Expect XBox to Be Shut Down Like Skype
Eventually XBox-branded items will only be found in museums, not shops
Some hours ago I noticed an article by Liam Dawe which said: "With Microsoft pushing to improve Windows on handhelds, and reportedly working with a specific partner on an Xbox-branded gaming handheld, Valve should be watching closely with their Linux plans for Steam Deck and SteamOS."
I responded with: "What baloney. This is just another one of those "Deck clones"; just because they might slap "Xbox" logo on it won't make it any more potent. The "Xbox" brand in general lost a lot of its value, with mass layoffs, massive losses, and attempts to offload focus to Activision for fake "growth"."
To be very clear, XBox income has tanked (based on Microsoft's own data), there are endless layoffs, and they only try to create a mere illusion of growth or a rebound. They recently used game "slop" to pretend to be preserving old games and some decent bloggers rebutted that pure nonsense (we cited some in Daily Links). Such "hey hi"-washing fools nobody.
Expect XBox to go the way of the dodo, just like Skype.
This is what XBox.com traffic looks like, based on statistics released last week:
How very impressive. How sharp a decrease.
It was the same with Skype [1, 2], which eventually died. Microsoft saw it was sliding towards zero. It did not need to wait until zero. Cost-cutting is critical now. █