WHEN the BBC published a derogatory article about GNU/Linux, which still goes under the headline "Getting to grips with Linux," we decided to show just how close the BBC and Microsoft had become. Right now in the news, an article from Slate goes under the headline "Linux Is Making Me Insane." The article is as negative as the headline and it is not accurate, to say the very least. We won't delve into specifics.
We are not suggesting that this is a 'plant job', even though these
do exist (with concrete evidence [
2]), but for the uninitiated, at least for the record, it's important to explain where Slate comes from.
Slate used to be owned by Microsoft, but it was
bought by the Washington Post. As many people are already aware, Melinda Gates (Bill's wife)
is a director at Washington Post. In essence, it's another major news site,
among several others, that must always be read with a pinch of salt.
If Slate publishes something which is pro-Microsoft, one must remember that Slate was Microsoft's own Webzine until several years ago. It's likely that some of the same writers remained (biases and colleagues play a role) and the influence of the Washington Post, directed by Bill Gates' wife, does not inspire much confidence. Don't believe everything you read. And as we approach the end of October, remember
the Microsoft Halloween documents. Memo X, titled "Follow The Money," (March 2004) is an "e-mail from consultant Mike Anderer to SCO's Chris Sontag revealing Microsoft's channeling of US$ 86 million to SCO."
2008-10-27 19:04:24
Note: comment has been flagged for arriving from an incarnation of a known (eet), pseudonymous, forever-nymshifting, abusive Internet troll that posts from open proxies and relays around the world.