Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 16/11/2020: OpenSUSE Board Election, MidnightBSD 2.0, LabPlot 2.8.1

  • GNU/Linux

    • 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: November 15th, 2020

      The seventh installment of the 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup is here, for the week ending on November 15th, keeping you guys up to date with the most important things that have happened in the Linux world.

      It’s been a great week for Linux news and there were quite some exciting announcement from Intel, KDE and PINE64, but let’s not forget about the new Linux kernel releases and all the cool distros and apps that had new releases this week.

    • Linux Weekly Roundup: MX Linux 19.3, Synfig Studio and More

      Here’s this week’s roundup series, curated for you from the Linux and open-source world on application updates, new releases, distribution updates, major news, and upcoming highlights.

      This week there has been plenty of app updates, distribution release announced. In this weekly update series, we cover all the happenings with links and a quick summary for you so that you can stay updated and wrap up your week with a summary.

    • Linux Weekly Roundup #104

      Feren OS 2020.11, Endless OS 3.9.0, ArcoLinux 20.11.9, MX Linux 19.3, and Amarok Linux 2.1.1 have been released this week.

    • Desktop/Laptop

      • Linux on the Desktop

        2020 has been a fascinating year, and an exciting one for Kubuntu. There seems to be a change in the market, driven by the growth in momentum of cloud native computing.

        As markets shift towards creative intelligence, more users are finding themselves hampered by the daily Windows or MacOS desktop experience. Cloud native means Linux, and to interoperate seamlessly in the cloud space you need Linux.

        Here at Kubuntu we were approached in late 2019 by Mindshare Management Ltd. MSM wanting to work with us to bring a cloud native Kubuntu Linux laptop to the market, directly aimed at competing with the MacBook Pro. As 2020 has progressed the company has continued to grow and develop the market, releasing their second model the Kubuntu Focus M2 in October. Their machines are not just being bought by hobby and tech enthusiasts, the Kubuntu Focus team have sold several high spec machines to NASA via their Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

      • My Cheap Computer for Linux

        If you are like me you are always looking to buy a new computer or electronic device. The thrill of opening it up and getting it setup and then using your new computer for all sorts of things. But I am cheap. I don’t have money to spend on unnecessary expenditures, so I was on the look out for how to really go ahead and buy or build a fully working computer running Linux on a low budget. I am not claiming to have found the best or cheapest solution, but what I got was pretty cheap (ONLY $250 USD TOTAL!!!) and worked well with Ubuntu booting up with out any extra configuration, so I am going to share the details with you in case you want to copy my approach.

    • Server

      • Mark Shuttleworth on overcoming software complexity

        While today we see an enormous amount of incredible software being published, both by tech giants and niche providers, there is a significant lag in the telco industry’s ability to leverage it.

        The promise of a software-defined technology landscape is, of course, agility.

        But what is the main factor preventing telecommunications enterprises from adopting open source software?

        With licensing costs no longer being an issue, the friction has now become centered around operations instead. Onboarding, integrating, and operating software must be simple for enterprises, or else they are prevented from reaping its benefits.

      • Edge computing is dead, long live micro clouds and IoT gateways

        “The King is dead, long live the King.” It might be my french roots speaking, but it seems that actual use cases are replacing King Edge, and it might be for the best. Warning; do not read this blog if you’re particularly sensitive about edge computing (and if you don’t know what this is about, read the “What’s the deal with edge computing?” blog first).

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • Episode 224 – Are old Android devices dangerous? – Open Source Security

        Josh and Kurt talk about what happens when important root certificates expire on old Android devices? Who should be responsible? How can we fix this? Is this even something we can or should fix? How devices should age is a really hard problem that needs a lot of discussion.

      • Linux Action News 163

        The Ubuntu bug you need to patch, PayPal's Bitcoin support goes live, and a breaking change inbound to systemd.

      • GNU World Order 380

        **qpdf** and its surprising PDF cracking ability, **radeon-tool** , and **rpm** , from the **ap** software series of Slackware.

      • Feren OS 2020.11.

        Today we are looking at Feren OS 2020.11. It is based on Ubuntu 20.04, Linux Kernel 5.4, KDE Plasma 5.19.5 ( a few of Cinnamon applications, and uses about 1.5GB of ram when idling. Enjoy and it looks great!

      • Feren OS 2020.11 Run Through - YouTube

        In this video, we are looking at Feren OS 2020.11.

      • Podcast With James Ramey - Full Transcript - Boiling Steam

        Less than a week ago we published the audio version of the podcast with James Ramey, president of Codeweavers – the company and people behind WINE and most of Proton’s efforts. We now publish the full transcript of our conversation.

      • Tg: Telegram Client For The Terminal Minded - YouTube

        I'm not much of a telegram user so I thought why not find a client that's a bit lighter than the official client so today we're looking at tg which is a terminal based telegram client which does most of what you'll probably want it to do.

    • Kernel Space

      • Linux 5.10-rc4
        We're getting to the point in the rc series where I start hoping for
        things to calm down.

        5.10 hasn't calmed down yet, and there's a fair amount of small noise all over the place. Nothing that makes me particularly worried, and honestly, with about a third of the patch being various selftest updates and fixes some of that noise is certainly welcome, but I'm hoping next week will start seeing less actual changes.

        Anyway, if you ignore the Documentation, tooling and selftest changes, about half of this is various minor driver updates (really all over the place), with the rest being a mix of architecture (arm64 and x86), filesystem fixes, and minor core kernel and vm changes.

        All looks good, and nothing makes me go "uhhuh, 5.10 looks iffy". So go test, let's get this all solid and calmed down, and this will hopefully be one of those regular boring releases even if it's certainly not been on the smaller side...

      • Linux 5.10-rc4 Released But The Kernel Hasn't Calmed Down Yet
      • AMD Zen1/Zen2/Zen3 PowerCap RAPL Support Queued For Linux 5.11 - Phoronix

        The work reported on back in October for RAPL PowerCap patches for AMD Zen CPUs from Zen 1 through Zen 3 are set to arrive with Linux 5.11 in early 2021.

      • Linux Might Wipe Out The Notorious Intel Poulsbo/Moorestown 2D Acceleration - Phoronix

        Longtime Linux users still likely cringe when hearing "Poulsbo" as Intel's first-generation Atom processors that featured "GMA 500" graphics that were based on Imagination Technologies PowerVR SGX IP. The Linux driver support was just awful and now as we prepare for 2021 the Intel Linux kernel driver might just drop its 2D acceleration support for Poulsbo and the short-lived Moorestown platform.

        Years after Intel Atom Poulsbo hardware first appeared came the "GMA500" DRM kernel driver to improve the driver support and then working on 2D acceleration as about the extent of the clean open-source support due to the use of the notorious PowerVR graphics. While that later open-source driver work in GMA500 was an improvement, Poulsbo still gives me nightmares a decade later.

      • Tiger Lake H Thunderbolt Support Comes To Linux 5.10

        Coming as a late addition to the Linux 5.10 kernel is Thunderbolt support for Tiger Lake H.

      • Graphics Stack

        • AMD Launches Arcturus As The Instinct MI100, Radeon ROCm 4.0

          AMD is marking the SC20 virtual conference this week by launching the AMD Instinct MI100 accelerator, which is based on their CDNA architecture. Also notable and coinciding with the MI100 launch is the Radeon Open eCosystem 4.0 (ROCm 4.0) Linux release.


          The AMD Instinct MI100 makes use of 32GB HBM2 memory at a 1.2GHz clock rate and capable of 1.23TB/s memory bandwidth. MI100 supports PCI Express 4.0 connectivity and packs 120 compute units and 7680 Stream processors. CDNA is an evolution of the Vega architecture rather than RDNA/Navi that is gaming optimized rather than compute. Given the HPC focus and how long we've been seeing the Arcturus Linux patches mature, the Linux support for the AMD Instinct MI100 support should be in great shape for launch albeit we haven't been able to test the accelerator to confirm its Linux support state.

        • I Am STUNNED | Unboxing The Radeon RX 6000 Series - YouTube

          Unboxing the brand new Radeon RX 6800 and 6800 XT leads me to one conclusion: With the RX 6000 Series, AMD doesn't just want to bust back into the high-end gaming market with performance, they want to look REALLY good doing it. I'm honestly blown away by the quality of these next-gen Radeon GPUs! Let's check them out together.

        • Mike Blumenkrantz: Roundup 20201115

          As time/sanity permit, I’ll be trying to do roundup posts for zink happenings each week.

        • LuxCoreRender 2.5 Beta Open-Source Renderer Brings NVIDIA OptiX Support - Phoronix

          LuxCoreRender 2.5 Beta 1 was released this morning and most noticeable is the NVIDIA OptiX support. OptiX is NVIDIA's ray-tracing API geared for their hardware and in particular performs extremely well with modern NVIDIA RTX GPUs featuring RT cores. As seen back when Blender shipped OptiX support, the rendering speed with OptiX is very impressive compared to the likes of OpenCL or NVIDIA CUDA rendering. We have yet to benchmark LuxCoreRender 2.5 Beta but will certainly be updating our test profile upon the stable v2.5.0 release.

    • Applications

      • Photoflare Image Editor 1.6.6 Released, How to Install via PPA

        Photoflare, a free open-source image editor inspired by PhotoFiltre, released version 1.6.6 a day ago with stability improvements and bug-fixes.

      • GoTTy – turn CLI tools into web applications

        The Command Line Interface (CLI) is a way of interacting with your computer. And if you ever want to harness all the power of Linux, it’s highly recommended to master it.

        It’s true the CLI is often perceived as a barrier for users migrating to Linux, particularly if they’re grown up using GUI software exclusively. While Linux rarely forces anyone to use the CLI, some tasks are better suited to this method of interaction, offering inducements like superior scripting opportunities, remote access, and being far more frugal with a computer’s resources.

        Do you want to share your terminal session in a web browser? GoTTy is a utility that’s designed to turn your CLI tools into web applications. A remote user can view that terminal session over the network.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • youtube-dl is too slow

        The world of YouTube downloaders is a kakistocracy and youtube-dl is the undisputed king.

        I've been using JWZ youtubedown instead for the past five years even though youtubedown is designed only to download files and I want links. With a few modifications I can make youtubedown produce links and it's faster than youtube-dl. Everything is faster than youtube-dl.

      • Why Git blame sucks for understanding WTF code (and what to use instead)

        Thankfully Git has some pretty powerful search tools built right in. Let’s take a closer look at some of the tools at our disposal.

