TECHRIGHTS no longer tracks Microsoft as closely as it used to. With around 60 dead products (probably more by now), it is clear that Microsoft's days as a technology company are coming to an end; as a patent agitator Microsoft would not win, either.
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Microsoft has managed to do a good job of all but destroying Windows Home Server (WHS) by removing one of its main features.
The Vole announced its impending removal of the drive extender feature from the upcoming version of WHS, codenamed Vail. This has led to widespread condemnation from current users, as drive extender was one of those rare things from Microsoft, a feature that was not really a bug.
Drive extender allows users to plug in additional hard drives with WHS automatically expanding a logical disk volume to make use of the new drive. This in itself isn't exactly cutting edge technology but it worked well and for many users it offered an easy way to expand storage capacity. Well not any longer, thanks to Microsoft's bewildering and ultimately incorrect analysis of customer feedback.
2010-11-25 22:51:03
The Mad Hatter
2010-11-28 17:17:54
However it seems that Microsoft is incapable of making good decisions. Wonder if I was right about when they'll hit Chapter 11?
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2010-11-28 17:26:55
The Mad Hatter
2010-11-28 19:10:01
And of course, who wants to be purchased by a pack of incompetents? That's the reputation they have now.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2010-11-28 20:27:53