Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 1/3/2017: Q4OS 1.8.3, Lakka 2.0 RC1

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source

  • Open source web servers | NGINX, Apache, Lighttpd and more
    Web servers have come a long way since the CERN httpd was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 as part of the same project that resulted in the first ever web browser.

    Some of the leading suppliers of web servers today provide closed source enterprise-level options for enterprises, but many others retain the open values embodied by Tim Berners-Lee and the decision to release the source code for CERN httpd into the public domain in 1993.

    Computerworld UK looks at the best open source web servers currently available for enterprises.

  • GitHub Shows How to Get Started with Open Source

  • Verizon, Atos, CableLabs join ETSI Open Source MANO project
    ETSI Open Source MANO initiative swells to 60 organizations with arrival of Verizon, Atos and CableLabs as new members.

  • Rise of Open Source IoT Picks Up Steam
    The rise of open source Internet of Things (IoT) is inevitable, according to a recent survey by open source software firm Red Hat. The survey found that while enterprises are exploring the potential of IoT, they are not rushing into development and project initiation without caution. In fact, “steady deliberation” seems to be the industry approach to IoT, with a focus on containing development and project costs, overriding the initial excitement around IoT. This indicates a preference for open source development environments going ahead.

  • As the Software Supply Chain Shifts, Enterprise Open Source Programs Ramp Up
    Today’s software supply chain is fundamentally different than it was only a few years ago, and open source programs at large enterprises are helping to drive that trend. According to Sonatype’s 2016 State of the Software Supply Chain enterprises are both turning to existing open source projects to decrease the amount of code they have to write, and increasingly creating their own open source tools.

  • Is it the end of the traditional resume?
    For the past five years, I've been unreasonably excited about a metadata standard known as Open Badges. In October 2016, as part of Mozilla Foundation's plans to transition the maintenance of the standard to the non-profit IMS Global Consortium, the Open Badges website was relaunched with perhaps the most concise definition I've seen: "Connected, verifiable credentials represented in portable image files." We're now at the stage where additional standards are being built upon Open Badges, whether blockchain-related or, as I will outline in this article, relating to ways badges tell stories through learning pathways.

  • Haiku OS Begins Prepping For Ryzen, Subpixel Rendering
    The open-source Haiku OS inspired by BeOS has made much progress this month on several fronts.

    Haiku OS has been working on real sub-pixel rendering support now that Microsoft patents pertaining to sub-pixel rendering are expiring. There have also been improvements to Haiku's JSON API, work underway to make Haiku build under GCC 6, and prep support for upcoming AMD Ryzen CPU coverage.

  • Events

    • Keynote: Community Software Powers the Machine by Mark Atwood

    • Community Software, Science Fiction, and The Machine
      Not many presentations can start with a video co-promoting a new computer and the latest Star Trek movie, but Mark Atwood, Director of Open Source Engagement at HP Enterprise, started his LinuxCon Europe keynote with a video about The Machine and Star Trek Beyond.

      The Machine uses a new kind of physics for computation and data storage allowing it to be very fast, energy efficient, and agile. The Machine runs Linux, and Atwood says that “the best way to promote the use of any sort of new technology is to make it open source.”

  • Web Browsers

    • Mozilla

      • Mozilla Acquires Pocket Developer Read It Later

        Mozilla makes its first acquisition, adding online bookmarking and sharing service Pocket to its roster.

        On Feb. 27, Mozilla announced its first ever acquisition, announcing that it has acquired Read It Later Inc, which is best known for its Pocket technology that enables users to save, share and discover online links.

  • SaaS/Back End

  • Programming/Development

    • NPM or Yarn? Node.js devs pick their package manager
      Mere months since it was open-sourced by Facebook, Yarn has NPM on the run. The upstart JavaScript package manager has gained a quick foothold in the Node.js community, particularly among users of the React JavaScript UI library.

      Known for faster installation, Yarn gives developers an improved ability to manage code dependencies in their Node.js projects, proponents say. It features a deterministic install algorithm and a lockfile capability that lists exact version numbers of all project dependencies. In this way, Yarn enables installation of thousands of third-party packages from the internet while ensuring code is executed the same on every system.

