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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: July 19th-21st, 2008

*moparx has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jul 19 01:03
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellJul 19 01:04
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Jul 19 02:16
schestowitz"Although there are two flavours with slightly different specifications — a Windows XP model for AU$699 and a Xandros Linux model — only the Windows XP model is currently available in Australia." (from ). The excuses they make in the UK are probably worthless. Microsoft offered them money/discounts, for a fact.Jul 19 05:13
*RogerBacon ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 19 07:28
RogerBaconHIIIIIIIIIIJul 19 07:28
schestowitzHey there.Jul 19 08:06
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 19 08:59
schestowitzPetoKraus: where is that claim about error bar in the benchmarkss? Was it Phoronix quoted?Jul 19 10:40
PetoKrausthat's my own conclusionJul 19 14:26
PetoKrausi did like 20+ tests on the same machineJul 19 14:26
schestowitzNice to meet other PTS users. It's probably experiment-dependent though (the error bars).Jul 19 19:07
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellJul 19 19:27
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 19 19:38
schestowitzHeh. I like this one: "Now, when it looks like the world really does want ODF instead of OOXML, surrogates are sending a dual message -- first, that ODF has won, so OOXML isn't worth fighting any more (and anyone who does is an "extremist" anti-Microsoft whiner)"Jul 19 20:16
PetoKrausschestowitz: @ PTS - it's very dependant on the system state as well (fresh boot, 7 day long run, mouse/keyboard/net usage)Jul 19 20:36
*RogerBacon has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 19 20:38
schestowitzThat's why it requires repetition and statistics on possible sources of interference (it's not deterministic with network switched on).Jul 19 20:38
PetoKraushmJul 19 20:46
PetoKrausi'll do a bit of self-adJul 19 20:46
PetoKraus 19 20:47
*schestowitz looksJul 19 20:47
schestowitzSeems like a well-received suggestion so far. You know, the site exceeded 1000000 voted recently.Jul 19 20:48
PetoKrausit's a good thing, this BrainstormJul 19 20:48
PetoKrausyes, i knowJul 19 20:48
PetoKrausright. Now i should go to sleep...Jul 19 20:48
schestowitzA friend of mine suspects that it could (and might already) be gamed maliciously.Jul 19 20:48
PetoKrauscya laterJul 19 20:48
PetoKrausschestowitz: everything can.Jul 19 20:48
schestowitzHe is a professor who has watched this since the early GNU days. He worries about the Mono/OOXML fanboism.Jul 19 20:49
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jul 19 21:06
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 19 22:13
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 20 01:20
*dsmith_ has quit ()Jul 20 02:06
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 20 02:09
*dsmith_ has quit (Connection timed out)Jul 20 02:33
*moparx has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 20 05:34
schestowitzOpenLogic's blogroll ( ) has some interesting links to existing and former Microsoft employees. It seems like its committed to 'both sides', so to speak.Jul 20 06:21
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellJul 20 06:42
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 20 08:27
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jul 20 08:27
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 20 09:13
schestowitzI have a detailed item coming about Microsoft's relatively stagnant state.Jul 20 09:26
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jul 20 09:47
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 20 19:43
*PetoKraus has quit (No route to host)Jul 20 20:22
tessier"The Microsoft Office division numbers were a disappointment. Operating earnings there only grew a disappointing 12% for the period."Jul 21 00:33
tessierI still don't see how this is bad news for MS.Jul 21 00:33
tessierSales are growing. That's never bad news.Jul 21 00:33
tessierWhy is it surprising that MS has invested in mortgages? Not even sub-prime. That would seem to be good news.Jul 21 00:37
*cozub has quit ( 21 01:37
*cozub (i=[ has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 01:42