      • Using split DNS for websites hosted locally

        The website is hosted on server in my basement. For you, that IP addresses resolves to a publicly available IP address. For me, that IP address resolves to an RFC 1918 address:

        $ host has address

        Sometimes this is referred to as split dns, also known as split-horizon DNS, split-view DNS, split-brain DNS, or a fricking stupid thing to do).

      • Unlock encrypted disks on Linux automatically |

        Open encrypted disks without having to manually enter a passcode by using Network-Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE).

        From a security viewpoint, it's important to encrypt your sensitive data to protect it from prying eyes and hackers. Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) is a great tool and a common standard for Linux disk encryption. Because it stores all pertinent setup information in the partition header, it makes migrating data easy.

        To configure encrypted disks or partitions with LUKS, you will need to use the cryptsetup utility. Unfortunately, one of the downsides of encrypting your disks is that you have to manually provide the password every time the system is rebooted or the disk is remounted.

      • Manage multiple Terraform versions with tfenv |

        In my Terraform for Kubernetes beginners article, I used Terraform 11, and in an upcoming article, I'll cover upgrading from Terraform 11 to 12. To prepare for that, in this article, I'll show you how to use tfenv, a tool that makes it much easier to convert from one version to another, as well as to manage multiple Terraform versions in your work environment.

      • How to read and correct SELinux denial messages | Enable Sysadmin

        A look at SELinux denial messages, where they're logged, and how to parse them.

      • How To Install MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, MySQL Workbench is a GUI application that enables database administrators and Developers to administration, development, design, creation, and maintenance of MySQL database systems. Mainly, this tool is used by database architects, administrators, and database developers to visualize the design of the database.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step by step installation of MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04, and any other Debian based distribution like Linux Mint.

      • How Memset Function is Used – Linux Hint

        In C, the memset() function is used to set a one-byte value to a memory block byte by byte. This function is useful for initialization of a memory block byte by byte by a particular value. In this article, we will see in detail how this function can be used. So, let’s get started.

      • How can I make Nginx Faster? – Linux Hint

        Nginx is considered one of the most commonly used web servers today. The reasons behind preferring this webserver over other web servers available in the market are as follows: 1) It does not create a separate worker thread for each incoming request; rather, its single worker process is capable of catering to multiple requests at the same time. 2) It loads the static content immediately as soon as the user requests for it because it keeps that content in its cache.

        However, there are still other hacks available out there, with the help of which we can make the performance of this webserver even better. Therefore, in today’s article, we would like to share with you some of the most efficient tips with which you can make your Nginx web server all the faster.

      • How To Connect MongoDB Compass On Windows To Remote MongoDB On Linux

        In this post, we will learn how to configure MongoDB Compass (running on windows) to connect to remote MongoDB on Centos.

      • How to Install (.NET Core) Dotnet Core on Linux Distributions [Ed: Helping Microsoft dominate the competition]
      • How to Find Files Case-Insensitive in Linux – Linux Hint

        If you have a large bulk of files in your computer system, it is very important to keep them organized so that you can easily access the files whenever you want. If you have a busy schedule, you may simply keep dumping files onto your computer system without even knowing where a particular file is located. In this situation, it can get very difficult to work, especially when you need a specific file immediately. The Linux operating system provides you with multiple commands that you can run in the terminal to find a specific file. Although, most of these commands are case sensitive, meaning that you need to know the exact name of your file and whether it is in lower-case or upper-case letters or a combination of both. If you do not know which letters are capitalized in the file name, then it would not be possible to locate the file that you need with these commands.

        There is a method that can be used to make a file search case insensitive using certain flags in the command-line interface. This article shows you how to perform a case-insensitive file search in Linux Mint 20.

      • How to Install NixOS – Linux Hint

        In the Linux world, there are many distributions, and these distributions usually differ in terms of package manager, environment, and packages. Once installed, you can find files in specific places in the file structure. Directories like /usr, /usr/local and /bin are used to store different files, and this standard makes it possible for an experienced Linux user to know where files are located and to run scripts that use these files over many distributions. To find out more, look up the LSB project. While you can run applications under NixOS because they follow the above standard, the files are not where they would be in another system. The developers of NixOS and GNU Guix have strong opinions about this system, and they have come up with clever ways to comply with it.

      • How to Install and Use i3 Window Manager on Linux

        Written in C language, the i3wm ( i3 Windows Manager ) is a lightweight, easy-to-configure, and hugely popular tiling windows manager. Unlike the conventional desktop environment, a tiling manager provides just sufficient functionality to arrange windows on your screen in an easy and appealing manner suited for your workflow.

        i3 is a minimalist tiling manager that intelligently arranges the windows on your screen in a seamless non-overlapping manner. Other tiling managers include xmonad and wmii.

        In this guide, we will explain how to install and use the i3 Windows manager on Linux desktop systems.

      • How to install Dashlane password manager on Ubuntu 20.04 - Linux Shout

        Dashlane is one of the popular password managers that is available in both free and premium versions. In the free version, the user can save 50 passwords, auto-fill Form & payment, password share up to 5 accounts, personalized security alerts, password generator, password changer, and two-factor authentication are also available. The free trial of their premium plan is available for 30 days.

        This freemium password manager is not available as an app for Linux, however, we can use it as a browser extension to get its benefits. Moreover, most of the time we need a password manager to save and autofill our passwords in browsers only. Thus, a dedicated desktop application is not a very essential need.

      • How to change time format in Wireshark – Linux Hint

        Wireshark is a popular network capturing and analysis tool. There are many options for doing better and quick analysis. One of them is using the time format in Wireshark. Let’s understand for this article how to use the time format in Wireshark.

      • How to Send Email with Attachments from Command Line in Linux – Linux Hint

        Most computer users are probably familiar with the simple process of sending and receiving emails. Apart from simple text conversations, emails can also be used for sending and receiving files. These files are transferred inside of an email as attachments. Any email client of your choice may be used for sending and receiving emails with attachments. As a Linux user, you might prefer terminal-based methods of sending emails with attachments. This article shows you four different methods of sending emails with attachments from the command line in Linux Mint 20.

        You can use any of the following four methods to send an email with attachments from the command line in Linux Mint 20.

        Note: For all the methods discussed below, attached the sample text file named abc.txt to every email. You can also attach other kinds of files, such as PDFs, spreadsheets, images, audios, and more.

      • How to Replace Strings and Lines with Ansible

        Ansible provide multiple ways that you can use to replace a string, an entire line or words that match a certain pattern. There are two modules that you can use to achieve this: the replace module and the inline module. We are going to dive deep and take a look at some examples of how these modules can be used in a playbook to replace strings and lines.

      • How to install KeePass Password Manager on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

        KeePass Password Manager is a free and open-source application that can be installed on Linux such as Ubuntu 20.04 LTS easily using the APT package manager.

        This open-source password manager offers encryption algorithms AES-256, multiple User Keys, Portable version for Windows 10/7/8; Auto-Type, Global Auto-Type Hot Key, and Drag & Drop of passwords. The user can export saved passwords to TXT, HTML, XML, and CSV Files. If you are using LastPass, Bitwarden, Dashlane, AnyPAssword, Code wallet, and many others, then importing passwords from them is also possible in KeePass.

        Easy Database Transfer, Support of Password Groups, Time Fields and Entry Attachments, Intuitive and Secure Clipboard Handling; Random Password Generator are some other key features of it.

      • Turn off SELinux on CentOS 8 – Linux Hint

        The term “SELinux” is an acronym for Security-Enhanced Linux, and it is defined as a mechanism that is implemented within the Linux based systems for providing an advanced level of security that is essentially based on policy rules. By following these rules, an administrator can allow or deny access to a certain object for any specified user. It means that the security of your Linux based systems relies heavily on this mechanism.

        This mechanism works on three different modes of operation, i.e., Enforcing, Permissive, and Disabled. The first two modes work when you have enabled the SELinux mechanism, whereas the “Disabled” mode obviously works if your SELinux has been disabled. Also, the “Enforcing” mode works by applying all the policy rules that are written for SELinux, whereas the “Permissive” mode allows you to add new rules to the security policy.

        However, at times, the rules defined in the SELinux security policy are so strict that they start causing trouble with your routine tasks, i.e., they might cause a hindrance in an important task that you are trying to perform. In this situation, you may prefer to turn off SELinux till the time you perform that task and then turn it on again once you are done. That is why today, we would like to share with you the method of turning off SELinux on CentOS 8.

      • Remove Directory Recursively without Prompting for Confirmation in Linux – Linux Hint

        At times, you may have more than one directory within a single directory. This is known as a subdirectory, defined as a directory within a directory. Usually, the subdirectories within a directory are closely related to that directory. This means that whenever you feel like you do not need a particular directory anymore, then you also will not need its subdirectories further. So, the question arises, “How do I get rid of all the files and directories within a directory?” This is where the concept of recursive deletion comes into play. Recursive deletion aims to delete all the files and directories within a subdirectory. Generally, whenever you attempt to delete any file or a directory within any operating system, the OS prompts you to provide confirmation to prevent accidental deletion of important files or directories. However, if you are 100% sure of what you are going to delete, and there is a large number of files to be deleted, then you might find it troublesome to provide confirmation for every file or directory.

        In this case, you can remove a directory recursively without being prompted by the OS for confirmation every time. This article explains how to remove a directory recursively without prompting the user for confirmation in Linux Mint 20.

        To remove a directory recursively in Linux Mint 20 without prompting the user for confirmation, the following series of steps should be performed.

      • KeePassXC on Linux – Linux Hint

        In the present world, technology runs our lives as we have become fully dependent on devices such as smartphones, computers, etc. and it has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Such has been its impact that a life without these devices just cannot be imagined. With the invention of cars, planes, Google, and computers, humans have indeed become much more efficient and less erroneous. Things like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchains, virtual reality, and so many others have opened astounding avenues for humans to explore and have allowed humans to step into a realm that could only have been imagined in science fiction books.

        However, our dependency on technology has also led to our privacy being more exposed than ever. Things like data breaches and cyber-attacks have become quite the norm and are growing in scale with time. Linux users have had less to worry about these issues as it has often been said that Linux systems are more secure than its counterparts, but it is important to remember that hackers are becoming more skilled, and thus, it still is not a hundred percent completely safe from malicious attacks. Therefore, it is essential for one to employ procedures with which they can protect their Linux systems. One excellent solution is to use a password manager, which shall also be the topic of our discussion in this article, where we will be focusing on one open-source password manager by the name of KeePassXC.

