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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 2nd, 2009 - Part 1


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DaemonFCI avoid QTApr 02 00:01
DaemonFCI always use GTK+, I will not install anything that uses QTApr 02 00:01
DaemonFCat least if I have any choiceApr 02 00:01
silentivmI like QtApr 02 00:02
schestowitzVery cool! : 02 00:03
DaemonFCKDE Krashes too much, it's Kompletely bloated, and it's laid out like the UI team is on KracKApr 02 00:04
DaemonFCand they depend on a toolkit that is controlled by NokiaApr 02 00:04
schestowitzDaemonFC: KDE is fantasticApr 02 00:06
schestowitzNever crashesApr 02 00:06
silentivmI used to like KDE3Apr 02 00:07
silentivm*I likeApr 02 00:07
DaemonFCI never managed to keep it up more than a few hoursApr 02 00:07
schestowitzThe toolkit was frred (LGPL)Apr 02 00:07
silentivmbut KDE4 is far away from meApr 02 00:07
schestowitz*freedApr 02 00:07
DaemonFCwithout some major screup that either made me restart XApr 02 00:07
DaemonFCor hold in the power buttonApr 02 00:07
silentivmnever had such problems, DaemonFCApr 02 00:07
DaemonFCthat includes the builds of vanilla KDE 4.2.1Apr 02 00:07
schestowitzDaemonFC: is thr anything in Linux that you like?Apr 02 00:07
DaemonFCthat were made just for Mandriva, by the KDE peopleApr 02 00:07
schestowitzYou were on a similar rant-rage the other day here in IRC.Apr 02 00:08
silentivmI have 4.2.1 hereApr 02 00:08
schestowitzoiaohm was annoyed by itApr 02 00:08
schestowitzAnd he's no fanboiApr 02 00:08
silentivmbut it is enough to torture meApr 02 00:08
*ToreadorVampire has quit ("... and now back to the REAL fantasy world!")Apr 02 00:15
Balrog_Qt 4.5 is great!!!Apr 02 00:18
Balrog_GPL crashes much moreApr 02 00:19
schestowitzgpl??Apr 02 00:21
Balrog_GTK *Apr 02 00:23
Balrog_sorry :(Apr 02 00:23
Balrog_my badApr 02 00:23
silentivmto say, I've never had problems with either.Apr 02 00:24
Balrog_I know there are mac haters here, but GTK is very experimental on Mac. There's GTK.framework, but it's certainly not as supported as Qt.Apr 02 00:25
Balrog_so if I'm doing cross-platform work, I'll probably go with QtApr 02 00:25
*mattparry (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 00:32
mattparryHi!  Im looking for an artical that is on boycott novellApr 02 00:32
mattparryits the text of a 'presentation' of a course on evangelism by an MS employeeApr 02 00:33
Balrog_I'll get you the linkApr 02 00:33
mattparrythank you balrogApr 02 00:34
Balrog_ 02 00:34
Balrog_not BN, but the same fileApr 02 00:34
Balrog_<< 02 00:34
mattparrythanks, Bruce Perens has wrote an interesting artical - 02 00:34
mattparryI wanted to reply to the first commenter about Sam RanjiApr 02 00:35
schestowitzHeyApr 02 00:36
*schestowitz catches upApr 02 00:36
schestowitzHi, mattparry Apr 02 00:37
schestowitzWe have severalApr 02 00:37
Balrog_hi, schestowitzApr 02 00:37
schestowitzThe presentation transcript?Apr 02 00:37
schestowitzOr the slides?Apr 02 00:37
Balrog_that's the 'course on evangelism' one. the full pdfApr 02 00:37
schestowitzTranscript is here: 02 00:37
mattparryHi schestowitz - you write some great articals - btwApr 02 00:38
schestowitzPresentation slides here: 02 00:38
schestowitzmattparry: thanks, I appreciate hearing it, this motives meApr 02 00:38
mattparryi recall reading in the text about "go to conferences, dont say anthing bad, just listen, say a comment. make them think mirosoft is bad, but this guy is nice?Apr 02 00:42
schestowitzYes, see 02 00:42
schestowitzNot just the full PDF (link at top)Apr 02 00:42
schestowitz"Consultants: These guys are your best bets as moderators. Get a well-known consultant on your side early, but don’t let him publish anything blatantly pro-Microsoft. Then, get him to propose himself to the conference organizers as a moderator, whenever a panel opportunity comes up. Since he’s well-known, but apparently independent, he’ll be accepted - one less thing for the constantly-overworked conference organizer to worryApr 02 00:43
schestowitz about, right?"Apr 02 00:43
schestowitzBillG loves those presentations. Microsoft is trying to distance itself from this because it's leaked now.Apr 02 00:43
_Hicham_Bill Gates loves SchestowitzApr 02 00:50
_Hicham_Ballmer is to fly to the UK to meet SchestowitzApr 02 00:50
schestowitzHe was here.Apr 02 00:51
schestowitzIn LondonApr 02 00:51
_Hicham_who?Apr 02 00:51
schestowitz[H]omer has a videoApr 02 00:51
schestowitz 02 00:51
schestowitz 02 00:51
