Andy Rubin, head of Google’s Android project and co-founder has revealed how much of Android’s code will be open source after the first Android phones are launched. Out of the 11 million total lines, 8.6 million lines will be open for developers to take advantage of.
So, tommorrow, May 24, 2008 the Ubuntu Massachusetts team will be holding our first quarterly Exploration Ubuntu at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge from 10am to 5pm. If you’re new to Ubuntu, come check it out! Already an Ubuntu guru? Come help out, hang out, and present something neat to new users!
It's an Albanian word which means "self-determination" and has been adopted by Kosovans who oppose the administration of their region by the United Nations, and who vigorously campaign for full independence.
Amarok multimedia player is one of the best programs of its kind not only for Linux but for any operating system nowadays.
My advice to Microsoft: outsource your search to Google too!
Fighting over search is a bit like the Free Software Foundation re-implementing cat, ls, sort, and all the other Unix utilities that were already available in the Berkeley distributions of Unix. The real problem was solved by someone outside the FSF, when Linux Torvalds wrote a kernel, a missing piece that became the gravitational center of Linux, the center around which all of the other projects could coalesce, which made them more valuable not by competing with them but by completing them.
It looks as if Vista's reputation for improved security could be heading for the pages of history. PC Tools has renewed last week's attack on the platform with new figures that appear to back up its claim that Vista is almost as vulnerable as its predecessors.