      • Linux Stat Command and its Usage

        Stat command is used in Linux/Unix to display detailed information about files and file systems. It is commonly used to get file timestamps.

      • How To Install LibreNMS on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install LibreNMS on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, LibreNMS is an open-source auto-discovering network monitoring tool for servers and network hardware. It supports a wide range of network hardware like Cisco, Juniper, Brocade, Foundry, HP, and operating systems including Linux and Windows. LibraNMS is a community-based fork of Network monitoring tool “Observium“, released under GPLv3.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step by step installation of LibreNMS on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04, and any other Debian based distribution like Linux Mint.

      • How to back up your photos on Linux

        Do you have photos on your Linux PC that haven’t been backed up? Don’t know the first thing about backing up photos on Linux? If so, follow along as we go over how to back up photos on Linux.

      • Being your own Certificate Authority

        There are many blogs and tutorials with nice shortcuts providing the necessary openssl commands to create and sign x509 certficates.

        However, there is precious few instructions for how to easily create your own certificate authority.

        You probably never want to do this in a production environment, but in a development environment it will make your life signficantly easier.

      • Reaction Game (v2) with Raspberry PI and Mini Button Switch - peppe8o

        In this tutorial we are going to apply what we have learned to create a small reaction game. It uses cheap circuit components (mini button switch, resistors, LEDs and wirings), Raspberry PI and a little of Python programming.

        Differently from common Reaction games, it is a little more complete: it includes a terminal scoreboard. dedicated player leds and a referee.

        I’ll use a Raspberry PI Zero W, but this guide works with all Raspberry PI models.

      • Securing Linux System With Maldet - The Linux Juggernaut

        Viruses are a real problem for computers that run the Windows operating system. But, as far as anyone has been able to tell, there’s no such thing as a virus that can harm a Linux-based operating system. So, the only real reason to run an antivirus solution on a Linux machine is to prevent infecting any Windows machines on your network. if you have a Linux- based email server, Samba server, download server, or any other Linux- based machine that shares files with Windows computers, then installing an antivirus solution is a good idea.

        Linux Malware Detect, which you’ll often see abbreviated as either LMD or Maldet, is a Free Open Source Software (FOSS) antivirus program that can be installed in a Linux system. When you install it, you’ll get a systemd service that’s already enabled and a cron job that will periodically update both the malware signatures and the program itself.

      • Scanning for Rootkits with Rootkit Hunter - The Linux Juggernaut

        Rootkits are exceedingly nasty pieces of malware that can definitely ruin your day. They can listen for commands from their masters, steal sensitive data and send it to their masters, or provide an easy-access back door for their masters. They’re designed to be stealthy, with the ability to hide themselves from plain view

      • Application Sandboxing with Firejail in Linux - The Linux Juggernaut

        If you have an untrusted application that needs to be run in your Linux system, you can use a sandbox to run the application in a limited environment. In this way you can use the untrusted application without worrying about the security of your system.

        Sandboxing with Firejail uses namespaces, SECCOMP, and kernel capabilities to run untrusted applications in their own individual sandboxes. This can help prevent data leakage between applications, and it can help prevent malicious programs from damaging your system.

      • Security Auditing for linux with Auditd - The Linux Juggernaut

        So, you have a directory full of super-secret files that only a very few people need to see, and you want to know when unauthorized people try to see them. Or, maybe you want to see when a certain file gets changed, or you want to see when people log into the system and what they’re doing once they do log in. For all this and more, you have the auditd system.

      • Linux Jargon Buster: What is Grub in Linux? What is it Used for?

        If you ever used a desktop Linux system, you must have seen this screen. This is called the GRUB screen. Yes, it is written in all capital letters.

        In this chapter of the Linux Jargon Buster series, I’ll tell you what is Grub and what is it used for. I’ll also briefly touch upon the configuration and customization part.

        GRUB is complete program for loading and managing boot. It is the most common bootloader for Linux distributions. A bootloader is the first software that runs when a computer starts. It loads the kernel of the operating system and then the kernel initializes the rest of the operating systems (shell, display manager, desktop environment etc).

    • Games

      • Lethal League Blaze: Blazed In Its Own Right - Boiling Steam

        Welcome to Shine City, a metropolis that didn’t become well-known until the residents came up with a new ball game to fight off the everyday grind of the city.

        The game became an overnight success. It was very popular, up until someone died from the sport. Since then, the sport has been banned. The people who still wanted to play the sport for honor and glory had to move underground to prevent themselves from getting caught by the police.

        These players became known as the Lethal League.

        Been a while since I’ve come across a game that’s addicting as this. I know I’m pretty late to the party with this review, but I liked it so much when I picked it up a few days ago that I felt it was worth writing about it. And rejoice, Linux fans: there’s a Linux version here that works great.

      • The Co-op News Punch Podcast - Episode 24 | GamingOnLinux

        It's been a little while since the last episode, so it's time for a fresh set of ranting and discussion in the GamingOnLinux Co-op News Punch Podcast. As before, it's a casual and frank chat between two friends (myself) and GOL contributor / Linux livestreamer Samsai on all sorts of somewhat Linux related topics.

      • Beyond All Reason aims to revive the RTS style of Total Annihilation | GamingOnLinux

        Total Annihilation is still to this day, one of the best RTS games ever made. I'll engage in fisticuffs with anyone who disagrees and Beyond All Reason is pursuing the ideal of Cavedog's classic.

        Built upon the tried and tested open source Spring RTS game engine, itself originally created to bring Total Annihilation into 3D that went on to become a platform for lost of TA-styled games. Much like the classic along with later titles like Supreme Commander, Beyond All Reason is paying attention to the small details as well as being a real-time strategy game on a huge scale.

        You can have hundreds of units per side at any one time with lots of different unit types across land, sea and air with a strategic zoom often being needed to get a look at what's going on. This is where you zoom right out, so all units and buildings turn into icons. Close up though, Beyond All Reason is quite a pretty game.

      • Open source game manager Lutris sees the big 0.5.8 release out now | GamingOnLinux

        Keeping your games together from different services and stores can be a breeze with the likes of Lutris, a free and open source game launcher and manager. Regular readers will know it well, and we covered the recent Release Candidate build last week, with the good news being it stable enough for everyone now and so it has been released.

      • Pushamo is a challenging and award-winning arcade push-em-up out now on Linux | GamingOnLinux

        Love block pushing puzzlers? Have fond memories of Tetris and want something a bit more complex? The arcade push-em-up Pushamo is out now and you can support charity with it.

        It challenges you to push around various shapes in a small area, to hopefully arrange them into a big square to have them explode and increase your score. The game will start to speed up a little and eventually you might get completely overwhelmed by all the shapes. It all depends on how quickly you can move around as a little arrow and push them together.

      • 80s terminal PC styled turn-based tactics game Mainframe Defenders has a big upgrade | GamingOnLinux

        With a seriously great looking 80s terminal PC style that you need to see in action to appreciate, the hidden gem Mainframe Defenders has seen a big update recently.

        Originally released in February 2020, it's a squad-based strategy game where you kit out a bunch of prototype robots on a quest to stop a deadly computer virus that's infected a research complex. A game for people who are after a sleek and to the point tactical battle game and Mainframe Defenders certainly delivers. The big 1.2 version release went out recently and with it a bunch of great new content including: new units you can command, an entirely new type of item with squad upgrades and there's 13 of those, 5 new support items, 2 new strategic map tiles with Suppression Field and Repair Gel plus strategic tiles now have different effects on destruction.

      • The classic Driver 2 has a new reverse engineered open source game engine | GamingOnLinux

        Any of our readers remember Driver 2? I remember spending absolutely hours driving around in this classic PlayStation game and now maybe you can relive it or experience it for the first time.

        Thanks to a developer working on an open source (MIT licensed) game engine, using a little reverse engineering magic the game has be reborn. Like a lot of open source game engine reimplementations (OpenMW, OpenRA, openXcom), it does need you to own the original game to have the data files as this is just the code that is being offered - which means hopefully any rights holders will leave it alone.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • KSeExpr 4.0.0 Released!

          Today, we’re happy to announce the release of KSeExpr!

          KSeExpr is the fork of Disney Animation’s SeExpr expression language library that we ship with Krita. It powers the SeExpr Fill Layer that was done in Amyspark’s Google Summer of Code 2020 project.

        • Wayland Status for Plasma 5.20

          The KDE community has made some great progress on Plasma Wayland support during this release cycle. Some people on the Internet have qualified Plasma Wayland session as stable, but I wouldn't go that far yet. I would qualify Plasma sessions as beta preview, we still have a long way to go. In some configurations and workflow It might suit you but certainly not all users for now.

          I am going to highlight a bit this progress below but first I'd like to explain the technical challenges the KDE Wayland community Goal faces.

        • Imaginario 0.10 is out!

          Users are recommended to upgrade to Imaginario 0.10!

        • PinePhone KDE Linux phone is getting ready for pre-orders
          For all the endless stories about the latest Apple iPhone and what's really the best Android smartphone, you'd think there's already a phone for everyone. Nope. Wrong. For those who value privacy first and foremost, there's the Google-free, pro-privacy Android /e/ operating system, and then there are those who still want an honest-to-goodness Linux-based smartphone. For the latter, there's a new choice from leading Linux smartphone vendor Pine64: The new PinePhone - KDE Community edition.

        • Missing the Point, PinePhone KDE Community Edition
          Many people , when digging into the PinePhone’s specs, complain about the low storage, the weak CPU, the lacklustre peripherals…

          Naturally, they are missing the point. This is not a phone that you would buy to substitute the supercomputer/surveillance device you already carry around in your pocket. Yes, the memory is small; the pics from the camera are a bit grainy; the battery is decent, but doesn’t last all that long. All this is true.

        • Next Linux PinePhone Community Edition Will Feature KDE Plasma Mobile

          If you’re thinking to buy current available PinePhone Manjaro Community Edition, you may need to rethink as PINE64 has now teamed up with KDE community to launch a new PinePhone KDE Community Edition.

          After PinePhone Ubports, postmarketOS, and Manjaro Community Edition (CE), it’s fourth CE of Linux-based PinePhone smartphone, which will now feature free and open source KDE Plasma Mobile User Interface.

          This new PinePhone CE with Plasma Mobile will be available to preorder starting on December 1, 2020.