    • WebAssembly consensus and end of Browser Preview

    • WebAssembly Ends Browser Preview With Initial API & Binary Format
      The WebAssembly project that's the cross-browser effort for low-level programming for in-browser client-side execution has reached a major milestone today. WASM can allow compiling C/C++ among other languages down into code supported by Firefox, Chrome, WebKit, and Edge.

      The WebAssembly stakeholders agreed that it's the end of the browser preview phase with the initial WebAssembly API and binary format being complete for their initial implementation. Web browsers can now begin shipping WebAssembly support enabled by default.


  • Amazon’s web servers are down and it’s causing trouble across the internet
    Amazon’s web hosting services are among the most widely used out there, which means that when Amazon’s servers goes down, a lot of things go down with them. That appears to be happening today, with Amazon reporting “high error rates” in one region of its S3 web services, and a number of services going offline because of it.

    Trello, Quora, IFTTT, and Splitwise all appear to be offline, as are websites built with the site-creation service Wix; GroupMe seems to be unable to load assets (The Verge’s own image system, which relies on Amazon, is also down); and Alexa is struggling to stay online, too. Nest’s app was unable to connect to thermostats and other devices for a period of time as well.

  • Amazon data centre fault knocks websites offline temporarily
    Several high-profile websites and services were knocked offline by a failure at one of Amazon's major US data centres.

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) allows firms to rent cloud servers in order to host data on the internet without needing to invest in their own infrastructure.

    On Tuesday, sites such as Quora, a Q&A forum, and Trello, which helps people monitor productivity, went down.

    After several hours, Amazon said it had rectified the problem.

  • Health/Nutrition

    • Tough times for farmers - many seek debt relief and therapy
      Following a protest "tractor march" by farmers in Helsinki last spring, the government provided 50 million euros in emergency aid to the agricultural sector. This is far from enough, say those working with a Farmers' Social Insurance Institution (Mela) project aimed at helping farmers cope with financial pressures. On many farms, economic difficulties that have piled up for a long time are also taking a psychological toll.


      Fewer working farms also mean a shrinking safety net for farmers, who have fewer neighbours to turn to in need, a smaller local social network. Of the approximately 100,000 farms in the country 20 years ago, only around 50,000 remain. At the same time, the size of farms and the accompanying investment and economic risks have increased. [iophk: "the population did not halve during the same interval"]

    • Rare Diseases: Pharma Industry Calls For Collaboration, Political Commitment For Research [Ed: Sounds like this cartel is urging politicians to give it taxpayers' money for monopolies and patents, to hold lives hostage]
      Big Pharma wants to develop treatments for rare diseases, with government support. The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) this week launched a new report describing policy priorities to increase research and development into rare diseases.

      Rare diseases are conditions which affect very small numbers of people. Currently between 5,000 and 8,000 rare diseases have been identified. The day 28 February was called Rare Diseases Day.

    • A Look At Latest Figures On R&D For Neglected Diseases [Ed: When development of cures is only motivated by profit/finance, not needs]
      Financing for research and development into so-called neglected diseases – those predominantly affecting lower-income populations – rose recently mainly due to the Ebola outbreak, and private sector contributions represent a bigger share, according to the latest available data from a Gates Foundation-supported database.

    • What Is Fair Pricing For Medicines? WHO-Netherlands Forum Aims To Find Out
      Public health stakeholders – and just about everyone else – may take notice of a meeting planned for May in the Netherlands, as it could offer the beginning of a new approach to pharmaceutical costs. High drug prices have become a ‘kitchen table’ issue in countries of all economic sizes recently, and the World Health Organization is teaming up with the Dutch government to address it in a new and practical way.

  • Security

  • Defence/Aggression

    • ISIS forced me to watch videos, shot me thrice: AP doctor freed from Libya
      Dr Ramamurthy Kosanam, the Andhra Pradesh doctor freed from Islamic State (IS) captivity in Libya, said on Sunday that the terrorist organisation forced the hostages to watch videos of what it did in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and other places.

      “ISIS people forced us to watch videos of what they did to Iraq, Syria, Nigeria & other places. It was bit difficult to watch them,” he said speaking to ANI.

      He also said that ISIS recruits did not assault the hostages physically, but abused them verbally.

