Monday, 19 October 2020: donations to organizations that violate the Code of Conduct
Red Hat is listed on the top donors page[1] of the FSFE
When I look at various documents published by FSFE, including minutes of their annual meeting from 2019, I feel they actively violate the Fedora Code of Conduct
One volunteer breaking the Code of Conduct could be a mistake or somebody having a bad day. A group of people getting together and voting to deliberately violate the Code of Conduct is far more hideous.
If individual Fedora volunteers want to participate in outside groups that is their choice but for Fedora's parent company, Red Hat, to actively donate to a group that violates the Code of Conduct is a clear leadership failing. How can anybody expect individual volunteers to demonstrate excellence when the leaders of organizations can use their positions for harassment against community representatives past and present?
It is worth reading things like the FSFE minutes alongside documents such as der Untermensch[2] (the Sub-Human), produced in Berlin in 1942 to see that this idea of demoting and shaming an individual volunteer or minority is not only a Code of Conduct violation, it is the road to evil.
I feel that cutting financial support to groups like this is far more important than the proposed communications policy and would appreciate Fedora Council's feedback on this.
1. 2.