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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 25th, 2009 - Part 2


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PeterFA  <-- What are people's comments?Mar 25 20:05
schestowitzThat was written by a Microsoft shillMar 25 20:05
schestowitzIgnore itMar 25 20:05
schestowitzDaniel Lyons, also boosted SCO's lawsuits against LinuxMar 25 20:06
schestowitzPeterFA: See for detailsMar 25 20:07
PeterFAschestowitz, didn't SCO die?Mar 25 20:07
PeterFAschestowitz, are they fighting from the grave?Mar 25 20:07
PeterFAWhat dark pact have they made?Mar 25 20:07
PeterFAForbs Magazine has Microsofties in it's ranks?Mar 25 20:09
MinceR...and the page is still "loading"Mar 25 20:09
schestowitzPeterFA: they fight from Utah.Mar 25 20:09
schestowitzSame thing almostMar 25 20:09
MinceRwhat's up with Utah?Mar 25 20:10
schestowitzPeterFA:  Lyons is no longer there.Mar 25 20:10
schestowitzNovell, WordPerfect...Mar 25 20:10
schestowitzAll downMar 25 20:10
schestowitzI hear from a friend in Colorado that many businesses shut downMar 25 20:11
schestowitzAlso mid-westMar 25 20:11
PeterFAschestowitz, who is Lyons?Mar 25 20:11
PeterFAFood is the most stable investment ever.Mar 25 20:12
PeterFAIf food production stops, who cares if you lose your investment?Mar 25 20:12
PeterFAYou got bigger fish to fry.Mar 25 20:12
PeterFAAnyways, after the Netbook era, looks like Linux is taking the pendrive market.Mar 25 20:12
PeterFAI wonder what Microsoft will do to counter that.Mar 25 20:13
PeterFA 25 20:13
MinceReven if it doesn't load, forbes manages to slow down my browserMar 25 20:13
MinceRwow, disabling javascript makes the page appear instantlyMar 25 20:14
PeterFAI closed it, personally.Mar 25 20:14
MinceRthese forbes guys should go till the fieldsMar 25 20:14
MinceRperhaps that isn't too complicated for themMar 25 20:14
MinceRbecause honestly, they really suck at making web sitesMar 25 20:14
PeterFAWell, I do see a good point on this blog: Linux goes on mainframes en masse, but shrivels up the more personal we get, with a limit.Mar 25 20:15
PeterFAIt then explodes in certain arenas.Mar 25 20:15
PeterFAMicrosoft Windows simply isn't usable for a person like me.Mar 25 20:15
MinceRalso, that article is ancientMar 25 20:15
PeterFAMinceR, what article?Mar 25 20:15
MinceRthat forbes crap about m$ linuxMar 25 20:15
PeterFA  <-- They've analyze the DRM on W7.Mar 25 20:16
PeterFAThat was funny then, because that article popped up when I looked at the search word history for "linux"Mar 25 20:17
PeterFAAnother April Fools Day virus.Mar 25 20:23
PeterFANow experts are trying to shut it down before it wrecks a bunch of computers.Mar 25 20:24
PeterFA 25 20:24
schestowitzMinceR: yes, I always disablw js in forbesMar 25 20:32
schestowitzlooks nicer tooMar 25 20:32
MinceRi'm starting to realize there's no way i'll find a browser i'll likeMar 25 20:32
MinceRopera doesn't have noscript and crashes all the time; ff3 has that extremely annoying way to deal with invalid certificates and also crashes all the timeMar 25 20:33
schestowitzuse safari on wine ;-)Mar 25 20:34
schestowitzyou love appleMar 25 20:34
*schestowitz eatsMar 25 20:34
_Hicham_1MinceR : or Epiphany on GnomeMar 25 20:35
_Hicham_1MinceR : Konqueror if ur on KDEMar 25 20:35
MinceRepiphany is unlikely to have the features i use dailyMar 25 20:36
trmanco 25 20:36
_Hicham_1Konqueror is very fast on KDEMar 25 20:36
MinceRkonqueror would be nice if it didn't download images again when it's told to save themMar 25 20:36