      Ramamurthy said most of the ISIS terrorists were educated youth who knew about India.

    • 2 hurt as gun goes off during French President's speech
      Two people were wounded when a weapon was accidentally fired Tuesday as French President François Hollande was giving a speech in the western city of Villognon, the mayor told CNN. Hollande was not injured, but two other people were, Mayor Claude Guitton said. Their injuries were not life-threatening.

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife/Nature

    • Audi Engineer Exposes Cheat Order
      In an interesting turn of events last week in a German court, evidence has materialized that engineers were ordered to cheat emissions testing when developing automotive parts.

      Last Tuesday, Ulrich Weiß brought forward a document that alleges Audi Board of Director members were involved in ordering a cheat for diesel emissions. Weiß was the head of engine development for Audi, suspended in November of 2015 but continued to draw more than half a million dollars in salary before being fired after prior to last week’s court testimony.

    • Calls for Cumbrian zoo to be shut after 486 animals die in four years
      Inspectors have called for the owner of a zoo to face prosecution after the revelation that nearly 500 animals in its care had died in less than four years.

      A damning report into conditions at South Lakes Safari zoo in Cumbria, which is home to more than 1,500 animals, found that 486 inhabitants had died of causes including emaciation and hypothermia between December 2013 and September 2016.

      One African spurred tortoise named Goliath died after being electrocuted by electric fencing, while the decomposing body of a squirrel monkey was discovered behind a radiator. The zoo had a death rate of about 12% of its animals a year.

  • Finance

    • A Perfect Storm at Uber
      When Susan Fowler, a Bay Area-based writer and engineer who until recently worked for Uber, published a blog post on her personal Web site last week, the piece, which detailed a pattern of gender discrimination at the car-hailing company, quickly went viral. Among the experiences Fowler described in “Reflecting on One Very, Very Strange Year at Uber” were communications with a sexually inappropriate and vindictive manager, and the company’s failure to respond properly to Fowler’s reports of his misconduct. As the problems persisted, Fowler wrote, and she was prevented from moving teams and from being promoted, she reported every infraction to H.R. This later led an H.R. representative to ask whether Fowler had considered that she herself might be the issue—a comment that Fowler also diligently noted.

    • Brexit and the WTO schedules
      In this post I argue that there is one way in which Brexit will *not* be as complicated as initially feared.

      WTO renegotiation will be undoubtedly fiddly and tiresome – about as complex a technical readjustment as one can imagine – but it is ultimately not a predicament but a chore.

  • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

    • Red-State Progressives Hold the Blueprint for the Trump Resistance
      On November 9th, millions of Americans woke up to a nightmare: The election of a hyper-right-wing, single-party government led by people whose values they didn't share, and who didn't reflect the cultural, racial and gender diversity of their hometowns and neighborhoods.

    • A Test for the Anti-Trump Movement
      In the week leading up to the presidential election, like hockey players who refuse to shave during the playoffs, the women of the Weiss family lived in their “Pussy Grabs Back” T-shirts. For months, our family texts had buzzed day and night with emoji-laden reactions to the latest Trump outrage, while my mother waged a very personal campaign against the Republican candidate. When the first Tuesday in November was upon us, my dad, who has a giant poster of William F. Buckley in his office, bowed to shalom bayit and wrote in Steph Curry.

      All of this camaraderie put me in a strange position. Since the crucible of my college years—in which being an outspoken Zionist made you fascist, supporting the war in Iraq made you an imperialist, and believing that some cultures are indeed more enlightened than others a hegemon—I’ve gotten used to feeling politically homeless. I’m typically the hardass among the squishes. All of a sudden, I found myself making common cause with those whom I disagree with vehemently on, say, the Iran deal (bad), the necessity of teaching Western Civ. (good), and most certainly Israel. It is the difference on the Jewish state that has been the starkest and the most painful, as anyone who has paid any attention to the increasingly leftward tilt of the Democratic Party will not be surprised to learn.

  • Censorship/Free Speech

    • Chinese Censorship of Feminism
      Following the Women’s March on Washington and its sister marches around the world, Chinese women were noticeably absent from the international media spotlights. This is because street protests and demonstrations that “promote falsehoods” are illegal in China, and the Chinese government has a history of cracking down and retaliating against public events and figures that bring light to gender inequality.

