure to when I wrote the original guide. I started with creating four sample configurations that can run alongside each other simultaneously; those configurations are finished as of tonight, and now I just need to rework what I've already written to include them. The guide will be split into sections and hosted in the "Miscellany" part of my capsule soon.
Many guides I've seen on amateur radio focus on getting on the air to talk to other hams. I'm interested in digital communications, especially infrastructure and protocols to send data between computers--essentially an off-grid radio-powered Internet. Are there guides out there that focus on this particular use of amateur radio? I haven't seen much yet, but admittedly I've only done a few cursory searches.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.