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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 24th, 2009


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schestowitz 24 00:08
Balrog_yeah I read that blog. The author tends to be rather biased in favor of apple, but what he says makes senseFeb 24 00:15
Balrog_apple certainly is better than microsoft in many regards. they're no saints thoughFeb 24 00:16
Balrog_(read in the present case)Feb 24 00:17
Balrog_tense **Feb 24 00:17
MinceRand they're worse than microsoft in other regardsFeb 24 00:18
schestowitzYesFeb 24 00:18
schestowitzRoughly Drafted vilifies the other evilFeb 24 00:19
schestowitzLike two foorball temaFeb 24 00:19
schestowitzOne company against anotherFeb 24 00:19
schestowitzNothing to do with frredoFeb 24 00:19
schestowitzJust ego battlesFeb 24 00:19
schestowitzLike "penis envy", to use the Freudian termFeb 24 00:19
schestowitzMac vs PCFeb 24 00:19
Balrog_though stuff like DRM and blocking debuggers ..... well that's probably a term of the license they signed with the media providers ..... and the DVD licensing groupsFeb 24 00:20
*ChanServ has quit ( 24 00:20
Balrog_(Vista blocks access to kernel memory in the name of DRM, I believe)Feb 24 00:21
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 00:22
* gives channel operator status to ChanServFeb 24 00:22
*twitter (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 00:22
schestowitzwb, twitter Feb 24 00:22
schestowitzBalrog: Many people mis-perceived the Linux vs Windows situationFeb 24 00:22
schestowitzThey also think of it as "Linux", the 'cheap' operating systemFeb 24 00:23
Balrog_Yes. They think it's mac vs. PCFeb 24 00:23
twitterbeen away for a while, anything really interesting happen over the last two days?Feb 24 00:23
Balrog_when it's not really that wayFeb 24 00:23
schestowitzThis is disregard from the raison detre of the systemFeb 24 00:23
schestowitzIt's not brand competing (like Mac and PC)Feb 24 00:23
Balrog_and Linux isn't a "cheap" OS exactlyFeb 24 00:23
schestowitzIt's philosophies or ways of lifeFeb 24 00:23
twitterthe only thing more expensive than freedom is slavery.Feb 24 00:24
Balrog_yes.Feb 24 00:24
twitterGNU/Linux is about as cheap as software gets.Feb 24 00:24
MinceRWar is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery. ;)Feb 24 00:24
twitterUnlimited potentialFeb 24 00:24
Balrog_the word cheap gives the impression of low qualityFeb 24 00:24
schestowitzOne side encourages sharing of our ideas. The other one encourages marginalising the poor.Feb 24 00:25
twitterthat's why it's good to use the word "free"Feb 24 00:25
schestowitzBasically, one promotes helping neighbours (cooperation)Feb 24 00:25
schestowitzThe other is dog-eat-dog, which extreme capitalism glamorises anywayFeb 24 00:25
schestowitz"it's my IP"Feb 24 00:25
Balrog_well we'll see what happens with this iphone business. I think it's a little early to draw into conclusions...Feb 24 00:26
Balrog_ 24 00:26
schestowitzMinceR: "you're eat your worms and you *will* like them"Feb 24 00:26
Balrog_about vista's kernelFeb 24 00:26
schestowitz*you'llFeb 24 00:26
twitterVista is dead.Feb 24 00:27
schestowitztwitter: unlimited potential [to  harm children]Feb 24 00:27
Balrog_but windows 7? same storyFeb 24 00:27
schestowitzNot in the minds of peopleFeb 24 00:27
schestowitzLots of money in the hype millFeb 24 00:27
twitterthe phrase sounded like something Eric Blair would have liked.Feb 24 00:28
schestowitzPR people orchestrating itFeb 24 00:28
Balrog_well the media can say whatever they want, but when it hits the market, if it sucks, people will hate itFeb 24 00:28
twitterThey have been singing for years.  More than two since launch.... fail.Feb 24 00:28
schestowitzVocabularies run thinFeb 24 00:28
schestowitzPeople's associations tooFeb 24 00:29
schestowitzPeople are indoctrinated until they really believe that "free" means bad..Feb 24 00:29
schestowitzUnless you're a "beggar"Feb 24 00:29
twitterOr that free means, "came with the computer"Feb 24 00:29
schestowitz"Community" is sometimes a bad word tooFeb 24 00:29
schestowitzIt's similar to "communism" (=Russia, USSR = bad in people's minds)Feb 24 00:30
Balrog_that's one place where Apple doesn't seem to be causing problems...Feb 24 00:30
schestowitzSharing means "piracy"Feb 24 00:30
twitteryes, there's lots of hate built into the word "community" now.Feb 24 00:30
schestowitzMeans raping and stuff..Feb 24 00:30
Balrog_russian-style communism is really totalitarianismFeb 24 00:30
schestowitz"Community" is now perceived like "protest"Feb 24 00:30
schestowitzAs in "The community is burning effigies new your neighbourhood"Feb 24 00:31
schestowitz*nearFeb 24 00:31
schestowitzBalrog: or socialism... Marxism just being a part of itFeb 24 00:31
Balrog_well I haven't heard that terminology yet.Feb 24 00:31
twitterBlack activists used the term "community" a lot before the internet.  Broadcasters cut and pasted things together to make them look like idiots and made fun of the word.Feb 24 00:31
schestowitzThe meaning of Libertarian was invested tooFeb 24 00:31
schestowitzSo that people cannot describe themselves in this wayFeb 24 00:31
schestowitzDiluting vocabularies.Feb 24 00:31
Balrog_yeah :/Feb 24 00:31
twittertainting vocabularyFeb 24 00:32
schestowitzFilms intill imagesFeb 24 00:32
Balrog_the thing with free software is that if you don't want to participate, you don't have toFeb 24 00:32
Balrog_people don't get thatFeb 24 00:32
schestowitzThey dig dowqn into people's suppressed emotions.Feb 24 00:32
schestowitzBrainwashing the masses That's what celebrities are partly about...Feb 24 00:32
schestowitzTo an extentFeb 24 00:32
Balrog_yeah.Feb 24 00:32
twitterthey create fearFeb 24 00:32
schestowitzSet up role modelFeb 24 00:32
schestowitzThen use them to call new rulesFeb 24 00:32
schestowitzDemonstrations can be shown as "Secary"Feb 24 00:33
schestowitzWhich daemonises unionsFeb 24 00:33
schestowitzAnd suppressed democratising forces like labour unions.Feb 24 00:33
schestowitzWithout democratising forces, it's somehing else altogetherFeb 24 00:33
schestowitzNo referendums... just elections once in 4 years.. pseudo-elections run by the business community that funds them.Feb 24 00:33
schestowitzOnce in 4 years, they put on 'the show of democracy"... like the Olympic games :-)Feb 24 00:34
twittershock and aweFeb 24 00:35
MinceRfunny thing, the ussr never even got close to implementing communismFeb 24 00:37
MinceRall they've managed to do was a socialist dictatorshipFeb 24 00:37
twitterbyzantine managed economyFeb 24 00:38
schestowitzWhat about Cuba?Feb 24 00:38
Balrog_read Animal Farm by orwell?Feb 24 00:39
Balrog_he was a socialist by the wayFeb 24 00:39
schestowitzI should, but haven'tFeb 24 00:39
