2013, as we've pointed out throughout that year, was an excellent year for GNU/Linux (others agree [1]). Even Microsoft boosters realise that the world is leaving Windows behind, mostly because Google (with Chrome OS and Android) is occupying more and more segments, enjoying huge market share (by some criteria higher than Windows'). As an example of one Microsoft booster in a stage of acceptance, see "Facing the Biggest Problem with Windows in 2014" (written by a famous Windows booster).
2013 was one of the most dramatic years of my life-time. The Edward Snowden revelations made this year the most remarkable year in the history. As a Gnu/Linux user (where privacy and control of data is prime objective) this year was quite promising as Gnu/Linux rose as the dominant player in the consumer space.
Microsoft is widely expected to converge its operating systems across desktops, mobile phones and tablets. However, according to Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu Linux is on track to achieve full convergence first.
Much like the overall IT industry, the Linux community shifted its focus to mobile and cloud computing.
While I'm happy to see Android doing so well, I'd really like to see other Linux-based products topping the charts too. Perhaps an Ubuntu based tablet or phone might also be a good option for consumers. I'd very much prefer that customers had another choice besides just Android, iOS or Microsoft Windows based products.