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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 23rd, 2008 - Part I

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joseschestowitz: keep in mind that it's easier to reply when one disagrees. Take it as a positive if you get page reads but fewer comments that ideal.Aug 23 00:06
schestowitzFair point. Thanks. It's just weird to get about 1 comment per 5000 reads.Aug 23 00:07
josei spent some time with various stories from 19th onward. kept the tabs open. ended up not posting to boycottnovell but posted on related content in various other places.Aug 23 00:10
jose19th of this month.Aug 23 00:10
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Aug 23 00:44
*ChanServ has quit ( 23 00:44
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-dmwaters-{global notice} Good day folks, we are having some general major routing problems, We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for using freenode!Aug 23 00:45
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 00:45
*cozub (i=[ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 00:45
* gives channel operator status to ChanServAug 23 00:45
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*cozub has quit ( 23 00:46
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 00:47
*cozub (i=[ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 00:47
* gives channel operator status to ChanServAug 23 00:47
jose 23 00:49
josecurrent update is that the nonofficial channels have a few modified packagesAug 23 00:50
schestowitzMaybe mischiefs on some mirrors? (haven't looked yet)Aug 23 00:51
twitterJose seems to be referring to two recent Slashdot covers. 23 00:57
twitterworth reading.  The MIT students tell their version, which has Boston totally screwing them with a meeting where they and the FBI say, "No problem go present your lecture" then filing suit the next Friday while students are on plane to LV.Aug 23 00:59
twitterThe other story is a problem with Red Hat's Enterprise servers.  Some kind of intrusion was detected.Aug 23 01:00
schestowitzYes.Aug 23 01:00
schestowitzI saw the MIT article. Haven't followed it very closely though, just headlines and summaries.Aug 23 01:01
*ReverseGTR ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 01:01
twitterThe interview was worth reading.  Nothing like stories from those involved to cut through the BS, especially when there's been a gag order.Aug 23 01:02
schestowitzNow I do another marathon of Novell blasting. I have about 6 on the queue.Aug 23 01:02
ReverseGTRwhat else is this channel for? :DAug 23 01:02
schestowitzASCII Art.Aug 23 01:03
ReverseGTRschestowitz: what happened to the anti-Novell barrage?Aug 23 01:06
neighborleeback ;0-Aug 23 01:07
neighborleedid I miss anything momentual  hehAug 23 01:07
schestowitzReverseGTR: what do you mean?Aug 23 01:07
neighborleeboy I btuchered that word :)Aug 23 01:07
neighborleemonumentalAug 23 01:07
schestowitzHi, neighborlee Aug 23 01:07
neighborleehi schestowitzAug 23 01:08
schestowitzReverseGTR: what do you mean?Aug 23 01:08
ReverseGTRschestowitz: you were chatting up about Novell blasing and have 6 comments on queueAug 23 01:08
schestowitzOh, that. I accumulate links first and then post in a bursty fashion. I'll post the first one in a couple of minutes. I do the long ones last. :-)Aug 23 01:09
ReverseGTRlol okAug 23 01:10
neighborleeschestowitz, I mentioned the balmer comment about only novel being safe, and AA ( you all know who ) said well you wouldnt' expect fedora to ship with flightgear so should he be avoiding it ROFL..boy they are getting desperate in their replies ;))Aug 23 01:12
schestowitzneighborlee: the big news (in my eyes) I'll post in second.Aug 23 01:13
schestowitzNow Novell publicly acknowledges the message that it sells patents (or patent protection)Aug 23 01:14
neighborleeROFLAug 23 01:14
schestowitzThis is significant, but I think their PR Director (a new guy) made a mistake... slip of the tongueAug 23 01:14
neighborleewe all knew, but its nice hearing it..makes all this effort worthwhile even more so ;)Aug 23 01:14