schestowitzCuba faces economic strangulations from just one country in the entire world.Feb 24 00:39
schestowitzBuShAFeb 24 00:39
schestowitzObama will hopefully mend thisFeb 24 00:39
schestowitzAs well as get rid of the torture 'states'.Feb 24 00:40
Balrog_don't have high hopes in obama thoughFeb 24 00:40
MinceRcuba is the same as ussr, it only lasts longer.Feb 24 00:40
MinceRi don't trust obama eitherFeb 24 00:41
Balrog_cuba is smaller, and doesn't kill millions of peopleFeb 24 00:41
MinceRhe's a corporate puppet, he does whatever money tells him to.Feb 24 00:41
MinceRcuba doesn't kill millions of people because they can't afford itFeb 24 00:42
MinceRthey've successfully bombed their economy to shreds with their planned economyFeb 24 00:42
schestowitzme neitherFeb 24 00:42
MinceRand they didn't have the natural resources the ussr didFeb 24 00:42
schestowitzwhen he hired with MAFIAA type at Biden's request, then it deserves to be called OBAMAAFeb 24 00:42
Balrog_yesFeb 24 00:43
MinceR:)Feb 24 00:43
schestowitzBut some people love himFeb 24 00:43
schestowitzMcBush would have been worseFeb 24 00:43
Balrog_Cuba isn't any better than the USSRFeb 24 00:43
MinceRsome people love ballmer, some people love gates, some people love jobsFeb 24 00:43
Balrog_heh. I didn't like himFeb 24 00:43
MinceRpeople are stupid.Feb 24 00:43
Balrog_I think all these people have flawsFeb 24 00:43
schestowitz   > Balrog_> Cuba isn't any better than the USSRFeb 24 00:44
Balrog_though ballmer is pretty obviousFeb 24 00:44
schestowitzJust how bad is USSR?Feb 24 00:44
schestowitzCompared to others...Feb 24 00:44
schestowitzI mean, USA and UK have colonialised for agesFeb 24 00:44
schestowitzBut the countries tell the stories differently in the English languageFeb 24 00:44
Balrog_killing 10s of millions of people for no reason ....Feb 24 00:44
schestowitzThat's Stalin.Feb 24 00:45
Balrog_USA and UK treated slaves badly tooFeb 24 00:45
Balrog_yeah. Stalin was behind the USSRFeb 24 00:45
schestowitzChina built the US to a degree. Railroads and all (I exaggerate here)Feb 24 00:45
schestowitzThe whole country was hijacked from natives tooFeb 24 00:45
Balrog_or rather Chinese immigrantsFeb 24 00:45
schestowitzYesFeb 24 00:45
schestowitzIndians too have origins thereFeb 24 00:46
schestowitz'Indians' ratherFeb 24 00:46
Balrog_the US (as it is now) was built by immigrantsFeb 24 00:46
schestowitzThey didn't have gunpowder on time.Feb 24 00:46
MinceRgnFeb 24 00:54
*mib_pw5zkj (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 00:55
*Balrog_ has quit ("bye")Feb 24 01:21
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 01:27
*mib_lvc1b0 (i=ccd2b553@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 01:59
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*mib_pj87jn (i=4b45a4dc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 02:04
mib_pj87jnhi allFeb 24 02:04
schestowitzHey there.Feb 24 02:04
schestowitzWhat's up?Feb 24 02:04
mib_pj87jnjust finished my homeworkFeb 24 02:05
mib_pj87jngot a book to learn c programmingFeb 24 02:05
mib_pj87jnso I can help linuxFeb 24 02:05
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 24 02:05
schestowitzThe kernel?Feb 24 02:05
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 02:06
mib_pj87jnyeaFeb 24 02:06
schestowitzit's among the best known examples of C projectsFeb 24 02:06
schestowitz 24 02:06
mib_pj87jnohFeb 24 02:07
mib_pj87jnthe book i got is actually c++ I thinkFeb 24 02:08
mib_pj87jnlemme checkFeb 24 02:08
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 24 02:08
mib_pj87jncrap, left it at school I thinkFeb 24 02:09
Balrog_linux is a lot of C++ tooFeb 24 02:09
schestowitzDigital books are handy. You can copy and paste to run and hack.Feb 24 02:09
schestowitzBalrog: it does?Feb 24 02:10
schestowitzMaybe in some modules, not the core..?Feb 24 02:10
mib_pj87jnso is c++ ok then?Feb 24 02:11
mib_pj87jnor should I return the book and get one for c?Feb 24 02:12
schestowitzYes, it is.Feb 24 02:13
schestowitzThere are many options, but it's not syntax that countFeb 24 02:13
schestowitz*countsFeb 24 02:13
schestowitzIt's about understanding methods and programming patterns.Feb 24 02:14
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 24 02:14
mib_pj87jnno idea what those are but okFeb 24 02:16
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 02:19
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schestowitzmib_pj87jn: 24 02:19
*mib_pw5zkj has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 24 02:20
mib_pj87jnthanksFeb 24 02:22
mib_pj87jnhopefully the library has that oneFeb 24 02:22
schestowitzIt's very commons one.. many libraries might have it in stock.Feb 24 02:26
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 02:35
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 24 02:36
mib_pj87jnhave you heard of 24 02:37
mib_pj87jnfriend told me it's goodFeb 24 02:37
mib_pj87jnfor programming questionsFeb 24 02:37
schestowitzI haven't heard of it, sorry.Feb 24 02:42
schestowitzIt's useful to learn from experienceFeb 24 02:42
schestowitzHacking on existing code, like RMS would suggest too. Download some KDE code and look through it...Feb 24 02:42
mib_pj87jnyea, I tried that but it's too confusingFeb 24 02:45
schestowitzClass names not familiar?Feb 24 02:46
*schestowitz watches on US propagandaFeb 24 02:47
mib_pj87jnjust hard to understand what lines were doingFeb 24 02:48
twitterfunnyFeb 24 02:48
twitter "In the normal course of business, we may underpay or overpay in a bonus situation," said Lisa Brummel, the senior vice president of human resources for Microsoft.Feb 24 02:48
twitterThey must use their own software to calculate pay.Feb 24 02:48
twitteris there something you would like to have working better, mib?Feb 24 02:50
twittermaking small changes to existing code is a good way to learnFeb 24 02:50
twitterI think you can get K and R C without charge nowFeb 24 02:51
schestowitzI thought about taking the task of writing patches for bug reportFeb 24 02:54
schestowitzLearning while helping millions of usersFeb 24 02:54
schestowitz skip to minute 3.Feb 24 03:00
*mib_pj87jn has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 24 03:06
*fade-in has quit ("leaving")Feb 24 03:20
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 03:41
*hackers_125 (i=0fd3a96b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 04:12
hackers_125hai allFeb 24 04:12
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*twitter (n=willhill@ has left #boycottnovellFeb 24 04:25
*tessier has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Feb 24 07:27