        • November Update: KDE PinePhone CE And A Peek Into The Future

          Welcome to this month’s community update! We’ve got exciting news to share, but before I proceed in doing so I’d like to thank Gamiee, JF, and PizzaLovingNerd for contributing to this blog entry and Clover for the final edits and proof-reading. As the PINE64 device-family grows larger and becomes more diverse, I find myself more reliant than ever on other people’s insight and expertise when writing up these updates. To this end, I’d very much like to thank the aforementioned community members and, at the same time, invite others to take part in shaping future updates. If you’ve got something you would like to contribute to an upcoming community update, then please reach out to me in the chats.

          In this update we’re happy to announce the next Community Edition of the PinePhone, which will ship with KDE Plasma Mobile. We will also take a look at the Pinebook Pro dock and talk a bit about future hardware.

          For those of you who are averse to reading long blog entries or simply prefer receiving news in an audio-video format, then you’ll be glad to know that we now have a complimentary video edition of the monthly community update. It can also be watched on LBRY if Youtube isn’t your thing.

        • Experience the future of KDE’s open mobile platform

          KDE and Pine64 are announcing today the imminent availability of the new PinePhone - KDE Community edition. This Pine64 PinePhone gives you a taste of where free mobile devices and software platforms are headed.

          The PinePhone - KDE Community edition includes most of the essential features a smartphone user would expect and its functionalities increase day by day. You can follow the progress of the development of apps and features in the Plasma Mobile blog.

          Plasma Mobile is a direct descendant from KDE’s successful Plasma desktop. The same underlying technologies drive both environments and apps like KDE Connect that lets you connect phones and desktops, the Okular document reader, the VVave music player, and others, are available on both desktop and mobile.

          Thanks to projects like Kirigami and Maui, developers can write apps that, not only run in multiple environments but that also gracefully adapt by growing into landscape format when displayed on workstation screen and shrinking to portrait mode on phones. Developers are rapidly populating Plasma Mobile with essential programs, such as web browsers, clocks, calendars, weather apps and games, all of which are being deployed on all platforms, regardless of the layout.

        • Plasma Mobile update: October 2020

          The Plasma Mobile team is happy to share what has been going on during the month of October.

        • KDE Plasma Mobile On Track To End 2020 With Quite A Polished Linux Mobile Experience

          KDE Plasma Mobile continues working its way into increasing polished form and with deployments on the likes of the PinePhone have shown it can be quite a capable open-source mobile Linux contender.

          The Plasma Mobile crew has just published their October 2020 report outlining all of the strides they have made over the course of the past month.

        • LabPlot 2.8.1 released

          We’re happy to announce the availability of the first minor patch release of the big release we made two months ago. This release contains minor improvements and bug fixes only.

          In the plot we now allow to change the background color for axis labels. This is useful if you place the axis labels above the axis line and don’t want to see an underlying line in the bounding box of the label. The default setting is that the background remain transparent.

          For the cursor, the tool used to measure positions and distances in the plots, we now allow you to copy the values in the result window to the clipboard.

          When pasting new values into LabPlot’s spreadsheet, the auto-detection of the datatime format has been improved. We now better recognize the different formats produced in external programs and being pasted into LabPlot.

          Many smaller improvements were included in the dialog for the creation of the live-data sources related to the handling of errors coming from remote servers like MQTT brokers, etc. Besides the more stable behavior, the user now also gets clearer notifications about what went wrong. Furthermore, when reading live data it is possible to generate the timestamp column in LabPlot for the data being read also for TCP and UDP network sources. This was only possible for MQTT sources in the past.

        • KDE Plasma 5.21 Bringing Native Fingerprint Manager

          The upcoming KDE Plasma 5.21 desktop bringing a native fingerprint manager to help you to manage your fingerprints for authentication.

    • Distributions

      • Reviews

        • Review: Enso OS 0.4

          Enso OS is a Linux distribution based on Xubuntu. Enso features the Xfce desktop with the Gala window manager which is imported from elementary OS. Enso OS 0.4 is the project's latest release and the new version runs on 64-bit (x86_64) computers exclusively.

          The 0.4 release offers a few new features. There is a new note taking application included by default called Pinny. The AppHive (sometimes written "Apphive") software manager has been updated and allows users to mark (star) favourite applications. Reportedly, AppHive's performance has been improved while it is processing queued actions in the background. This release also includes a new dark theme, though the desktop uses a light theme by default. While there are not many new features in this version's release announcement, the distribution does seem to be placing a focus on minor improvements and tweaks to the user experience.


          One thing I find interesting about the Enso project is it comes across as relatively humble. The distribution's website doesn't make bold claims about changing the computing landscape or leading the way in innovation. It doesn't claim to be especially easy to use or perfect for gaming. The project does mention a few things it does differently, such as its software centre and the hybrid desktop. This understated approach was one I found somewhat endearing. The project sets out to do a few things differently from its parent, but not with an apparent quest for glory.

          The AppHive software centre, as I mentioned above, is a capable software manager. It mostly functions well and makes it easy to find new applications. I would have liked more status and progress information during the install process, but otherwise AppHive is a decent software centre.

          To me the more interesting feature was the Xfce/Gala desktop. It offers most of the flexibility and performance of Xfce while serving up a more modern (or alternatively more macOS-style) desktop interface. Whether modern/macOS is a characteristic that appeals to the user will likely be entirely a personal choice. For me, the desktop did not introduce many features that really appealed to me. Though to be fair, it also didn't do anything that caused me serious problems. The application menu in a window concept never really clicked with me, but otherwise the hybrid interface worked well.

          The top bar with its shortcuts to files in my home directory certainly appealed to me. On the other hand, having the top panel also act as a unified menu bar for the active application felt awkward. In the end, it mostly balanced out.

          On the whole Enso didn't wow me, but it also functioned well. It provided a decent experience and mostly stayed out of my way while I was working. I can see how this style of desktop experience would appeal to people, especially those who like macOS or elementary OS style desktop environments.

      • BSD

        • MidnightBSD 2.0

          I’m happy to announce the availability of MidnightBSD 2.0 for amd64 and i386. This is a massive release focusing on base system improvements.

          We’ve imported many features from FreeBSD 11.x as part of the release.

        • Desktop BSDs: NetBSD-Based os108 9.1 + MidnightBSD 2.0 Released

          For those looking to experiment with some BSD desktop operating systems this weekend, FreeBSD-based MidnightBSD 2.0 is out along with NetBSD-based os108 9.1.

          The os108 open-source operating system is pairing a NetBSD base with originally the MATE desktop. For the 9.1 release, Xfce is the desktop by default. The os108 release besides adding in the Xfce desktop by default is based on last month's NetBSD 9.1 and shares its new features.

      • SUSE/OpenSUSE

        • openSUSE Board Election 2020 announced

          Yes, but this time, it is the regular board election that is happening. The previous elections that were conducted during the past year were due to ad-hoc and unforeseen circumstances. However, as per the regular election cycle, we have three seats that are going to be vacant on the openSUSE Board in December. They are the seats of Axel Braun, Marina Latini and Stasiek Michalski. Note that Stasiek was elected this year to replace Christian Boltz whose term ends in 2020. However, Stasiek is opting out from this election due to personal commitments.

          My friend from the Election Committee, Ariez Vachha, made the election announcement on the project mailing list yesterday. The election wiki page has been updated accordingly, which includes the usual election schedule poster. That’s courtesy of our friends from the openSUSE Indonesia community.

      • IBM/Red Hat/Fedora

        • IBM Keeps OpenShift Up To Speed On Power Systems - IT Jungle

          For more than two years now, as we have previously reported, there have been a number of ways to bring Kubernetes container control to the Power Systems platform, including Docker Enterprise Edition, IBM Cloud Private, and Red Hat OpenShift. In the wake of the Red Hat acquisition, it is pretty clear that OpenShift will be the container environment of choice on IBM System z and Power Systems machines on premises and on these machines as well as X86 iron deployed on the IBM Cloud.

          To that end, we find in announcement letter 220-439 that IBM’s Red Hat unit has ported its OpenShift Container Platform, 4.6 release to Power Systems iron. The reason that this does not happen automagically is that Red Hat OpenShift is not based on the stock Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution, but rather the CoreOS Linux, a streamlined variant of Linux that can be upgraded while active that Red Hat acquired a couple of years back. (If you want to know more about CoreOS, I covered it extensively at The Next Platform, my other day job.) It takes a little extra time to make sure CoreOS works on Power chips. If customers want to mix and match KVM virtualization with Kubernetes containers, they have to buy a proper RHEL license for their machines. (Why IBM doesn’t just bundle RHEL, perhaps a single partition only, by default on Power9 systems already is beyond me. Set it up so companies can start playing with containers for free.) Anyway, OpenShift Container Platform is sold with licenses that span two cores at a time. In addition, the OpenShift distro can run various IBM Cloud Paks, which are containerized packages of IBM middleware and other open source systems software and applications.

        • Devfiles and Kubernetes cluster support in OpenShift Connector 0.2.0 extension for VS Code [Ed: Red Hat working to promote Microsoft proprietary software with surveillance]

          We are pleased to announce that the new release of the OpenShift Connector extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is now available. The 0.2.0 release offers new features for rapidly developing and deploying code on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters. OpenShift Connector now supports component deployment using devfiles, leveraging odo 2.0 command-line interface under the hood.

          With this release, the extension now supports connecting to vanilla Kubernetes clusters and includes a new option for creating OpenShift 4 clusters locally via Red Hat CodeReady Containers (CRC). In this article, we introduce these new features and present the workflow for using CodeReady Containers with OpenShift Connector 0.2.0.

        • EMPLOYERS Modernizes Digital Transformation with Red Hat

          Red Hat, Inc., the world's leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that EMPLOYERS, a national provider of workers’ compensation insurance, has built a hybrid cloud foundation for its IT infrastructure using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud technologies. The Red Hat-based solution enabled EMPLOYERS to use technology to improve agility, innovation, scalability and flexibility, with the end goal of exceeding agent and policyholder expectations. Using the new, open cloud infrastructure, EMPLOYERS has successfully written and implemented more than 19,000 business pricing rules, automated portions of its underwriting and pricing processes, driven greater profitability and enhanced the overall efficiency of the business.

        • Podman with capabilities on Fedora - Fedora Magazine

          Containerization is a booming technology. As many as seventy-five percent of global organizations could be running some type of containerization technology in the near future. Since widely used technologies are more likely to be targeted by hackers, securing containers is especially important. This article will demonstrate how POSIX capabilities are used to secure Podman containers. Podman is the default container management tool in RHEL8.