schestowitzAs I'll write in a moment, he doesn't know yet that in Novell he's supposed to lie to the publicAug 23 01:14
neighborleeROFLAug 23 01:15
schestowitz"Not pa-TENT, Inter-OH!-pera-bility"Aug 23 01:15
neighborleedain newbies ;))Aug 23 01:15
neighborleegrinsAug 23 01:15
twitterSooner or later, M$ wants to mover their "royalty" scheme out in the open.  This could be a floater.Aug 23 01:20
schestowitzOkay, postedAug 23 01:20
twitterlookingAug 23 01:20
schestowitztwitter: it's already out in the open.Aug 23 01:20
twitterThen why lie about it?Aug 23 01:21
schestowitzSeen this one yet? 23 01:21
twitterThe language is going to become more clear as they seek to brainwash people into thinking it's right.Aug 23 01:21
schestowitztwitter: so that Novell feels comfortable. That's why it consored/sot down so many criticsAug 23 01:21
schestowitzAt we were left 'alone' because Novell bombarded (Seigo says "spammed") people to ensure they don't blast Novell/Microsoft in public like they did in 2006Aug 23 01:22
twitterWhoa!  Did you see the part about M$ orchestrating a patent troll attack on Red Hat and Novel?Aug 23 01:28
*mib_cpmq31 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Aug 23 01:29
twitter" Acacia you ask? It's a patent troll company. Eight days before it sued Red Hat and Novell, Acacia hired Brad Brunell, Former Microsoft General Manager, Intellectual Property Licensing, to be its senior VP. Coincidence? I think not."Aug 23 01:30
*mib_cpmq31 (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 01:31
neighborleeyup I recall thatAug 23 01:31
neighborleemore of the same ;)Aug 23 01:31
schestowitztwitter: where from?Aug 23 01:32
schestowitzIs it new?Aug 23 01:32
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neighborleeif its new it sure sounds like somethign I read about year ago or soAug 23 01:33
*mib_cpmq31 (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 01:33
schestowitzI'm jut not sure if it's something we documented.Aug 23 01:34
schestowitzLater I'll post something about a patent troll with a closer Microsoft connection (Gates too is a backer). They are much worse than Acacia.Aug 23 01:35
twitterIt came from the bottom of your CW blog article.Aug 23 01:35
*ReverseGTR has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Aug 23 01:37
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*mib_cpmq31 (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 01:39
schestowitzA new arttcle?Aug 23 01:41
twitterno, the one you just posted. 23 01:43
twittercheck the last four paragraphs.Aug 23 01:43
twitterIt would be nice to find other references about that.Aug 23 01:43
*mib_cpmq31 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Aug 23 01:44
*mib_cpmq31 (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 01:44
twitterYes, Acacia says they hired a M$ munchkin. 23 01:45
twitterHere's news of the law suit 23 01:46
*mib_cpmq31 has quit (Client Quit)Aug 23 01:46
schestowitzThanks. I'm looking.Aug 23 01:47
*mib_cpmq31 (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 01:47
twitter 23 01:47
schestowitzYes, I remember. I was on vacation back then.Aug 23 01:48
*mib_cpmq31 has quit (Client Quit)Aug 23 01:48
twitterGroklaw counts 3 M$ munchkins at Acacia.Aug 23 01:49
schestowitzI thought there were 2Aug 23 01:49
*mib_cpmq31 (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 01:49
schestowitzEither way, Myhrvold is a bigger issue.Aug 23 01:49
schestowitzThat POS has a sick mind. He thinks of any stupid idea as a valuable objectAug 23 01:49
schestowitzGates the Hypocrite (remember 91' letter) supports him.Aug 23 01:50
schestowitzMicrosoft is the next SCO and Novell is a nice shiny tool or acquisition target.Aug 23 01:50
twitterNovell is the next SCO?Aug 23 01:51
schestowitzMicrosoft 'lawsuit departments' (like the RIAA or MPAA to serve as proxies and distance PR damage) are Acacia and Intellectual Ventured.Aug 23 01:51
schestowitz*VenturesAug 23 01:51
schestowitzNo, not Novell.Aug 23 01:51
schestowitzBut Microsoft wants and needs Novell IPAug 23 01:51
schestowitzRememeber that Novell owns UNIX.Aug 23 01:51