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-christel-[Global Notice] Hi all, In a few moment two of our ircd servers (denis and lindbohm) will be going down for scheduled maintenance, affected users are in the region of 1400. The downtime shouldn't be particularly substantial. Apologies for the inconvenience, thank you for flying freenode and have a good day!Feb 24 08:56
*tristus (i=5212f83f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 09:33
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schestowitz"Jupitermedia is changing its name to "WebMediaBrands Inc." The announcement comes along with the official sale of Jupiterimages to Getty Images for $96 million in cash." 24 09:52
schestowitz 24 09:53
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 09:59
schestowitzAhhh! I found out what caused the tabbing issue... stupid theme was brokenFeb 24 10:02
MinceRgeekingsFeb 24 10:05
oiaohmHi allFeb 24 10:07
schestowitzHeyFeb 24 10:08
oiaohmMy normal machine is now felling like normal that it does not have 8 harddrives connected.Feb 24 10:08
schestowitzGood news to Linux this weekFeb 24 10:08
schestowitz:-) 8?Feb 24 10:08
schestowitzSupeRAIDFeb 24 10:08
oiaohmData recovery.Feb 24 10:10
oiaohmMain OS takes 2 on raid mirror raid so its stable.Feb 24 10:10
oiaohm2 disks from a raid I imaged from onto another 2 drives.Feb 24 10:11
oiaohmand 2 drives for testing rebuilds on.Feb 24 10:11
oiaohmYep does not take long to being in harddrive hell doing recoveries.Feb 24 10:11
schestowitzSounds like funFeb 24 10:13
schestowitzbrbFeb 24 10:13
schestowitzTobaco Company Offers Perks to British Parliamentary Aides  < >Feb 24 10:26
oiaohmExacty what do you call the best news this week schestowitzFeb 24 10:28
schestowitzNot sure about "best", but whilst Microsoft and Apple are in a standstill, Linux made many big announcements and releases.Feb 24 10:31
oiaohmX11 1.6.0 in final shake down.Feb 24 10:32
oiaohmI the best of me.Feb 24 10:32
oiaohmI/ISFeb 24 10:32
*mib_n1orzw (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 10:38
*cyad (i=4f74aca8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 10:38
schestowitzHey, cyad Feb 24 10:42
*cyad has quit (Client Quit)Feb 24 10:43
*mib_n1orzw has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 24 10:44
*ChanServ has quit ( 24 10:46
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 10:48
* gives channel operator status to ChanServFeb 24 10:48
schestowitzI've asked the 451 Group who sponsors them. 3 people, no answer... so they would rather not say who buys influence from them. And they visited Redmond last year, which is why this seemed necessary. 24 10:53
*ChanServ has quit ( 24 10:56
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 10:59
* gives channel operator status to ChanServFeb 24 10:59
oiaohm  Interesting idea.Feb 24 11:18
schestowitz 24 11:22
oiaohmbefore browser shots there aways had been browser compare sites.Feb 24 11:23
oiaohmI cannot think of a site that compared Office programs format compadiblity before.Feb 24 11:23
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 11:31
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schestowitzAnd Now It's Twitter That's Evil < >Feb 24 11:50
*zer0c00l_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 24 11:51
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schestowitzJobs to skip Apple shareholders meeting < >. Apple has been eerily quiet recently... no news, nothing of substance, slowing business.Feb 24 11:56
trmancomeh, know what... Gmail is downFeb 24 11:56
trmanco 24 11:57
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 11:59
*zer0c00l_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 24 12:00
schestowitzSoon will come the Microsoft talking points with FUD like "that's why 'clouds' are no good"Feb 24 12:00
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 24 12:00
trmancoschestowitz, it is working fineFeb 24 12:00
trmancoif you access it via IMAP it works, people are just to dependent on the web interfaceFeb 24 12:01
trmanco 24 12:01
trmancooh crapFeb 24 12:01
trmancosorry for the dupe linkFeb 24 12:01
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 12:04
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*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 12:04
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*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 12:30
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 24 12:34
schestowitz "Perspective: Hollywood is talking off the record about its real reason for wanting DRM?opportunities to sell you back your rights."Feb 24 12:36
oiaohm  Wonder how long before they embed networking over power into this.Feb 24 12:52
schestowitzInteresting chart: 24 12:55
schestowitz "An article last Sunday about Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, misspelled the surname of the then-governor of Illinois who talked with Mr. Emanuel about the vacant Senate seat in his state. He is Rod R. Blagojevich, not Blogojevich."Feb 24 13:02
schestowitzWe got cited in Beta News: "One developer contended in the Boycott Novell blog that, "as time goes by, Novell becomes more and more like a reflection of Microsoft, especially in the technical sense.""Feb 24 13:08
*mib_w3k7bx (i=29fac0a9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 13:09
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schestowitztrmanco: I told you. Microsoft folks (Kelly Fiveash ) uses Google downtime to slam 'the cloud': 24 13:38
schestowitz"UK network operator Vodafone has confirmed it is laying off 500 staff in its continuing effort to cut costs in the face of falling profits." 24 13:39
trmancoschestowitz, you talking about this-> "Updated Google's Gmail has once again plummeted out of the cloud and the company is scurrying to fix the problem nearly an hour after it went titsup."Feb 24 13:39
trmancoright?Feb 24 13:39
schestowitzYeah, whatever they say to reduce confidence in Google. it's always the MSFTers who use this as slime opportunity. But not when and live/msn are down...Feb 24 13:40
trmancoschestowitz, It never been downFeb 24 13:40
trmancoIMAP is working, and I'm sure pop was working tooFeb 24 13:41
schestowitzNokia takes $.6 bn.. < > probably shows they bet the farm on SymbianFeb 24 13:41
trmancothe SMTP server was also working at well, people have to shut up and search for alternatives to access Gmail when this happensFeb 24 13:41
schestowitzTo a lot of people, E-mail is Blue EFeb 24 13:41
trmancoand some people should also stop being web-o-dependentFeb 24 13:42
trmancoBlue E for what? Exchange?Feb 24 13:42
schestowitz"Flash memory maker Spansion is cutting approximately 3,000 jobs, or 35 per cent of its workforce." 24 13:42
schestowitztrmanco: Explorer. They use Web mail.Feb 24 13:42
trmancothe 502 error is related to load issuesFeb 24 13:43
trmancomaybe Google forgot to do some maintenanceFeb 24 13:43