      While the Chinese government’s restriction of public protests and demonstrations is nothing new, over the past few years, China has been slowly increasing its censorship of feminist media and publications. For example, in 2015, the imprisonment by the government of the Feminist Five, a group of vocal Chinese women’s rights activists, made headlines and led to an international outcry, leading to their subsequent release. The members of the group had been detained for distributing pamphlets about sexual harassment on March 8, International Women’s Day.

    • Disrupt Censorship! How To Keep Seeing News That Matters To You [Ed: There is an inherent problem when people turn not to news site but people they call 'friends', who are meta-edited by politically-motivated Facebook algorithms]
      Is it algorithms? Or maybe censorship? Or do people just not care anymore? These are the questions going through many people’s minds as it becomes increasingly more difficult to stay informed in our world.

      Facebook became the top source for driving news and information to people in 2015. According to’s chief technical officer, Andrew Montalenti, latest estimates show that social media sources (of which Facebook is by far the largest) accounted for about 43% of the traffic to the network of media sites, while Google accounted for just 38%.

      Now you might also have been hearing how Facebook’s algorithm has changed and many publishers are now seeing a decline in traffic from Facebook. There are likely a number of reasons for this and we will get to them shortly.

    • When false news becomes the mainstream
      Fake news is affecting the way we think. Social media platforms have recently been hit with fake news posts that affect politics, cause concern with hoax celebrity deaths, and promote propaganda. Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead, rather than entertain readers for financial, political, or other gain.

      Fake news websites successfully attract attention from large audiences by website spoofing – making the reader believe it is a trusted and legitimate source. Fake news is an unethical journalistic practice that has existed in print media before the internet existed and transformed even today.

      Facebook, a major asset of sharing news articles through friends and family, is trying to combat fake news by using a new IOS feature in selective territories.

    • Fake news is big news
      Fake news sites and articles permeated the 2016 Presidential election as partisan articles were generated by various websites and then shared via social media sites such as Facebook. Once read and re-shared online, the number of people viewing the fake or false news increases exponentially. Attempting to fact check these fake stories appears to make matters worse, as search engine inquiries only cause the results to move further up the results list, giving them a false legitimacy. Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerburg stated in a Nov. 12 post that “99% of what people see on Facebook is authentic.” Adam Mosseri, Facebook's News Feed Vice President says that one of the tactics the social media giant plans to deploy is undermining the financial incentives present that drive individuals to release fake news.

    • The Internet Is Silencing Artists, According To An Artist On The Internet
      We recently submitted our comments to the Copyright Office's ongoing study on DMCA safe harbors, but perhaps we should have been a bit more creative. At least that seems to be the plan of the Content Creators Coalition, which has made its submission in the form of a video starring producer T Bone Burnett doing his best Werner-Herzog-without-the-accent impression. It's... quite something. (Amusingly it's also hosted on Vimeo, a site which — like all sites hosting user content — relies heavily on DMCA safe harbors for its existence, and indeed prevailed in a major legal battle over that very thing last year.)

    • Health boss husband of DUP candidate Pengelly Little in social media 'censorship' row
      The Department of Health's permanent secretary should stick to his day job rather than trawl through social media accounts of health workers, the UUP has said.

      Richard Pengelly wrote to health trust chief executives saying he was increasingly concerned at "overtly political" tweets from health staff.

      Mr Pengelly is the most senior health official in Northern Ireland after the minister, and the husband of Emma Pengelly Little, a DUP Assembly candidate.

      In an email obtained by the News Letter, he highlighted two tweets critical of the DUP and Sinn Fein by two doctors on their personal accounts as being "not appropriate".

    • Fictional president falls victim to censorship in Turkey
      As Turkey moves closer to a crucial referendum on the sweeping executive powers its president wants, the authorities have made it clear that nothing about executive presidents — even imaginary ones — can be a laughing matter. The creators of a short comedy film learned this the hard way as their fictional schnitzel-craving president was barred from debuting on the big screen.