MinceRa big no-no on 4chan :>Mar 25 20:36
_Hicham_1MinceR : what are the features that u use the most?Mar 25 20:36
MinceRit would be difficult to gatherMar 25 20:37
_Hicham_1i am glad when a new virus is spreading aroundMar 25 20:37
_Hicham_1i tried to apply the same model of least privilegies on Windows, but it failsMar 25 20:37
_Hicham_1nonetheless, it is essentialMar 25 20:38
trmancoMinceR, Firefox does no crash all the timeMar 25 20:38
_Hicham_1I use a guest account when I am on Windows + Disabling AutoPlayMar 25 20:38
trmancothose crashes at least here are do to plugins like flash or javaMar 25 20:38
MinceRi've started collecting links that make it crashMar 25 20:38
trmancoto do*Mar 25 20:38
MinceReven then, they're crashesMar 25 20:38
_Hicham_1MinceR : give me a linkMar 25 20:38
trmancogimme thos linksMar 25 20:38
trmancothose*Mar 25 20:39
PeterFAWow, EXT4 sounds exciting.Mar 25 20:39
_Hicham_1Firefox just crashed today when I tried to use java gij pluginMar 25 20:39
PeterFAYes, I get excited by new ways to store data.Mar 25 20:39
trmancoEXT4 is still on my wishlist hereMar 25 20:39
trmancobrtfs sound goodMar 25 20:40
MinceRone didn't crash it nowMar 25 20:40
PeterFAschestowitz, you've been studying software for a time now: why don't you come up with a rating system for software that only discusses your topic?Mar 25 20:40
MinceRthe other was changed since i bookmarked itMar 25 20:40
PeterFAschestowitz, for example, how do I tell if it's ok to use Acme Project?Mar 25 20:40
*mib_r2aktx has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 25 20:40
MinceRso it did a lot of good to collect them -_-Mar 25 20:41
MinceRsome features i can think of: sidebar, gestures, tabbed browsing with close and move left, close and move right, quick search via keywords (though i've moved that into a javascript app already), blocking of iframes, embeds, objects and stuff like that until a click, go up in hierarchy, clear and focus location bar button, list all links on page (with the option to copy selected links to clipboard), the ability to turn the menubar into a button Mar 25 20:43
MinceRoh, and session managementMar 25 20:43
schestowitztrmanco: I see BN is there tooMar 25 20:44
MinceRpopup blocking, recalling closed tabsMar 25 20:44
schestowitzin Mar 25 20:44
schestowitz 25 20:44
trmanco:)Mar 25 20:45
schestowitzPeterFA: ranking s/w in BN?Mar 25 20:45
PeterFABN?Mar 25 20:45
PeterFAOh, boycottnovell.Mar 25 20:45
schestowitzYesMar 25 20:45
PeterFANot exactly, like write a formula for ranking software.Mar 25 20:46
schestowitzThere are many sites that rank FOSSMar 25 20:46
schestowitzBased on what?Mar 25 20:46
schestowitz# of users?Mar 25 20:46
PeterFAschestowitz, based on the trustworthiness of software: like Open DRM or something.Mar 25 20:46
PeterFAschestowitz, does this have DRM?Mar 25 20:46
PeterFADoes it lead to the domination of IT by Acme?Mar 25 20:46
PeterFADoes this really support the freedom that software should provide?Mar 25 20:47
PeterFALike that.Mar 25 20:47
PeterFAOr a rating for stories, I don't know... but if you make something other people can apply, they can rate their own software.Mar 25 20:47
PeterFASo if they're in a store they can think about it. Who knows? Maybe you'll get some rating on a box like Nutrition Information on boxes of food.Mar 25 20:48
MinceRi also used the bookmark manager a lot (with search and all) but i've moved to SiteBarMar 25 20:48
MinceRi'm not entirely satisfied with SiteBar thoughMar 25 20:48
