The keyboard is too cramped, but this mini-notebook’s sleek Ubuntu Netbook Remix operating system and solid endurance give it a fighting chance.
The entire 500-strong body of primary and secondary school children in the nation of Niue, which is located just north east of New Zealand, have each been given one of the famous green Linux PCs.
GNU/Linux Users Group Trivandrum( and Zyxware Technologies( are organizing a 5 day GNU/Linux Install Fest at Park Center, Technopark.
What do you think would happen if any of these headlines showed up today?
"Dell to pre-install Open Office across product line" "Lenovo to offer Suse Linux Enterprise across product line" "Acer in talks with IBM for pre-installed Symphony"
"I'd like to get a first round of review on my AXFS filesystem," began Jared Hulbert, describing his new Advanced XIP File System for Linux. XIP stands for eXecute-In-Place. The new filesystem received quite a bit of positive feedback.
I like LSI, more from the cross-distro concept than the overall design, as I previously mentioned, due to some still lacking features. But in time it should grow and become essentially the universal installer for most of the Linux world.