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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 29th, 2009 - Part 2


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_Hicham_that is MS problemMar 29 13:19
_Hicham_and that is why they created codeplexMar 29 13:19
_Hicham_to gather a community around themMar 29 13:20
_Hicham_and start cutting off jobsMar 29 13:20
_Hicham_it is a shift in strategyMar 29 13:20
oiaohmProblem MS has is what all open source project have.Mar 29 13:20
oiaohmCloning.Mar 29 13:21
oiaohmEven splashtop has its clones.Mar 29 13:21
_Hicham_r u talking about ReactOS?Mar 29 13:21
oiaohmThey can only cut there internals so far before there model fails.Mar 29 13:21
oiaohmIe enough released that there key products can be cloned.Mar 29 13:21
oiaohmSplashtop knew that from the start.Mar 29 13:22
oiaohmProviding support and good quality support is key.Mar 29 13:22
oiaohmMS has not restructured anywhere near enough yet.Mar 29 13:23
_Hicham_what are MS key products?Mar 29 13:23
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 29 13:24
oiaohmServer side.  active directory, sharepoint, exchange.Mar 29 13:24
oiaohmAll three provide vendor lockin.Mar 29 13:24
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 13:24
oiaohmClient side mostly MS Office.Mar 29 13:24
oiaohmMS in theory could live quite well without Windows.Mar 29 13:25
oiaohmBut they would have to extract a lot more money elsewhere.Mar 29 13:25
oiaohmAll three of the server side is under attack _Hicham_Mar 29 13:26
_Hicham_but Windows Development costs them a lot of moneyMar 29 13:27
_Hicham_do u mean that they can stop developing Windows?Mar 29 13:27
oiaohmMS really depends on the lockin to sell windows.Mar 29 13:29
oiaohmLike samba is working on cloning the Active Directory.  So ADS server would not be required any more when that happens.  If something like freeipa intergrates with it.  There would be no management difference between windows and Linux.Mar 29 13:30
oiaohmsharepoint has alfresco competing with it.Mar 29 13:31
_Hicham_suppose that Microsoft lost its server market shareMar 29 13:31
_Hicham_could it live without it?Mar 29 13:31
oiaohmNop.Mar 29 13:31
oiaohmIf MS does not control the server why would people use there more expensive products.Mar 29 13:32
oiaohmExchange holds it place due to no good competitor to outlook on windows.Mar 29 13:32
oiaohmMS is basically a card tower.Mar 29 13:33
_Hicham_so they depends on Windows DevelopmentMar 29 13:33
_Hicham_they must continue developing and selling WindowsMar 29 13:33
oiaohmThis is the problem MS has a min overhead.Mar 29 13:34
oiaohmGo under that min overhead die.Mar 29 13:34
oiaohmCompetitors against them have way lower min overheads.Mar 29 13:35
schestowitzzer0c00l: "BTW anvar sadath responded now saying that it is the recognition to all Free Softweare Community.  But He didn't mentioned it in acceptance speech quoted on ODF alliance Press Release &  Local media coverage. [...]  ODF adoption started when Debina etch supported ODF. we uses custom Debian Distro. Even before that we were using Open Office . Anwar was not the director at that time"Mar 29 13:37
schestowitzSpinners... typical SoftiesMar 29 13:37
schestowitzoiaohm: +1 (re: sub-notebooks)Mar 29 13:39
schestowitzoiaohm: I think they charge $5, not $4Mar 29 13:39
schestowitzThat's what I heardMar 29 13:39
schestowitzAbout factories in China and what they pay for WindowsMar 29 13:40
oiaohmWas 5 about 1 month ago.Mar 29 13:40
schestowitzoiaohm: reference for 5 people in Splashtop dev team??Mar 29 13:40
oiaohmChat with owner.Mar 29 13:41
oiaohmAbout 6 months ago.Mar 29 13:41
oiaohmSo might be out of date.Mar 29 13:41
schestowitzWould Office run on sub-notebooks?Mar 29 13:41
oiaohmMost of what they do is assemble and test work.Mar 29 13:41
schestowitzI came across this isssueMar 29 13:42
schestowitzMSO 09 and 07 are too bloatedMar 29 13:42
schestowitzLike Vista vs XP..Mar 29 13:42
oiaohmDepends on the sub notebookMar 29 13:42
schestowitzSo Microsoft now needs devs to trim it downMar 29 13:42
schestowitzButi... Mar 29 13:42
oiaohmsome of the new ones coming out yes.Mar 29 13:42
schestowitzWould it be COMPATIBLE (MOOX)?Mar 29 13:42
schestowitzDoes MS charge for Office on sub-notebooks?Mar 29 13:42
schestowitzLike.. what? $500?Mar 29 13:42
schestowitzFor a $200 PC?Mar 29 13:43
schestowitz*LOL*Mar 29 13:43
schestowitzNo ODF support even..Mar 29 13:43
schestowitzAnd sluggish..Mar 29 13:43
schestowitzGates famously said people wouild pay more for s/w than for h/wMar 29 13:43
schestowitzBut for /WHAT/ software?Mar 29 13:43
schestowitzWindows XP from 2001? :-DMar 29 13:43
oiaohmThat is the other problem MS has.Mar 29 13:43
schestowitz$5 apiece..Mar 29 13:44
oiaohmFor a long time open source has been fighting with one arm tied behind there back.Mar 29 13:44
schestowitzWould you like to supersize it?Mar 29 13:44
schestowitz"That'll be another $5"Mar 29 13:44
oiaohmIe gcc cannot optimise well for anything.Mar 29 13:44
schestowitzWith Cola and fries..Mar 29 13:44
oiaohmThat should disappear in the next 12 months.Mar 29 13:44
schestowitzBuy happy meal... get XP...Mar 29 13:44
oiaohmMaking MS base complier a poorer complier than GCC.Mar 29 13:45
oiaohmSo code optimisation is going to become key.Mar 29 13:45
oiaohmAgain blowing there operating costs out.Mar 29 13:45
schestowitzI'll raise concerns with E-mails regarding ODF without mentioning names..Mar 29 13:46
schestowitzoiaohm: some company can make optimised GNU/LinuxMar 29 13:47
schestowitzPossible, not idealMar 29 13:47
schestowitzYou are still given the source codeMar 29 13:47
schestowitzBut GNU faces this competitive LOOPHOLEMar 29 13:47
oiaohmMS using the same complierMar 29 13:47
schestowitzAs in, you cannot quite ensure level-playing field...Mar 29 13:47
oiaohmStill does not save them from work.Mar 29 13:47
schestowitzFor one guy vs RHTMar 29 13:48
oiaohmOpen source is not 1 guy.Mar 29 13:48
schestowitzIsn't CentOS annoying a company like Portland compiler'Mar 29 13:48
schestowitz*piler'sMar 29 13:48
oiaohmMS builds there OS with there own complier.Mar 29 13:49
oiaohmIf they are forced to buy like portland to stay ahead it still more overhead.Mar 29 13:49
oiaohmSimple problem MS has here is overhead.Mar 29 13:49
oiaohmDistributed  development open source has reduces the costs on there competitors.Mar 29 13:50
_Hicham_MS have to support its own productsMar 29 13:50
_Hicham_it can't use another compilerMar 29 13:50
_Hicham_they used to use FreeBSD for their Hotmail serversMar 29 13:53
_Hicham_but was a long time ago, when the company was still youngMar 29 13:53
amarsh04restarting, trying 2.6.29 kernel with package linux-firmwareMar 29 13:59
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 29 14:01
schestowitzGood luck to Anthony...Mar 29 14:02
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 14:10