_Hicham_Ballmer is a fucking moronApr 02 00:53
_Hicham_Can I use ur name on my website's name Roy?Apr 02 00:54
schestowitzSure you can.Apr 02 00:54
schestowitzJust don't write crazy things like what Ballmer sezApr 02 00:55
_Hicham_like 02 00:55
_Hicham_but this website will be the opposite of BNApr 02 00:56
_Hicham_I will fill it with posts promoting MSApr 02 00:57
_Hicham_about the compiz available for Windows, is it true?Apr 02 00:57
_Hicham_there is already some effectsApr 02 00:58
_Hicham_from a Japanese folkApr 02 00:58
_Hicham_Yo... sthgApr 02 00:59
_Hicham_I don't rememberApr 02 00:59
_Hicham_no one in here againApr 02 00:59
schestowitz??Apr 02 00:59
schestowitzWindows?Apr 02 00:59
schestowitzWhy?Apr 02 00:59
_Hicham_yesApr 02 01:00
_Hicham_there is a suite called DeskSpaceApr 02 01:00
_Hicham_but it is not freeApr 02 01:00
_Hicham_u didn't heard of itApr 02 01:00
_Hicham_?Apr 02 01:00
*mattparry_ (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 01:01
_Hicham_it uses OpenGLApr 02 01:01
_Hicham_schestowitz is a Windows retailer in the UKApr 02 01:01
_Hicham_schestowitz discusses with Ballmer possible solutions to face the growth of Linux and efficient ways to kill itApr 02 01:02
mattparry_Thanks roy, just writing my comment on the blog site nowApr 02 01:02
_Hicham_schestowitz is working in secret with MSApr 02 01:03
_Hicham_did u post sthg new Roy?Apr 02 01:03
_Hicham_schestowitz is using MonoDevelop to use .NET applications on his future serverApr 02 01:03
schestowitz_Hicham_:  I never heard about DeskSpaceApr 02 01:03
schestowitzI was just posting about CAD for GNU/LinuxApr 02 01:04
_Hicham_it was created by a Japanese folksApr 02 01:04
schestowitzSome program that's new to meApr 02 01:04
schestowitzThey port to a stable platformApr 02 01:04
_Hicham_its initial name was Yo3DApr 02 01:04
schestowitz[not Vista]Apr 02 01:04
_Hicham_it was free at firstApr 02 01:04
_Hicham_then they made it sharewareApr 02 01:04
schestowitz_Hicham_: don't associate me with MS products :-DApr 02 01:04
schestowitzIt's an inherently corrupt company, since inceptionApr 02 01:05
_Hicham_it is just to provocate uApr 02 01:05
_Hicham_a troll tryApr 02 01:05
schestowitzProvoke oiaohm insteadApr 02 01:05
schestowitz:-)Apr 02 01:05
_Hicham_he is not hereApr 02 01:05
_Hicham_there is no one to talk toApr 02 01:06
_Hicham_that is why I am writing thisApr 02 01:06
_Hicham_schestowitz hosts its website in MS HeadquartersApr 02 01:06
_Hicham_schestowitz uses Windows on all of his machinesApr 02 01:07
_Hicham_schestowitz is connecting Novell and MSApr 02 01:07
_Hicham_schestowitz will marry Bill Gates' daughterApr 02 01:07
DaemonFCthe patches to make Ext4 stop eating babies land tonightApr 02 01:08
DaemonFCwhen git9 dropsApr 02 01:08
_Hicham_DaemonFC : did u try Ext4?Apr 02 01:08
mattparry_has Miguel de Icaza said anything since the tomtom case and how MS have again showed they are not really open?Apr 02 01:08
DaemonFCyeah, it ate some of my dataApr 02 01:08
DaemonFCcause the system frozeApr 02 01:08
_Hicham_DaemonFC : so now it is officially recommended?Apr 02 01:09
DaemonFCthese patches restore Ext3 style fsync behaviorApr 02 01:09
DaemonFCMeh, better go with something else if you're not comfortable with test kernelsApr 02 01:09
_Hicham_If I have a dedicated machine, why notApr 02 01:09
DaemonFCXFS or possibly Ext3Apr 02 01:09
_Hicham_I like to testApr 02 01:10
DaemonFC2.6.29-git8 breaks Nvidia installerApr 02 01:10
silentivmI have been using Ext4 hereApr 02 01:10
DaemonFCI had to patch their kernel interface sourcesApr 02 01:10
silentivmno problemsApr 02 01:10
mattparry_Im useing ext4 alsoApr 02 01:10
mattparry_no problemsApr 02 01:10
DaemonFCExt4 is fine as long as you don't crashApr 02 01:10
mattparry_though I am on a laptopApr 02 01:10
DaemonFCbefore it commitsApr 02 01:10
_Hicham_does it bring any performance improvments?Apr 02 01:10
silentivmI'm on a laptop, tooApr 02 01:11
DaemonFCoh hell yesApr 02 01:11
DaemonFCExt4 is blazing fastApr 02 01:11
mattparry_i have noticed a performance increase in my virtualbox guestsApr 02 01:11
DaemonFCeven faster than XFSApr 02 01:11
_Hicham_does it improve boot time also?Apr 02 01:11
DaemonFCnot much, but yesApr 02 01:11
DaemonFCI ran boot chart on itApr 02 01:11
DaemonFCit beats Ext3 by 3.02 secondsApr 02 01:11
DaemonFCto be preciseApr 02 01:11
DaemonFCon this systemApr 02 01:11
DaemonFCthat's not really where you'll notice the improvementsApr 02 01:12
DaemonFCgo to delete an unpacked kernel source folderApr 02 01:12