    • Free Speech Fascists Like Me
      For espousing the same beliefs about the First Amendment I did on November 8 (everyone speaks always, unfettered), I am no longer a patriot.

      Many of the groups and people who supported me then, and once supported the First Amendment absolutely, now call me a nazi, fascist, enabler, racist and normalizer.

      Because we live in odd times, and because too many people only read a sentence or two before losing their sh*t, I feel the need for a disclaimer. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a nazi, fascist, enabler, racist or a normalizer. I do not like people who are those things. I didn’t vote for Trump and I think he’s a lousy human. ‘Kay?

    • Charlize Theron's Oscar dress is digitally coloured-in by Iranian TV censors

    • The Oscars Look Very Different On Iranian TV

    • Iranian TV censors got creative with Charlize Theron’s Oscars dress

    • ‘Such a ban has never existed in my shop’ - Norwich Book Hive responds to Woman in Black author Susan Hill’s accusations of the store being ‘anti-Trump’

    • Author cancels book signing over shop’s ‘anti‑Trump bias’

    • ‘Woman in Black’ Author Cancels Book Signing Because Shop ‘Is Anti-Donald Trump’

  • Privacy/Surveillance

  • Civil Rights/Policing

    • ‘Imam abused me every day in mosque’
      A woman has given a harrowing description of the daily sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of an imam for nearly five years as a young girl.

      Nabila – not her real name – was sexually abused almost every day from the age of seven in a small mosque operating within an imam's home in the West Midlands.

    • Man collapses after caning for breaking Islamic law
      An Indonesian man collapsed while being publicly caned Monday for spending time with a woman who is not his wife in contravention of strict Islamic laws in a staunchly Muslim part of the country.

      Herizal bin Yunus, 27, fainted after being caned eight times in front of a crowd in Aceh, the only province of the world's most populous Muslim-majority country that imposes sharia law.

      Officials carried him off stage after he collapsed during the punishment outside a mosque in the provincial capital Banda Aceh, which was carried out by a religious official dressed in an all-encompassing, hooded cloak.

      But once he came to, a doctor examined him and said he was in good health, and he was taken back up on stage to be flogged another 14 times. A local religious court had sentenced him to be caned a total of 22 times.

    • Why Aren’t Women Taking Control of Their Lives?
      The way I started living life changed a lot post-divorce. Ironically, I gained freedom in more ways than one. Other than the most obvious — freedom from a bad marriage — I also started living life in a way I should have a long time ago.

      The pivotal moment came for me when I decided I wanted to travel more and secondly undertake some aid work. Like most people, I fancied a partner in crime so waited around to see who would be free to join me.

      I waited.

      And waited.

    • Yankton Sioux Challenges ‘Plenary Power’ Doctrine in DAPL Case
      The Yankton Sioux and their Chairman, Robert Flying Hawk, have broken new ground in litigation against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to protect the waters of the Missouri River from invasion and desecration by the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL): Their complaint challenges the federal Indian law concept of “plenary power,” by which the U.S. claims total authority over Indians and Indian lands.

      To my knowledge, a litigation challenge to federal Indian law basic concepts has only been done once before, by the Western Shoshone National Council in 1995. The Western Shoshone challenged the whole structure based on the so-called “right of Christian Discovery”—including the “trust doctrine” that the U.S. uses in conjunction with “plenary power.”

    • Ex-CIA Agent Won’t Serve Jail Time in Kidnapping Case
      Italy’s president commuted part of the sentence of a former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency officer, allowing her to avoid prison for her role in a controversial U.S. program that involved kidnapping suspected terrorists and flying them to other countries for interrogation.

    • Jury Acquits Restaurant Owner Of Obstruction Charges For Tweeting Out Photo Of Teens Involved In Police Alcohol Sting
      Obstructing government operations seems like a serious offense, but it tends to be one of those catch-all charges used by law enforcement to generate arrests for non-criminal activities like showing less respect than officers feel they deserve or someone getting all constitutional in response to searches and/or seizures. In Nebraska, law enforcement uses it to handle "being made."


      The police certainly seemed secure in the rightness of their actions, despite everything about the arrest looking like nothing more than petty revenge for having their operation blown. And the local prosecutors office was the most compliant entity in this failed compliance sting, as it followed through with a jury trial, rather than drop the ridiculous charge.