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 14:17
EruaranhelloMar 29 14:25
_Hicham_wb EruaranMar 29 14:25
Eruaranhi _Hicham_Mar 29 14:26
schestowitzHeyMar 29 14:29
Eruaranhi RoyMar 29 14:30
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 29 14:35
Eruaranany news ?Mar 29 14:35
_Hicham_Roy : ur current is the main editor of 29 14:36
_Hicham_i mean ur current jobMar 29 14:37
zer0c00ldarn firegpg crashes firefox :(Mar 29 14:41
_Hicham_Bill Gates is again the richest man on EarthMar 29 14:41
schestowitz_Hicham_: it's just Shane and IMar 29 14:45
schestowitz /man/thief/Mar 29 14:45
schestowitzzer0c00l: 29 15:03
*zer0c00l looksMar 29 15:08
schestowitzPls report typosMar 29 15:09
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 29 15:09
schestowitzHere's a little story for you...Mar 29 15:10
schestowitzSomeone told me: "This one may have triggered MS move against ZDNet: It's gone from the author's web site as well, disappearing sometime in the last 11 months. You can probably still find it with the wayback machine, but I suppose it is a matter of time before even that makes it to Bill's memory hole."Mar 29 15:10
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 29 15:11
schestowitzI tried finding why it was removed.Mar 29 15:11
schestowitz"The reason is likely the title and the content," my friend told meMar 29 15:11
schestowitzSo I asked, ""Is there any reason why the article from can no longer be found?""Mar 29 15:11
schestowitzThe author then told me: "WHen I stopped blogging for ZDNET I removed that post because it is the most linked to and popular and pulbished at  Which just went out of business.  Thanks for pointing this out.  I will repost to today."Mar 29 15:11
schestowitzBut will that rescue the LINK?Mar 29 15:12
schestowitzA lot of people linked to the ZDNET articleMar 29 15:12
schestowitzBut it's no longer there! :-o :-oMar 29 15:12
schestowitzSo here you have another piece of damning proof that IIS and Windows are security garbage... and the evidence pretty much vanishesMar 29 15:12
twitterI had trouble with the internet archive's wayback machine yesterday.Mar 29 15:12
twitterIt gave me a cache error.Mar 29 15:13
twitterworks today.  :)Mar 29 15:14
schestowitzThey migrateMar 29 15:18
schestowitzTo SolarisMar 29 15:18
schestowitzFewer racks tooMar 29 15:18
schestowitzWlow. Digg really declineMar 29 15:18
schestowitzGiven the timeouts and error, no surprise there.Mar 29 15:18
schestowitzThey shot themselves in the foot with those problems... even trmanco has these.Mar 29 15:19
schestowitzTheir estimates ranks sankMar 29 15:19
schestowitzTurns out that BN did over 6GB of traffic yesterday, despite it being a Saturday and making no front pagesMar 29 15:20
twitterAhhhh!  Internet Archive on Solaris?  Open Solaris?Mar 29 15:22
schestowitz'Open''?Mar 29 15:22
schestowitzThe Sun is getting in my face right nowMar 29 15:22
schestowitzthe real sunMar 29 15:22
twitterOpenSolaris is an X86 branch Sun has toyed with for a few years.Mar 29 15:22
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 15:23
twitterThe article is already gone from the Internet Archive.  It may never have been captured.Mar 29 15:23
twitterThe index jumps from 294 to 330, I think.  Do you remember the date or title?Mar 29 15:24
twitterDid you capture the article for yourself?Mar 29 15:24
schestowitzExit route from MSO: 29 15:25
schestowitzBut it can also be used to market MSO, so I dunno.Mar 29 15:25
schestowitztwitter: he'll respost itMar 29 15:26
twittercoolMar 29 15:26
schestowitzHeh. Someone just posted this in Miixx: 29 15:27
schestowitz"Bill Gates, Chairman of the Board -billg@microsoft.comMar 29 15:27
schestowitzSteve Ballmer, CEO - / (425) 706-8448Mar 29 15:27
schestowitzJ. Allard, CTO - jallard@microsoft.comMar 29 15:27
schestowitzRobert Bach, President, Entertainment and Devices Division - rbach@microsoft.comMar 29 15:27
schestowitzJoe Belfiore, Corporate VP, Entertainment and Devices eHome Division - joeb@microsoft.comMar 29 15:27
schestowitzKathleen Hogan, Corporate VP, Worldwide Customer Service -"Mar 29 15:27
schestowitzSo now you know who to complain to.Mar 29 15:28
schestowitzTell Robert Bach about the SEC violations he committed for exampleMar 29 15:28
schestowitzInside-trading... stealing from MSFT investorsMar 29 15:28
_Hicham_Roy Schestwitz is the richest man on EarthMar 29 15:29
_Hicham_in 2020Mar 29 15:30
schestowitzWhat?!? No.Mar 29 15:34
_Hicham_ 29 15:36
schestowitzActivism doesn't pay. 29 15:36
schestowitzCNNNN...Mar 29 15:37
schestowitz*LOL* FantasticMar 29 15:38
_Hicham_do u see how aware is American Society?Mar 29 15:39
twitterthese are the same addresses we've seen in the anti trust literatureMar 29 15:39
schestowitz"he's from  Texas, he's got to be right..."Mar 29 15:42
_Hicham_what do u think of that Roy?Mar 29 15:42
schestowitz_Hicham_: not news to me :-)Mar 29 15:42
schestowitzBut they cut just the bits that fit the humourMar 29 15:42
schestowitzCherry-picking in post editing.Mar 29 15:42
_Hicham_that what makes America strongMar 29 15:42
schestowitz_Hicham_: I enjoyed this videoMar 29 15:42
schestowitzYes, ignoranceMar 29 15:43
schestowitzFox NooozMar 29 15:43
_Hicham_well, MS customers are all like thatMar 29 15:43
_Hicham_how will u convince them Roy?Mar 29 15:44
_Hicham_at some point Windows Developers are like thatMar 29 15:44
_Hicham_how can u convince such people RoyMar 29 15:45
_Hicham_give me a concrete planMar 29 15:45
_Hicham_i u were to convince these people to use LinuxMar 29 15:45
_Hicham_tell meMar 29 15:45
_Hicham_imagine urself in front of one of thoseMar 29 15:45
twitterYou don't have to imagine, just take a camera outside.Mar 29 15:46
twitterIt does not matter where you are, the results will be the same.Mar 29 15:47
schestowitztwitter: see Homesteaders in the Hood < >Mar 29 15:47
schestowitz_Hicham_: same problemMar 29 15:47
schestowitzBrainwashMar 29 15:47
schestowitzIt's powerfulMar 29 15:47
twitterthe cure is knowledge, which comes from freedom.Mar 29 15:48
schestowitzJohn posted the following to BN just minutes ago: "This is why many religious extremists oppose education - it's easy to control the ignorant. " 29 15:48
schestowitzRemember that some say that 89% of the population of the US is religiousMar 29 15:48
schestowitzIn the sense that it believes in God anywayMar 29 15:48
twitterIt's easy to get stupid answers from people when you shock them with a camera and world audience.Mar 29 15:48
schestowitzAnd they still mis-educate kidsMar 29 15:48
schestowitzAbout all sorts of thingsMar 29 15:49
schestowitzAnd then there's televisionMar 29 15:49
schestowitzPeople ask why we debate politicsMar 29 15:49
schestowitzWell, it has a lot to do with MicrosoftMar 29 15:49
schestowitzBecuase of: 1) parallels; 2) Microsoft's political gamesMar 29 15:49
schestowitzThe latter is scarcely covered in the mediaMar 29 15:49