schestowitzNovell is peanuts copmared to Yahoo! Market cap of about $2.1 billiobAug 23 01:52
neighborleelol,,yeah that deal went nowhere..whewAug 23 01:52
twitterSCO was a FUD proxy.  So is Novell.Aug 23 01:52
schestowitzneighborlee: the Yahoo thing is now over.Aug 23 01:52
neighborleeyup I know..whewAug 23 01:53
schestowitzI don't have time for a standalone post about it, but Microsoft has proxies in Yahoo now. It could be waiting. Maybe.Aug 23 01:53
schestowitzMicrosoft is toast with or without Yahoo, but I need Yahoo for my things, so I;d rather Yahoo didn't due along with The BeastAug 23 01:53
twitterM$ likes to finish their competition by making them a tool.Aug 23 01:53
neighborleesorry to sound lamem, but what are these proxies stuff you refer toAug 23 01:54
schestowitzSCO: RIPAug 23 01:54
neighborleelolAug 23 01:54
schestowitzPink sheet.Aug 23 01:54
schestowitzNet up Novell.Aug 23 01:54
schestowitzThey got delisting warning last year. Almost got knocked off the NASDAQ.Aug 23 01:54
twitterAs Novell's business dries up, they will go to M$ for more money.  In the end, they will look just like SCO did.Aug 23 01:55
schestowitzYes, only with .NET rather than UNIX abandonware.Aug 23 01:56
*mib_cpmq31 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Aug 23 02:06
*mib_m4smjm (i=4b4291e0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 02:18
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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 03:16
*blackrabbit (i=Frith@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x59AAEBAA) has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 03:18
*jose has quit ("Leaving")Aug 23 03:21
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 23 03:26
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blackrabbitknock knockAug 23 03:27
blackrabbitwho's there?Aug 23 03:27
blackrabbitCorelAug 23 03:27
blackrabbitCorel who?Aug 23 03:27
blackrabbitgood questionAug 23 03:27
*blackrabbit has quit ("Leaving")Aug 23 03:42
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 23 03:50
*seller_liar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 03:57
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*self_liar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 05:04
self_liardamnAug 23 05:11
self_liaragain!Aug 23 05:11
*sellerth ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 05:13
sellerthplease ,help me!Aug 23 05:15
sellerthwhat fucking hell is this?!Aug 23 05:15
*jose ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 05:17
joseI'll only stay a few minutes...Aug 23 05:17
sellerththere are a lot of nicknamesAug 23 05:18
josedid you people read the piece on industry standards possibly being nothing but a showAug 23 05:18
sellerthself_liarAug 23 05:18
joseit showed up on lt a few days backAug 23 05:18
sellerthsellerthAug 23 05:18
sellerthseller_liarAug 23 05:18
sellerthwhat is this?Aug 23 05:18
sellerthI'm trying to use my default name seller_liarAug 23 05:20
sellerthbut it'sAug 23 05:20
sellerthit' not acceptedAug 23 05:20
*seller_liar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 23 05:21
*sellerth is now known as seller_liarAug 23 05:21
seller_liaroh sorryAug 23 05:21
seller_liarproblem resolvedAug 23 05:22
josesee..Aug 23 05:22
joseyou're a stellar liarAug 23 05:22
seller_liarbut self_liar persistsAug 23 05:22
seller_liarsomeone has using the name for entry in this channelAug 23 05:23
jose 23 05:24
joseit's called "the great industry standard conspiracy"Aug 23 05:25
seller_liarjose: the problem jose is a majority of people does not fighting for nothing...Aug 23 05:25
seller_liarjose: the problem jose is a majority of people does not fight for nothing...Aug 23 05:25
seller_liarjose: The mass prefers drink ,drunk and dieAug 23 05:26
josedddAug 23 05:27
seller_liarjose: to be more exactly ,a lot of people prefers a eternal partyAug 23 05:27
seller_liarjose: epimeteus lifeAug 23 05:27
joselife can be toughAug 23 05:27
seller_liarjose: People only "wake up" if only  some part of family diesAug 23 05:28
joseddd can help avoid feelings of despare... a guessAug 23 05:28
seller_liarjose: but this is not the wayAug 23 05:28