DaemonFCExt4 is done in less then 3 secondsApr 02 01:12
DaemonFCXFS takes over a minuteApr 02 01:12
_Hicham_less than 3 seconds?Apr 02 01:12
DaemonFCthat's one exampleApr 02 01:12
DaemonFCyesApr 02 01:12
schestowitzDaemonFC: why do you lurk in the ext channels?Apr 02 01:12
_Hicham_wowApr 02 01:12
_Hicham_that is bleezing fastApr 02 01:12
DaemonFCI thought I screwed up and deleted the wrong folder the first time I did itApr 02 01:13
schestowitzmattparry: Miguel said nothingApr 02 01:13
schestowitzHe ignores Microsoft's bad behaviour completelyApr 02 01:13
schestowitzHe also defneds them publiclyApr 02 01:13
*mattparry has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 02 01:13
_Hicham_Miguel de Icaza is an MS puppetApr 02 01:13
DaemonFCof course he does, he's a well paid stooge at NovellApr 02 01:13
*mattparry ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 01:13
DaemonFChe gets paid to say good things about MSApr 02 01:14
DaemonFCand fired if he says bad thingsApr 02 01:14
mattparrylol!Apr 02 01:14
DaemonFCI'd say good things about MS if my six figure job depended on itApr 02 01:14
_Hicham_poor puppetApr 02 01:14
DaemonFCI don't know many people that wouldn't :)Apr 02 01:14
_Hicham_well I won'tApr 02 01:15
schestowitzI didn't know about Nat FiedmanApr 02 01:15
_Hicham_sincerelyApr 02 01:15
schestowitzOnly a week ago I found out he worked AT MICROSOFTApr 02 01:15
schestowitzThat's Miguel's buddyApr 02 01:15
_Hicham_principles are everything in lifeApr 02 01:15
schestowitzMiguel wanted to work there with himApr 02 01:15
schestowitzBut he was not good enough for MicrosoftApr 02 01:15
_Hicham_wowApr 02 01:15
_Hicham_what a pathetic manApr 02 01:15
mattparrywhat about sam ramji?Apr 02 01:15
DaemonFCMiguel De why in the hell would he still have any pull with GNOME?Apr 02 01:15
DaemonFCGNOME is part of GNU, right?Apr 02 01:15
schestowitzRamji reminds me of deIcazaApr 02 01:16
_Hicham_DaemonFC : Gnome is infected with Novell shitApr 02 01:16
schestowitzI don't know whyApr 02 01:16
DaemonFCwhy would GNU infect their own desktop environment with Mono?Apr 02 01:16
schestowitzMaybe appearance in part, but both are stoogesApr 02 01:16
schestowitzThat would be the reasonApr 02 01:16
_Hicham_DaemonFC : ask Gnome devsApr 02 01:16
schestowitzStanding there on stage pretending to be victimsApr 02 01:16
schestowitz"poor" MicrosoftApr 02 01:16
*DaemonFC uses GNOMEApr 02 01:16
mattparryuse kde!!!Apr 02 01:16
*silentivm uses Openbox :)Apr 02 01:16
DaemonFCKDE is terrible or I probably wouldApr 02 01:17
mattparryisn't that 'poor mircrosoft' in the evangalism manual?Apr 02 01:17
DaemonFCand everything else is stripped down to run on Pentiums with 32 megs of RAMApr 02 01:17
DaemonFChehApr 02 01:17
_Hicham_DeamonFC : u can use cleaned GNOMEApr 02 01:17
mattparrykde 4.2 is really good - imhoApr 02 01:17
_Hicham_but u can't remove Evolution completelyApr 02 01:17
schestowitzmattparry: no occurrence of "poor Microsoft" there.Apr 02 01:17
DaemonFCEvolution doesn't depend on MonoApr 02 01:17
schestowitzBut James P plays the poor puppet gameApr 02 01:18
DaemonFCbut there are extensions made with Mono that you can useApr 02 01:18
schestowitzLike Ramji &n MigiApr 02 01:18
_Hicham_DaemonFC : Evolution is a Novell ProductApr 02 01:18
mattparrywell, you know, "hes a nice guy" actApr 02 01:18
schestowitz YesApr 02 01:18
schestowitzSee transcriptsApr 02 01:18
schestowitzHow he talks about himselfApr 02 01:18
schestowitzEveryone loves me etc etcApr 02 01:18
schestowitzAnd they cry like babies when denied access to rival conferencesApr 02 01:19
schestowitzThey use sympathy to create guiltApr 02 01:19
_Hicham_Miguel de Icaza : "We were suffering before MS invent .NET"Apr 02 01:19
schestowitzGetting past the 'guards' this wayApr 02 01:19
DaemonFCI don't really care if they made it or notApr 02 01:19
mattparryso why no boycott microsoft website?Apr 02 01:19
_Hicham_DaemonFC : that is all this room is aboutApr 02 01:19
DaemonFCit's GPL'd and doesn't depend on MonoApr 02 01:19
schestowitz_Hicham_: yes, ... Miguel de Icaza: 'We had some painful experiences with C and C++, and when Microsoft came out with .NET, we said, "Yes! That is what we want."'Apr 02 01:19
schestowitzTrue quoteApr 02 01:19
schestowitzmattparry: too late to change site nameApr 02 01:20
schestowitzCall it what you like, the theme is the sameApr 02 01:20
schestowitzThreats to GNU/LinuxApr 02 01:20
schestowitzMostly external/subversiveApr 02 01:20
mattparrythank god Miguel is not developing within KDE - thats all I can sayApr 02 01:20