schestowitzShow in an article in CNN for example where they discuss an OOXML corruption (just one among many) from MicrosoftMar 29 15:50
schestowitzIt's unheard ofMar 29 15:50
schestowitzThey write about Dolphins and Bush's ranch.Mar 29 15:50
twitterTV news is dying.Mar 29 15:50
schestowitzAyeMar 29 15:50
schestowitzBut they fight backMar 29 15:50
schestowitzThey want to still public money to keep themselvbes aliveMar 29 15:50
twitterthey can't fight a lack of advertisers.Mar 29 15:50
schestowitzCreating the illusion that they are accurateMar 29 15:50
schestowitzAnd misportraying YouTUbe too (I posted a link earlier)Mar 29 15:51
schestowitzIf someone disagrees with them, they use labels like "Radicals" or "crackpot"Mar 29 15:51
twitteryes, broadcast is toxic like that.Mar 29 15:51
twitterit will take generations to healMar 29 15:52
twitterbut it's happening.Mar 29 15:52
schestowitzThey make enocmiesMar 29 15:53
schestowitz*EnemiesMar 29 15:53
schestowitzFor national reasonsMar 29 15:53
schestowitzMicrosoft always looks for threats tooMar 29 15:53
schestowitzLike Google, Linux..Mar 29 15:53
schestowitzThen attacks itMar 29 15:53
schestowitzAt a national level it's also to do with keeping internal affairs in checkMar 29 15:54
schestowitzIn order to maintain local stability you must distractMar 29 15:54
schestowitzSo you make external enemiesMar 29 15:54
schestowitzLike Red Threat, China, Islam...Mar 29 15:54
schestowitzThen you have people fight those imaginary enemiesMar 29 15:54
schestowitzInstead of unite and fight for democracyMar 29 15:54
schestowitzThis way corporocracy can be preservedMar 29 15:54
schestowitzYou just need to divert hatred towards outsidersMar 29 15:55
schestowitzThen attack them and have the popultion always feel 'under war'Mar 29 15:55
schestowitzThis leads to less demands, more obedience, patriotismMar 29 15:55
twitterOK, I have my answerMar 29 15:59
schestowitzEnablement of laws for banishment of stuff is another valuable mechanism... PATRIOT act and all..Mar 29 15:59
twitter-> (10:53:05 AM) _Hicham_: well, MS customers are all like thatMar 29 15:59
twitter-> (10:53:14 AM) _Hicham_: how will u convince them Roy?Mar 29 15:59
twitterAll people are like this.  M$ works hard to keep them that way.Mar 29 16:00
twitterIt's easy to convince peopleMar 29 16:00
twitterjust show them something better.Mar 29 16:00
schestowitzNot always enoughMar 29 16:00
schestowitzYou have lock-inMar 29 16:01
schestowitztechnical and habitual as I like to call itMar 29 16:01
schestowitzTechnical = different formats/protocolsMar 29 16:01
schestowitzHabitual = as Linus put is "better is worse if it's different"Mar 29 16:01
twitterlock in is painful, the solution is to move.  the sooner they move the better off they areMar 29 16:01
schestowitzYesMar 29 16:01
schestowitzGNU has articles about all these thingsMar 29 16:01
schestowitzBut people are busy watching FoxMar 29 16:02
schestowitzI mean, not engineersMar 29 16:02
schestowitzPeopleMar 29 16:02
twitterWindoze is different every two years or so, just for the sake of it.Mar 29 16:02
schestowitzLearning about how White Knight Gatessaves kittensMar 29 16:02
schestowitzBecause the money drives perceptionMar 29 16:02
schestowitzSince at least 1920.Mar 29 16:02
schestowitzYou could even turn women to smokersMar 29 16:03
schestowitzI.e. assassinate them slowly for cashMar 29 16:03
schestowitzAnd get away with itMar 29 16:03
twittertalking to people works, your publication works, the truth is workingMar 29 16:03
schestowitzPodiums are another thingMar 29 16:03
schestowitzYouTube is massive.Mar 29 16:03
twitter every time M$ puts up a roadblock, they wreck something useful and make a new oportunityMar 29 16:04
schestowitzWtach this talk: 29 16:04
schestowitzI watched it last nightMar 29 16:04
schestowitzTherein he talks about how Google gives people a good platformMar 29 16:04
schestowitzTo reach millions of people within a dayMar 29 16:05
twitterpeople may be ignorant, harassed and angry about a lot of things but they are NOT STUPID.Mar 29 16:05
schestowitzAnd the Big Boyz don't like it, obviouslyMar 29 16:05
schestowitzAnother thing is fair use and mashup that makes it legal to produce professional videos quickly.Mar 29 16:05
twitterreliance on Google and other third parties is not good.  it gives a single throat to strangleMar 29 16:06
twitteryoutube is a good beginning but we need real network freedomMar 29 16:06
schestowitzhttp://opendotdotdot.blogspot.c... (Phished by Visa)Mar 29 16:07
schestowitztwitter: there are other services like Google's YouTubeMar 29 16:07
schestowitzThe thing is, we need net neutralityMar 29 16:07
schestowitzNot having ISPs interfere with Web videoMar 29 16:07
schestowitzThen you can have services that are run like P2P for streamingMar 29 16:08
schestowitzDoes such a thing already exist?Mar 29 16:08
schestowitzLike Ogg streaming that's distributed and decentralised (and encrypted of course)?Mar 29 16:08
schestowitzIf not, then balzac should take a look at itMar 29 16:08
schestowitzIt's a goof idea right there.Mar 29 16:08
schestowitz*goodMar 29 16:08
_Hicham_u should put a streaming server on boycottnovell.comMar 29 16:14
_Hicham_to broadcast a live streamMar 29 16:14
_Hicham_the US will extend terrorism notionMar 29 16:15
_Hicham_to include more peopleMar 29 16:15
_Hicham_and u may be called a terrorist some day RoyMar 29 16:15
twitterwe should all be able to host videoMar 29 16:19
twitterand shareMar 29 16:20
twitterthat's what p2p is aboutMar 29 16:20
twittercable companies blocked basic web services.  p2p filled the gap.Mar 29 16:20
twitterthe war will continue until the broadcasters go bankruptMar 29 16:21
twittereven then, governments may fight onMar 29 16:21
twitterbroadcasters already have powerful laws to use against people who share, regardless of who "owns" what's being shared.Mar 29 16:22
_Hicham_P2P broadcasting is really greatMar 29 16:23
_Hicham_I can't wait to see thatMar 29 16:23
twitteryou don't have to wait, just go download what you want to watchMar 29 16:23
schestowitztwitter: yes, we can do a video serverMar 29 16:24
schestowitzBut only for stuff we produceMar 29 16:24
schestowitzYou can't just copy from other sitesMar 29 16:24
twitterthat was hicham's ideaMar 29 16:24
schestowitz_Hicham_: yes, terrorism means those who make us (country leaders) afraidMar 29 16:24
twitteryes, it's a shame that you have to ask permission to share videoMar 29 16:24
schestowitzGoing by the strict defintion of the word "terrorism", the US is a leading terrorist stateMar 29 16:25
schestowitzBased on its deeds aloneMar 29 16:25
twitterI want to be able to share videos right from my house.Mar 29 16:25
schestowitzIt uses fear to accoplish goalsMar 29 16:25
_Hicham_what is the definition of "terrorism"?Mar 29 16:25
twitterI pay for bandwith and would like to be able to use it as I please.Mar 29 16:25