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 02:23
*dsmith_ has quit ()Jul 21 03:47
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 03:48
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 21 03:49
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 04:50
schestowitztessier: Office is independent from the Vista disaster and it has always been one of the best-performing divisions (along with Windows it accounted for almost all of Microsoft's profits, according to Microsoft Watch). The criticism of the growth came from Forbes. As for the mortgages, it's not  about their existence; it's about "the issue".Jul 21 04:51
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 21 04:51
tessierYes, Office has always been one of the best performing due to their lockinJul 21 06:11
tessierI don't see Forbes really criticizing the growth as much as saying it didn't grow as much as they thought it would.Jul 21 06:11
tessierI don't understand what "the issue" is with respect to mortgages.Jul 21 06:12
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 08:56
*moparx_ (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 09:01
*moparx has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 21 09:06
kentmaschestowitz: take a peak here - this is not live yet, but will be soon - 21 09:21
*schestowitz looks. BTW, good news about the fiber.Jul 21 09:21
schestowitzThumbs up to "Free and Open Source Software". Most business neglect the "Free" (libre) on purpose.Jul 21 09:22
kentmaindeed - there's a lot of thought gone into this.  You'll find me under "people", somewhere, I think...Jul 21 09:23
schestowitzI found this interesting quote the other day...Jul 21 09:23
*kentma waits...Jul 21 09:24
schestowitzAlan Cox to Eric Raymond: "That would be because we believe in Free Software and doing the right thing (a practice you appear to have given up on). Maybe it is time the term 'open source' also did the decent thing and died out with you."Jul 21 09:26
schestowitz Decent photo, interesting background.Jul 21 09:27
*schestowitz wonders if BT will unleash a press release to announce this.Jul 21 09:28
kentmathanks :-)  I think the photo is one Phil W grabbed at some point.Jul 21 09:28
kentmaWhen the site is ready for production, then it'll be announced, I think.Jul 21 09:28
kentmaIt's still being developed at the moment.Jul 21 09:28
*kentma is trying to catch up with digests :-)Jul 21 09:29
schestowitzIt has been quiet in the past few weeks. Companies like Red Hat make 0 announcements, so...Jul 21 09:30
kentmaspent some time with Novell chaps last week...  twas interesting.Jul 21 09:31
schestowitzI used the time to get some other things done though and increase leisure time, too.Jul 21 09:31
schestowitzManagement ($$$) or engineers (Linux)? if difference.Jul 21 09:31
kentmaLeisure time is a good idea - I've been stupidly busy recently.Jul 21 09:32
kentmaAh, sales, marketing & senior engineering chap.Jul 21 09:32
*kentma away, back soon.Jul 21 09:34
*moparx_ has quit ("leaving")Jul 21 10:40
*baijum (n=baiju@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 10:42
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 12:50
*baijum has quit ("Ex-Chat")Jul 21 13:23
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jul 21 14:01:07 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellJul 21 14:01
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications (publicly logged)Jul 21 14:01
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Wed Jun 4 08:34:16 2008Jul 21 14:01
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJul 21 14:01
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jul 21 14:02:04 2008
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jul 21 14:04:03 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellJul 21 14:04
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications (publicly logged)Jul 21 14:04
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Wed Jun 4 08:34:16 2008Jul 21 14:04
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJul 21 14:04
schestowitz*sigh* Ashlee vance's headlines are getting really idiotic. He could knock The Register off Google News...Jul 21 15:03
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJul 21 15:17
kentmahehe daft sod.Jul 21 15:24