schestowitzCorruption, patents, sabotage, etcApr 02 01:20
_Hicham_schestowitz is the new RMSApr 02 01:20
schestowitzmattparry: don't rejoice just yetApr 02 01:21
schestowitzHe blogged about Mono in Qt 2 weeks agoApr 02 01:21
DaemonFCif GNOME is sued out of existence, it wouldn't be hard for me to switch to KDEApr 02 01:21
mattparryi saw thatApr 02 01:21
schestowitzThey push it into KDE as much as they can, AFAICTApr 02 01:21
DaemonFCall KDE is, is another pile of packagesApr 02 01:21
schestowitzKDE devs resistApr 02 01:21
_Hicham_schestowitz is the UK RMSApr 02 01:21
schestowitzI see it in the mailing listsApr 02 01:21
schestowitzSome arbitrary dev comes and asks for c# hooksApr 02 01:21
schestowitzThey eventually give them but there ius resistanceApr 02 01:21
_Hicham_KDE won't let Mono in their packagesApr 02 01:21
schestowitzThey should be ssmareter post-TomTomApr 02 01:22
schestowitz*smarterApr 02 01:22
mattparryyes, but kde has visionaries like aaron seigoApr 02 01:22
_Hicham_they got into GNOME because they have some old friends over thereApr 02 01:22
_Hicham_Plus, Novell has good relationships with RedHatApr 02 01:22
_Hicham_RedHat hosts GNOMEApr 02 01:22
mattparryseigo seems to know what he stands forApr 02 01:22
DaemonFCyou can't use KDE professionallyApr 02 01:23
DaemonFCthat's why Red Hat ships GNOMEApr 02 01:23
DaemonFCKDE is unstable and inconsistentApr 02 01:23
mattparrywhat makes you say that you cannot use KDE professionally?Apr 02 01:23
_Hicham_schestowitz : what is the difference between Mono and dotgnu?Apr 02 01:23
DaemonFCnobody would ship that with a product that's stableApr 02 01:23
silentivmDaemonFC, only for youApr 02 01:23
silentivmbecause I, and 99% of KDE users, haven't had problemsApr 02 01:23
silentivmof course, occasional crashes happenApr 02 01:23
DaemonFCKDE is harder to use, crashes, and incompleteApr 02 01:23
silentivmbut not to be "unstable an dinconsistent"Apr 02 01:23
silentivm*andApr 02 01:23
DaemonFCan enterprise Linux can't use it because it's not good enoughApr 02 01:24
silentivmand I fail to see why "KDE is harder to use"Apr 02 01:24
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:24
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:24
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:24
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:24
DaemonFCBecause their menus are laid out wrongApr 02 01:24
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:24
DaemonFCit's a nightmare to do anything withApr 02 01:24
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:24
silentivmDaemonFC, this is a distro problemApr 02 01:24
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:24
silentivmbadly-written .desktop filesApr 02 01:24
mattparryi thought this was about mono in destkops, not a troll war about de's?Apr 02 01:24
DaemonFCthere shouldn't be any settings files in ~/.kdeApr 02 01:25
_Hicham_warning : troll in progressApr 02 01:25
DaemonFCthey should use a databaseApr 02 01:25
silentivmDaemonFC, why should they use a database?Apr 02 01:25
DaemonFCmakes it less likely to be corrupted when their system crashedApr 02 01:25
_Hicham_warning : troll in progressApr 02 01:25
silentivmto make something like gconf (which I hate)?Apr 02 01:25
silentivmand also, if KDE crashes all the time for you, likely you have a hardware problemApr 02 01:25
silentivmsure, any app is subject to crashingApr 02 01:25
DaemonFCnopeApr 02 01:25
DaemonFCKDE is unstableApr 02 01:25
silentivmDaemonFC, only for YOUApr 02 01:25
_Hicham_both KDE and GNOME are goodApr 02 01:25
DaemonFCnever had any other desktop or even KDE 3 do thatApr 02 01:25
_Hicham_their are different philosophiesApr 02 01:26
silentivmKDE4 is still buggyApr 02 01:26
DaemonFCKDE 4 is poorly designedApr 02 01:26
_Hicham_that is allApr 02 01:26
_Hicham_doesn't mean that one is superior to the otherApr 02 01:26
DaemonFCnever have system freezes with anything elseApr 02 01:26
DaemonFCand KDE will kill the X server quite a lot tooApr 02 01:26
silentivmneither did I, in fact I don't remember the time I had a system freezeApr 02 01:26
_Hicham_unbased argumentsApr 02 01:27
DaemonFCnopeApr 02 01:27
DaemonFCKDE is KrapApr 02 01:27
_Hicham_u can't talk like that folksApr 02 01:27
DaemonFCplain and simpleApr 02 01:27
silentivmplain, simple and wrongApr 02 01:27
mattparryRoy, how come I have not seen any links to boycottnovell in for ages?Apr 02 01:27
silentivmjust because something doesn't work for you doesn't mean you need to use the same arguments of a 13-year-old childApr 02 01:27