schestowitzMS PR blunder: 24 13:44
schestowitz Gmail down and out  < >Feb 24 13:45
schestowitzWebmail down, not GmailFeb 24 13:45
schestowitz" pop3 & smtp works "Feb 24 13:45
schestowitz(from the comments)Feb 24 13:45
trmancoand IMAP tooFeb 24 13:45
schestowitz"Yeah, Gmail stopped working for 2 hours. Bit of a storm in a tea cup. Who cares if I can't access my mail for an hour or two. Considering the fact that the global economy has collapsed it's a small relief to be email free for a morning. Cup of tea anyone? "Feb 24 13:46
schestowitzMicrosofters catch every moment of Google downtime, to capture and dramatiseFeb 24 13:46
schestowitzDoug has been posting in USENET about several Microsoft downtimes in the past week. I was also to reproduce... it was down badly.Feb 24 13:47
oiaohmHot mail was off line for a week onceFeb 24 13:47
oiaohmSo I really don't see where MS guys can speek.Feb 24 13:47
schestowitzOMG. Look at this picture: 24 13:47
schestowitzIsn't face-twisting a little over the line? It's like Elephant Man..Feb 24 13:48
schestowitzoiaohm: what year? I didn't know thatFeb 24 13:48
trmancoI was to late to confirm if there was MS downtimes or notFeb 24 13:48
trmancohotmail is a real piece of shit compared to GmailFeb 24 13:49
trmancohotmail€«s spam filter sucks, it doesn't know the difference between real spam and legit email 90% of the timesFeb 24 13:50
trmancono imap access, they have pop access I think, but are we still living in the computer ice age?Feb 24 13:50
schestowitzThey blocked Pop3 after a while I think... or was it Yahoo?Feb 24 13:51
schestowitzI had a Yahoo mail account around 1999-2001, I thinkFeb 24 13:52
schestowitzThen they stopped Pop3.Feb 24 13:52
trmancoI don't recall Yahoo having pop3 access at all, maybe I'm living under e rock? :-PFeb 24 13:52
schestowitzThey could still offer POP3 to high-paying customersFeb 24 13:52
schestowitztrmanco: no, they stopped it when you were like 11 :-DFeb 24 13:52
trmancoyeah, I opened up a yahoo account 4 years after thatFeb 24 13:52
trmancoof yeahFeb 24 13:53
trmanco:-PFeb 24 13:53
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 24 13:53
trmancooh*Feb 24 13:53
schestowitzSo I used my CS account for a while, then registered after someone advised me toFeb 24 13:53
schestowitzWith your own domain you can set up different accounts (say.. 22 in my case) and manage the routing based on addresses)Feb 24 13:54
schestowitz 24 13:55
trmancowowFeb 24 13:56
trmanco2.5 yearsFeb 24 13:56
trmancooutlook is bloatedFeb 24 13:57
schestowitz 24 13:58
schestowitzI really forgot just how much I sued to write in a personal blog many years back.. the same still holds true.. 24 13:59
schestowitzMSBBC also with the FUD: 24 14:00
schestowitz"MPs are getting more adept at using the internet - but they tend to see it as way of talking to rather than hearing from voters, new research suggests." 24 14:00
trmancoah HordeFeb 24 14:01
trmancothis is what my ISP contributesFeb 24 14:01
trmancoand uses on there Email serviceFeb 24 14:01
schestowitzHorde is not fast, but i spent hundreds of hours on it.. it's decent if you move a lotFeb 24 14:03
schestowitzAlso, bear in mind that was in 2004ish (until 2007), so the options available at the time were different. I was working from 3 different locations back then... home, work, university.Feb 24 14:03
trmancoI like roundcubeFeb 24 14:04
trmanco 24 14:04
oiaohmWhen Microsoft took over hotmail schestowitzFeb 24 14:05
oiaohmThere was a nice big server screwup.Feb 24 14:05
oiaohmThey tried raidly coverent a freebsd system ie hotmail to windows servers.Feb 24 14:06
trmancoyeah I was told this some time agoFeb 24 14:07
schestowitzCan A Link, By Itself, Be Copyright Infringement? < >Feb 24 14:08
*mib_zftdzp (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 14:08
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schestowitztanderson: doyou know Tiago Manco < >? He just added me as a friend.Feb 24 14:20
trmancoschestowitz, that is my a family relative of mineFeb 24 14:21
trmancoI share your BN posts with himFeb 24 14:22
trmancohe likes what you write tooFeb 24 14:22
trmancoremove my*Feb 24 14:22
schestowitzCool, thanks.Feb 24 14:22
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 24 14:23
schestowitzFirefox 3.1 Won't Ship This Quarter < >Feb 24 14:25
trmancoahh crapFeb 24 14:26
schestowitzMicron to Lay off as Many as 2,000 in Boise < >Feb 24 14:26
trmancoit probably won't make it into Jaunty (Stable build)Feb 24 14:27
schestowitzI want Ogg support in the browser already )Feb 24 14:27
trmancoso do IFeb 24 14:27
trmancoand faster javascriptFeb 24 14:27
schestowitzMandriva only moved in FF3 last week (well, at repo level)Feb 24 14:27
schestowitzJavaScript? You run that thing. :-)Feb 24 14:28
trmancoThere are PPA's out there with FF 3.1, but I don't feel comfortable installing it just yetFeb 24 14:28
trmancoOf course I run Javascript :-PFeb 24 14:28
schestowitzThis speeds JS up  a lot: 24 14:29
trmancoWorker threads sound promisingFeb 24 14:29
trmancoyeah, adblock also increases page load timeFeb 24 14:29
schestowitzIncreases?Feb 24 14:32
trmancosorry, decreasesFeb 24 14:33
trmancoI was still thinking about javascriptFeb 24 14:34
trmancoLOLFeb 24 15:24
trmancoSafari 4 is outFeb 24 15:24
trmancoit is worth mentioning because of it's rendering engineFeb 24 15:24
MinceRyay, new version of the malware masquerading as a browser :>Feb 24 15:25
schestowitzThe fanboits in Digg must be going wild... 24 15:26
schestowitz*sunny typo there.. boi.. fanbot ...Feb 24 15:26
MinceR:)Feb 24 15:27
schestowitzU.S. Stocks Close At 12-year Lows As Financial Worries Mount < >Feb 24 15:28
schestowitzObama said there would be ChangeFeb 24 15:28
trmanco 24 15:28
MinceRwhere once was Banknote, now is ChangeFeb 24 15:29
*schestowitz thinks Shuttleworth must be busy because he's never shaved in recent interviewsFeb 24 15:30
trmancoLOLFeb 24 15:30
trmancoit's his styleFeb 24 15:30
schestowitzMinceR: "Change please" 24 15:32
MinceRindeedFeb 24 15:33
schestowitz 24 15:33
schestowitz skip to minute 3. Turns out that in  the great depression corporations were blamed as well, so propaganda from Bernays and other scum was invokedFeb 24 15:34
schestowitzIt's also interesting to see Goebbels and the US president there like a couple of chums exchanging ideas..Feb 24 15:35
trmanco 24 15:42
trmancoqq.comFeb 24 15:42
trmancoweird, it uses apache thoughFeb 24 15:42
trmancoIE 8 still does not resize text sized in pixels: 24 15:44
trmancosay hello to figlet and toilet 24 15:55
*mib_zynwrr (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 15:58
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schestowitz*LOL* "echo 'toilet -f mono12 -F metal nixCraft' >> ~/.bashrc"Feb 24 15:59