seller_liarjose: problems with time always persist and more agressive wayAug 23 05:29
*self_liar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 23 05:29
joseself got d'dAug 23 05:29
seller_liarjose: whatAug 23 05:29
joseself d'dAug 23 05:29
seller_liarjose: it's ok nowAug 23 05:29
joseself_liar finally bit the big oneAug 23 05:30
seller_liarjose: sorry for the problemAug 23 05:30
josedd_Aug 23 05:30
seller_liarjose: but i need to go 1:30 am hereAug 23 05:30
seller_liarbyeAug 23 05:30
joseself_liar peristed.. problem got worse and the d'dAug 23 05:30
joseok, byeAug 23 05:30
*seller_liar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 23 05:30
josegotta goAug 23 05:31
*jose has quit ("Leaving")Aug 23 05:32
*moparx has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 23 07:19
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 07:19
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 23 08:30
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schestowitzMicrosoft could come back to Yahoo... 23 08:58
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Aug 23 09:03
*sabayonlive-1041 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 23 09:15
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*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 09:23
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Aug 23 09:28:36 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellAug 23 09:28
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications (publicly logged)Aug 23 09:28
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Wed Jun 4 08:34:16 2008Aug 23 09:28
*#boycottnovell :[freenode-info] if you need to send private messages, please register: 23 09:28
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelAug 23 09:28
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzAug 23 10:18
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Aug 23 10:47
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 11:03
*ModplanMan (i=5b6c9378@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 11:08
schestowitz 23 11:30
schestowitz"Microsoft could be investing in Novell for a complete buyout at some point in the future after Novell developers create the ultimate OS for them, using Microsoft's money, of course. $300+ million buys you a lot of development."Aug 23 11:30
ModplanMan 23 11:55
ModplanManfocused on gaming, but points out MS as being all smoke and mirrorsAug 23 11:55
ModplanManwait, wrong oneAug 23 11:55
ModplanMan 23 11:55
ModplanMan"For example, take marketshare for computers. Microsoft would like everyone to think that the marketshare for computers is something like 95% Microsoft, 2% Apple, 3% whoever else. But the reality is that computers are two products: hardware and software. Microsoft doesn’t make the hardware for computers. A company like Apple does not compete against Windows so much as they really compete against Dell, HP, and Aug 23 11:56
schestowitzHi ModplanMan Aug 23 11:57
ModplanManhi, you may better know me as RyanTAug 23 11:57
schestowitzYes!Aug 23 11:57
schestowitzWell,  the market share thing is interesting.Aug 23 11:57
schestowitzGates has, according to the BeOS man, always realised that he can suppress development for competing platforms by giving the reality or illusion that everything is Windows.Aug 23 11:58
schestowitzI keep hearing about 5%-10% market share for GNU/Linux, but there are very odd surveys that are used to deceive.Aug 23 11:58
ModplanManYeah - I think it's very much a point to count other devices and hardware as well as just desktopAug 23 11:59
schestowitzOn Linux adoption: 23 11:59
schestowitzOn vapourware, I have plenty. Recent ones include: (more links to previous posts in the middle)Aug 23 12:00
ModplanManthe best way to think about it - it is all just part of software business, therfore, distinguishing between desktop and mobile is pretty arbitraryAug 23 12:00
ModplanMannice linkAug 23 12:00
schestowitzMicrosoft's memos, e.g. , drip evidence of Big Lie tactics: 23 12:02
ModplanManit's very possible that competitors can come up through a mobile business (phones, netbooks etc) and move towards desktop via thatAug 23 12:03