*_Hicham_ has quit (Excess Flood)Apr 02 01:28
schestowitzmattparry: ask lxer's editors, I guess.Apr 02 01:28
DaemonFCKDE is too unstable, incomplete, and poorly designed to use in a proper productApr 02 01:28
schestowitzLinuxToday links to us sometimesApr 02 01:28
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 01:28
DaemonFCif you want your system to crash and freeze multiple times per hour, wonderfulApr 02 01:28
silentivmKDE4 is still in heavy development, DaemonFCApr 02 01:28
schestowitzDaemonFC: stop trolling, pleaseApr 02 01:28
silentivmstop trollingApr 02 01:28
schestowitzAll you ever do here is slam projects with FUDApr 02 01:28
DaemonFCit's not FUD, you can't use KDEApr 02 01:29
DaemonFCtry itApr 02 01:29
schestowitzI use KDEApr 02 01:29
silentivmDaemonFC, I've tried and I canApr 02 01:29
schestowitzHave done since 2000Apr 02 01:29
schestowitzIt's greatApr 02 01:29
silentivmthis is different from "I like it"Apr 02 01:29
schestowitzVery stableApr 02 01:29
DaemonFCwell, it's either crashing or you are lyingApr 02 01:29
_Hicham_crappy discussionApr 02 01:29
silentivmDaemonFC, I'm not lyingApr 02 01:29
_Hicham_i never said thatApr 02 01:29
_Hicham_but it is really crappyApr 02 01:29
_Hicham_what u r talking aboutApr 02 01:29
_Hicham_who is still talking like that?Apr 02 01:29
DaemonFCI've tried the 4.x series on several distributions, on 3 different machinesApr 02 01:29
*mattparry_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 02 01:29
silentivmKDE4 is still in *HEAVY DEVELOPMENT*. Is that so hard to grasp?Apr 02 01:30
DaemonFCsome won't even start up on the LiveCDApr 02 01:30
_Hicham_freedesktop standardized things long time agoApr 02 01:30
DaemonFCno, but why they lie and label it a stable end-user productApr 02 01:30
DaemonFCthat is hard to graspApr 02 01:30
_Hicham_only dumb people still talk like that about DEApr 02 01:30
_Hicham_where is oiaohm?Apr 02 01:30
DaemonFCit's like they want to hurt themselves by shipping crap that is not stableApr 02 01:31
DaemonFCand pretending it isApr 02 01:31
Balrog_4.2 is stable end-userApr 02 01:31
DaemonFCEven Debian won't even try to sell KDE 4.x, they even steer you away from KDE periodApr 02 01:32
mattparryRy, I have just asked  I'll let you know if I get an answer!!Apr 02 01:32
mattparry*RoyApr 02 01:32
DaemonFCSlackware won't use KDE 4Apr 02 01:32
DaemonFCnor will MEPIS with the author commenting that there is no way to make KDE 4 work rightApr 02 01:33
DaemonFCLinus Torvalds even went back to GNOMEApr 02 01:33
silentivmso what?Apr 02 01:33
DaemonFCcalling KDE 4 a total disasterApr 02 01:33
silentivmdoesn't change a thing for meApr 02 01:33
Balrog_KDE 4.2?????Apr 02 01:33
Balrog_no, 4.0 which should have been called betaApr 02 01:33
DaemonFCKDE 4.2 doesn't improve anythingApr 02 01:33
schestowitzHe tried 4.0Apr 02 01:34
schestowitzToo earlyApr 02 01:34
DaemonFCstill incomplete still unstableApr 02 01:34
schestowitzSame with 3.0Apr 02 01:34
schestowitzI used 3.1 for 3 yearsApr 02 01:34
schestowitzIt was greatApr 02 01:34
schestowitzStableApr 02 01:34
_Hicham_schestowitz accepts trollingApr 02 01:34
silentivmI've had no problems with KDE 3.xApr 02 01:34
DaemonFCyeah, well, by 3.1 everything was better and yayApr 02 01:34
DaemonFCbut KDE 4.x is like VistaApr 02 01:34
schestowitz_Hicham_: no, but better not to feed trollingApr 02 01:34
_Hicham_the room is filled with crappy discussionsApr 02 01:34
DaemonFCso bad that people go back to somthing that's years olderApr 02 01:34
DaemonFCcause it works much betterApr 02 01:34
Balrog_\waste of time\Apr 02 01:35
Balrog_\(to respond to such people)\Apr 02 01:35
schestowitzI know.Apr 02 01:35
DaemonFCoh right, Sabayon is still using 3.5.10Apr 02 01:35
DaemonFCand does Compiz to fill in that gapApr 02 01:35
schestowitzDaemonFC: kindly stop trolling or leaveApr 02 01:35
DaemonFCI'm not trolling, people tell me to stop using what worksApr 02 01:36
DaemonFCand I'm telling them why I won'tApr 02 01:36
silentivmDaemonFC, but nobody wants to listen to your rantsApr 02 01:36
Balrog_DaemonFC: GNOME works. Mono doesn't work for me.Apr 02 01:36
silentivmat least not hereApr 02 01:36
_Hicham_no one tells u what to chooseApr 02 01:36
Balrog_it's a total messApr 02 01:36
silentivmif you want to rant, start a blogApr 02 01:36
silentivmand write thereApr 02 01:36
_Hicham_Linux = FreedomApr 02 01:37
Balrog_GNU/Linux **Apr 02 01:37
_Hicham_people against freedom should be banned from the worldApr 02 01:37