schestowitzHe's always doing it. I've seen worse, including ones that use the Reiser case to gain more attention (that's the purpose of these headlines). He hardly writes for The Red these days; he's working on a book in CA.Jul 21 15:27
kentmaeach to their own, I suppose...Jul 21 15:49
schestowitzGeorge has just reported that prep who is pretending to be me in COLA. He found his ISP.Jul 21 15:50
kentmaahh, that's useful.  lart possible?Jul 21 15:50
schestowitzYes, done. The issue is not COLA believing it was me. The trolls tend to link to that sort of stuff and I had my family tell me about those posts (which they too realise are fake). As for the rest of the people, who knows?Jul 21 15:52
kentmaI had someone from work today remark that they'd followed something back to cola and been amazed at the abuse I was getting.Jul 21 16:23
kentmaThe web does tend to connect all :-)Jul 21 16:24
schestowitzThey realise that you have impact, I guess.Jul 21 16:27
schestowitzPeople take something like USENET with a grain of salt (and the trolls essentially ensure this, which means that they poison the well of otherwise credible information).Jul 21 16:27
kentmaquite...  still, I think that the News postings have had an extremely positive effect.  I use quite a few references elsewhere, now.Jul 21 16:28
schestowitzI'll tell you this: on the brighter side of things, their fascination with/stalking of you might actually have the reverse effect. When you attempt to discredit someone you bring attention to that person. For that reason, PJ refuses to mention Maureen O'Gara even if she's out of line. O'Gara's spying only make Pj more famous.Jul 21 16:29
kentmaHehe, yeah.  The funny thing is that the claims about my day job work were completely incorrect, whilst any other claims were merely out of context quotes, plus one genuine typo (I have never claimed to be perfect :-)Jul 21 16:30
schestowitzHere's one I sent as a headsup just half an hour ago (the Microsoft ally try to associate Linux with murder and arrogance): "Guilty of Arrogance Too... Reiser is Looking at 15 Years to Life for a Second Degree Murder...By: Maureen O'Gara.. Jul. 18, 2008 07:00 PM"Jul 21 16:31
kentmaIt's the way these games are played.  To be honest, the internet will, I hope, in the end, put an end to such things, since once everything is online, there'll be nothing to hide...Jul 21 16:33
schestowitzI don't think it's stoppable really. The entry barrier to publication/sharing is different now." Everybody is connected to everybody else, all data that can be shared will be shared will be shared: get used to it, "said Eben MoglenJul 21 16:34
schestowitzReading De Icaza's blog today, you continue to get the impression that he's a Microsoft employee: ... It's embrace and extend.Jul 21 16:35
kentmait's kind of what he does, really...Jul 21 16:35
schestowitzIncreasingly it's also what Novell does. it's almost as though it prepares for symbiosis with Microsoft. API first...Jul 21 16:37
kentmathere will be a "last man standing" aspect to proprietary software house survivability going forward.  The proprietary model is dead, so it's really going to be about who survives the best.  Oracle vs Microsoft, I think.Jul 21 17:06
schestowitzThey flirt with Red Hat. Oracle can't control Linux though... IBM et al won't let it.Jul 21 17:07
kentmaIBM and Nokia have played the game best so far.  Sun missed the boat some time ago, I think.  HP look like surviving on the back of shelf sales.Jul 21 17:08
kentmaSun might make a new play on foss, but I'm not sure where their space will be.  They would be best advised to follow red-hat, I think.Jul 21 17:10
schestowitzDell has just been sued by 5000 disgruntled employees; I can't see it rising to prominence again, but their 'game' with Linux sure was an attempt to distinguish themselves. Same with Acer... ASUS bets on the embedded Linux game.Jul 21 17:10
schestowitzPhipps has just gone to OSCON. They hurt badly. Rumours suggest that the CEO's head will soon fly... he said 2 years ago that they had missed the oat with Solaris.Jul 21 17:10
kentmaSimon P's a very good guy - good speaker, too.  Asus have got it right, I think.  Acer might get it right, and Dell need to push much harder into the linux space.   There's no future in Windows now.Jul 21 17:11