schestowitz"toilet .. mono"Feb 24 15:59
schestowitz 24 15:59
*jose (n=jose@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 16:00
trmancooopsFeb 24 16:01
trmanco:-PFeb 24 16:01
joseschestowitz, can you search for the conversation here several days back about the mono bug report to arch linux?Feb 24 16:01
balzaclartFeb 24 16:01
schestowitzyesFeb 24 16:01
josei don't have note of it because it was irc..Feb 24 16:01
schestowitz 24 16:02
schestowitzI'm not sure what to search for exactly.Feb 24 16:02
joseok, i forgot.. search pulls things out of irc logsFeb 24 16:04
josei'll do itFeb 24 16:04
josei found that search doesn't pull things out of comments to blog postingsFeb 24 16:04
josewill look for it now, but seems it was on the 13thFeb 24 16:06
schestowitzYou can use Google search on the site (right hand side menu)Feb 24 16:09
jose 24 16:10
josei typed in freenode and searched a few pages or irc logs backwardsFeb 24 16:11
joseyes, i do usually use google with site:www.boyc....Feb 24 16:11
jose"usually" for a short time actually since i only started using the site tag recently seeing some examples of what you posted hereFeb 24 16:12
joseok, i did use google before.. just not without the site tag but i might add to the searchFeb 24 16:13
balzacI'm going to watch that video series about mass persuasionFeb 24 16:14
schestowitzThere are many like that. Truly disturbing.Feb 24 16:14
balzacwell, there's going to be group psychology in any contextFeb 24 16:15
balzacthe problem is when people have bad taste, or worse, no taste and no sense of humorFeb 24 16:15
balzacfascism and totalitarianism arise from life without styleFeb 24 16:16
MinceRi think they arise for blatant disregard for freedomFeb 24 16:16
schestowitzDeath by Poking? < >Feb 24 16:16
MinceRmostly on the part of the populationFeb 24 16:16
balzacMinceR: they always claim to be liberatorsFeb 24 16:17
schestowitzOf courseFeb 24 16:17
balzacthey think freedom comes from destroying "degeneracy"Feb 24 16:17
schestowitzEven the propaganda is "to save democratic values"Feb 24 16:17
balzacwhich is how they view art and lifestyleFeb 24 16:17
schestowitzWhich is funny because propaganda eliminates democracyFeb 24 16:17
schestowitzIt tells people what to think and how to feelFeb 24 16:17
schestowitz"be scared... feel hateful of <them>... support our troops"Feb 24 16:18
MinceRbalzac: then it might also come from not understanding what freedom isFeb 24 16:19
*gentoofan23_ (n=gentoofa@gentoo/developer/gentoofan23) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 16:22
*tanderson has quit (Nick collision from services.)Feb 24 16:22
*gentoofan23_ is now known as tandersonFeb 24 16:22
trmancowhy does Microsoft insist in knowing what security is: 24 16:29
trmancolook how confusing it is to rewrite urls in .NETFeb 24 16:29
trmancoyet another hole in Excel 24 16:31
schestowitzYes, seen it :-)Feb 24 16:31
trmancomaybe this was the cause for microsoft to start asking for refunds to its ex-employeesFeb 24 16:31
schestowitzI'll add another to URL list: 24 16:31
trmanco"An unknown hacker, breeched there systems and changed some cells in excel"Feb 24 16:32
schestowitztrmanco: maybe they tried xlsx (or whatever extension happily accepts bugs as standards)Feb 24 16:32
schestowitzOOXML is a standretrard.Feb 24 16:33
schestowitzLook ma! No brown. 24 16:33
trmanco"Impact:  A remote user can create an Excel file that, when loaded by the target user, will execute arbitrary code on the target user's system."Feb 24 16:34
trmancoBrown served Ubuntu for longFeb 24 16:34
MinceRfinally the Age of Brown is over :>Feb 24 16:35
MinceRbut what's the new color?Feb 24 16:35
balzacI don't like the beige skin-colorFeb 24 16:35
MinceRmy guess is green, but i haven't seen any info on itFeb 24 16:35
balzacI don't want my computer to look like various human skin-tonesFeb 24 16:36
balzacAlso, I find myself dropping gnome applicationsFeb 24 16:36
balzacI don't want anti-aliasing on my terminal fonts, so I use xterm instead of gnome terminalFeb 24 16:36
trmancoI like brown, dark brown from the dark room themeFeb 24 16:37
balzacI don't want the complicated, mouse-driven UI of xchat, so I use irssiFeb 24 16:37
trmancoirssi doesn't fulfill my needsFeb 24 16:37
trmancoI'm in 18 channels spread across 3 networksFeb 24 16:38
trmancoI would prefer to use emacs+irc extensionFeb 24 16:38
balzacirssi can handle 19 channels and multiple networksFeb 24 16:38
balzacI'll have to check out erc more closelyFeb 24 16:38
trmancobalzac, I know, but it is a little confusingFeb 24 16:39
balzacI use emacs every day, but it is deepFeb 24 16:39
balzacthe shortcut key-bindingsFeb 24 16:39
balzac?Feb 24 16:39
MinceRi do want antialiasing :)Feb 24 16:39
MinceRirssi can handle hundreds of channelsFeb 24 16:40
balzacyeahFeb 24 16:40
balzacbut then you go beyond the key-board shortcuts which is a trivial matterFeb 24 16:40
MinceRyou can make more shortcutsFeb 24 16:40
balzacyou have to use special short-cuts to reach channels beyond 19Feb 24 16:40
MinceRi have shortcuts up to window 52 (alt+shift+B)Feb 24 16:40
balzaci'm an irssi newbFeb 24 16:41
MinceRand /number aliases for even furtherFeb 24 16:41
balzacbut I always pick great software and irssi is quite niceFeb 24 16:41
balzacI'm liking the colored fonts inside gnu screenFeb 24 16:42
trmancoyeah, shortcuts, I'm not very good at them (keyboard)Feb 24 16:42
balzacnot sure why my bash sessions are lacking color in the gnu screen session...Feb 24 16:42
balzacirssi has colors inside screenFeb 24 16:43
balzacA new version of Bash has been releasedFeb 24 16:43
balzacit's pretty excitingFeb 24 16:43
balzacI'm excited about emacs 23 as wellFeb 24 16:45
balzacGNU POWERFeb 24 16:46
balzacHARD POWERFeb 24 16:46
trmancoyeah, aliased fontsFeb 24 16:48
trmancoanti-aliased *Feb 24 16:49
-christel-[Global Notice] Hi all, I'm about to take services offline for a few moments to restore some stuff from the db, as JonathanD would say "on freenode, staff happens.." -- They should be back with you shortly and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.Feb 24 16:52
*ChanServ has quit (shutting down)Feb 24 16:52
balzacyou've got to have a high resolution monitor or the anti-aliasing actually degrades readabilityFeb 24 16:52
MinceRthere's more to it than that, like correct hinting configurationFeb 24 16:54
MinceRbut my laptop is 1920x1200 and most of my desktops are at 1680x1050Feb 24 16:55
balzacwell, I like xterm with the font-size set at the second from the largestFeb 24 16:56
balzaccrisp, big, mono-spaceFeb 24 16:56
MinceRi like urxvt with "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=14" for irssiFeb 24 16:56
balzacdark bg, white or light-grey textFeb 24 16:56