PeterFAAnd you can get a lot of attention to your blog, to help expose Microsoft and Friends (TM).Mar 25 20:48
MinceRred hat still can't decide whether they're interested in the desktop or not >> 25 20:56
MinceRre browser features: i'm also using ad blocking but i'll probably use privoxy for thatMar 25 20:56
MinceR(same with referer blocking)Mar 25 20:57
schestowitzInteresting take: UK Pupils to Learn How to Be Spied On < >. Since the govt' can't ask kids to write down names of friends and hand these over.Mar 25 20:57
schestowitzPeterFA: thanks, I might get to itMar 25 20:57
schestowitzI need to worry about a Wiki firstMar 25 20:57
schestowitzMinceR: Firefox has AWESOMEbar (how corny a name)Mar 25 20:57
*stated has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.7/2009021910]")Mar 25 20:57
MinceRi care little as long as quicksearch bookmarks work :>Mar 25 20:58
schestowitzTo me, FF2->FF3 mainly meant speed gainsMar 25 20:58
MinceRspeed gains are what make me consider ff3 againMar 25 20:58
schestowitzit's pretty fastMar 25 20:58
MinceRand that perhaps there's a remote chance ff3 will crash a little less often than operaMar 25 20:58
schestowitzIt renders the page before it's fully loadedMar 25 20:58
MinceRoh, and NoScriptMar 25 20:58
schestowitzMinceR: FF3 is more flaky than FF2 for meMar 25 20:58
schestowitzNot flaky, just a little more soMar 25 20:59
schestowitzMaybe once in 40 hours as opposed to 200 hoursMar 25 20:59
MinceRthen perhaps opening a dozen web pages won't take up an amount of computing power that wasn't even available 10 years ago or soMar 25 20:59
MinceRthen again, the web just isn't bloated enough yet for some >> 25 20:59
PeterFAschestowitz, also, you can rate companies based on the honesty of their software and business strategies :)Mar 25 20:59
balzacFF3 is the ultimate browser for web developersMar 25 20:59
balzacit's also good if you want fine granular control of what content is presented and howMar 25 21:00
MinceRwho knows, maybe if i get a rack of servers and assign one tab to each, i can get a browser that isn't slow as molasses and i get to run something else beside itMar 25 21:00
balzacadblock, grease-monkey, etcMar 25 21:00
MinceRyes, greasemonkey is great stuff tooMar 25 21:00
MinceRback when i used ff as my main browser i put a lot of addons into itMar 25 21:01
MinceRi think that contributed to the slowness and instabilityMar 25 21:01
schestowitzLMAO: AFP pulls quote about Youtube block from two-year-old blog post < > "Take that traditional media! In all fairness though, we'd like to point out that most bloggers know how to check a time stamp."Mar 25 21:01
balzacIt's not as optimized as chrome or other webkit-based browsers because it is filled with hooks for developers and so it can't be quickly changed in such a way that all the extension devs are left with broken projectsMar 25 21:01
balzacobviously, FF is going to need to separate tabs into separate threadsMar 25 21:02
balzacprocesses, I meanMar 25 21:02
MinceRindeedMar 25 21:02
schestowitzMy Firefox themes broke that I sort of created broke with an upgradeMar 25 21:02
MinceRi wouldn't mind being able to use chromium on linuxMar 25 21:02
schestowitzI never bothers fixing compatibility although some users mailed me about it and offered helpMar 25 21:03
balzacbut leading the way against proprietary codecs with ogg theora is quite nobleMar 25 21:03
balzacif you want a light, efficient browser, try Conkeror (I don't mean Konqueror)Mar 25 21:03
schestowitz 25 21:03
balzacemacs key-bindings, no extra interfaceMar 25 21:03
balzacgecko-based, compatible with mozreplMar 25 21:04