ModplanManI suggest you look into the business concept of disruption - and how that may give Linux the edgeAug 23 12:03
schestowitzIt's not just that. Many devices run the Linux kernel. Billions of them. To say that "Microsoft dominates computers" is like saying that Britain is best at sports (worldwide) because it wins at cricket.Aug 23 12:04
ModplanManha, we can barely do thatAug 23 12:05
schestowitzAnother thing that crossed my mind.Aug 23 12:06
schestowitzMicrosoft loves saying that Linux is secure only because of low market penetration (which is bull because it runs on more servers than one could ever count or keep track of).Aug 23 12:06
schestowitzEarlier today at CNET I noticed some trollish comments about the Red Hat OpenSSH incident.Aug 23 12:07
schestowitzThere's also this post from Microsoft 'shill' (PR in 'journalist' clothing) talking about the sec change, but that's another story... let's not go ad hominem.Aug 23 12:08
ModplanManChristensen, the man who came up with innovative disruption *look it up on wikipedia) actually recommended to the US goernment to not break up MS, as they were ripe for "disruption". and yeah, the problem with is , as always, a lack of contextAug 23 12:09
schestowitzAt the end, as far as I know, they were not broken up because of political corruption. A year ago Neelie talked about splitting them.Aug 23 12:10
ModplanManMethinks it's a bit of both. They don't want to, and christensen says they don't have toAug 23 12:11
ModplanManApple, and further down the road Linux could make a lot of inroadsAug 23 12:11
schestowitzModplanMan: at what cost though? Intel needs radical intervention as well. It's morbidly corrupt.Aug 23 12:13
ModplanManwith disruption, the incumbent (dominant company) becomes stagnant throuugh listening too much to existing consumers miss other oppertunities (like Google got the internet). Intel look like they're setting up for disruption - they mentioned it at one point in 06Aug 23 12:14
ModplanManthey have a foothold in the integrated graphics. They're now using that for Larrabee, I would assumeAug 23 12:14
ModplanMan(disruption involves moving "upmarket" to more demanding and profitable areas, destroying the old dominants)Aug 23 12:15
schestowitzARM and UMPCs are another issue for them.Aug 23 12:15
ModplanManhmmm, don't know so much about thoseAug 23 12:15
schestowitzIn Intel's case, the problem is that they are now abusing NVidia too. NVidia is already furious and the CEO speaks about Intel's FUD. They expand.Aug 23 12:15
ModplanManThat'll happen. Like boys with their toys. Intel if they're succesful with Larrabee could well end up eating NvidiaAug 23 12:16
ModplanManat least the driver support would be better!Aug 23 12:16
*ModplanMan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Aug 23 12:17
schestowitzThey don't mind the software side.Aug 23 12:17
*ModplanMan (i=5b6c9378@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 12:17
schestowitzThey don't mind the software side.Aug 23 12:17
schestowitzThey sell chips, not 'trade secrets' on code that interacts with those chips.Aug 23 12:18
ModplanManhmmm, one step at a time methinks. Can barely convince enough dominant companies to get to open source softwareAug 23 12:19
ModplanMan 23 12:21
schestowitzThere ought to have been a big OSS announcement from NVidia in August.Aug 23 12:21
schestowitzStill a few week s (days) to go. More like a week actually, unless NVidia changed its mind with those new problems in mind.Aug 23 12:22
ModplanManwhat problems be those? Am a bit out of the loopAug 23 12:23
schestowitzBad chips.Aug 23 12:23
schestowitzThey'll have to replace lots of video cards.Aug 23 12:23
schestowitzMine is among the defective series, AFAIK.Aug 23 12:24
ModplanManach, that's is badAug 23 12:24
schestowitzLet me find a URL.Aug 23 12:24
schestowitz 23 12:25
ModplanManhaAug 23 12:27
schestowitzIt's exaggerated though. Charlie's style...Aug 23 12:27
ModplanManah, aren't chipsets technically "near the bottom" so to speak, compared to their graphics cardsAug 23 12:28
schestowitzI'm not very proficient when it comes to motherboards and other components.Aug 23 12:29