MinceRand konsole with DejaVu Sans Mono at 11 for everything elseFeb 24 16:57
trmancomeh, console g33ks :-PFeb 24 16:57
schestowitzn00bs :-)Feb 24 16:58
trmancomy console font is monospaceFeb 24 16:58
trmancoat 12 pxFeb 24 16:58
schestowitzL33t lxers user WordFeb 24 16:58
MinceRw3rd.Feb 24 16:58
trmancoanti-aliased I thinkFeb 24 16:58
schestowitzWord up!Feb 24 16:58
balzacany font which is not monospace is more for writers than programmersFeb 24 16:58
trmancogr8Feb 24 16:58
MinceRhttp://www.encyclopediadramatica...Feb 24 16:59
trmancomy text color is green and my background color is blackFeb 24 16:59
MinceRi prefer most of my gui to be proportionalFeb 24 16:59
MinceRbut obviously it doesn't make sense for a text terminalFeb 24 16:59
trmancoLOLFeb 24 16:59
trmanconice image MinceRFeb 24 17:00
Balrogschestowitz: Supreme Court sides with RambusFeb 24 17:00
balzacThe column text operations are necessaryFeb 24 17:01
Balrog 24 17:01
balzacnow I'm trying to learn to use lynx or some other text-based browserFeb 24 17:02
trmancobalzac, use w3mFeb 24 17:02
trmanco:-PFeb 24 17:02
balzacfor more efficient browsing sessions with time wasted on rendering pagesFeb 24 17:02
MinceRlinks2 ftwFeb 24 17:02
Balrogwhat about elinks?Feb 24 17:02
balzacwith *no* time wastedFeb 24 17:02
balzacMinceR: I'll check it outFeb 24 17:03
Balrog(that's what I use)Feb 24 17:03
balzacAlso, I need to get handy with cURL for abusing web-servicesFeb 24 17:03
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 17:03
* gives channel operator status to ChanServFeb 24 17:03
trmancobalzac, preparing a DoS attack?Feb 24 17:04
trmanco:-pFeb 24 17:04
joseBalrog, that's great news for Microsoft.Feb 24 17:04
balzacno, but I do want to automate my interactions with tedious web applicationsFeb 24 17:04
Balrogjose: about Rambus?Feb 24 17:04
joseyesFeb 24 17:05
Balrogso Rambus sneaking in patented standards is good?Feb 24 17:05
josepatented standards are heavenly for the sort of business they runFeb 24 17:05
josenot good at all.. for me and most everyone on the planetFeb 24 17:05
Balrogbecause the supreme court sided with RambusFeb 24 17:06
joseit says something about standards orgsFeb 24 17:06
joseand trustFeb 24 17:06
josenow everyone will want to submarine their patentsFeb 24 17:06
josehope remains relatively safeFeb 24 17:07
josethey adopt other's standards thoughFeb 24 17:07
josealso lsbFeb 24 17:07
joseschestowitz, sjvn wrote about redhat coming back to the desktop scene in a formal and focused manner.Feb 24 17:09
joseto what extent is that exaggerated?Feb 24 17:09
josei had heard they had backed out of that spaceFeb 24 17:10
josecost-effectivenessFeb 24 17:10
josethe virtualization plays, advances in desktop, and various other things may have helped them re-evaluateFeb 24 17:11
*kentma has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 24 17:11
joseit's strategic for them to have a formal desktopFeb 24 17:11
joseimportant to fight novellFeb 24 17:11
josebrandioch conner..Feb 24 17:11
joseat the time wrote about how ubuntu would steal their lunchFeb 24 17:11
josebecause they focused on desktops.. which got people to try it.. and then feel comfortable and move to the server.Feb 24 17:11
josei know they have fedora, so not sure the significance despite being a good pointFeb 24 17:12
joseanyway, rht apparently has always had a desktop offeringFeb 24 17:12
josethey need to challenge microsoft+novell at the desktopFeb 24 17:12
josethe issue for them i guess is supportFeb 24 17:13
trmanco 24 17:14
joseBalrog, not sure what you meant by your last comment, but i suppose instead of "planet" i should have said "those affected by this decision".. it may help set a bad pattern like the software patents decision of decade or two ago.Feb 24 17:15
BalrogI get it nowFeb 24 17:18
Balrogin any case, it's not fully finalFeb 24 17:19
schestowitzBalrog: yes, I write about Rambus right now.Feb 24 17:21
trmancoHow long will guys think before Safari works in Wine?Feb 24 17:22
trmancoplace your bets :-PFeb 24 17:23
schestowitzSend safari to the lionsFeb 24 17:25
trmancolions are in AfricaFeb 24 17:26
MinceRwhy would anyone want to run safari in wine?Feb 24 17:31
trmancoto prove how good WINE isFeb 24 17:32
trmancothe more apps it runs, the betterFeb 24 17:32
balzacwhy would anyone want to run safari?Feb 24 17:32
trmancobalzac, I dunno that oneFeb 24 17:32
balzacwell, wine will always be a couple steps behind the latest versionFeb 24 17:32
balzacof windowsFeb 24 17:32
balzacit provides the opportunity to legally run windows apps without a windows licenseFeb 24 17:33
trmancooh yeah, but it always catches up at the endFeb 24 17:33
balzacwhich is nice as a method of under-cutting M$ revenueFeb 24 17:33
*jose has quit ("Leaving")Feb 24 17:35
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 17:35
*MrMidland (i=5246ec6d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 17:39
MrMidlandHi Roy,Feb 24 17:39
MrMidlandOn my way to gym from workFeb 24 17:39
MrMidlandin the meantime here is another link..........Feb 24 17:40
MrMidland 24 17:40
Balrogyou can use Webkit - GTKFeb 24 17:40
Balrog:PFeb 24 17:40
MrMidland?Feb 24 17:41
*mib_m8r551 (i=c818103c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 17:43
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schestowitzOops. Missed Mike's entrance.Feb 24 17:51
kentmaas the actress said to the bishop...Feb 24 17:52
schestowitzbblFeb 24 18:01
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 18:15
trmancolook at this comment: 24 19:12
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 19:27
trmanco 24 20:14
schestowitzhehe... "if (65535==65535) { install trojan; } else { don't install trojan; }"Feb 24 20:23
schestowitz 24 20:23
schestowitz"I still portion a large part of the blame at Alan Greenspan who jacked up US interest rates 15 times in a row."Feb 24 20:24
schestowitz"Of course that doesn't excuse poor financial regulation and boss's still getting rewarded for failure."Feb 24 20:25
schestowitz 24 20:25
*Casperin has quit ("Leaving")Feb 24 20:27
trmancolooolFeb 24 20:41
trmancoschestowitz, have you seen that comment on /.Feb 24 20:41
trmanco?Feb 24 20:41
schestowitzI saw a fewFeb 24 20:45
trmanco this one in specificFeb 24 20:46
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 20:51
trmancoschestowitz, 24 20:56
trmancodoesn't KDE usa (cute)?Feb 24 20:56
trmancouse*Feb 24 20:56
trmancoso Safari 4 does install already -> 24 21:00
trmancoit just crashes on start upFeb 24 21:01
schestowitztrmanco: yes, interestingFeb 24 21:07
schestowitzHow old is this project?Feb 24 21:07
schestowitztrmanco: yes, wine has good security policy. It shoots down malwareFeb 24 21:08
trmancoLOLFeb 24 21:08
trmancoI don't know, I saw the link on a mono listFeb 24 21:09
trmancoit looks recentFeb 24 21:09