balzacbad-@ssMar 25 21:04
schestowitzBawd assMar 25 21:04
schestowitzEPA Makes Landmark Finding: Global Warming Threatens Public Health and Welfare < >Mar 25 21:05
schestowitzCash cows die sometimes (photo): The Wall Street Crowd and the Transparency Revolution < >Mar 25 21:06
_Hicham_1MinceR : use plain w3mMar 25 21:06
MinceRi don't like emacs keybindingsMar 25 21:06
MinceR_Hicham_1: w3m does very little, including no javascriptMar 25 21:06
MinceRif that was fine, i'd just use links2 -g all dayMar 25 21:07
_Hicham_1MinceR : use Firefox with WineMar 25 21:07
MinceRlolMar 25 21:07
schestowitzInteresting stuff: When 'Mad Men' Meets Augmented Reality  < >Mar 25 21:07
MinceRthen i could enjoy the totally broken windowsoid font renderingMar 25 21:07
MinceRand my eyes would meltMar 25 21:07
PeterFAI don't understand the whole SCO vs. Novell case. They both are basically Microsoft (R) Puppets (TM).Mar 25 21:11
schestowitzThe server is overloaded again. It does almost 5GB/dayMar 25 21:11
schestowitz"Server Load  5.92 (4 cpus)"Mar 25 21:11
schestowitzNot responsiveMar 25 21:11
PeterFASo, the fact that SCO lost doesn't matter. It never solved the amnesty problem.Mar 25 21:11
schestowitzMicrosoft has more tricks up its sleevesMar 25 21:11
schestowitzThe load on the DB server is rising nowMar 25 21:12
MinceRperhaps m$ is having one of their lackeys kill the otherMar 25 21:12
PeterFASo, the lawsuit was against Novell for elligedly using SCO property, but the judges said that belongs to Novell, crushing SCO. So, if you use Linux, you still can be sued by Novell.Mar 25 21:13
schestowitzOur days on this server are numbered. I might as well assume we'll need to move to something bigger, even with excessive caching enabled. it's not worth the nightmare.Mar 25 21:13
PeterFAschestowitz, what server do you talk about?Mar 25 21:13
schestowitzPeterFA: BNMar 25 21:13
PeterFAschestowitz, oh.Mar 25 21:13
schestowitzBeen having many problems this yearMar 25 21:13
PeterFAschestowitz, I'll set up the website for you if you like.Mar 25 21:13
PeterFAschestowitz, on your new server.Mar 25 21:14
schestowitzEsp. in January when we covered Comes smoking gunsMar 25 21:14
PeterFADon't know about migration though, I'll have to look into it.Mar 25 21:14
schestowitzPeterFA: that's OK, thanks.Mar 25 21:14
schestowitzMaybe mirroring would helpMar 25 21:14
PeterFAschestowitz, not a bad idea.Mar 25 21:14
schestowitzLike.... replicating the DB and having a secondary domain or somethingMar 25 21:14
schestowitzMaybe on one of my machinesMar 25 21:15
PeterFAschestowitz, what you could do is load balancing.Mar 25 21:15
schestowitzcheapo domain like BNmirror.orgMar 25 21:15
PeterFAschestowitz, how much is your hosting?Mar 25 21:15
schestowitzIf it crashes too, it won't matter muchMar 25 21:15
schestowitzPeterFA: Shane pays the bills.Mar 25 21:15
schestowitzAdSense covers it.... not sure how much it costs him now cause he upgrades to 500GB/month limitMar 25 21:16
PeterFAYou could get an account on I know that guy who owns it.Mar 25 21:16
PeterFAI'll get an affilation pay too :)Mar 25 21:16
schestowitzPeterFA: I have my familiar host tooMar 25 21:16
schestowitzShane said he can pass me the domain nameMar 25 21:16
PeterFAschestowitz, you need like a server on every continent.Mar 25 21:16
schestowitzHe still holds BTW. Don't ask me why..Mar 25 21:17
PeterFAschestowitz, so you get an account in NA, AU, EU, AF, and AS.Mar 25 21:17
PeterFAschestowitz, so nobody uses it for evil purposes.Mar 25 21:17