ModplanMankk. I'm back off into the abyss nows, see you some other times maybesAug 23 12:30
schestowitzWill do, hopefully.Aug 23 12:31
*ModplanMan has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Aug 23 12:31
trmanco 23 14:29
schestowitzThanks.Aug 23 14:30
schestowitzI wrote a post about it yesterday: 23 14:30
trmancothis is just sickAug 23 14:38
trmanco:|Aug 23 14:38
schestowitzPatents ahead, methinks. I used to advocate GNU/Linux peacefully, but the smear campaigns against me led to exploration of the darker side of things. I reckon that interesting times are ahead and this includes legal battles (as much as I hate them).Aug 23 14:40
schestowitzPJ thinks so  too. Microsoft is the next SCO, she told InfoWorld, IIRCAug 23 14:41
schestowitzI still like Novell, but I can see where it's heading. These sentiments of concern (not resentment) begin to be echoed even by the OSI, which seems to agree now as well.Aug 23 14:41
pcoleEver hear of the description of a drowning person's acts to survive. How the person grasps at anything, even committing the illogical to survive?  Picture M$ as the drowning.Aug 23 15:02
schestowitzYes, but who else is it pulling down?Aug 23 15:03
schestowitzJust at this very moment (to be posted in a minute) I write about YahooAug 23 15:03
schestowitzMicrosoft can take Yahoo down /with/ it, which would be sad.Aug 23 15:04
pcoleThe unheard/uncounted/undocumented FOSS installs that media does not cover.Aug 23 15:05
schestowitzThey play psychological games.Aug 23 15:06
schestowitzMicrosoft: ""Ideally, use of the competing technology becomes associated with mental deficiency, as in, "he believes in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and OS/2." Just keep rubbing it in, via the press, analysts, newsgroups, whatever. Make the complete failure of the competition's technology part of the mythology of the computer industry. "Aug 23 15:06
schestowitzinternal document @ 23 15:07
pcoleYes, the "Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny" attack may work to a certain extent on a corporate environment, but a lot of people at the "grassroots", especially the poor, and developing are getting smarter.  Like I said a while back, we were doing our own Lindependence locally and it's meeting with much success.Aug 23 15:13
schestowitzAny coverage of this? There are many untold stories.Aug 23 15:21
schestowitzThere's also gagging.Aug 23 15:21
schestowitzI had a question for SJVN: "Did Novell contact you just minutes after the press release got out? They seem to have 'gagged' critics."Aug 23 15:21
schestowitzTurns out it's "[j]ust the usual follow-up e-mail. I pestered them for more, which is why my [his] news coverage had a bit more than the usual."Aug 23 15:22
schestowitzThere are people who Novell's PR 'took to the corner' before they could speak.Aug 23 15:22
schestowitzSJVN says the criticism of the decision appeared yesterday (and "The title says it all."): I've cited it like 5 times already. I miss S.u.S.E.Aug 23 15:22
schestowitzHe later added that "Novell doesn't have anything like enough clout to stop criticism. If little appeared it's because most writers, I'm sorry to say, didn't bother to look at this latest chapter closely." Either way, lots of information is suppressed or /DROWNED/ by the Novell/Microsoft PR. The message does not get out.Aug 23 15:23
pcoleThere is no coverage, but I've contacted our local newspaper. Also, will contact our LUG to get some volunteers. It's a one man operation right now but it will grow.  The kids are happy as are we and can't lose sight of the "one-on-one" personal tutoring of not only the young but also the retirees we've been doing.Aug 23 15:55
pcoleIt started as a community church-based project. The philosophy of unethical behaviour has no place in human interaction.Aug 23 15:58
schestowitzI heard about these.Aug 23 16:03
schestowitzIt's a good thing that DTP has been getting footage of Lindependence. I put some of these videos in BN.comAug 23 16:03
*pcole has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Aug 23 16:05