DaemonFCMono sucks before you take licenses into accountApr 02 01:37
schestowitzDaemonFC: this room is not a bug report areaApr 02 01:37
_Hicham_and sent to another planetApr 02 01:37
DaemonFCit's not like you lose anything to get rid of itApr 02 01:37
schestowitzNor a place to rant about projects you don't likeApr 02 01:37
silentivmif you have problems with KDE4, write a bug reportApr 02 01:37
silentivma well-written oneApr 02 01:38
_Hicham_this room has another missionApr 02 01:38
silentivmranting on an IRC channel has almost zero valueApr 02 01:38
_Hicham_this rooms discusses the crimes against free softwareApr 02 01:38
DaemonFCwell, in case you missed it though, even Richard Stallman says Mono is OKApr 02 01:38
_Hicham_trolling againApr 02 01:38
DaemonFCas long as nothing important depends on itApr 02 01:38
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:39
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:39
DaemonFCno, you're using a clone of UNIXApr 02 01:39
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:39
DaemonFCwith languages written by AT&TApr 02 01:39
_Hicham_trollApr 02 01:39
_Hicham_fucking crappy discussionsApr 02 01:39
_Hicham_what is this Roy?Apr 02 01:39
_Hicham_what is this decadence?Apr 02 01:40
DaemonFCit's not really freedom when you design something with most of your jailers original specificationsApr 02 01:40
_Hicham_then fuck off and go use Windows, and lick MS buttApr 02 01:40
_Hicham_this room is not for thatApr 02 01:40
DaemonFCWhat surprised me is that Red Hat is apparently using Nouveau in Fedora 11Apr 02 01:42
DaemonFCwhich was done by reverse engineering the real Nvidia driverApr 02 01:42
Balrog_DaemonFC: why wouldn't they?Apr 02 01:42
Balrog_no, not reverse engineering the nvidia driverApr 02 01:42
DaemonFCopens them up to a lawsuitApr 02 01:42
schestowitzCheck out those labels: 02 01:42
Balrog_you're very wrongApr 02 01:42
schestowitzHe;s vert trollApr 02 01:42
DaemonFCno, they're violating Nvidia's patents in the driverApr 02 01:42
schestowitzDon't feed the trollsApr 02 01:42
DaemonFCand will be suedApr 02 01:42
Balrog_it's more like capturing the state of the card, doing a graphics operation, capturing againApr 02 01:43
Balrog_comparing the two statesApr 02 01:43
DaemonFCbut if they uncover trade secrets in this way that Nvidia owns patents onApr 02 01:43
DaemonFCthen how is this any better?Apr 02 01:43
DaemonFCor another thing, what stops Nvidia from changing their hardware specs againApr 02 01:44
DaemonFCSo you get to go years more without drivers for their new lineApr 02 01:44
mattparrycan we get rid of the troll?Apr 02 01:45
silentivmpleaseApr 02 01:45
schestowitzSure.Apr 02 01:45
*schestowitz sets ban on *!*n=ryan@* 02 01:45
*Love (i=ad1d7b24@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 01:45
silentivmthank youApr 02 01:45
*schestowitz has kicked DaemonFC from #boycottnovell (schestowitz)Apr 02 01:45
LoveHi everyone.Apr 02 01:45
schestowitzHey.Apr 02 01:45
_Hicham_thank u RoyApr 02 01:45
schestowitzI gave him a warningApr 02 01:45
schestowitzIn privateApr 02 01:45
mattparrythanxApr 02 01:45
schestowitzHe did not obeyApr 02 01:45
Balrog_thanksApr 02 01:45
_Hicham_that is the best solutionApr 02 01:45
LoveHappy April 1st.Apr 02 01:45
Balrog_that was too muchApr 02 01:45
schestowitzI never kick anyoneApr 02 01:45
_Hicham_what a reliefApr 02 01:45
schestowitz<schestowitz> pls stop trolling or I ban you.Apr 02 01:46
schestowitz<DaemonFC> fucking moronApr 02 01:46
_Hicham_schestowitz : he forced u tooApr 02 01:46
LoveI won't troll, I promise.Apr 02 01:46
schestowitzI knowApr 02 01:46
schestowitzI can't recall banning peopleApr 02 01:46
schestowitz[H]omer did almost 1 year agoApr 02 01:46
schestowitzWe've been troll-free for ages.Apr 02 01:46
_Hicham_schestowitz : me too I am against banning peopleApr 02 01:46
schestowitzWhat's up, Love ?Apr 02 01:46
_Hicham_but this one is too muchApr 02 01:47
schestowitzSounds funny in BritianApr 02 01:47
schestowitz*BritainApr 02 01:47
LoveIndeed.Apr 02 01:47
mattparryit does - lolApr 02 01:47
LoveNot much, just trying to enjoy today.Apr 02 01:47
LoveBit of a rainy day out here.Apr 02 01:47
schestowitzWhereabouts?Apr 02 01:47
_Hicham_it is always rainy in BritainApr 02 01:47
LoveConnecticutApr 02 01:47
_Hicham_Connecticut, what a nice StateApr 02 01:48
LoveUsually is.Apr 02 01:48
_Hicham_it has great colors on the treesApr 02 01:48
LoveBest place for human rights in the US, really.Apr 02 01:48
_Hicham_I like its natureApr 02 01:48