        • Obtain previous Job ID in Ansible Tower Workflow

          Ansible Tower allows you to create Workflows, which enable you to create complex workflows by putting together multiple Ansible Playbooks. Ansible Tower Workflows can have some simple logics, such as run different Ansible Playbooks based on the outcome (success or failure) of a previous Ansible Playbook run. Sometimes, though, you need to have more information about a previous Ansible Playbook run than just the outcome.

          I recently found myself in a situation where I had an Ansible Tower Workflow with two Ansible Playbooks into it, where the first one was performing specific tasks. The second one needed to get and process the output of the first Ansible Playbook. Since Ansible Tower provides an API to fetch an Ansible Playbook run output, this part is trivial if you know the Job ID that Ansible Tower assigned to that specific run. Looking around, I’ve not found much information on how to retrieve the Job ID of a different Job, so I looked at the various APIs and found this solution, which I’m going to share with you today. I’ve not found much information about getting another Job ID because it is usually a bad practice to do such a thing and that very often you can achieve the same goal in a much cleaner way. This better option, though, was not present in my case. Due to many constraints I had in this project, this was the best way I’ve found, even if I’ve tried - at least mentally - many other ways before accepting that this was the only one in my case.

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • Free desktop publishing software Scribus has been released

        Scribus is an open-source program that brings professional page layout to Linux/Unix, MacOS X, OS/2 and Windows. It is powerful software that helps you create great looking documents of all kinds. It also comes with a lot of support options to help you achieve the best result. There is an enthusiastic and friendly community around Scribus that assists beginner and pro alike through the mailing list, IRC channel, wiki, contracted support, and the bugtracker. Scribus supports professional features, such as CMYK color, spot color, separations, ICC color and robust commercial grade PDF.

      • BleachBit 4.1.1 Released with Cleaning Slack Support

        BleachBit 4.1.1 was released a day ago as the new Beta release for the next major 4.2.0 release.

        Compare to the previous beta, BleachBit 4.1.1 brings support for cleaning Slack (messenger), and Chromium installed via Snap package.

      • BleachBit Beta

        When your computer is getting full, BleachBit quickly frees disk space. When your information is only your business, BleachBit guards your privacy. With BleachBit you can free cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history, shred temporary files, delete logs, and discard junk you didn't know was there.

        Designed for Linux and Windows systems, it wipes clean thousands of applications including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, and more. Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster. Better than free, BleachBit is open source.


        At 00:42 in the early morning of November 16, I received an email saying that “someone” logged into my twitter account @bagder from a new device. The email said it was done from Stockholm, Sweden and it was “Chrome on Windows”. (I live Stockholm)

        I didn’t do it. I don’t normally use Windows and I typically don’t run Chrome. I didn’t react immediately on the email however, as I was debugging curl code at the moment it arrived. Just a few moments later I was forcibly logged out from my twitter sessions (using tweetdeck in my Firefox on Linux and on my phone).

        Whoa! What was that? I tried to login again in the browser tab, but Twitter claimed my password was invalid. Huh? Did I perhaps have the wrong password? I selected “restore my password” and then learned that Twitter doesn’t even know about my email anymore (in spite of having emailed me on it just minutes ago).

      • Web Browsers

        • Mozilla

          • Mozilla Firefox 83 Is Now Available for Download with HTTPS-Only Mode, Improvements

            The biggest new change in the Mozilla Firefox 83 release appears to be a new security feature called HTTPS-Only Mode, which is implemented in Preferences, under the Privacy & Security section. It provides a secure and encrypted connection between your web browser and the websites you visit, even if they don't use HTTPS.

            By default it's disabled, but when enabled, the HTTPS-Only Mode will upgrade all your website connections to use Secure HTTP (HTTPS). The good news is that it can be used in all windows or only on private windows.

          • Why does Thunderbird add ‘\A0’ and other strange-looking strings in e-mails I send?

            I use Linux and have used the Thunderbird e-mail client since 2008. I used to use DavMail to enable Thunderbird to access various company Microsoft Exchange WebMail accounts but, several years ago, DavMail would no longer work with a particular Microsoft Exchange account so I switched to the Thunderbird add-on ExQuilla, for which I pay an annual licence fee. I do not know if the more recent versions of DavMail would work with this particular account but ExQuilla got me out of a hole so I stuck with it. Recently this particular corporation decided to stop using an in-house Microsoft Exchange server and switched to Microsoft 365.

      • FSF

        • GNU Projects

          • GNU poke development news
            1. Make the language a bit more compact
            2. Support for lambdas
            3. Support for stream-like IO spaces
            4. Maps of complex values in l-values
            5. Assignment to structs with data integrity
            6. New rules for union constructors
            7. The infamous big array bug is now fixed!
            8. New built-in function gettime
            9. Support for octal and hexadecimal codes in strings
            10. Support for `continue' in loops
            11. poke.rec database

            The development of GNU poke is progressing well, and we keep hopes for a release before the end of this lovely year 2020. This article briefly reviews the latest news in the development of the program: changes in certain syntax to make the language more compact, support for lambda expressions, support for stream-like IO spaces and how they can be used to write filters, support for using assignments to poke complex data structures, improvements in data integrity, annoying bugs fixed, and more.

      • Programming/Development

        • Mixtape: Gitops Days 2020 EMEA Minimix

          I was lucky to support GitOps Days 2020 EMEA last week. The community of GitOps practitioniers came together again for round two and we saw lots of very engaged discussion and new ideas.

        • Setup Electron and Create Hello World Application in Linux – Linux Hint

          This article will cover a guide about installing Electron and creating a simple “Hello World” Electron application in Linux.

        • Perl/Raku

        • Python

          • How to use Serializers in the Django Python web framework |

            Serialization is the process of transforming data into a format that can be stored or transmitted and then reconstructing it. It's used all the time when developing applications or storing data in databases, in memory, or converting it into files.

            I recently helped two junior developers at Labcodes understand serializers, and I thought it would be good to share my approach with readers.

          • How to work with Python Tuples? – Linux Hint

            Tuple is an ordered and immutable data type that is faster than the other data types like list and dictionary. In this article, we are going to learn about Python Tuples and how to enter into Python interpreter, as well as the different operations that can be performed in it.

          • How to Read and Write Text Files in Python – Linux Hint

            This article will cover a guide explaining external file handling in python. The main focus will be on opening and closing of text and other non-binary data files stored on a storage media, allowing you to run various operations on contents of the opened files.

          • Python String Operations – Linux Hint

            A string is an immutable data type (read-only). This can be declared in single quotes or double quotes, or triple quotes. The string is an immutable datatype, and any operation we perform should be stored in another string variable. In this article, python operations on strings are discussed.

        • Rust

          • Using rustc_codegen_cranelift for debug builds | Inside Rust Blog

            rustc_codegen_cranelift, or just cg_clif for short, is a new experimental codegen backend for the Rust compiler. The existing backend is LLVM, which is very good at producing fast, highly optimized code, but is not very good at compiling code quickly. cg_clif, which uses the Cranelift project, would provide a fast backend which greatly improves compile times, at the cost of performing very few optimizations. This is a great fit for debug builds, and the hope is that cg_clif will eventually be the default backend in debug mode.

        • JavaScript

          • Install Vue.js in Ubuntu 20.04 – Linux Hint

            In this tutorial, we will provide an easy step-by-step process to help you get started with Vue.js. Vue.js is a powerful, progressive, reactive JavaScript framework that is approachable and easy to learn. It provides many different tools and libraries that facilitate the application development process. If you have knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can start building web applications with Vue.js in no time.

          • Vue.js Components – Linux Hint

            Vue.js is a progressive javascript framework, which is used to build UIs(User Interfaces) and SPAs(Single-page Applications). We can start building web applications in Vue.js with the basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Vue.js is built by combining the best features from already existing Angular and react Frameworks. Developers love to code and feel freedom and comfort while building applications in Vue.js.

            This component-based approach was basically inspired by and picked from the ReactJS. We write code in the form of components so that we can import that component and reuse it wherever we need it. Vue.js offers a single-file component, which makes it a loosely coupled and reusable code.

            Vue.js offers the best component-based approach, like whatever a developer needs; he can find it in a single .vue file. Developers feel so comfortable and at ease when they don’t have to worry about or take care of the extra structure of a component.

            In this article, we will have a look at the single-file component, which has a .vue extension. So, let’s have a look at a very simple Vue component example and understand it.

          • Vue.js Data Binding – Linux Hint

            Vue.js is such an easy to learn and approachable library. So, with the knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, we can start building web applications in Vue.js. Vue.js is built by combining the best features from an already existing Angular and react Frameworks.

            Data binding is one of the most elegant features of Vue.js because it provides reactive/two-way data binding. In Vue.js, we do not have to write a lot of lines to have two-way data binding, unlike other frameworks. One-way data binding means that the variable is just bound to the DOM. On the other hand, two-way means that the variable is also bound from the DOM. When DOM gets changed, the variable also gets changed. So, let’s take a look at both of the data bindings and see the right difference.

          • Vue.js Template Introduction – Linux Hint

            Vue.js, which is used to build user interfaces (UIs) and single-page applications (SPAs), combines many of the best features of the JavaScript frameworks Angular and React, and many developers like to use Vue.js because it provides a neutral environment.

            Like HTML, Vue.js has a template syntax, and we can use template syntax to bind the DOM with the components data. In this article, we will show you how to insert data into the template syntax and the ways to interpolate different types of data.

          • Vue.js Watch Property – Linux Hint

            Vue.js is a very powerful and reactive Javascript framework, which is used to build Uis (User Interfaces) and SPAs (Single-page Applications). It is built by combining the best features from already existing Angular and react Frameworks. Developers also love to code or build applications in it.

            Vue.js provides the watch property to observe and react to the variables or data change. We can use the watch property to manipulate the DOM when the watched variable gets changed. In this article, we are going to have a look at how we can use watch property, and perform the desired tasks on the change of variable. So, let’s get started.

    • Standards/Consortia

      • Google Is Already Experimenting With WebP2 As Successor To WebP Image Format

        Google engineers are already working on WebP2 as the next-generation version of their still image file format.

        While it was only last year that Firefox added WebP support and other applications have been following and beginning to see more usage of WebP on the web as an alternative to the likes of JPEG and PNG, Google has begun early experimental work on a WebP 2 revision.

        Several Phoronix readers wrote in this weekend that there is now a libwebp2 Git repository on the Google Git server. This WebP 2 repository was created just two weeks ago and contains early work on this "experimental successor of the WebP image format."

