Have you checked out the newly redesigned Novell.com? It has undergone a significant transformation to showcase Novell and its offerings in a dynamic interface designed to encourage exploration.
Novell Fills YouTube with Commercials
While Microsoft does this in a shameful way by shoving uninteresting viral marketing clips, Novell does it with a bit more style. The adverts are not new (some of them are easy to recognise), but they are case studies that have just been uploaded to YouTube. They are:
In case you wish to know more about Novell's case against SCO, here is the latest report. The trial is set to resume in April.
Novell Inc. has had no contact with the head of a company trying to buy the bankrupt SCO Group and plans to go ahead with a trial next month to determine how much SCO may owe it for licensing the Unix operating system, officials said Monday.
There is also the Novell-Microsoft case, which revolves around WordPerfect. It's far from over.
Though the anticompetitive issues raised in Novell's 10-year legal odyssey against Microsoft have become moot, the newly revived case "will be very beneficial from a marketing standpoint for Novell," said Richard Bliss, vice president of marketing for Gwava. "The publicity will help them get the message out that they are a new company with a new mission that even Microsoft is now supporting."
Marc Blaise, Manager of the Open Systems Division, ONIGC said: "Our task was to achieve scalability, security and high availability of data in the enterprise, with a solution that is compatible with our existing infrastructure. It also needed to be easy to manage and compatible with our Novell NetWare and Novell GroupWise environments. The FalconStor NSS solution gave us the exact advanced storage services we needed, such as synchronous mirroring and snapshots, in our heterogeneous environment."
This weekend's posts are generally a bit of a mess due to the volume of articles to go through. Expect many typos because those posts are published very quickly and written in a single pass without proofreading. ⬆
Could the FSF not find any law firm that, in addition to talking about or for Free software, does not use .NET, OOXML, and almost everything Microsoft?