schestowitzAnd it demotes leaders using their fear of violence if it does not like them.Mar 29 16:25
schestowitz /s/of/or/Mar 29 16:25
_Hicham_there is no standard definitionMar 29 16:26
_Hicham_what is known is the US definitionMar 29 16:26
schestowitzIt would be nice if more Americans came to this realisationMar 29 16:26
schestowitzAnd tried to reform the bahaviour of their governmentMar 29 16:26
schestowitzMany people  voice this view publiclyMar 29 16:26
_Hicham_US have redefined terrorism after 9/11Mar 29 16:26
schestowitzIt's rather normal these days, but not in Fox when it's dissently and marginalisedMar 29 16:26
_Hicham_and the terrorism that we know, is the pre-9/11 notionMar 29 16:27
schestowitz_Hicham_: the definition you can find from US military.Mar 29 16:27
schestowitzLet me find itMar 29 16:27
_Hicham_i mean postMar 29 16:27
schestowitzCause I read it beforeMar 29 16:27
_Hicham_post-9/11 notionMar 29 16:27
schestowitz"the use of violence against civilians in order to achieve certain political aims."Mar 29 16:28
schestowitzThat's the definitoonMar 29 16:28
schestowitzThis is the definitioon from the US stateMar 29 16:28
amarsh04it would have to also include threats of violence, schestowitzMar 29 16:29
schestowitz"There are universal moral principles which apply equally to individuals as well as groups of individuals (including states); among these universal principles are severe restrictions on the killing of civilians."Mar 29 16:30
schestowitzamarsh04: yes, but not by *this* definition, I thinkMar 29 16:30
schestowitzThere are stories about South America and how journalists were cut with machetes for not obeying the military coup or whatever.Mar 29 16:30
schestowitzSo basically, some said that if they don't leave the country and stop publishing, they might due.Mar 29 16:31
schestowitz*dieMar 29 16:31
schestowitzIt's actually complicatedMar 29 16:31
schestowitzA states can recruit and train groups to do the terrorism by proxyMar 29 16:31
amarsh04that's what I was afraid of, schestowitz... fear of violence is enough to stop many people doing what should be perfectly legitimateMar 29 16:31
_Hicham_the fear is a sharp weaponMar 29 16:32
schestowitzLike... if the CIA trains a group to overthrow Chavez and the group threatens lives, does that count as US terrorism?Mar 29 16:32
amarsh04agreed, or HP doing pretexting by proxyMar 29 16:32
schestowitzLikewise with MS smear campainsMar 29 16:32
schestowitzA lot of the time Microsoft uses its cronies out there to do the smearsMar 29 16:32
schestowitzOr SCO to do lawsuits..Mar 29 16:32
schestowitzamarsh04: ahhh. yes... H-PMar 29 16:33
schestowitzWaggener Endromm is the sameMar 29 16:33
schestowitz*SpellingMar 29 16:33
_Hicham_MS and Novell may sue u RoyMar 29 16:33
schestowitzThey pressure journalistsMar 29 16:33
_Hicham_for cutting their profitsMar 29 16:33
schestowitzIf Microsoft came to you and asked to change your article, you'd be not so thrilledMar 29 16:33
schestowitzBut if some agency does it, then it's OKMar 29 16:33
schestowitzSame with the laptop brbesMar 29 16:34
schestowitzIt came via Edelman and W-EMar 29 16:34
schestowitzMicrosoft hires shills this wayMar 29 16:34
schestowitzAlways by proxyMar 29 16:34
schestowitzSame with smearsMar 29 16:34
schestowitzAnd spyingMar 29 16:34
schestowitz_Hicham_: they would achieve nothing by suingMar 29 16:34
schestowitzJust more bad publicity for themMar 29 16:34
schestowitzI've got no money, I'm not a company or a newspaperMar 29 16:34
schestowitzSCO tried to attack GroklawMar 29 16:35
schestowitzIt backfiredMar 29 16:35
_Hicham_then they may kill uMar 29 16:35
schestowitzSo they stepped backMar 29 16:35
schestowitz_Hicham_: you'll guard me :-)Mar 29 16:35
_Hicham_why if they hire a hitman to execute u?Mar 29 16:35
_Hicham_why notMar 29 16:35
schestowitzIt would be suspiciousMar 29 16:35
schestowitzAnd I doubt itMar 29 16:35
schestowitzThey wouldn't go for meMar 29 16:35
schestowitzThey would go after more important peopleMar 29 16:35
schestowitzLike RMS..Mar 29 16:35
_Hicham_RMS doesn't attack them directlyMar 29 16:36
_Hicham_are u sure that u can't be bribed?Mar 29 16:38
schestowitzTo shut up?Mar 29 16:41
schestowitzNo wayMar 29 16:41
schestowitzAlso, that would never happenMar 29 16:41
schestowitzHad they tried to bribe dissenter, they'd get exposed and maybe sued.Mar 29 16:42
schestowitzThey would have to be insane to offer bribes to suppress critics. It would be leaked by the one to whom bribe is presentedMar 29 16:42
schestowitz 29 16:43
schestowitzback in 2 hours.....Mar 29 16:47
_Hicham_okMar 29 16:48
_Hicham_take careMar 29 16:48
*mib_gxn3nq (i=a63fd44b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 17:16
mib_gxn3nqhiMar 29 17:16
mib_gxn3nqIt's royMar 29 17:16
mib_gxn3nqat the gymMar 29 17:16
*mib_gxn3nq has quit (Client Quit)Mar 29 17:16
twitterThe more violent and horrible oppressors are, the more they should be opposed.Mar 29 17:30
twitterM$ works to convert or economically ruin dissenters.Mar 29 17:30
twitterThe main means of conversion and thwarting is "interoperability"Mar 29 17:31
twitterThere are lots of ways M$ can waste people's time like that, but there's only so many projects they can fund.Mar 29 17:32
twitterYou've seen it in the SLOG DOC, where analysts and media people are dismissed as people easy to buy and screw.Mar 29 17:33
twitterI've also seen it here in Baton Rouge.  The leader of both the Baton Rouge Linux User's group and LSU's Linux User's Group were sucked up.Mar 29 17:34
_Hicham_who won't be sucked up?Mar 29 17:35
_Hicham_it he is joblessMar 29 17:35
twitterIt's hard to turn down good paying work, and so these people both ended up with Windows as the center of their computing world.Mar 29 17:35
twitterI won't be sucked up.  I'd rather clean toilets than learn .NET and other M$ shit.Mar 29 17:35
twitterFor me, working for M$ is the ethical equivalent of working for China.Mar 29 17:36
twitterM$ is a mortal enemy of freedom.Mar 29 17:36
_Hicham_what if they propose u $20k/month?Mar 29 17:37
twitterno good will come of it, no thanksMar 29 17:37
_Hicham_so u prefer ethics to money?Mar 29 17:38
twitteryesMar 29 17:39
_Hicham_that is greatMar 29 17:39
_Hicham_i don't see people like that very muchMar 29 17:39
_Hicham_almost all people I know prefer moneyMar 29 17:39
twitterthe more I've learned about M$, the less willing I've become to even work with their crap.Mar 29 17:40
_Hicham_so u never done a project on Windows?Mar 29 17:41
twitterI can and might have to be a user, and I may have to help users, but I won't work for M$ or an affiliate.Mar 29 17:41
twitterI've used Windows and DOS for several jobs.Mar 29 17:41
_Hicham_did u develop a project for Windows ?Mar 29 17:42
twitterAt the worst, I knew a little about the win95 api and used it to make data display and analysis programs.Mar 29 17:42
twittermy recent thesis work required me to use Windows for data acquisitionMar 29 17:42