schestowitzPeterFA: no, we're not that bigMar 25 21:17
schestowitzLifeHacker maybe.Mar 25 21:17
schestowitzSomeone in Norway can get Mar 25 21:18
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 25 21:18
PeterFAschestowitz, you should have affilate programs with companies you like so that you can say, "Instead of this product, use that." and then you put a link to the site and you get an affiliate cut.Mar 25 21:18
schestowitz > "Oops! This link appears broken."Mar 25 21:18
schestowitzPeterFA: that would put vested interestsMar 25 21:19
schestowitzNo reliabilityMar 25 21:19
PeterFAschestowitz, you'd get a ton of money though :)Mar 25 21:19
schestowitz"Unafraid" China apparently fears YouTube < >Mar 25 21:19
schestowitzPeterFA: doubtful, and it comes at the cost of credibilityMar 25 21:20
PeterFAschestowitz, have a twitter?Mar 25 21:20
schestowitz 25 21:20
schestowitzI could probably create a twitter account tooMar 25 21:20
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 25 21:21
schestowitztrmanco: do you use twitter to post all the same stuff?Mar 25 21:21
trmancosometimesMar 25 21:21 is my first priorityMar 25 21:21
PeterFAI don't have an 25 21:23
schestowitzThe Independent covers GNU/Linux, which is rare < >Mar 25 21:23
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 25 21:24
PeterFAschestowitz, do you have any criticism against Linux?Mar 25 21:25
schestowitzWho writes this utter nonsense? "Inevitably, Google (GooOS) is rumoured to be entering the platform war too, fuelling speculation that Microsoft's operating system maker days might be numbered."Mar 25 21:25
schestowitzGooOS? WHAAA?Mar 25 21:25
schestowitzPeterFA: yes, GPLv2 for startersMar 25 21:25
PeterFAschestowitz, any others?Mar 25 21:26
schestowitztrmanco: do you post the same stuff in twitter?Mar 25 21:26
schestowitzPeterFA: none I can think of at the momentMar 25 21:26
PeterFAschestowitz, and what's your beef with GPLv2?Mar 25 21:26
trmancoyesMar 25 21:28
schestowitztrmanco: so should I open an account there too for friends who only read twitter?Mar 25 21:31
schestowitzPeterFA: Linux should upgradeMar 25 21:31
trmancoschestowitz, sureMar 25 21:32
PeterFAschestowitz, yeah.Mar 25 21:41
PeterFAschestowitz, enouf, who hangs out in #debian doesn't like how Linux got Tivoed.Mar 25 21:42
PeterFAschestowitz, I assume that means they didn't fight for their GPL rights and compromised.Mar 25 21:42
PeterFAschestowitz, because of the Tivo abuse.Mar 25 21:43
_Hicham_1what do u think of Python vs Java folks?Mar 25 21:46
wtfyani prefer pythonMar 25 21:46
wtfyani think that python can eat java easilly, especially icedtea. they don't actually eat that sh** normallyMar 25 21:49
*Eruaran has quit ("No Ping reply in 30 seconds.")Mar 25 21:52
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 25 21:52
schestowitztrmanco: 25 21:54
schestowitzIs there a program that connects to both?Mar 25 21:54
trmancoha coolMar 25 21:54
trmancowhat for kde?Mar 25 21:54
schestowitzAnythingMar 25 21:54
schestowitzEven Web-basedMar 25 21:54
trmancowebased yesMar 25 21:55
schestowitzHow do I do vertical split in Konqueror?Mar 25 21:56
schestowitzI can't rememberMar 25 21:56
trmanco 25 21:56
schestowitzOK, I got itMar 25 21:56
schestowitzI have 3-pane KonquerorMar 25 21:57
schestowitzCLI at bottom, identica on the left and twitter on the rightMar 25 21:57
*silentivm has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 25 21:57
schestowitzSurrendering. I'll keep both in synch, I guessMar 25 21:59 worksMar 25 22:01
balzaceveryone is making atwitter about twat-jokes about twitter latelyMar 25 22:01