    • Leftovers

      • Science

        • Turing Machines and Computability Theory – Linux Hint

          The Turing machine is the central theoretical construct in computer science. The Turing machine is an abstract mathematical model of computation. The use of Turing machines helps to explain what computation is by demarcating the so-called “computable functions.”

          Alan Turing’s early research into logic focused on a famous unsolved problem known as the Entscheidungsproblem. The Entscheidungsproblem (roughly translated from German as the decision problem) was proposed by philosopher and mathematician David Hilbert in 1928. The problem asked whether there was an algorithm that would decide every statement in a formal language.

          A formal language is a system of axioms and inference rules such as those in arithmetic or first-order logic. The axioms can be any symbols, and the inference rules can be any list of rules for manipulating those symbols. “Deciding every statement” meant either outputting whether the statement was true/false or outputting whether the statement was derivable/underivable. Kurt Godel’s completeness theorem proved that an algorithm deciding for validity is equivalent to an effective procedure deciding for derivability. Alan Turing’s 1936 paper “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem”, proved a negative result, that it was impossible to algorithmically decide every statement in a formal system.

      • Education

        • The humanities are crucial to addressing the assault on truth

          We’ve known for some time that common sense isn’t doing so well just now. It is hard to maintain a shared sense of the world when our perceptions, understanding and judgements are being constantly provoked, agitated and manipulated – click, rage, repeat. It is no coincidence that, at the same time, humanities scholars are being told, not always accurately, that their subjects are struggling and that while they are nice to have on top of the real-world stuff – sometimes they can even help – they’re not exactly core to what society needs from higher education.

          Yet the stark truth is that if we cannot find the narrative and imaginative forms to make the world real to one another, we run the risk of permanently losing our politics – and so the sense of our lives together – to the fantasists and cynical purveyors of lies. To prevent that, we have to start taking seriously again the humanities’ rigorous attention to detail, difference, difficulty and context.

      • Hardware

        • Cameron Kaiser: Rosetta 2: This Time It's Personal (and busting an old Rosetta myth)

          If the Rosetta 2 benchmarks for the M1 are to be believed, this would be the first time Apple's new architecture indisputably exceeded its old one even on the old architecture's own turf. I don't know if that's enough to make me buy one given Apple's continued lockdown (cough) trajectory, but it's enough to at least make me watch the M1's progress closely.

      • Health/Nutrition

      • Integrity/Availability

        • Proprietary

          • Extraordinary Vulnerabilities Discovered in TCL Android TVs, Now World’s 3rd Largest TV Manufacturer.

            The following piece is the culmination of a three-month long investigation into Smart TVs running Android. Having lived through this research experience, I can wholeheartedly say that there were multiple moments that I, and another security researcher that I met along the way, couldn’t believe what was happening. On multiple occasions I found myself feeling as though, “you couldn’t even make this up…”

          • Pseudo-Open Source

            • Entrapment (Microsoft GitHub)

              • youtube-dl repository restored at GitHub

                The GitHub repository for the youtube-dl utility, which is used to download video content from various web sites (including YouTube, thus the name), has been restored. As we reported in last week's edition, GitHub had taken the repository down due to a DMCA notice from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). The only change made to youtube-dl is the removal of some tests that downloaded a few seconds of certain music videos; those videos were specifically targeted by the RIAA in its complaint.

          • Security

            • RiskIQ tracks wave of skimming attacks to variant of old skimmer

              Security firm RiskIQ says a wave of compromises of e-commerce websites earlier this year were carried out through use of a variant of the Ant and Cockroach skimmer which was connected to a group of attackers known as Magecart group 12.

            • Check Point tracks Windows Pay2Key ransomware to alleged Iranian source

              Researchers from Israel-based security shop Check Point say they have traced the wallet in which bitcoin paid for ransoms extorted by the latest ransomware, Pay2Key, is located and found an Iranian company at the end of the chain.

            • 21 Best Free Security Tools | CIO East Africa

              Infosec professionals are fortunate to have many good free tools for a range of tasks. The following list of nearly two dozen tools include everything from password crackers to vulnerability management systems to networks analyzers. Whatever your security role is, you’ll find something useful in this list.

            • New Windows ransomware RegretLocker encrypts virtual disks as well

              Security researchers have found that ransomware gangs are keeping in step with IT industry trends, with a new Windows ransomware strain, RegretLocker, able to encrypt data on virtual disks.

            • Privacy/Surveillance

              • New lawsuit: Why do Android phones mysteriously exchange 260MB a month with Google via cellular data when they're not even in use?

                The complaint contends that Google is using Android users' limited cellular data allowances without permission to transmit information about those individuals that's unrelated to their use of Google services.

                Data sent over Wi-Fi is not at issue, nor is data sent over a cellular connection in the absence of Wi-Fi when an Android user has chosen to use a network-connected application. What concerns the plaintiffs is data sent to Google's servers that isn't the result of deliberate interaction with a mobile device – we're talking passive or background data transfers via cell network, here.

      • Defence/Aggression

        • 75 Years Later, Victims of Nuclear Bomb Tests on U.S. Soil Still Seek Justice
        • The Paris Attacks 5 Years Ago Left Young People Scarred. But 'Generation Bataclan' May Get Its Chance for Justice

          As the French capital marks the fifth anniversary on Friday of the terrorist attacks of Nov. 13, 2015, the memories remain vivid for survivors like Dénouveaux, who are still grappling with complex psychological problems as a result. The country is still wrestling with a national debate over France’s relationship with Islam, as extremists have continued to stage lone wolf attacks. And the threat of another mass terrorist attacks has not gone away, as the recent (though less deadly) assault in Vienna has shown.

        • France marks 5 years since deadly attacks on Bataclan, cafes

          In silence and mourning, France is marking five years since 130 people were killed by Islamic State extremists who targeted the Bataclan concert hall, Paris cafes and the national stadium. It was France’s deadliest peacetime attack, deeply shaking the nation. It led to intensified French military action against extremists abroad and a security crackdown at home. Prime Minister Jean Castex led other dignitiaries at silent ceremonies Friday at multiple sites targeted by coordinated attackers around the French capital on Nov. 13, 2015. The ceremonies came as France is again under high alert for terrorist threats after three Islamic extremist attacks since September that left four people dead.

        • Five years after Paris attacks, France back on highest security alert

          The security threat to France has not diminished, security sources say, even if the nature of the risk has changed with attackers more likely to be lone extremists inspired by a deadly ideology than part of an organised group.

      • Transparency/Investigative Reporting

        • AP FACT CHECK: Trump falsehoods on Biden win, vaccine myths

          President Donald Trump rebelled this past week against Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election with denial, delay and outright misrepresentation. Trump raged about widespread cases of fake ballots that aren’t so and undertook legal challenges that even state GOP election officials say can’t overcome Biden’s lead.

          As the coronavirus surged nationwide, Trump said little about public safety measures. Instead he tried to take full credit for drugmaker Pfizer Inc.’s news that its COVID-19 vaccine may be 90% effective and suggested the mission was basically done.

          His assertions on both matters are untrue.

      • Environment

        • How the Green New Deal Can Save Joe Biden and America

          There is no other policy construct on the horizon that has any chance of delivering so many salutary outcomes.€ 

        • Whitmer orders Enbridge Line 5 shutdown, citing easement violations

          Following a state review that found the Line 5 petroleum pipeline is putting the Great Lakes at risk, Michigan has ordered Canadian petroleum company Enbridge Energy to shut down the pipeline that runs through the Straits of Mackinac by May.

          The Friday announcement followed a long-awaited review of Enbridge’s compliance with a 1953 state easement that allows Enbridge to operate its pipeline in the Straits.

        • The New Humanitarian | Typhoon Vamco the latest in Southeast Asia storm barrage as climate change fuels disaster risks

          A weeks-long barrage of destructive storms in Southeast Asia has claimed hundreds of lives and is stretching aid funding and disaster responses amid the coronavirus pandemic. Typhoon Vamco is the latest storm to strike both the Philippines and Vietnam since early October. Vamco hit central Vietnam on 15 November, bringing heavy rains and metre-high storm surges to areas already dealing with severe floods and landslides. The storm, known as Ulysses in the Philippines, churned across the main island of Luzon days earlier, submerging whole towns with roof-high flooding in some areas. Philippine authorities say at least 80 people are dead or missing after Vamco as of Monday, and some 320,000 people have left their homes. At least 239 people are dead or missing from Vietnam’s disasters. “Each time they start rebuilding their lives and livelihoods, they are pummelled by yet another storm,” said Nguyen Thi Xuan Thu, the head of Vietnam’s Red Cross. In both countries, Vamco trampled a path set by earlier storms, including early November’s Typhoon Goni. Known as Rolly in the Philippines, it was the most powerful typhoon to hit the country since 2013 – and the strongest anywhere in 2020.

      • Finance

      • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Censorship/Free Speech

        • Chinese Smart Power

          The concept of soft power can be far more complex, as it could be a process to gain legal recognition without provoking a hostile population. The American production of Kung Fu Panda helped China in enhancing Panda Diplomacy.

          Chinese more effectively controls Hollywood with Chinese investment and as American producers’ make an effort to be screened in Chinese theatre by being accepted in China’s quota for moving screening in Chinese theatre.

        • Austria's New Hate Speech Law

          Austria's proposed law is modelled on Germany's much criticized NetzDG law, also known as the censorship law, which came into effect in January 2018 and requires social media companies to delete or block any online unlawful content within 24 hours or 7 days at the most, or face fines of up to 50 million euros.

          If the proposed law is passed, the freedom of speech of Austrians online will be subject to the arbitrary decisions of corporate entities, such as Twitter, Goggle and Facebook.

        • The death threat to free speech in France

          Suppose you’re a teacher, and you’re French, and you want your students to learn about France’s tradition of freedom, the reasons your nation believes it’s good and useful to tolerate a wide range of opinions, beliefs and perspectives, including those some people find offensive. Do you go ahead and teach this lesson? Or do you remain silent because to speak freely about freedom in France today is to risk your life?

          This is not a hypothetical question. In January 2015, the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad sparked the slaughter of 12 people at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine. Fourteen alleged accomplices in that attack have only recently gone on trial.