trmancothe introduction wiki page was written on the 3rd of FebruaryFeb 24 21:10
trmanco 24 21:10
trmancoschestowitz, haha found it 2nd a FebruaryFeb 24 21:11
trmanco scroll to the end of the pageFeb 24 21:12
schestowitz 24 21:12
schestowitz 24 21:12
schestowitzProvo, UtahFeb 24 21:12
schestowitz 24 21:13
schestowitz 24 21:14
schestowitzhe tries to being it to KDE maybe. See the KDE stuff there.Feb 24 21:14
trmancoI'm being attacked againFeb 24 21:14
trmancolets see what I can do to really piss of somebodyFeb 24 21:14
schestowitz 24 21:15
schestowitz">I liked what Ron said.Feb 24 21:15
schestowitz>Feb 24 21:15
schestowitz> David."Feb 24 21:15
schestowitz:-) The Munchkins go desperateFeb 24 21:15
schestowitzHe work for them: 24 21:18
schestowitzNot much there... 24 21:19
trmancothey did go stupid overnightFeb 24 21:20
schestowitzTo his credit, I cam't find a connection of interests, just a geographical correlation.Feb 24 21:30
trmanco 24 21:36
trmanco 24 21:41
MinceRor anything google :>Feb 24 21:42
trmancoI like GoogleFeb 24 21:44
MinceRi hate googleFeb 24 21:45
trmancopeople nowadays all use Linux, indirectlyFeb 24 21:45
trmancoso everybody that hits Google, is using Linux :-PFeb 24 21:46
schestowitzSame with most sitesFeb 24 21:49
schestowitzPeople wrongly use Google as 'the' example that everyone 'uses' LinuxFeb 24 21:50
MinceRgoogle blatantly violates privacy rights and freedoms while claiming not to do evilFeb 24 21:50
schestowitzYou could also just speak about DNS, which often runs BSD and LinuxFeb 24 21:50
MinceRthey also released google earth for linux which only works as root and has no uninstallerFeb 24 21:50
schestowitzPeopke do a lot more DNS queries than Google queriesFeb 24 21:50
schestowitzAnd everyone uses DNSFeb 24 21:51
schestowitzMinceR: they don't do evil. They say soFeb 24 21:51
MinceR:)Feb 24 21:51
trmancoit's differentFeb 24 21:51
schestowitz 24 21:51
MinceRyeah, dns is reliableFeb 24 21:52
schestowitzHow vain of them...Feb 24 21:52
MinceRalso, it doesn't collaborate with the chinese government to help censor informationFeb 24 21:52
schestowitz"Investor RelationsFeb 24 21:52
schestowitzGoogle Code of ConductFeb 24 21:52
schestowitzPrefaceFeb 24 21:52
schestowitz"Don't be evil." Googlers generally apply those words to how we serve our users. But "Don't be evil" is much more than that. Yes, it's about providing our users unbiased access to information, focusing on their needs and giving them the best products and services that we can. But it's also about doing the right thing more generally - following the law, acting honorably and treating each other with respect."Feb 24 21:52
schestowitzWhat a way TO BEGIN their investors relations pageFeb 24 21:52
schestowitzIt does smack of "defend yourtself first"Feb 24 21:53
schestowitzIt carries on: "The Google Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put "Don't be evil" into practice. It's built around the recognition that everything we do in connection with our work at Google will be, and should be, measured against the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct. "Feb 24 21:54
schestowitz"We set the bar that high for practical as well as aspirational reasons: We hire great people who work hard to build great products, and it's essential that we build an environment of trust - among ourselves and with our users. That trust and mutual respect underlie our success, and we need to earn it every day. "Feb 24 21:54
schestowitzI think they listened only to investor when deciding to censor in ChinaFeb 24 21:54
schestowitzSure was the case in Yahoo!...Feb 24 21:54
schestowitzSo they don't do evil ................................... [to their investors]Feb 24 21:55
schestowitzHence the location of the statementFeb 24 21:55
*mib_m7f3j7 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 21:59
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schestowitzOuch! "As I learned recently, „discuss“ lists silently drop all mails from non-subscribers. Oh dear! The only subscriber was /me, and so all my test mails made it through, but none of the (certainly billions) mails you sent. How awkward …" 24 22:02
MinceR 24 22:09
schestowitzIDG says: cherish the criminals who are responsible for destruction: 24 22:11
schestowitz "Given that Gmail is down, thank goodness there's still Twitter so I can waste time not working"Feb 24 22:13
schestowitzMinceR: seen first comment? Vandals.Feb 24 22:13
MinceRi read at 0, except when i have mod points.Feb 24 22:14
schestowitzTheory goes: site succeeds; site has positive influence; greedy F*s trash site; site goes on blacklist (filter or mental/perception/reputation)Feb 24 22:15
schestowitzThat's why people advise that trolling BN needs to end. We had some todayFeb 24 22:15
schestowitzRed Hat can make a decent desktop. It has RHEL and Fedora took good shape in Cambridge. [H]omer in this IRC channel recently became BLAG developer (Fedora without blobs, FSF approved)Feb 24 22:16
MinceRworld wide blag! ;)Feb 24 22:17
schestowitzJournalists have run out of news: Google's Atlantis Discovery Explained < >Feb 24 22:18
trmancoschestowitz, just moderate the commentsFeb 24 22:18
schestowitzFOSS still gets news. It's now company dependent :-D :-DFeb 24 22:18
schestowitztrmanco: define "moderate". Hide? assign number? Red text?Feb 24 22:19
MinceReveryone knows Atlantis is in the Pegasus galaxyFeb 24 22:19
trmancoschestowitz, read the comments and approve the ones that are not trolling or not offensiveFeb 24 22:19
schestowitzWhat do you make of this? Midori under another name?Feb 24 22:21
schestowitztrmanco: that's comment deletion. It would be used against us.Feb 24 22:21
trmanconot reallyFeb 24 22:22
schestowitzWhy not?Feb 24 22:22
trmancowhen somebody becomes offensive, his freedom ends and his comment should not be approvedFeb 24 22:23
schestowitzThey'll say that I delete stuff I disagree with.Feb 24 22:23
schestowitzThere's a difference between saying "you're an ass" or "this is a conspiracy theory"Feb 24 22:23
trmancoso delete the ones that say that tooFeb 24 22:23
trmancoI'm referring to the "you're an ass" :-PFeb 24 22:24
schestowitzI thought about just using IRC instead of comments. People can enter it quicklyFeb 24 22:24
schestowitztrmanco: most comments are not offensive, but they are mus-slingingsFeb 24 22:24
schestowitz*mudFeb 24 22:24
trmancowhat about trolling?Feb 24 22:24
trmancothe same thing appliesFeb 24 22:25
trmancoimoFeb 24 22:25
trmancoor, create a comment policyFeb 24 22:26
trmanco:-PFeb 24 22:26
trmancoand use a "report offensive comment" linkFeb 24 22:26
*MinceR_ (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 22:27
*MinceR has quit (Nick collision from services.)Feb 24 22:27
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRFeb 24 22:27