balzacI can't even see twitter, twit (This Week in Tech with Leo something) without thinking of twatMar 25 22:02
balzac-makingMar 25 22:03
balzachave you twatted lately?Mar 25 22:04
schestowitztrmanco: Just signed up to Testing.Mar 25 22:08
balzacThen there's cursebird, syndicating the curses used on twitterMar 25 22:09
trmancoI just tested itMar 25 22:09
balzactwat should be more popular than the "F" word, if twitterers catch the wave of twatting, past-tense usageMar 25 22:09
schestowitztrmanco: thanks. It's workingMar 25 22:12
trmancoyou're welcomeMar 25 22:12
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 25 22:12
schestowitzI've pretty much stopped with sites like Digg.Mar 25 22:13
schestowitzToo cumbersome and no chance to add much personal opinion, either.Mar 25 22:13
silentivmI've never cared for Digg. I used it once or twice then gave up.Mar 25 22:13
schestowitzDigg is edging downwards.Mar 25 22:13
schestowitzNot sure about reddit.Mar 25 22:13
balzacDigg is getting abused too much by "power-users"Mar 25 22:14
silentivmI never used reddit, I believe.Mar 25 22:14
balzacI saw an article about "power users" by a "power user", but he didn't admit to using things like curl and proxies, so I don't believe his insider report is accurateMar 25 22:15
balzache made it sound like a mere conspiracy of users who are very dedicated, not people abusing the system by direct programmatical interfaceMar 25 22:16
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 25 22:16
schestowitzhttp://www.linuxdevices.c... (First ever Linux botnet?). On the so-called malware... or use of bad passwords on Linux.Mar 25 22:17
balzacDigg needs to show usernames for every up or down vote, then it will have more lifeMar 25 22:17
schestowitzbalzac: I was of these usersMar 25 22:17
schestowitzRanked 17th in the site at my peakMar 25 22:17
balzacvendettas and cliques can become very interestingMar 25 22:17
schestowitzBut the problem is PR peopleMar 25 22:17
MinceRdigg doesn't need more or less lifeMar 25 22:17
schestowitzNot power usersMar 25 22:17
balzacRoy, that's pretty goodMar 25 22:17
MinceRit's a sponge that hopefully sucks up crApple cultistsMar 25 22:17
schestowitzMany users rely on real followersMar 25 22:17
MinceRand keeps them occupiedMar 25 22:17
schestowitzOthers just game itMar 25 22:17
schestowitzMinceR: +1Mar 25 22:18
schestowitzMaybe you drive away balrogMar 25 22:18
schestowitz*droveMar 25 22:18
balzacwhere is balrag lately?Mar 25 22:19
balzacbalrogMar 25 22:19
balzacis he an apple user?Mar 25 22:19
balzacRoy, BN should give more features yet, so that you can have cliques and vendettas on your site. for that, you really need user-accountsMar 25 22:20
*kentma has quit (Client Quit)Mar 25 22:20
MinceRiirc he is an apple fanboyMar 25 22:20
MinceRi don't care enough to checkMar 25 22:20
schestowitzbalzac: could make ranking for registered user onlyMar 25 22:20
schestowitz*usersMar 25 22:20
balzacI like the casings and chassis of apple machinesMar 25 22:21
MinceRi can't think of a single thing i like about appleMar 25 22:21
silentivmneither do IMar 25 22:21
silentivm*can IMar 25 22:21
balzacRoy, it's nice to see who votesMar 25 22:21
balzacand make people be direct with up or downMar 25 22:21
balzac5-star allows shades of grayMar 25 22:21
balzaclet people fight like a cock-fight, a managed dialectic, leading toward your conclusionMar 25 22:22
balzacThat's the game Markos of DailyKos playsMar 25 22:22
MinceR5-star also requests an amount of information the voter might not haveMar 25 22:23