      The jury found in favor of the restaurant owner, which means the next time an ID sting is uncovered, restaurant owners are more than welcome to let each other know which teens are acting as narc-of-the-day for the local PD.

      Honestly, the problem here lies entirely with state law enforcement and its response to Horavatinovich's actions. As Fault Lines' Josh Kendrick points out, the public shouldn't be forced to stay silent when law enforcement screws up.

  • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

    • FCC chairman says net neutrality was a mistake
      FCC chairman Ajit Pai said today that net neutrality was “a mistake” and that the commission is now “on track” to return to a much lighter style of regulation.

      “Our new approach injected tremendous uncertainty into the broadband market,” Pai said during a speech at Mobile World Congress this afternoon. “And uncertainty is the enemy of growth.”

      Pai has long been opposed to net neutrality and voted against the proposal when it came up in 2015. While he hasn’t specifically stated that he plans to reverse the order now that he’s chairman, today’s speech suggests pretty clearly that he’s aiming to.

    • New FCC chairman: Net neutrality rules were a 'mistake'
      The U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules, passed two years, ago were a “mistake” that caused uncertainty for the broadband industry, the agency’s new chairman said.

      The net neutrality rules, along with the FCC’s decision to reclassify broadband as a regulated common carrier, “deviated” from the U.S. government’s longstanding light-touch regulatory approach toward the internet, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said Tuesday at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

    • Rally Marks Anniversary of Net Neutrality Rule as New FCC Chair Puts It in Crosshairs
      Proponents of an open internet are holding a rally on Monday to mark the two-year anniversary of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote that enshrined net neutrality protections that the new Trump administration has already begun eroding.

      The 3pm event in Washington, D.C is backed by the Color of Change, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Center for Media Justice, and Free Press, and will feature the FCC's only Democratic commissioner, Mignon Clyburn.

    • Decoding the Doublespeak of FCC Chairman Pai
      Michael Flynn, Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Miller aren’t the only Donald Trump surrogates who’ve had a very bad couple of weeks.

      Ajit Pai, the president’s pick to lead the Federal Communications Commission, was pilloried by The New York Times and Washington Post editorial boards last week after his agency released a rapid-fire series of rulings in a move that resembled Trump’s rush of executive orders. Chairman Pai’s directives, which he issued with zero public input, undermine the open internet and undercut the agency’s Lifeline program, which is designed to make the internet more affordable for families with low incomes.

      Pai’s attack on Lifeline drew a swift response. A series of letters from dozens of Democrats on Capitol Hill asserted that Pai’s move to prevent nine internet service providers (ISPs) from serving Lifeline participants was “unfairly punishing” families in need.

    • FCC Boss Falsely Claims His Attacks On Net Neutrality Have Already Made The Wireless Sector More Competitive
      Last week we watched as Verizon, a company that spent years telling users they didn't want or need unlimited data, was forced to bring back unlimited data. AT&T quickly followed suit with similar plans of its own, despite having spent years waging a not so subtle war on grandfathered unlimited connection customers. The reason for this sudden collective about-face? The continued rise of T-Mobile, which has increasingly brought something vaguely resembling competition to the wireless sector (even if non-price, often superficial competition remains the predominant law of the land).

      While this was happening, we've been noting how new FCC boss Ajit Pai has been taking an axe to consumer protections, moving to gut broadband privacy rules, making it easier for prison telco monopolies to rip off inmate families, and killing efforts to bring competition to the cable box. Pai also recently killed off the FCC's inquiry into zero rating, after the former FCC stated Verizon and AT&T were using usage caps to give their own content an unfair market advantage.

    • YouTube takes on cable with new TV service
      YouTube has launched a $35-a-month TV subscription service that will rival US cable networks.

      The live TV service will carry more than 40 channels, including some of the country's biggest networks including ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and ESPN.

      The service will also include a "cloud DVR" that will let users record and store programming.

      One analyst told the BBC that YouTube posed a real threat to traditional cable companies.
    • YouTube launches its own streaming TV service
      At an event in Los Angeles this afternoon, YouTube announced its own streaming TV service. The offering will mix live-streams of broadcast and cable television programming with the wealth of online video found on YouTube. It’s the latest in a surge of over-the-top (OTT) services trying to woo consumers who never bought into traditional cable television.