_Hicham_there is no human rights in the USApr 02 01:48
_Hicham_and everyone knows thatApr 02 01:48
LoveI'd say it's improvingApr 02 01:48
_Hicham_people get killed easily over thereApr 02 01:48
LovePeople easily get killed anywhere.Apr 02 01:48
LoveIt's really just important to value what you've got and work with it.Apr 02 01:49
_Hicham_no the US wayApr 02 01:49
_Hicham_everyone has a gunApr 02 01:49
_Hicham_so it is basically easy to killApr 02 01:49
_Hicham_that to use a knifeApr 02 01:49
_Hicham_or ur fistsApr 02 01:49
schestowitzit's a social conditionApr 02 01:49
LoveSo, by simple logic, the US is automatically a killing terrorizing place because of our availability of weapons?Apr 02 01:49
schestowitzNot availability of weaponsApr 02 01:50
_Hicham_nonetheless, it is improvingApr 02 01:50
schestowitzBiggest atrocities right now happen in Congo, AFAIKApr 02 01:50
LoveThat's very true.Apr 02 01:50
schestowitzOr somewhere else in east AfricaApr 02 01:50
_Hicham_the new laws are more restrictiveApr 02 01:50
LoveThen again, I think a bigger problem is just how many corporations cover up these problems.Apr 02 01:50
schestowitzThe press never covered CongoApr 02 01:50
_Hicham_which is goodApr 02 01:50
schestowitzIt's irrelevantApr 02 01:50
LoveDivert our funds to the wrong placve.Apr 02 01:50
schestowitz[to the press]Apr 02 01:50
LoveEtc, etc.Apr 02 01:50
LoveSpeaking of the press.Apr 02 01:50
_Hicham_Africa is just a big messApr 02 01:50
LoveThere seems to be an awful lot of anti-Linux FUD nowadays.Apr 02 01:51
schestowitzA kid killing classmate in US college is more important than a genocide of 5 million peopleApr 02 01:51
LoveEspecially against distros that aren't even connected with Novell.Apr 02 01:51
LoveSad.Apr 02 01:51
schestowitzAfrica lacks funding nowApr 02 01:51
LoveAh, shame.Apr 02 01:51
schestowitzToo much reliance on goodwill/donationsApr 02 01:51
_Hicham_Africa is dyingApr 02 01:51
LoveToo much reliance on government manipulation for that matter.Apr 02 01:51
LoveIronic.Apr 02 01:51
schestowitzI think I forgot the exact number, but it's checking... like donations halvedApr 02 01:51
_Hicham_and Europe/US is the causeApr 02 01:51
LoveIt's practicaly where life began.Apr 02 01:51
*silentivm has quit ("Este usuário executou uma operação ilegal e será fechado.")Apr 02 01:52
_Hicham_the Europe/US industry is the cause of the drought in EthiopiaApr 02 01:52
_Hicham_I saw a documentary about thatApr 02 01:53
LoveReally? So did I.Apr 02 01:54
_Hicham_It was in BBC HorizonApr 02 01:54
LoveMy boyfriend brought it up for me.Apr 02 01:54
_Hicham_schestowitz : do u watch BBC Horizon?Apr 02 01:54
LoveBit of an activist, he is.Apr 02 01:54
_Hicham_Love : are u a girl?Apr 02 01:54
LoveYep.Apr 02 01:54
_Hicham_GreatApr 02 01:54
LoveWoman and proud.Apr 02 01:54
_Hicham_at least we have some women in the roomApr 02 01:55
_Hicham_the quota should be balancedApr 02 01:55
LoveWell, it was my boyfriend that got me onto GNU/Linux in general.Apr 02 01:55
LovegNewSense is a great distro.Apr 02 01:55
_Hicham_GreatApr 02 01:55
_Hicham_welcome to Linux worldApr 02 01:55
Balrog_what about BLAG?Apr 02 01:55
LoveHmm, never heard much about it to be honest.Apr 02 01:56
_Hicham_this is a great room to discuss Linux issuesApr 02 01:56
LoveI try to stay away from distros with binary blobs.Apr 02 01:56
Balrog_I hear it's an FSF-approved derivative of FedoraApr 02 01:56
_Hicham_Balrog_ : gNewSense?Apr 02 01:56
Balrog_the rpm-based equivalent to gNewSenseApr 02 01:56
Balrog_no, BLAGApr 02 01:56
_Hicham_ahApr 02 01:56
LoveMm, will have to check it out.Apr 02 01:56
Balrog_blagblagblag.orgApr 02 01:56
_Hicham_Love : are u a CS student?Apr 02 01:57
LoveI prefer APT over RPM, but whatever floats your boat.Apr 02 01:57
LoveI feel bad for those boor Ubuntu developer's though.Apr 02 01:57
LovePress is hitting them hard lately.Apr 02 01:57
_Hicham_why?Apr 02 01:57
LoveSeems to almost be some grassroots movements going around in user forums.Apr 02 01:57
LoveBSD communities and the like.Apr 02 01:57
_Hicham_why?Apr 02 01:57
LoveOne of them spammed my blog yesterday, in fact.Apr 02 01:57
schestowitzNice new article about Free Software in Massachusetts today BTW: 02 01:58
LoveGave me a link to this: 02 01:58

Recent Techrights' Posts

Audio: Julian Assange Tells US Judge That Espionage Act and First Amendment Contradict One Another, But Pleads Guilty (to Save His Life)
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probably exactly the sort of thing that the US prosecutors did not want
