Is the FSF Being 'Trolled' by Microsofters Pushing C# (Microsoft)?
Concerning message from the Executive Director of the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
Posted over a week ago but only recently made visible to all:
We were contacted by a Foundation wanting to create educational materials for students.
We don't know them very well, but the project seems ambitious and positive.
In short,they are looking for a CS professor in the US; and programmers with C# experience.
"Therefore, we are seeking introduction to a few people with commercial or industrial C# experience and, of course, an interest in working on an original idea intended for widespread distribution and use. If the project is funded, these programmers would be paid salaries appropriate to their ability and experience."
If anyone is interested in hearing more, can you send an email to
-- Zoë Kooyman Executive Director Free Software Foundation
If Zoë is serious about the FSF helping to push C# (Microsoft), then there's something very wrong there.
Just posting such a message is tacit endorsement of Microsoft products.
Not too smart...
In 2025 there's no good reason to even touch C#.
Which Foundation (it's not named) did this and why? Who stands to benefit from training people to use and spread Microsoft?
Based on a recent FSF publication, the FSF does understand that Microsoft is very corrupt and generally a foe. █
Update: As pointed out to us, there might not be good coordination in the communications. See below. The images are links.