trmancoouchFeb 24 22:27
MinceR232848 < MinceR> what i usually make of "brand new" microsoft os-esFeb 24 22:27
MinceRif it's compatible with windows, it's just as crap as windows, therefore deadFeb 24 22:28
trmancoLOLFeb 24 22:28
trmanconice approachFeb 24 22:28
MinceRif it's really new then it has to compete on nearly the same grounds as other non-windows os-es, therefore it's deadFeb 24 22:28
MinceRsince microsoft bases its os dominance on compatibility, they're doomedFeb 24 22:29
MinceRif anyone believes they can finally come up with something new and great, they should think about vista, longhorn and winfs.Feb 24 22:30
schestowitzHehe. Longhorn.Feb 24 22:32
schestowitzIt become bullsh*t (as in Bull).Feb 24 22:32
MinceRthey keep claiming "this time we've really come up with brand new, great tech!" and it always turns out to be hot air.Feb 24 22:32
schestowitzBullshot emits hot air.Feb 24 22:34
schestowitzMicrosoft should but SteamFeb 24 22:34
Balrog_?Feb 24 22:35
Balrog_"Across the XP-Vista-Windows 7 landscape, Microsoft has fostered an ecosystem that now holds out the prospect of a mind-numbing number of incompatible drivers, unsupported devices, unsupported applications, unsupported data, patches, updates, upgrades, 'known issues' and unknown issues. Sound familiar? That's what people used to say about Linux.'"Feb 24 22:36
Balrog_ 24 22:36
MinceRwhen, in 1990?Feb 24 22:36
Balrog_that's what people used to *say*Feb 24 22:36
Balrog_and I do remember hearing it not many moons ago :pFeb 24 22:37
MinceRyeah, microsoft cultists still keep regurgitating thisFeb 24 22:37
Balrog_well, now it hits *windows*Feb 24 22:37
Balrog_:DFeb 24 22:37
schestowitzJust now?Feb 24 22:39
Balrog_I've seen it for agesFeb 24 22:40
trmancomaybe since the dos daysFeb 24 22:41
Balrog_since VxD / real mode / protected modeFeb 24 22:41
Balrog_in Win95Feb 24 22:41
schestowitzazerthoth hates freedom;.. attacking not just me but RMS too in a way: 24 22:43
schestowitzPj doesn't like LXer either because of such people who gave her grief.Feb 24 22:43
schestowitzHere come the responses to Microsoft FUD opportunism: Let's Not Trash Cloud Computing Over Gmail Outage < >Feb 24 22:44
schestowitzMS Office already delayed: "However, last year, more than a few times execs slipped up and indicated Office 14 would ship in 2009."Feb 24 22:44
trmancozero day exploit did thisFeb 24 22:44
schestowitzNa...... Feb 24 22:46
schestowitzOffice= crime (OOXML corruptions)Feb 24 22:46
MinceRcrime isn't delayed :>Feb 24 22:46
schestowitzThey should release Blood Edition (or Red Edition) to celebrate the damage they did to world's trust for OOXMLFeb 24 22:46
MinceRthey should dieFeb 24 22:47
schestowitz "Apple is expected to lay off 400 to 500 workers this week..." Feb 24 22:49
schestowitzJust Apple.Feb 24 22:49
schestowitzMaybe they'll find something useful to do.. not DRM and intellectual monopolies.Feb 24 22:49
*schestowitz high-fives MinceR?Feb 24 22:49
MinceRindeed.Feb 24 22:49
MinceRwell, there are plenty of fields to till.Feb 24 22:50
schestowitzNovell might fire more.Feb 24 22:50
schestowitzThis week even.Feb 24 22:50
schestowitzThe world needs more oxygenFeb 24 22:50
schestowitzWe need gardening.Feb 24 22:50
schestowitzThat would be " fields to till"... literally.. fields.Feb 24 22:50
MinceRand less people.Feb 24 22:50
MinceRat least until we can expand beyond Earth.Feb 24 22:51
schestowitzReligions encourage more peoleFeb 24 22:51
schestowitzThe more religious/extreme, the more important it becomes to have more kids Feb 24 22:51
MinceRand yes, i meant agriculture literallyFeb 24 22:52
schestowitzLike its an expansion not of gene but of beliefFeb 24 22:52
MinceReven if they're clueless about IT, they might be able to learn how to use a hoe.Feb 24 22:52
schestowitzOh,.Feb 24 22:52
schestowitzFields to fill literally... makes ense.Feb 24 22:52
schestowitzLess driving.Feb 24 22:52
schestowitzThere's room for running machines to do a lot of the mechanical work anyway.Feb 24 22:53
*trmanco leg hurtsFeb 24 22:53
*trmanco 's leg hurtsFeb 24 22:53
trmancoahFeb 24 22:53
schestowitzBuy a new oneFeb 24 22:54
*trmanco can't, it is not disposable like WindowsFeb 24 22:54
*trmanco check COLAFeb 24 22:55
schestowitzWhat's in COLA?Feb 24 22:57
schestowitztrmanco: 24 22:58
trmancoyou, some trolls, me, and a lot of advocatesFeb 24 22:58
trmancoschestowitz, that's sure going to be useful, I'll get my leg replaced now ASAP :-PFeb 24 23:00
trmancoweirdFeb 24 23:00
trmancowhat kind of protocol is hrrp?Feb 24 23:01
trmancoFirefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (hrrp) isn't associated with any program.Feb 24 23:01
Balrog_hrrp is probably like hxxpFeb 24 23:02
trmancoyeah, but why would they do this on their own pageFeb 24 23:03
Balrog_trmanco: who?Feb 24 23:06
trmanco 24 23:06
*Balrog_ has quit ("bye")Feb 24 23:13
MinceRhrrp is the aggressive version of httpFeb 24 23:13
MinceRHrr!pFeb 24 23:14
MinceRGET is replaced by GIMMEFeb 24 23:14
schestowitz"The Obama administration promises transparency and accountability in Washington, but it's siding with George W. Bush's view of executive privilege in an attempt quash recovery of what could be millions of missing White House emails." 24 23:17
schestowitzMIT boffins fashion working plasma rocket from Coke can < > (VIDEO)Feb 24 23:21
balzacthat's tragicFeb 24 23:23
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 24 23:24
schestowitzIDG attacks Google over short downtime: 24 23:24
balzacObama better not keep obstructing justice on behalf of BushFeb 24 23:24
schestowitzBushamaFeb 24 23:24
balzacthat is one thing that people do not take lightlyFeb 24 23:24
schestowitzChange. 24 23:25
schestowitzPeople begged for change. They might get change... while the Rich People get STI-MOO-LOOS!Feb 24 23:26
MinceRhe obstructs justice on behalf of the megacorps insteadFeb 24 23:26
schestowitzBalrog: what do dailykossers say about this? Do they want justice and accomplices?Feb 24 23:28
schestowitzGuy drops promotional garbage he plants in a blog... then complains.. 24 23:32
schestowitzGoogle turns FOSS to $aa$: Google sets billing rates for App Engine < >Feb 24 23:37
MinceRwhen was app engine foss?Feb 24 23:38
*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 24 23:39
schestowitzneverFeb 24 23:43
schestowitzOpen POS software...Feb 24 23:46
schestowitzPolluting the polls... "After lifting off at 1:55 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Tuesday, February, 24, 2009, NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory did not reach its intended orbit. Its mission was declared 'lost' when it crashed into the Antarctic Ocean." 24 23:53
MinceRgnFeb 24 23:59

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