twitterI did not, thankfully, have to program to WindowsMar 29 17:43
twittercurrently, I'm working with a professor who has a Visual Studio dll that must be used.Mar 29 17:43
_Hicham_why u have to use Windows for data acquisition?Mar 29 17:43
_Hicham_the msvcrt80.dll?Mar 29 17:43
twitterI used it because the hardware was already built for some important components.Mar 29 17:44
_Hicham_couldn't u use Wine?Mar 29 17:44
twitterMy professor thought it would be quicker to use those components than rebuild things with better hardware.Mar 29 17:44
twitterthe dll is specific to the project.  I'm going to compile and run on wine if I can.  It would be much better that way, but I can't get around the dll.Mar 29 17:45
_Hicham_do u have the source code for the dll?Mar 29 17:46
twitternoMar 29 17:46
twitterI'm stuck using it if I want to help my professor.Mar 29 17:46
_Hicham_u have to use MSVC compiler tooMar 29 17:47
_Hicham_u can't use gccMar 29 17:48
_Hicham_since names decoration differMar 29 17:48
_Hicham_so u will end up using MS Visual StudioMar 29 17:48
twitterYeah, I know.  It won't even work on compilers for Mac - M$ crap is that booby trapped.Mar 29 17:48
_Hicham_u have to ask for the dll source codeMar 29 17:49
_Hicham_if u can obtain itMar 29 17:49
_Hicham_or try reverse engineeringMar 29 17:50
twitterit is not my place to ask and reverse engineering would take too long.Mar 29 17:51
_Hicham_where do u study? in the US?Mar 29 17:52
twitteryesMar 29 17:52
_Hicham_and US professors use Windows ...Mar 29 17:53
twitterI've done a lot of work at LSU.Mar 29 17:53
_Hicham_what a shameMar 29 17:53
_Hicham_!Mar 29 17:53
twitterNo, they don't all use Windows but there is great pressure.Mar 29 17:53
twitterLSU and Louisiana signed a scandalous single source contract with Dell.  You can get gnu/linux now, but it's limited.Mar 29 17:54
_Hicham_the professors in here all use WindowsMar 29 17:55
twitterEverything I do with Windows is painful and awful.Mar 29 17:55
_Hicham_I developed an encryption software last year on LinuxMar 29 17:55
_Hicham_but I had to port it to WindowsMar 29 17:56
twitterfun, fun, funMar 29 17:56
_Hicham_because the professor doesn't use LinuxMar 29 17:56
_Hicham_thank's to RedHat's Cygwin, now it is easier to port Unix Project to WindowsMar 29 17:57
twitterthat's for sureMar 29 17:57
twitterencryption on a backdoored system like Windows is sort of a waste of time, isn't it?Mar 29 17:58
_Hicham_sure it isMar 29 17:59
_Hicham_one of things that I was thinking ofMar 29 17:59
_Hicham_the keys protection mechanismMar 29 18:00
_Hicham_I failed to find a reliable model on WindowsMar 29 18:00
_Hicham_On Linux, securing the keys wasn't hardMar 29 18:00
twitterI'm reading Roy's "unruly media" email.  Very funny stuff.Mar 29 18:02
twitter"up your street" where do they get crap like that?Mar 29 18:02
twitterbblMar 29 18:03
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 29 18:08
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 18:16
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 29 18:23
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 18:26
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 29 18:27
zer0c00lmy maiden drupal website 29 18:36
zer0c00ldoes it look goodMar 29 18:36
*zer0c00l expects feedback ;)Mar 29 18:36
zer0c00lits not officially launched lot of work has to be doneMar 29 18:41
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 18:50
MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Mar 29 18:53
schestowitzMicrosoft shoots itself in the foot.Mar 29 18:56
schestowitzI've just come back from the gym (I accessed IRC from there BTW) and the guy who works there said he had "lost the key"Mar 29 18:57
schestowitzAfter he said it 3 times I asked him which keyMar 29 18:57
schestowitzTurned out it was Windows keyMar 29 18:57
schestowitzHe's locked outMar 29 18:57
schestowitzSo I got his reading about KDE4 and he got glued to the screen for a long time :-)Mar 29 18:57
schestowitzzer0c00l: I can't reach that serverMar 29 18:58
schestowitzIt times outMar 29 18:58
zer0c00l:(Mar 29 19:00
zer0c00lwill check it outMar 29 19:00
schestowitzGracelyne Fernando just mailed meMar 29 19:00
schestowitzNuisanceMar 29 19:00
schestowitzI think you got her knickers in a tizzy by showing how she had been screwing the Indian population for criminals like BallmerMar 29 19:01
schestowitzI hope she takes some time to think what she's doneMar 29 19:01
zer0c00lyesMar 29 19:02
zer0c00lwhat she sent?Mar 29 19:02
schestowitzMicrosoft's latest folly in patents: And in India: 29 19:03
schestowitzTook lots of work to write thoseMar 29 19:03
MinceR210523 <@schestowitz> Microsoft shoots itself in the foot.Mar 29 19:04
schestowitzzer0c00l: never mind. Private mail. But I'm appalled at how greedy people are and how stupid by imposition they can be (brainwashed to believe that "war is peace"^tm and "suppression is free (gratis)")Mar 29 19:04
MinceRit's more like they're holding a machine gun at their foot set to full auto and they have the trigger pulledMar 29 19:04
zer0c00lshe is kind of obnoxiousMar 29 19:04
MinceRand it's belt fedMar 29 19:04
schestowitzStrong ictureMar 29 19:04
zer0c00llet her cool down :PMar 29 19:05
schestowitzMinceR: belt on the foot?Mar 29 19:05
MinceRperhapsMar 29 19:06
schestowitzWhoa!Mar 29 19:07
schestowitzAlmost no "Microsoft" news in the past weekMar 29 19:07
schestowitzIt indicates they become less relevantMar 29 19:07
schestowitzOnly 380 matchesMar 29 19:07
schestowitzUsed to be over 500 some months ago...Mar 29 19:07
schestowitzLet'\s so Vista vs Vista7 checkMar 29 19:07
schestowitzThe 'vapourware test'Mar 29 19:08
schestowitzWatch two evil marketing companies hookin' up: 29 19:08
schestowitz"Hi, my name is Joe and I used to work for Microsoft... now I live in the park bench.." < Could laid off Microsoft workers spark a new innovation wave? >Mar 29 19:09
schestowitzRed Hat had no layoffs. Same with DebianMar 29 19:09
schestowitz"Vista" news: # of results: 2Mar 29 19:10
schestowitzHeadline: "Acer sued for shipping Vista-book with GB of memory"Mar 29 19:10
schestowitzAlready covered in BNMar 29 19:10
schestowitzSecond headline: "The Curtain Falls On Windows Vista&#39;s "SideShow" - Washington Post"Mar 29 19:10
schestowitzAlso covered in BNMar 29 19:10
schestowitzMoving on to Vista 7...Mar 29 19:11
schestowitzMatching "dows 7": 10Mar 29 19:11
schestowitzVista (today's flagship): 2Mar 29 19:11
schestowitzVapourware: 10Mar 29 19:11
schestowitzKeep track of the scoreMar 29 19:11
schestowitzMicrosoft is embarrassed with what it hasMar 29 19:11
schestowitzIt lives in future fantasiesMar 29 19:11
schestowitz"Microsoft lets new Windows 7 date slip -"Mar 29 19:12
schestowitzSurprise, surprise.Mar 29 19:12
schestowitzMake hype, pull away.Mar 29 19:12
schestowitzOOOH! oooo! It's  LEAK!Mar 29 19:12