        • Free Speech Under Siege

          While much has changed since the days of the second red scare and McCarthyism, the tactics of suppressing dissent and press freedoms have remained effective. Similar to the days of the Hollywood Ten, now anyone who doesn’t follow the neoliberal corporate line or objects to the national security state is slandered, dismissed, or unjustly persecuted. Rather than being unconstitutionally hauled in before a McCarthyistic hearing, civil liberties are quelled by the U.S. national security state talking heads, a dominant corporate media infrastructure, and unaccountable social media corporations.

          Ultimately, for the press and dissent, First Amendment protections and freedom of thought are heading down a dangerous, authoritarian path. Only solidarity through the ordinary banding together can preserve the few civil liberties that remain and maintain democratic values. Pushing back on state and corporate control over permissible speech must become a priority for the left and those that wish to preserve some semblance of democratic norms and principles.

      • Civil Rights/Policing

        • 'Victory': Federal Judge Invalidates Latest Trump Effort to Kill DACA

          "This is a victory for our courageous plaintiffs, DACA-eligible youth across the country, and all of our communities."

        • Musician Raffi on Music, Healing the Planet, and How Crisis Can Bring Opportunity

          The man who brought the world "Baby Beluga" talks about his efforts to further the concept of "Child Honouring."

        • Latest Trump Effort to End DACA Invalidated by Federal Judge
        • More than 1,000 Detained as Belarus Police Use Tear Gas, Stun Grenades on Protesters

          Belarusian police detained more than 1,000 people Sunday during protests across the country demanding the resignation of President Alexander Lukashenko and a new election following a disputed vote in August.

          The Vyasna human rights group said most detentions were made in Minsk, where black-clad security forces used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse thousands of demonstrators. Two people were beaten by masked security officers inside a grocery store.

          At least 18 journalists, including four contributors to RFE/RL's Belarus Service, were among those detained in Minsk and other cities, according to the Belarusian Association of Journalists.

        • Muslim scholar flays UAE’s decision on adultery, alcohol consumption

          Renowned Nigeria-born Islamic Scholar, Sheikh Dhikrullahi Shafii, has frowned at the decision of the government of the United Arab Emirates over its relaxation of the Islamic law on alcohol, noting that the Islamic ruling on alcohol consumption remains till eternity and cannot be tinkered with.

        • Prominent Libyan lawyer Hanan al-Barassi gunned down in Benghazi

          Libya's UN-backed Government of National Accord has condemned the killing of prominent Libyan lawyer and women's rights activist Hanan al-Barassi, who was gunned down by armed men Tuesday in the eastern city of Benghazi.

          Her killing in Benghazi, which falls under the control of the Libyan National Army (LNA), came just a day after she shared comments on social media criticizing the son of renegade military general and LNA leader Khalifa Haftar.

        • Barack Obama: One election won't stop US 'truth decay'

          "It'll take more than one election to reverse those trends," he says.

          Tackling a polarised nation, he argues, cannot be left only to the decisions of politicians, but also requires both structural change and people listening to one another - agreeing on a "common set of facts" before arguing what to do about them.

      • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

        • Organizing Feedly by Tags

          And if I am only interested in certain topics, or certain sources, I can check just those tags.

          Hope this helps give someone ideas on how to organize their stuff.

      • Monopolies

        • Thank You and I Wish You Well Google News

          For the umpteenth time scrolling Google News for something new, I wondered why this exists at all. The application shows you essentially the same news all day, presumably because of some popularity ranking. One particular aspect though I never realized was Google News was self-defeating.

          What I mean by self-defeating is, Google News most likely exists to the benefit of Google in some way. In order to retain usefulness, people have to continue using it. Since it's a content aggregator, a somewhat super aggregator, it needs to offer more than what someone could normally get with other aggregation solutions.

          For Google News this means "see familiar stories", local news based on location information, and a few other features. Unfortunately these are not enough in my opinion.

        • How Brexit changes SPCs in the UK – and the EU | Managing Intellectual Property

          Pharma insiders discuss whether Brexit will shatter hopes for a unitary SPC and lead to legal divergence between the UK and the EU

        • Guest Book Review: European Court Procedure - The IPKat

          European Court Procedure: A Practical Guide by Viktor Luszcz (previously Référendaire at the General Court of the EU, and currently a Member of the Budapest Bar) aims to provide a comprehensive reference tool for practising lawyers, offer guidance to national judges dealing with cases raising points of EU law and in addition, insights into the reasoning process of the EU Courts, to the interest to scholars. To see if the book is able to live up to these ambitions, a review if provided by Michael Edenborough QC, who practises from Serle Court in all areas of IP law. In particular, he has appeared in over 50 cases before the General Court and the CJEU on appeals and Article 267 references.


          However, while the authors clearly know the relevant general procedural legislation, they do not seem to be well versed in all the details of IP – for example, the Community Plant Variety Office was originally based in Brussels and only moved to Angers as of 6 December 1996 and so it was not “in 1994, … established in Angers (France)”. Similarly, the discussion about the Unitary Patent is cursory and slightly misleading in some respects. Further, with respect to some aspects of procedure in IP cases, I noticed that a relevant case about the validity of a signature on a document was omitted; the discussion on suspensory effect of an appeal to the CJEU from the GC is less certain than portrayed, having had the EUIPO argue a different result in a case in which I was involved; the role of cross-claims could usefully be more fulsome, for example how the rules have changed and so what now triggers the need for a cross-claim; and I would imagine that more discussion about what actually happens at a hearing would be appreciated by those who have not attended a hearing before – there are many points that are useful to know, for example speaking to the translators before the hearing about what you are going to say and how you are going to say it, and even where to change (not in a remote corridor as I once did!). Therefore, in summary, this is a wonderful source of information about the legislation and related case law on procedure before the GC and CJEU, but with respect to the IP elements a certain circumspection ought to be exercised when straying into the finer details.

        • Patents

          • Apple Convinces Fed. Cir. to Kick Patent Suit Out of Texas
          • Caltech Sues Dell For Patent Infringement

            On Wednesday in the Western District of Texas, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) filed a complaint against Dell Technologies Inc. and Dell Inc. for patent infringement alleging that Dell infringed the patents-in-suit via its accused products’ purported use of its coding system and methods.

            The patents-in-suit are United States Patent Nos. 7,116,710 (the ’710 patent); 7,421,032 (the ’032 patent); and 7,916,781 (the ’781 patent); all of which are entitled “Serial Concatenation of Interleaved Convolutional Codes Forming Turbo-Like Codes.” Caltech noted that earlier this year a jury found that Apple and Broadcom infringed these patents-in-suit in their respective suits, awarding Caltech $1.1 billion in damages.

          • China Releases Draft Revised Patent Examination Guidelines for Comment

            On November 10, 2020, the Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) released the Draft Revised Patent Examination Guidelines (Second Draft for Solicitation of Comments) (专利审查指南修改草案(第二批征求意见稿)). The Patent Examination Guidelines are the Chinese equivalent of the USPTO’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure. Highlights include: excluding artificial intelligence entities from inventorship; clarifies patentable subject matter for diagnostic methods; clarifies prior art found on the Internet; clarifies technical means for inventions related to computer programs; and adds involuntary deferred examination for invention patent applications when both utility model and invention patent applications are filed simultaneously.

          • Codebooks for Cycles of Obviousness

            These are the codebooks for the study reported in Cycles of Obviousness (2019), which contain the instructions on how to code district and Federal Circuit opinions with determinations of patent obviousness issued between 2003 and 2013.

          • Patent Examination and Examiner Interviews

            Examiner interviews are one of the most powerful tools to help both inventors and examiners understand and overcome specific issues during prosecution. Direct discussions between an applicant and an examiner can help bridge the gap between misunderstandings of prior art, the invention or statements in the specification. When used correctly, examiner interviews can dramatically decrease the time in prosecution and help applicants quickly reach a final disposition. This study reviews approximately 1.1 million patent applications corresponding to every patent application with an examiner interview between 2007 to June 2020 to determine the effectiveness of examiner interviews. This study establishes that examiner interviews dramatically decrease the number of Office Actions needed to reach a final disposition (allowance or abandonment).

          • How semantic search/automated patent analysis tools can save researchers time [Ed: IAM is pushing snakeoil for a fee; this site has fallen to new lows; maybe homeopathic remedies next?]

            Time is a critical factor in the field of prior art searches. Research professionals can search by keyword, class or citation in order to extract an exhaustive list of prior arts relevant to the invention proposed to be claimed in the disclosure. However, semantic searches – a concept introduced by Google in the mid-2010s – can be effective and time-saving, as they combine a research professional’s expertise of the subject matter with an intelligent algorithm that teaches itself how to break down complex queries into manageable chunks from which it can decipher the correct meaning.

          • This week in IP: Biden wins, EU wants more counterfeits action, USPTO appoints general counsel

            The USPTO has appointed David Berdan as general counsel. Berdan is taking over from acting general counsel, Nicholas Matich, who replaced Sarah Harris. The office announced his appointment on Tuesday, November 10.

            Berdan joined the office from Gaming Arts, where he was general counsel and compliance officer. He has also worked as patent counsel at Corning, vice president and IP counsel at The Coleman Company, IP chief counsel at Invista and vice president of legal at International Game Technology.

            “America’s inventors, creators, and innovators will be well served with David Berdan as general counsel at the USPTO,” said director Andrei Iancu in a statement. “With his leadership experience and knowledge of so many aspects of technology and the law, Berdan will help guide the USPTO as we endeavour to expand innovation and support a growing and dynamic US economy.”


            TiVo and Comcast have announced a 15-year patent licence agreement that resolves all outstanding litigation.

            The companies’ previous agreement had expired in 2016. The new contract provides broad coverage under TiVo’s patent portfolios into 2031.

            “We are very pleased to conclude this agreement with Comcast, one of the world’s leading media and technology companies that is widely recognised for its innovative products and solutions,” said Samir Armaly, president of IP at Xperi, which merged with TiVo in June this year.

            In his statement, he added: “The agreement illustrates our ability to execute key renewals with our largest customers as the video market continues to experience significant technological and business evolution.”

          • Exclusive: Blackberry eyes possible patent portfolio sale

            Over the last six years the Canadian tech giant has emerged as a significant IP licensing force but its monetisation efforts are not always recognised by investors

          • Blackberry patent sale revealed; Pfizer vaccine IP issues; PTAB reform gets key Senate backing; Pharma royalty deals boom; Big Tech on notice in China; plus much more

            Blackberry is actively exploring options to sell its 38,000-asset strong patent portfolio and a possible deal has been on the table for most of this year.