      The service will exist as a standalone app. For $35 a month, subscribers get all four major networks — ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC — and roughly 35 cable channels. That price covers six accounts, so each member of the household can have a personalized account that offers recommendations tuned to their taste. The kids will have to draw short straws, however, as you can watch up to three concurrent streams at a time.

    • MWC 2017: 5G - who wants it, who’ll pay?
      The hot topic at Mobile World Congress this year is not a new phone - apart from the Nokia 3310, they all look the same.

      Nor is it a new technology like virtual reality - compared with last year, there seem to be fewer VR headsets around.

    • Letter to EU Policy-Makers: Making Regulation Work for Community Networks
      In the context of the revision of the European Telecom Package, La Quadrature du Net relays the open letter drafted by the research project netCommons on the importance of community networks for freedoms and fundamental rights. The letter, which will be sent to EU policy-makers, make a number of recommendations for sustaining the growth of community networks.

      La Quadrature du Net stresses that, for law-makers, the review the Telecom Package should be seen as an opportunity to reinforce the transparency, civil rights and liberties and the possibility for all actors, especially small ones, to be able to play a significant role in the future so-called Digital Single Market. Also, La Quadrature du Net points out the importance of a fair and equal regulation for all the actors in the telecom ecosystem, especially local communities and non-profit entities. This revision should not lead to a closed market with few monopolistic actors.

  • DRM

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Trademarks

      • Soundcloud Tells Guy It Needs To Kill His Account Of 8 Years Because Someone Else Trademarked His Name
        I've known Bas Grasmayer for many years, and he's a super insightful digital/music strategist and has written a bunch of posts for us over the years. He tends to be on the cutting edge of any digital music startup -- so it's little surprise that he first got a Soundcloud account way back in 2008 or 2009, soon after Soundcloud started. His account is at because, well, that's his name.

    • Copyrights

      • ‘Kodi Box’ Consultation Launched By Intellectual Property Office

        Following complaints from rightsholders and broadcasters, the UK's Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is considering how the law can be tightened to tackle the so-called Kodi epidemic. Interested parties are invited to participate in a consultation to assess how copyright, fraud, and other legislation can target both device sellers and end users.

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maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
If one puts aside Russia and east Europe, not many countries exist that still connect to the Web from Windows more than from Android
GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
Europe, on average, is now estimated to have GNU/Linux on 1 in 25 Web-connected laptops/desktops
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
People still use search, not chatbots
Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
"Guns for hire" in London can only issue "legal" threats
Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
Right now there are many articles about Microsoft Outlook being down completely
Gemini Links 02/03/2025: OFFLFIRSOCH 2025 and Programming
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 01, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 01, 2025
Another Day and Another LLM Slopfest From Madame Day at the Slopfarm
Can't take a break, can she?
Sucking Up to Fascists (Like IBM's Watson Sucked Up to Adolf Hitler in the 1930s) Did Not Help IBM
IBM could stick to better principles, but instead it treats the Free software community and even its own staff like trash
Links 01/03/2025: GB News Loses Over 100 Million Pounds, Zelensky Wins World's Sympathy
Links for the day
Getting Serial Sloppers to Knock the Habit of Plagiarism by LLM Slop
All in all, the fewer the slop objects, the better
As Prices Soar and Services Shut Down (Even YouTube Starts Demanding Money for the Original or a Tolerable Experience) It's Time to Explore the Real Alternatives is the most viable instance of Invidious these days
Gemini Links 01/03/2025: Amends and GNU/Linux
Links for the day
Links 01/03/2025: Scam Altman's Latest Excuse, Google Price Hikes
Links for the day
Justice Will Find Its Way at the End
We deserve an award, not SLAPP, for what we've done
March Already, Rumours of IBM Layoffs in Brazil
Red Hat might be impacted too
Links 01/03/2025: Squashing Software Patents, USPTO Facing Additional Cuts
Links for the day
Links 01/03/2025: UNM Gopher and Getting One's Pages on gemini://
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, February 28, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, February 28, 2025