zer0c00llol "Reza,Sid handle a cool session called “Win7,IE8,9 lives of students - The three musketeers”Mar 29 19:12
zer0c00lif the next os comes in they will change itMar 29 19:12
schestowitzzer0c00l: where?Mar 29 19:12
zer0c00lher blogMar 29 19:13
schestowitz2010?Mar 29 19:13
schestowitzVista Anothe7 G7?Mar 29 19:13
zer0c00l 29 19:13
zer0c00lwhat to sayMar 29 19:13
schestowitz“I have lost my sleep and peace of mind for last two months over these distasteful activities by Microsoft.” –Professor Deepak Phatak IIT bombayMar 29 19:14
zer0c00lyesMar 29 19:14
schestowitzAnd she's helping this Bully CorporationMar 29 19:14
zer0c00l:DMar 29 19:14
schestowitzShe's helping harrassment of poor professors who defend IndiaMar 29 19:14
schestowitzQuote the bit he wrote about looting his countryMar 29 19:14
schestowitzShow her what she helps doMar 29 19:14
zer0c00li am keep tellingMar 29 19:15
schestowitzShe's helping the "invaders"Mar 29 19:15
schestowitzItll get to them eventuallyMar 29 19:15
schestowitzGets them thinkingMar 29 19:15
schestowitzLike RaSaMar 29 19:15
schestowitzRaShMar 29 19:15
zer0c00lRaShMar 29 19:15
zer0c00lyesMar 29 19:15
schestowitzYesMar 29 19:15
schestowitzHeheMar 29 19:15
schestowitzEcho hereMar 29 19:15
zer0c00l:PMar 29 19:15
schestowitzbeat me to it!Mar 29 19:15
schestowitzShane O'neill  (Ballmer's friend) is attacking Linux in IDG againMar 29 19:17
schestowitzReally, these people need to kick out the MS shills from IDGMar 29 19:18
schestowitzNetworkWorld in this case.Mar 29 19:18
schestowitz <<--Shane O'neill does nothign these days but boost Microsoft and just attack LinuxMar 29 19:18
schestowitzIf Linux is not a threat, then why does he keep attacking it?Mar 29 19:18
schestowitzHe never even USED LinuxMar 29 19:18
schestowitzHe met Ballmer last month and ever since he has attacked Linux like a motorMar 29 19:19
schestowitzFrom now on I shall refer to him as "little ballmer"Mar 29 19:19
schestowitz 29 19:20
schestowitz 29 19:20
schestowitz"Another tech analyst, Tim Bajarin, president of consulting firm Creative Strategies, believes that Google will eventually extend Android to netbooks, but not until early to mid 2010."Mar 29 19:20
schestowitzThe whole article is an anti-Linux smearMar 29 19:20
zer0c00l"What I will do, on the other hand, is give a Disclaimer before my session[on doze], so that if there’s some freedom fighter (or someone who’s seriously into Terminator), then they may not use the MS product. Happy?"   ->RaSh  wrote after felt sorry in BN . Its like adding statuary waring before teaching people to smoke cigaretsMar 29 19:22
zer0c00lcigaret smoking is injuries to healthMar 29 19:22
zer0c00lthese people are hard to changeMar 29 19:22
zer0c00l comment no 43Mar 29 19:22
schestowitzIt's time for me to do a post about little ballmer tooMar 29 19:23
schestowitzMaybe tomorrowMar 29 19:23
zer0c00lschestowitz: whats the time there 8.30 pm?Mar 29 19:23
schestowitzYEsMar 29 19:25
schestowitzDST just kicked in last nightMar 29 19:25
zer0c00li am just adjusting my fedora clock to match manchesterMar 29 19:25
zer0c00l:)Mar 29 19:25
zer0c00lwe dont use DSTMar 29 19:27
zer0c00l 29 19:27
zer0c00l*dst is no longer usedMar 29 19:27
schestowitzXBox disaster galore this week:Mar 29 19:30
schestowitzErrors: 29 19:30
schestowitzDST is uselessMar 29 19:30
schestowitzIt's from farming datsMar 29 19:30
schestowitz*daysMar 29 19:30
schestowitzXbox designer accuses Microsoft of homophobia  < >Mar 29 19:31
schestowitzXbox designer sues Microsoft for harassment < >Mar 29 19:31
schestowitzMicrosoft Wants You to Pay for E74 Repairs on Xbox 360s over a year old < Mar 29 19:34
schestowitzInside Microsoft's Worst Hard Time < >Mar 29 19:35
schestowitzPanis chamber..Mar 29 19:35
schestowitz*PanicMar 29 19:35
schestowitzbrbMar 29 19:39
*conley has quit ( 29 19:54
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 19:54
schestowitzHow to diagnose and defeat the dangerous Conficker worm < > Intructions for Linux conspicuously  are missingMar 29 19:58
MinceRinstructions to upgrade to linux in order to immunze the computer?Mar 29 20:01
*mib_z474zz (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 20:01
MinceRs/nze/nize/Mar 29 20:01
*mib_z474zz has quit (Client Quit)Mar 29 20:01
schestowitzJust sarcasm. Hey, I've realised we now get over 1000 UIPs a day via GoogleMar 29 20:02
schestowitzOver 50 search for "boycott novell" or "boycottnovell" so the name is recognisedMar 29 20:02
schestowitzover 50/day that isMar 29 20:03
schestowitzThere are some real bombs in the news for MSFTMar 29 20:03
schestowitzI'll post some tomorrowMar 29 20:03
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 29 20:08
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 20:08
schestowitzBill Gates: Philanthropist or Profiteering Polluter?  < >Mar 29 20:13
schestowitzUPDATE: Charter Communications Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy < >Mar 29 20:22
schestowitzGuess what? Even the New York Times is in debt: 29 20:24
schestowitzThat may spell the death of one of the longest-standing papers maybe. No Idea how old WSJ is... and other older ones... Mar 29 20:24
schestowitzNew Internet Explorer Errors  < >Mar 29 20:28
schestowitzWith NBC run by GE and such this is madness.... companies owning the reporting media that speaks about them and their competitorsMar 29 20:30
schestowitz[Or don't speak... e.g. Linux]Mar 29 20:30
schestowitzMore Microsoft dumping of Office: "The Ultimate Steal Promotion saves students up to 91 percent off the estimated retail price when downloading Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007. REDMOND, Wash., March 25 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ "Mar 29 20:38
schestowitzThe abusive monopolist is doing PR stunts in the UK for publicity... ; 29 20:40
schestowitzMicrosoft employee assaulted and robbed in West Seattle < >Mar 29 20:43
schestowitzThe US is expected to have a sharp rise in crime due to unemployment. The UK has curfews. Mar 29 20:45
schestowitzTwitter sold out: mocoNews - Twitter Gets Business Model For Third Birthday < > 29 20:47
schestowitz"Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT) new Web browser includes privacy functions that may assuage U.S. government concerns about the collection of personal data, a key element of an emerging technology the software giant is counting on to bolster its Internet advertising business." 29 20:51
schestowitzBull. Vista has forensics built in........ but not for the users, for the copsMar 29 20:52
schestowitz "Aodhan Cullen, StatCounter founder and CEO, described the users’ reaction to the launch of IE8 as “underwhelming”"Mar 29 20:53
schestowitzCheck out this page: Click on the girl at the bottom. See how they encourage using girls as objects... appendices to hardware gadgets. This is insulting and degrading. Why would sites about technology combine it with sex to make sales?Mar 29 20:57
