Picture from guest poster [1, 2]
IS Mono "best of breed" or just a suppressor of productivity? According to this one developer, development with Python and Django has proven to be twice as fast as development with C# and ASP.NET. To quote: [via]
Given equal-sized teams, Django allowed our developers to be twice as productive as our ASP.NET team.
“Those who usher Banshee should be aware that only Novell customers are eligible for use of the program because of Microsoft's limitations with software patents.”Novell also promotes MonoTouch for hypePhone and hypePad, even though Apple is blocking it [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. There might be loopholes, but they won't last forever based on how Apple intercepts access to hypeTunes, for example.
The Examiner has more to say regarding the MonoTouch situation and David Worthington, a booster of Microsoft and by association of Mono [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], has contacted Microsoft's MVP (Miguel de Icaza) to produce an article/post that defends Microsoft/Mono in the face of Apple (he included a photo of a rotten apple).
History shows us that Apple will do what it wants regardless of what anyone says, but Novell's case has technical merit. For that matter, Adobe might too. I don't know much about how its Flash-to-iPhone cross compiler works. My takeaway is that Apple should be flexible with Novell, and at least let it make its case.
--James Plamondon, Microsoft Technical Evangelist. From Exhibit 3096; Comes v. Microsoft litigation [PDF]
2010-04-23 23:22:28
It was my first "experiment" after installing Alpha 1. Updated to RC by now.
MONO, the only spot it deserves is /dev/null