At the EC's behest, Microsoft makes such information available to competitors, but on terms that the EC argues are unusable by open source software projects. Microsoft argues that the licensing terms demanded by the EC violate its intellectual property rights.
Monday morning, Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) revealed that it has signed a patent cross-licensing agreement with Hoya Corp. PENTAX Imaging Systems division. Pursuant to the deal, the companies have agreed to enhance technological innovation in the field of consumer products including digital cameras. Though the companies have agreed that Microsoft will be compensated by Pentax, no financial terms were disclosed. The deal would help each company in developing their current and future product lines to enhance technological innovation and to boost overall customer and consumer experience. The deal will cover the entire product line manufactured and sold by both the companies, particularly the digital cameras made by Pentax.
--Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO
Alex H.
2008-05-15 11:26:54
Sun famously signed a patent agreement with Kodak for Java of all things; not surprising that Pentax might have patents too...
Dan O'Brian
2008-05-15 11:44:56
Roy Schestowitz
2008-05-15 11:59:39
Alex H.
2008-05-15 12:52:10
Roy Bixler
2008-05-15 14:32:22
Alex H.
2008-05-15 15:33:55