Recent (not sarcastic like this article):
13 Years of UPC Promises

Hurry up and don't be late, Alex Ramsay.
Summary: This is the year! This is the year! It's coming "real soon now!" They promise!
GOOD news, Team UPC! The Unitary Patent or Unified Patent Court (UPC) is coming! It's coming soon. 202020! Yes, for real! Party like it's tomorrow already.
António Campinos is already preparing the top floor of the European Patent Office's (
EPO) building in Munich, stacking the shelves of
his personal pub with
Battistelli's favourite wines. Forget about 35 U.S.C. ۤ 101; leave your worries at the door;
software patents are coming to European courts (the ones the EPO controls) and maybe the 'Kats'
too will join the party. "All views expressed are my own and do not represent those of my employer,"
insists the 'Kat' who
honestly thinks that the independence of EPO judges is just a waste of time (profits before justice!). As if the massive salary from Big Pharma does not impact one's position on EPO policies...
Earlier this week we saw this new press release (e.g. in
PRNewswire) that includes:
Where is the Unitary Patent?
It’s coming soon, sorry you didn’t get the message! In 202020! Real soon! Someone should tell Alex. (Research and Markets) keeps pushing this as a mere question. How
dare they? Alex says UPC will come in 2021, not 202020. How pessimistic of him...
We took note of similar Research and Markets press releases in the past, insinuating UPC is right on its way and several times earlier this month CEIPI tweeted UPC advocacy. Yes,
Battistelli's employer. Battistelli may have reached retirement age several years ago (making him ineligible for the EPO job he had held), but certainly he'll live on -- like a zombie -- until 202020 when he can finally wear the UPC crown he has long craved.
Long live the king. King Battistelli. Kong Stad. King and Kong of UPC.