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Microsoft already has many problems. One day Microsoft won't exist anymore. But that does not guarantee users' freedom.
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Alyssa Rosenzweig is the graphics witch behind the reverse-engineered drivers for the Apple GPU. She previously led Panfrost, the free drivers for Arm Mali GPUs powering devices like the Pinebook Pro. She graduated in 2023 with a Computer Science degree from the University of Toronto and now writes free software full-time.
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, June 30, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, June 30, 2024
200 This Week
Monday started with 40 articles/pages and this is #200
Press Complicity and Public Apathy All Along Enabled 14 Years of Illegal, Arbitrary Detention and Coercion Into Plea Bargain of Julian Assange on Brink of Death
They basically blackmailed him into letting the US 'win' the argument
At the End Journalism a Crime (If It Involves Accessing or Gaining Access to Documents Marked "Confidential" or "Classified" by Those Looking to Hide Their Misconduct/Crimes)
At least in the US, especially where the imperialism is at stake
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100% Slop/Spam From
This is the kind of stuff that's killing the Web faster
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In the First 6 Months of 2024 Thailand Moved to GNU/Linux, Not to Windows Vista 11
maybe users moved from Vista 10 and 11 to GNU/Linux, seeing where Microsoft was heading with forced hardware "upgrades"
Eko K. A. Owen, New Outreach and Communications Coordinator for the FSF
Nice to see many new additions to the FSF's team
Microsoft Has Slaves and Enablers, Not Partners
Obligatory meme too
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Freedom-To-Play games using Taler
[Meme] Opening a 'Webapp' With 'Only' 4 GB of RAM
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A Crisis of Online Journalism
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4 new stories
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outrage included
[Meme] Walking Outside the Guardrails of the Walled Gardens Built by Monopolies
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looking to raise funds at the same time as the FSF
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, June 29, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, June 29, 2024
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Links for the day
Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers
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Notice the title and the image, what's being promoted etc.
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Seychelles cannot be considered poor
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The total changed from 46 to 47 while typing the article
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[Meme] Garbage In, Garbage Out (
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Windows Lost Almost 92% Market Share in Egypt
From over 99% to just over 7%
In Ecuador, GNU/Linux Adoption Surged From Under 1% to Over 4% in About 3 Years
Not even counting Chromebooks
LibrePlanet: Cultivating Backups (of Recordings)
an appeal to recover some of these talks
Microsoft/Windows Machines Are Turned Off (or Windows Deleted/Decommissioned) in Web Servers, as the "Market Share" Collapse Continues
Taking full history into account, this is a decrease of over 90% in some cases
Corwin Brust Hosting Freedom: A Behind-the-scenes Tour With the GNU Savannah Hackers
"the "smiling faces" behind it."
Android at 90% or More in Chad
Windows below 2%
David Wilson: Cultivating a Welcoming Free Software Community That Lasts
"a feeling of shared ownership for all users."
Julian Assange Might Continue Wikileaks, But Certainly Not Yet (Recovery Time Needed)
And probably at a symbolic capacity only
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Julian Assange's life inside the Ecuadorian embassy
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uploaded to the LibrePlanet instance of MediaGoblin
Asia Appears to be Fastest to Adopt GNU/Linux
the home of a considerable majority of the world's population
Alexandre Oliva's LibrePlanet 2024 Talk About "Software Enshittification"
in spite of technical difficulties encountered while recording
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, June 28, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, June 28, 2024