schestowitzbalzac: I don't think I have user-naming featured at my disposalMar 25 22:23
MinceR"is this a 3 or a 4?"Mar 25 22:23
balzacthat's why drupal instead of wordpress. WP is for blogs, Drupal is for community websites.Mar 25 22:24
schestowitzAccording to RMS, "The New Zealand government has not given up its War on Sharing, and threatens to try again." 25 22:24
balzacdo a fundraiser for Tony's Drigg module upgrade to D6, base BN on that, everybody wins.Mar 25 22:24
MinceRisn't there a gratis digg clone around already?Mar 25 22:25
MinceRor a hundred? :>Mar 25 22:25
schestowitzYesMar 25 22:25
balzacdrigg, pliggMar 25 22:25
schestowitzBut Digg model is passe to manyMar 25 22:25
balzacpligg fell by the waysideMar 25 22:25
schestowitzI moved to mu-bloggingMar 25 22:25
balzacmu?Mar 25 22:26
schestowitzmicroMar 25 22:26
schestowitzlike the symbol MuMar 25 22:26
MinceRi don't see the point of microbloggingMar 25 22:26
balzacicMar 25 22:26
MinceRmoo-bloggingMar 25 22:26
schestowitz 25 22:27
balzacRoy, Digg is not the optional implementation, and there is no model they can claim as their own because it wasn't them who did it first.Mar 25 22:27
balzacoptimalMar 25 22:27
MinceRdoes the digg model even fit a site where only a select group submits articles?Mar 25 22:28
schestowitzDigg was similar to SlashdotMar 25 22:36
schestowitzEveryone inspires everyoneMar 25 22:36
MinceRsadly, /. is becoming like diggMar 25 22:37
schestowitzLong agoMar 25 22:38
MinceRit's not nearly as bad as digg yetMar 25 22:39
MinceRevery time i look at the comments on a technical topic on digg, it's always an endless stream of uninformed drivel from apple fanboysMar 25 22:40
MinceRif someone has something clueful to say, it's buriedMar 25 22:40
MinceRslashdot seems to have a good ratio of insightful stuff and funny stuff tooMar 25 22:40
schestowitzMinceR: true re: commentsMar 25 22:43
schestowitzSlashdot comments are sometimes quite good.Mar 25 22:43
schestowitzMinceR: in Digg, long comments get buriedMar 25 22:44
schestowitzOne liners or two-word jokes are modded best sometimes.Mar 25 22:44
balzacyeah but slashdot's interface is too hardMar 25 22:45
schestowitzWhy is Intel choosing to make GNU/Linux look so ugly? 25 22:45
schestowitzbalzac: yes, that keeps Apple fans outMar 25 22:46
MinceRi prefer /.'s interface, because it seems to handle long threads betterMar 25 22:50
MinceR(the classic interface, not the javascript Bloat City thing.)Mar 25 22:51
MinceRit could certainly be improved thoughMar 25 22:51
MinceRfinding the next top-level reply should be a lot easier than it is nowMar 25 22:51
schestowitzRed Hat Profit Slips, As Revenue Grows 18% < >. Worth digesting the numbers...Mar 25 23:02
schestowitz"Red Hat (NYSE:RHT) reported earnings of 22 cents per share, ex-items, beating analysts' estimates for 20 cents per share." 25 23:04
_Hicham_1Roys : u don't like Moblin OS?Mar 25 23:05
schestowitzIntel is a criminal entityMar 25 23:06
_Hicham_1explainMar 25 23:06
*mib_kwlx9d (i=cfb5f01e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 25 23:06
*silentivm has quit ("Ping timeout: pi*log(1+2*cos(x)) seconds")Mar 25 23:06
schestowitz_Hicham_1: search BN for "Intel"Mar 25 23:06
schestowitzIt's not something I can elaborate on in a whimMar 25 23:06
schestowitzNeed to manufacture a lot of evidence and present it because of the scale of the accused partyMar 25 23:07
schestowitzSame when accusing the US of thingsMar 25 23:07
schestowitzYou can't just make a statement so easilyMar 25 23:07