kentmaSun missed the boat, I agree.  They should've GPLed solaris about 5 years ago, and offered to support the outcome.  That would've worked.Jul 21 17:12
schestowitzThat's affecting all OEMs.Jul 21 17:12
kentmaIt might yet work.Jul 21 17:12
kentmayes.Jul 21 17:12
schestowitzAcer was very blunt about it.Jul 21 17:12
schestowitzMicrosoft says no to everything but Windows, but customers don't want Windows (Vista, which is now almost the only choice).Jul 21 17:13
kentmaMicrosoft and Oracle are in similar positions, they're completely replaceable now.  It's just a question of CIOs realising it and doing it.Jul 21 17:14
schestowitzWell, Oracle and Microsoft control the Gartners (Ellison and Gates invest in them /personally) and Gartner controls the CIOs. It's like a syndicate.Jul 21 17:15
kentmaWhat you need to look out for is what the CIOs are bonussed on, as that's what they'll deliver.  As foss becomes more mainstream, it'll be important for CIOs to be *seen* to be keeping up with technology, so their bonusses will begin to reflect that.Jul 21 17:16
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jul 21 17:17
schestowitzI've used MySQL DBs almost exclusively for 4 years. Never a hitch. Oracle = 1000% more expensive for 10% performance gain (task dependent). Here is what I see happening:Jul 21 17:17
schestowitzCompanies that are tied to Oracle will flop and be taken over by the Googles that use SQLite, MySQL, Linux, etc.Jul 21 17:18
kentmaSame will go for Microsoft.  In both cases, in order to feed their voracious appetite for revenue, MS and Oracle have no other option than to charge their remaining customers more for the same thing, whilst, as you say, their competition will be using mysql, p;ostgres and so on.  not sure if there's a point of no return, but I suspect that there is.Jul 21 17:20
kentmanot sure if there's a point of no return, but I suspect that there is.Jul 21 17:21
schestowitzOracle had its prices leap a month ago. Lockin and _lockin only_ makes it possible. They really squeeze the goose very hard (OOXML,  XAML etc. are other examples of tools for ensuring data isn't a commodity). BTW,. all of Microsoft's recent large acquisitions appear to involve FOSS-based companies. It's an embarrassment to their pitch,Jul 21 17:22
schestowitzwhat Microsoft achieves with Novell is locki-in _INSIDE_ GNU/Linux.Jul 21 17:23
kentmaThis is precisely what they hoped to get from the SCO deal, but it failed, of course.  Novell no longer claim that there's anything to the patent claims, though, do they?Jul 21 17:24
schestowitzThey put OOXML in OOo (Novell et al), they put everything under the reign of .NET, they put Linux as _GUEST_ on Windows _HOSTS_, etc. Novell has a prject not only to make desktop search Mono based but now it's media too... Banshee.Jul 21 17:24
kentmahosting linux on a windows machine is completely daft, of course.Jul 21 17:25
kentmaand I can't really see Novell successfully corrupting the GNU code-bases in the long-run.Jul 21 17:25
schestowitzWell, as for Novell and SCO, the burden is passed. Some speculate that Microsoft could use/buy Novell to pull an SCO again. PJ is  pretty sure that Mcirosoft will pull an SCO.Jul 21 17:25
kentmaIt might happen, but I think it'll depend on how successful Novell were at selling Microsoft vouchers.  I'm not sure just how successful they've been, since they've not said much about it, and Microsoft are normally shouting from the rooftops at any hint of success.Jul 21 17:28
schestowitzThere was a streak last year, but it seems like they lost momentum.Jul 21 17:29
schestowitzI seldon see a PR from Novell about vounchers and I watch the company closely. They typically just take contracts from Red Hat, which is exactly what Microsoft wants. Red Hat's reports are still impressive almost 2 years after the deal.Jul 21 17:30
schestowitzhttp://arjen-lentz.livejour... "[...] I work for a major Fortune company, and we're in the process of putting Oracle on a "sunset" list of restricted vendors. No new applications are allowed on Oracle, the only approved vendors are Sun/MySQL..."Jul 21 18:34
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 19:16
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 21 22:46
*blackrabbit (i=Frith@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x59AAEBAA) has joined #boycottnovellJul 22 05:40

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