*pcole (i=43f0d869@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 16:09
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*pcole (i=43f0d869@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 16:12
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*neighborlee (i=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 17:21
*_Doug (i=c17a2faa@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 18:27
_DougNovell brings IP peace of mind .. :)Aug 23 18:28
_Doug 23 18:29
neighborleeahaha yup we know ;)Aug 23 18:30
_Doug"in many cases, they need help with the transition to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server from other Linux environments. "Aug 23 18:30
_DougMS helps Linux customers 'transition' to SuSE .. :]Aug 23 18:31
_Doug“Cross-platform interoperability is something that we all want and need to achieve. But it’s difficult to accomplish this,”Aug 23 18:32
_DougNo it isn't .. computers are designed to talk to other computers, it's all ones and noughts you know .. :)Aug 23 18:32
MinceRthat's what standards are forAug 23 18:32
_Doug'“The pragmatic approach Microsoft and Novell are taking to address this complex challenge, including IP assurance'Aug 23 18:33
MinceReven if neither microsoft nor novell understands what standards areAug 23 18:33
_DougFUD ijjection through bogus corss-colaberation agreements ..Aug 23 18:33
neighborleeif they reallly cared for standards, they wouldn't have made a pact specifically with just one company, nor would they have             created a mess with OOxml ;)Aug 23 18:33
neighborlee_Doug,modus operandi indeed ;)Aug 23 18:34
_Doug"Novell and Microsoft  will continue their close technical collaboration ..  and the Moonlight multimedia framework"Aug 23 18:34
_Dougmodus ?Aug 23 18:35
neighborlee 23 18:35
_DougINTEROPxABILITY is working right nowAug 23 18:36
_DougWhy do you need to sign away uour rights to your own 'stuff' in order to achieve interoperability ?Aug 23 18:36
_DougI mean SAMBA got the info without a covenant ?Aug 23 18:37
_Doug"Microsoft and Novell are working to make document translation a non-issue" .. irony chip overload .. :)Aug 23 18:38
neighborleelolAug 23 18:40
_Doug'Read the interoperability Lab press release' .. can't as the URL don't work in Firefox .. the Open Source browser . .that means the Interoperability web site isn't .. interoperableAug 23 18:40
_Doug"Novell helps customers minimize cost, complexity and risk"Aug 23 18:42
_DougWhat 'risk' would that be, against losing customer data .. or gettign sued by MicroVell ?Aug 23 18:43
_DougIs there a list of companies not called Microsoft or SCO, making IP threatening noises to OPen Source companies ?Aug 23 18:56
_DougOr Noveel for that matter ..Aug 23 18:56
MinceRxandros, linxpire, turbolinuxAug 23 18:59
MinceRand whoever else microsoft pays to do so at the momentAug 23 18:59
MinceRs/xp/sp/Aug 23 18:59
neighborleelinspire is gone now,  freespire is all that remainsAug 23 19:00
neighborleenot that it matters much , but hey.Aug 23 19:00
neighborleehaAug 23 19:00
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 23 19:02
_Dougdo you have any URLS re xandros, linxpire, turbolinux, have they drunk from the koolaid yet ?Aug 23 19:04
_DougLike in Gullivers Travels, once you drink from the well, you live for ever only go blind, in this case, once you drink the KoolAid, you receive revenue from MS, only forget it's for your own IP .. :)Aug 23 19:05
_Dougsorry: you receive revenue from Microsoft for IP they don't own .. :)Aug 23 19:06
_Dougsnooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...Aug 23 19:14
_Dougstop press: Aliens claim ownership of Linux ..Aug 23 19:18
*schestowitz backAug 23 19:23
MinceR_Doug: 23 19:23
_DougI've not been keeping up, been busy, as I told roy .. :)Aug 23 19:25
MinceRit would be nice to have a tag for this kind of dealAug 23 19:25
schestowitz_Doug: what's the un-inter-Oh-perate site/page?Aug 23 19:25
schestowitzThere was already an incident where Novell required IE.Aug 23 19:25
_DougWhat would be interesting is a collection of 'IP risk' unnerances from the various players ..Aug 23 19:25
_Dougunnerances ..Aug 23 19:26