schestowitzMicrosoft brings Web poison to the platform it also fights... Will Miguel and Gang be the next to participate in such stuff?Mar 29 20:59
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 21:09
_Hicham_Fat RoyMar 29 21:11
_Hicham_u went to the gym?Mar 29 21:11
schestowitzMicrosoft is looking for cheap labour (who would volunteer to them?): 29 21:12
schestowitz_Hicham_: yesMar 29 21:12
_Hicham_would do u like to go help them?Mar 29 21:13
schestowitzTwitter sold out to Microsoft (AstroTurfing part of their spiel now): Shame really.Mar 29 21:13
schestowitz_Hicham_: Yes, I'll hold the pistol next to the foot while they squeeze the trigger ;-)Mar 29 21:13
_Hicham_did u ever see the apache torture?Mar 29 21:14
schestowitzSome crappy company called "NaviSite" helps Microsoft molest other companies with the BizSpark lockinMar 29 21:14
schestowitzApache?Mar 29 21:15
schestowitzThe tribe?Mar 29 21:15
_Hicham_http://debian.fmi.uni-s...Mar 29 21:16
schestowitzMicrosoft likes its supporter dead, not tortured. 29 21:16
_Hicham_here u goMar 29 21:16
_Hicham_did u see the special way of torture?Mar 29 21:16
schestowitzI think I was this many years agoMar 29 21:17
_Hicham_what do u think of this kind of torture?Mar 29 21:17
_Hicham_:DMar 29 21:17
MinceRlooks more like executionMar 29 21:18
schestowitzAstroTurf as Twitter biz mode. Shame on them, esp. when they sell out to a criminal company. Facebook sold out to the same criminal company (with extensive records)Mar 29 21:19
schestowitzMinceR: "killing me softly"Mar 29 21:19
MinceRi wouldn't call it soft :>Mar 29 21:20
*lis` has quit ("baibai<3")Mar 29 21:20
schestowitzNASA liaises with the criminal too, which is strange because NASA does lots of Windows. 29 21:24
_Hicham_Roy : u should give a speech on YoutubeMar 29 21:25
schestowitzAbout what?Mar 29 21:26
schestowitzPieter: 29 21:26
_Hicham_About the Big Corporations CrimesMar 29 21:27
_Hicham_did u start the wiki?Mar 29 21:27
twitterthis twitter never sold out to M$.Mar 29 21:28
schestowitz_Hicham_: it's in progressMar 29 21:28
schestowitzI was gonna do some tomorrow, but no time....Mar 29 21:28
schestowitz (Twitter, Seeking Revenue, Launches Microsoft-Sponsored Site )Mar 29 21:30
schestowitzAlso here: 29 21:30
schestowitzMaybe they'll go bankrupt togetherMar 29 21:30
schestowitz_Hicham_: Let me elaborateMar 29 21:30
schestowitzIt's a tradeoffsMar 29 21:30
schestowitzMicrosoft commits many crimes all the timeMar 29 21:30
schestowitzI have in my text editor about 7 sins right now that I want to postMar 29 21:31
schestowitzSo organising old ones means not keeping track of new onesMar 29 21:31
schestowitzGroklaw had a similar tradeoffMar 29 21:31
schestowitzFollow news vs. organise old newsMar 29 21:31
schestowitzSo it took a break from newsMar 29 21:31
schestowitzPJ from Groklaw did a recording here (as Ogg): 29 21:32
schestowitz 29 21:32
schestowitzThis is because she never even posted a photo publiclyMar 29 21:33
_Hicham_nice voiceMar 29 21:33
_Hicham_she must be a hottyMar 29 21:34
_Hicham_who is this chick?Mar 29 21:36
twitterIt's a shame the Los Angeles Times did not serve it's archive.  The original article about M$'s big and embarrassing astro-turf was much better.Mar 29 21:36
schestowitzWho is this David Coursey who wrote "Why Microsoft Should Buy Facebook" in IDG?Mar 29 21:37
schestowitzSeems like an awkward thing to write now that MS has no money left.Mar 29 21:37
schestowitz_Hicham_: you don't know Groklaw?Mar 29 21:37
_Hicham_noMar 29 21:38
twitterM$ pretends it has money.Mar 29 21:38
twitterThey get their supporters to carry on as if M$ still had $60 billion left.Mar 29 21:39
twitterI'd like to know how much they actually have now.Mar 29 21:39
schestowitzMaybe big debtMar 29 21:40
schestowitzNobody knowsMar 29 21:40
schestowitzUntil one day it drops like a rockMar 29 21:40
schestowitzLike SCOMar 29 21:40
schestowitz[with CHapter 11 out of the blue]Mar 29 21:40
schestowitzMicrosoft was caught for fraud beforeMar 29 21:40
schestowitzBy an insiderMar 29 21:40
schestowitzSurely they still do thisMar 29 21:40
schestowitzThey are just more careful about hiring whistleblow-inclines accountantsMar 29 21:41
schestowitz*inclinedMar 29 21:41
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 29 21:41
schestowitzYuck.. DTS Systeme Completes Linux (Mono) Web-based OS Deployment Tool < http://linux.sys-con.c... >Mar 29 21:42
twitterAnother M$ security failure -> A Microsoft employee was Maced and punched until he blacked out .... He was missing his state identification card, Bank of America debit card, $60 and the SECURITY BADGE he uses as a cook at Microsoft.Mar 29 21:47
*schestowitz install Adobe AIR.Mar 29 21:47
schestowitzIs it just partially open source?Mar 29 21:47
schestowitzAFAIK it isMar 29 21:47
Balrog_where is the partial source?Mar 29 21:47
schestowitztwitter: yes, put that up thereMar 29 21:47
Balrog_(btw, google updater for mac is foss...)Mar 29 21:47
schestowitzThere are more such recent incidentsMar 29 21:47
schestowitzDeaths on MS capus tooMar 29 21:47
Balrog_but I'd use sparkle as it's better :)Mar 29 21:47
schestowitz*campusMar 29 21:47
twitternasty.Mar 29 21:48
twitterbeating up a cook, that's low.Mar 29 21:48
Balrog_??Mar 29 21:50
schestowitzAIR translucency is niceMar 29 21:51
schestowitzI've just installed an AIR app for identi.caMar 29 21:51
schestowitzThey're all like floating widgetsMar 29 21:52
Balrog_schestowitz: this may be useful: 29 21:52
twitterthese numbers are mostly meaningless but they show a net decline. 29 21:52
twittertried to look at the adobe air site, but it wanted me to have flash installed.  oh well.Mar 29 21:53
twitterbblMar 29 21:53
Balrog_use gnash :)Mar 29 21:53
MinceRwell, AIR probably includes a version of flash anywayMar 29 21:56
MinceRthe good thing about AIR is that it stays out of the browser :>Mar 29 21:57
schestowitzTHis new tool (twhirl) looks very niceMar 29 21:57
schestowitzNot very useful thoughMar 29 21:57
schestowitzIt nags with notifications as wellMar 29 21:57
schestowitzAnd I can't resize the thingMar 29 21:57
MinceRwell, microblogging is not very useful either :>Mar 29 21:58
schestowitzYes, but that's well known... though it's valuable for a few thingsMar 29 21:59
Balrog_I find AIR not very usefulMar 29 21:59
schestowitz 29 21:59
Balrog_doesn't it add binary content to the web anyway?Mar 29 21:59
schestowitzBalrog: yes, it's like reinventing thingsMar 29 21:59
schestowitzRun Linux 'the Adobe way'Mar 29 21:59
schestowitzBalrog: yesMar 29 22:00
Balrog_that's not too goodMar 29 22:00
schestowitzThe Adobe installer was OKMar 29 22:00
schestowitzI needed to be admin to run it, but that's fair enoughMar 29 22:00
schestowitzBetter than Google Earth installerMar 29 22:00
Balrog_adobe software tends to suckMar 29 22:00
schestowitzCompared to who? Microsoft? IBM? Sun?Mar 29 22:00
