Summary: The decline of GroupWise is made apparent by more departures from it, even self-professed analysts who point out the obvious
IT HAS BEEN quite a long time since the last GroupWise release. GroupWise is not cared for all that much anymore. It still has some legacy userbase, but that too is forever eroding.
The firm known as
Gartner (which sells bias or points out the obvious) mentions the obvious decline of Novell in E-mail. It doesn't take analysts to see this, but the news sites
do like to reprint Gartner 'research' (which it does for paying customers to advance their objectives, not with objective analysis).
There were many
ways to
redress this so-called 'study', e.g.
promoting Gmail, but nobody could deny the fall of GroupWise.
Moving on to
another new article:
Following a regular IT product selection process, Schelp says a decision was reached whereby SBS would migrate off its existing Novell GroupWise e-mail and groupware suite to Microsoft’s Office 365 Cloud service for some 1300 user accounts.
Here is
another one: "That was more or less how things shook out at Lincoln Property Co., said CIO Jay Kenney about the Dallas-based management company's switching in 2010 from an in-house Novell GroupWise email system to Google Apps for its 4,000 employees."
another new story: "Brisbane City Council has undertaken a major project to migrate up to 8,500 desktop users off its Novell GroupWise email system to Microsoft Exchange."
More on
Bisbane from
other sources ("Brisbane City Council culls GroupWise"): "Gartner suggests that Novell's GroupWise and IBM's Lotus Notes have lost momentum in the enterprise market in recent years, and this has made room for Google to prosper."
There is a lot of evidence that makes
Gartner's so-called 'research' less than insightful and
as another article puts it:
In a statement, the analyst house says classic stalwarts like Novell and IBM with its Lotus Notes have "lost market momentum", while Cisco shut its effort down.
GWAVACon will
carry on despite the fall of GroupWise, but how long for? They have a special speaker: "Flynn was appointed President and General Manager of Novell. He has worked for over 30 years in the IT industry, spending the past 13 years with the Attachmate Group."
How come Attachmate does almost nothing to improve GroupWise? It is not even trying.
Needs Sunlight
2011-09-28 13:50:13