schestowitzEasy(ier) to say "Mugabe is a dictator" than "bush is a dictator" because people already assume the formerMar 25 23:07
schestowitzHelp promote the Red Hat analysis from FFII: 25 23:09
schestowitzSomeone has just posted this in mixx: "Gates' gimmick of becoming a philantropist repeats the Rockefeller scam almost one to one a century later." 25 23:11
*mib_kwlx9d has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 25 23:19
schestowitz"The problem with this scenario is that conditions – primarily technology – have changed enough to allow what were always parasites to become true predators. Parasites need a healthy host to maintain their lifestyle." 25 23:27
_Hicham_1wow, if mplayer can be used to stream all flash video contentMar 25 23:29
_Hicham_1i seen that it is possible for youtubeMar 25 23:30
_Hicham_1it is really a great alternative, what do u think roy?Mar 25 23:30
_Hicham_1that would solve the flash problem on LinuxMar 25 23:30
_Hicham_1the existing HQTube that gives the real video address to mplayer-plugin can be extendedMar 25 23:32
_Hicham_1to support all of the streaming flash websitesMar 25 23:32
_Hicham_1except youkuMar 25 23:32
_Hicham_1because this one is a little bit trickyMar 25 23:32
_Hicham_1no one talksMar 25 23:33
schestowitzit's content makers that cause problemsMar 25 23:33
schestowitzAnd software patentsMar 25 23:33
_Hicham_1well, I am talking about a workaroundMar 25 23:38
_Hicham_1so that we can get the real video addressMar 25 23:39
schestowitz'Content' providers might not like thatMar 25 23:39
_Hicham_1because adobe flash for linux really sucksMar 25 23:39
_Hicham_1why?Mar 25 23:39
MinceRadobe flash really sucksMar 25 23:39
MinceRthere, fixed that for you ;)Mar 25 23:39
_Hicham_1why Roy?Mar 25 23:39
_Hicham_1MinceR : do u already use HQTube script?Mar 25 23:40
MinceRnopeMar 25 23:40
MinceRwhat does it do?Mar 25 23:40
_Hicham_1it allows you to play youtube videos directly into mplayer-pluginMar 25 23:40
MinceRinterestingMar 25 23:41
_Hicham_1 25 23:41
MinceRi'd have to switch to ff to make it work thoughMar 25 23:41
_Hicham_1MinceR : what do u use?Mar 25 23:41
MinceRoperaMar 25 23:42
_Hicham_1opera uses its own flash plugin i thinkMar 25 23:42
MinceRmost importantly, i'll need to find an extension that fixes the invalid cert handling in ff3Mar 25 23:42
MinceRi've only found MitmMe so far, which goes too farMar 25 23:42
MinceR(won't even let me view the cert and see what's wrong with it)Mar 25 23:42
_Hicham_1MinceR : the FF3 warning is normalMar 25 23:43
MinceR(also, it seems to add an exception for the rest of the session)Mar 25 23:43
MinceR_Hicham_1: having to click 5 times to view a page i wouldn't even normally care to use https for is not normalMar 25 23:43
MinceRor for a page that uses a self-signed cert i happen to know the fingerprint ofMar 25 23:43
_Hicham_1I think that there is a way to disable thatMar 25 23:43
MinceRi haven't found itMar 25 23:44
schestowitzWTF? "Then there are the hobbyist versions of Linux, like Gentoo or Mandriva. "  Madnriva?? This guy is a troll indeed... not the first time, either. 25 23:45
MinceRit's IDGMar 25 23:45
schestowitzYes.Mar 25 23:45
_Hicham_1Roy : he is an UbuntardMar 25 23:49
MinceRgnMar 25 23:50
_Hicham_1sleepy RoomMar 25 23:52
schestowitztacone has just pulled a lolcatz: 25 23:55
schestowitz_Hicham_1: I'm catching upMar 25 23:55
schestowitzUbuntu Members Get Free LWN Subs < >. People still pay to read article? It's a dying model.Mar 25 23:58

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