Balrog_like Creative Suite apps for OS X don't handle case-sensitive FS properlyMar 29 22:00
Balrog_I should say, at allMar 29 22:00
Balrog_with Windows, there's no option for case sensitive FSMar 29 22:01
schestowitzHere's where I found it: 29 22:01
schestowitzThey also list the Mono infection called GNOME-DoMar 29 22:01
MinceRwell, just about anything is better than the google earth installerMar 29 22:02
MinceRor google earth in generalMar 29 22:02
schestowitzThe third one looks like an app in testing mode, before the GUI mode...Mar 29 22:02
Balrog_what doesn the google earth installer do???Mar 29 22:02
schestowitzGood for CLI people..Mar 29 22:02
Balrog_or the app in general?Mar 29 22:02
schestowitzOr grepping... piping I/O..Mar 29 22:02
schestowitzAsk MinceR Mar 29 22:02
schestowitzHe loaths itMar 29 22:02
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 22:02
schestowitzloathesMar 29 22:03
schestowitzYo, oiaohm Mar 29 22:03
Balrog_MinceR: what's wrong with it?Mar 29 22:03
MinceRit has no uninstallerMar 29 22:03
oiaohmHi schestowitzMar 29 22:03
MinceRalso, google earth itself simply fails to work if you don't run it as rootMar 29 22:03
Balrog_the linux version?Mar 29 22:03
MinceRindeedMar 29 22:03
Balrog_there is no /usr/share/google-earth/uninstall ?Mar 29 22:04
MinceRmaybe there was one, but it didn't workMar 29 22:04
MinceRin the end i had to manually hunt down the pieces in the fsMar 29 22:04
Balrog_running as root is no good. Maybe it's trying to access a device that requires root because you're not in the proper group?Mar 29 22:04
MinceRso that piece of shit isn't going to see my fs againMar 29 22:04
schestowitzBalrog: 29 22:04
MinceRmaybe in a chroot jail or somethingMar 29 22:04
oiaohmThis is why I am looking forward to btrfs on linux.Mar 29 22:04
MinceRBalrog_: i don't know. if it does, it's supposed to tell meMar 29 22:05
oiaohma rollback system for crappy applications.Mar 29 22:05
MinceRalso, what would it need anyway?Mar 29 22:05
Balrog_hrrm....Mar 29 22:05
MinceRnetwork and opengl both work fine as userMar 29 22:05
Balrog_where does it store tiles?Mar 29 22:05
MinceRi'd like a gobolinux/nixos style package managerMar 29 22:05
Balrog_maybe that has to be user-writeableMar 29 22:05
MinceRBalrog_: i don't really care, it should need root privileges periodMar 29 22:05
MinceRit isn't windows so google should stop treating it like it isMar 29 22:06
oiaohmgobolinux can still be stuffed up by applications doing the wrong thing.Mar 29 22:06
MinceRtrueMar 29 22:06
Balrog_yeah I know :(Mar 29 22:06
Balrog_google is doing the same with macMar 29 22:06
oiaohmbtrfs allows writerable snapshots.Mar 29 22:06
oiaohmSo you can do something like gobolinuxMar 29 22:06
MinceRi'm planning to use those snapshots for backup :>Mar 29 22:06
Balrog_instead of using the sparkle updater, which is a tiny shared lib that sits inside the application package, they use this system-wide updater that can't be disabledMar 29 22:07
MinceRmy updater is called apt :>Mar 29 22:07
Balrog_(sparkle is a small framework that checks versions and gives the user the option of downloading+installing a new version if it's available)Mar 29 22:08
schestowitzIt seems like sjvn is promoting vapourware.. 29 22:08
Balrog_it's funny what I read on the mac forums (the thread about the MS ads)Mar 29 22:09
Balrog_many are talking about switching to Win7 from MAcMar 29 22:09
Balrog_Mac *Mar 29 22:09
MinceRlolMar 29 22:09
Balrog_they'll be surprised when win7 comes out and isn't what they hope for :)Mar 29 22:10
MinceRwell, apparently neither was osxMar 29 22:10
MinceRgnMar 29 22:11
Balrog_hmm, we don't know what 10.6 will be like yet...Mar 29 22:11
MinceRit will be like all the previous versions: shitty.Mar 29 22:11
Balrog_but the technology behind OS X is way better than windowsMar 29 22:11
MinceRyes, the parts apple didn't write are goodMar 29 22:12
Balrog_I think the package system that OS X uses is better than Linux in a wayMar 29 22:12
Balrog_(self contained apps, frameworks, etc)Mar 29 22:12
MinceRand there are systems that are fully built of such stuffMar 29 22:12
Balrog_I didn't see a linux like that ...Mar 29 22:12
MinceRself-contained apps are stupidMar 29 22:12
MinceRand if you know what dynamic linking is for, you know whyMar 29 22:12
MinceRapple apparently doesn't know what it isMar 29 22:12
Balrog_well with self contained apps you can remove them easily and you don't have to worry about collisionsMar 29 22:12

Recent Techrights' Posts

In Central African Republic Windows Has Pretty Much Fallen to Zero
We need to focus on Software Freedom
Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
Doing Free Software for a Living in an Era or a Time of Abundance of Code (and Fast Internet to Pass It Around Freely) or Writing When the Web is Attacked by LLM Slop
Tailoring code to needs is the key
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Gemini Links 03/03/2025: Copyrights, GrapheneOS, and SpaceBeans
Links for the day
Links 03/03/2025: Europe Rallies Behind Ukraine, Measles Flourishes in US Again
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After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
Links 03/03/2025: 'Monetisation' Myth' and Microsoft's LLMs Helping Criminals
Links for the day
The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
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Maybe change does come about...
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025
Microsoft Windows Falls to All-Time Low in Thailand
We're seeing many all-time records like these so far in 2025
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Links 02/03/2025: Microsoft Outlook Goes Offline, Foreign-Owned Social Control Media Interfering With Fair Elections
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According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
But mobile is king
New Video Clip of Richard Stallman's Latest Visit to and Talks in Italy
Richard Stallman or RMS giving his latest talk last week
Windows Used by Only One in Six Asians to Access the Web, According to statCounter
maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
If one puts aside Russia and east Europe, not many countries exist that still connect to the Web from Windows more than from Android
GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
Europe, on average, is now estimated to have GNU/Linux on 1 in 25 Web-connected laptops/desktops
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
People still use search, not chatbots
Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
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Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
Right now there are many articles about Microsoft Outlook being down completely
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 01, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 01, 2025