SUSE MeeGo is not the same as MeeGo, but as we showed earlier this month [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], SUSE MeeGo is a path to promotion of Microsoft software such as Mono and Moonlight. Novell advertises SUSE MeeGo over at YouTube while its Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza brings Moonlight into better alignment with Microsoft.
“It's not quite the image of this company which Novell wants the public to think about.”The following new video is a look at SLES 11 SP1, which is taxed by Microsoft (more from the same guy). OpenSUSE 11.3 is out and parties are planned for what would become the basis of SLE* 12, assuming that it ever gets released (Novell is up for sale).
Here is another new video involving Novell and IDG Spain (somewhat related to this new video). As we explained before, Novell is all about short-term profit and it focuses on Fog Computing, based on the pitch of its marketing people [1, 2] who also spread "case studies".
In summary, Novell spreads Microsoft software, Microsoft-taxed versions of GNU/Linux, and additional lock-in. It's not quite the image of this company which Novell wants the public to think about. ⬆