_Dougutterances .. the paint is faded on this keyboard .. can't see the keys .. :(Aug 23 19:26
schestowitz_Doug: Turbolinux spread the IP FUD as well.Aug 23 19:27
schestowitzThey do it in a joint fashion, but yesterday (or the day before), Ian Bruve (PR director for Novell) did it on his own.Aug 23 19:27
_DougSo it's all going to plan, clouded much is the force . .:)Aug 23 19:28
schestowitzOne talking point (Linspire) is out at least, so the mini-ballmers decline in terms of influence.Aug 23 19:29
_Doug 23 19:29
_Dougun-inter-Oh-perate site/page?: Is a link off this ..Aug 23 19:29
schestowitzit displays OKAug 23 19:30
schestowitzWhich page is not interoperable?Aug 23 19:30
_DougWait ..Aug 23 19:30
_DougHere: 23 19:30
schestowitzCough Cough: 23 19:31
_DougClick on the 'read the interoperability lab press release', there is no hotlink in FFAug 23 19:31
schestowitz"Solution" is emptyAug 23 19:31
schestowitzGaspAug 23 19:32
schestowitzI pretend to be IE. Still no go.Aug 23 19:32
schestowitzLet's try KonqyAug 23 19:32
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 19:33
schestowitzIt works with Konqueror. Maybe I should enable JSAug 23 19:33
schestowitz_Doug: it works if you enable JSAug 23 19:33
schestowitzStill, bad design decision.Aug 23 19:34
_DougKonqueror most always works on IExplorer only sites, for some reason ..Aug 23 19:34
_DougWhy not FF ,is strange after all , Novell releases it on their own Desktop, yea ?Aug 23 19:34
_Doug"our websites don't work with our stuff' ?Aug 23 19:35
schestowitzEnable JavaScript. You have NoScript I bet (so do I)Aug 23 19:35
schestowitz 23 19:35
_DougI have a script in chrome .. maybe that's blocking .. are you sure it works in FF ?Aug 23 19:35
schestowitzYes, but only after JS is onAug 23 19:36
_DougOK, must be my customized script. what you need to keep browsing usable lately ..Aug 23 19:37
_DougFirefox, noscript, flashblock,Aug 23 19:37
schestowitzAdBlock too?Aug 23 19:37
schestowitzPlus?Aug 23 19:37
schestowitzThunderbird has that tooAug 23 19:38
_DougNow they even have those talking adverts .. fuck - I'm trying to read some text, I don't want to listin to a jingle ..Aug 23 19:38
schestowitzAnd you can open context menus on banner and slap them outta existence! :-) :-)Aug 23 19:38
_Dougmy script does the same as adblock, only is highly customizable .. sometins too much ..Aug 23 19:38
_DougThere's a proxy server privit ? that does the same at the gateway, makes browsign fasterAug 23 19:39
schestowitzThe Net becomes more predatory over time (more predatory JS spyware and more XSS).Aug 23 19:40
_Dougbrowsing faster as the browser don't have to download 90 elements to view a paragraph of text ..Aug 23 19:40
_Dougtime for a break .. back in ten ..Aug 23 19:40
schestowitzCyaAug 23 19:40
schestowitzI'm gonna do a SCO roundupAug 23 19:41
_DougSCO .. Me Inc in China is doing well .. I wonder if the 'profits' from this wil help to extend the litigation ?Aug 23 19:53
schestowitzBill made a trip to China recentlyAug 23 19:58
schestowitzHow do you say BayStar in Chinese?Aug 23 19:58
_Doug?Aug 23 20:01
schestowitzIt's a jokeAug 23 20:03
schestowitzBear in mind that Microsoft can funnel money to SCO in all sorts of ways.Aug 23 20:03
_DougMe Inc is making a profit .. :)Aug 23 20:04
schestowitzBy prolonging the SCO suit, Novell and Microsoft needn't attack just yet.Aug 23 20:04
schestowitzFind a relationship between Me Inc and Microsoft.Aug 23 20:05
schestowitzThat Norris guy and his middle-east Sugar Daddies were already shown to be mates of Gates.Aug 23 20:05
*jose__ (n=jose@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 23 20:06
_Doug"HipCheck  is a new Me Inc. mobility service that lets you proactively monitor and manage your UNIX and Windows systems"Aug 23 20:07
_Doug 23 20:07
schestowitz:-)Aug 23 20:07
schestowitz 23 20:07
jose__hey.. I'm leaving my desk right now for half an hour but i'm curious if anyone has any comments on this story or the comments on it 23 20:08
schestowitzBroader: 23 20:08
schestowitzMicrosoft is screwing AlfrescoAug 23 20:09

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