          • Every IP subcommittee senator wins re-election – what now? [Ed: A misnomer committee, named after a lie made up by monopolies and law/litigation firms]

            Managing IP looks at what six Senate victories and Kamala Harris’s rise to the vice presidency mean for the IP subcommittee

          • DABUS applicant: ‘it would be criminal to list myself as inventor’

            In an interview, Stephen Thaler says the significant shift in AI capabilities has exposed a ‘donut-shaped hole’ in patent law

          • Patent Focus: recent local patents awarded
          • European Patent Office, Technical Board of Appeal 3.3.08, case T 844/18 – CRISPR-Cas/BROAD INSTITUTE

            In the beginning of this year, the decision of Technical Board of Appeal 3.3.08 of January 16, 2020 was reported, confirming the consistent practice of the EPO applying the „all applicants“ approach, meaning that the applicant of a European patent claiming a priority has to show, when the validity of the priority right becomes relevant, that he is successor in title of all persons having acquired the priority right by filing the first application.

            After some delay, the reasoned decision was issued and today entered into the database of Board of Appeal decisions. It has the following headnote:

            i) The board is empowered to and must assess the validity of a priority right claim as required by Article 87(1) EPC, ii) the board’s interpretation of the expression “any person” in Article 87(1) EPC confirms the long-established “all applicants” or the “same applicants” approach, iii) the national law does not govern who is “any person” as per Article 87(1) EPC, the Paris Convention determines who “any person” is.

          • Intellectual Property rights (Part II) [Ed: The title here is 3 lies in a row and this foolish ‘article’ says the UK “ratified the Agreement in 2013,” which is a complete falsehood. This firm doesn’t know what it’s talking about.]

            At first glance, there will be no change to present arrangements once the Transition Period ends on 31 December 2020 as the current two systems will continue to operate: the national registration system operated by the UK Intellectual Property Office and the European system (which is not an EU system even though it is based in Munich, Germany). For many years the member states of the EU have sought to create an EU unitary patent system and a Unified Patent Court. Having ratified the Agreement in 2013 [sic] the UK has withdrawn its ratification so should that system be implemented (and there are other difficulties surrounding its ratification/implementation by other EU member states) the UK will be outside it.

          • Around the IP Blogs

            The German ratification process for the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPC) has been started anew after the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) had declared the previous ratification act void because it had not been approved by parliament with the required 2/3 majority. Now there is yet another development. The liberal party which is currently in opposition has filed on 27 October 2020 a parliamentary question (Kleine Anfrage) on the UPC. Kluwer Patent Blog reported on the most interesting bits of the parliamentary question.

          • Does Switzerland need a new patent system with a fully examined patent, utility models and opposition proceedings? - Kluwer Patent Blog %

            On 14 October 2020, the Swiss Federal Council published a preliminary draft of a revised version of the Swiss Patent Act (R-PatA; see current PatA). Further official documents in German/Italian/French can be found here: Explanatory Notes. The Swiss Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) published additional information in English here and here. Stakeholders are invited to comment on the draft bill by 1 February 2021.


            As a further procedural change, English, the reference language of science and research, can be used in application proceedings and opposition proceedings.

            For the sake of procedural efficiency, the IPI will have the opportunity to cooperate and exchange information with other national and international patent offices.

            Overall, the new draft would bring Switzerland a full-fledged patent system. This patent system would be independent of any developments at the European level. As is well known, Switzerland is not a member of the planned unitary EU patent system comprising a European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court and, therefore, a revision of the Swiss patent system could make sense against the background of these developments.

            However, the proposed changes would also require significant investments, especially in finding qualified personnel at the IPI and the Federal Administrative Court and the implementation of the new processes.

            The Swiss Federal Patent Court has already created a large pool of specialized judges who can be called upon for civil court patent cases. If it is not possible to create certain synergies in this respect, it seems difficult to find the necessary resources and skills. The current laws do not allow this and the proposed bill does not give a sufficient answer to this issue.

            Finally, it is not clear whether the new national patent system will actually meet a need of the Swiss economy as long as the patent protection via the European Patent Office functions as it does today. The number of national patents and utility models expected according to the explanatory notes seems very optimistic and many practitioners doubt that such a number of national patent applications and utility models would actually be filed under the new system. A rather large system seems to be proposed for relatively few cases.

          • Software Patents

            • Referring to a standard measurement method, eg an ASTM, can be an attractive way to minimise risks associated with parameters. However, care should be taken to avoid leaving weaknesses in a patent

              Referring to a standard measurement method, e.g. an ASTM, can be an attractive way to minimise risks associated with parameters. However, care should be taken to avoid leaving weaknesses in a patent EPO practice is strict on the assessment of parameters in claims, often requiring that a method for measuring the parameter is also included in the claim. Including a reference to a standard measurement method set by an international body, such as an ASTM standard or an ISO standard, can be an attractive way to address this issue. However, care must be taken when following this approach to avoid leaving weaknesses in the patent.

              A parameter is a property which is defined by a numerical value. Common examples include tensile strength, viscosity, and particle size. It is often useful to use parameters in claims to distinguish an invention from the current state of the art, particularly in the fields of chemistry and materials science. EPO practice has long been strict on the examination of the clarity of parameters. This has been reinforced by the latest revisions to the EPO’s Guidelines for Examination, in particular Section F-IV, 4.11, which was revised in November 2019. The Guidelines now require that a method for measuring a parameter must appear completely in the claim itself for that parameter to be clear. There are exceptions to this rule; however, these are narrow exceptions which are typically rigidly enforced by EPO examiners.

            • C R Bard Inc. v. AngioDynamics, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020) [Ed: Patent litigation profiteer Michael Borella shows that the patent maximalists are still very sore and upset about abstract patents being rejected, as they rightly should be]

              One of the more intellectually dishonest aspects of current patent eligibility law is that it allows one to ignore certain claim elements when evaluating claims under 35 U.S.C. ۤ 101. In Mayo v. Prometheus, it was stated that once one has identified a judicial exception to patentability (e.g., a law of nature, natural phenomena, or abstract idea) in a claim, further claim elements that are "well-understood, routine, conventional activity [that] when viewed as a whole, add nothing significant beyond the sum of their parts taken separately" essentially have no patentable weight in the eligibility inquiry. This is despite the Court's acknowledgement that Diamond v. Diehr stood for the notion that claims "must be considered as a whole."[1]

              Further, the Supreme Court never dug into the details of whether or how this holding should be squared with prior art analyses under ۤۤ 102 and 103. The Mayo opinion asserted that "in evaluating the significance of additional steps, the ۤ 101 patent-eligibility inquiry and, say, the ۤ 102 novelty inquiry might sometimes overlap." But the nature of this overlap was not explored. Instead, in both Mayo and the subsequent Alice v. CLS Bank decision, the "well-understood, routine, conventional" test appears to allow judicial notice that certain claim features are so generic that one need not provide any factual evidence that this is the case. The Federal Circuit has attempted to rectify this matter in Berkheimer v. HP, holding that -- in at least some situations -- the ۤ 101 analysis involves underlying factual matters of whether elements are "well-understood, routine, conventional."

            • Artificial Intelligence Inventions & Patent Disclosure

              Artificial intelligence (“AI”) has attracted significant attention and has imposed challenges for society. Yet surprisingly, scholars have paid little attention to the impediments AI imposes on patent law’s disclosure function from the lenses of theory and policy. Patents are conditioned on inventors describing their inventions, but the inner workings and the use of AI in the inventive process are not properly understood or are largely unknown. The lack of transparency of the parameters of the AI inventive process or the use of AI makes it difficult to enable a future use of AI to achieve the same end state. While patent law’s enablement doctrine focuses on the particular result of the invention process, in contrast, this Article suggests that AI presents a lack of transparency and difficulty in replication that profoundly and fundamentally challenge disclosure theory in patent law. A reasonable onlooker or a patent examiner may find it difficult to explain the inner workings of AI. But even more pressing is a non-detection problem—an overall lack of disclosure of unidentified AI inventions, or knowing whether the particular end state was produced by the use of AI.

              The complexities of AI require enhancing the disclosure requirement since the peculiar characteristics of the end state cannot be described by the inventive process that produced it. This Article introduces a taxonomy of AI and argues that an enhanced AI patent disclosure requirement mitigates concerns surrounding the explainability of AI-based tools and the inherent inscrutability of AI-generated output. Such emphasis of patent disclosure for AI may steer some inventors toward trade secrecy and push others to seek patent protection against would-be patent infringers despite added ex ante costs and efforts. Utilitarian and Lockean theories suggest justifications for enhanced AI patent disclosure while recognizing some objections. Turning to the prescriptive, this Article proposes and assesses, as means for achieving enhanced disclosure, a variety of disclosure-specific incentives and data deposits for AI. It concludes by offering insights for innovation and for a future empirical study to verify its theoretical underpinnings.

        • Trademarks

          • Trademark Renewal Procedure: A Slip in IPAB’s Decision in Eveready Industries v. Kamlesh Chadha?

            The judgement of the IPAB (dated September 22, 2020) in Eveready Industries India Ltd v. Mrs. Kamlesh Chadha concerns original rectification petitions against two trademark registrations of the respondents – one for the word mark ‘Eveready’ and the other for a logo of Eveready, both in class 8 (screwdrivers, cutting pliers, hand tools etc.). The IPAB allowed the rectifications and directed the removal of the two marks from the Trade Marks Registry. This judgment is a highly fact-oriented and my objective here is not assess whether the conclusion of the IPAB was correct or incorrect.

            Instead, I wish to focus on a specific issue that bothered me when reading the judgement. One of the trademarks under challenge was granted under the erstwhile 1958 Act. It was renewed for successive periods of 7 years each, in 1992 and 1999. That is to say, in 2006, one of the respondent’s trademark had to be renewed. It appears that no notice under Section 25(3) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 was received three months before the expiry in 2006. Further, there was a disputed assignment agreement executed in 2009 in favour of the respondent, and it is pursuant to the same that the assignee/respondent sought for renewal in 2010 (which appears to have been allowed).

            One of the main defences of the Respondent was Section 33 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999. Among others, the IPAB rejected this defence on the basis that Section 33 applies only for a registered trademark whereas when the rectification was filed in 2009, the registration of the trademark under challenge had automatically lapsed when the 7 year period expired in 2006 and no restoration application was filed within 1 year. Therefore, the filing for renewal/restoration application in 2010, and the allowance of the same, but effectively deemed void in law.

          • brands fear uphill battle despite USPTO guidance

            Although the USPTO has released guidelines trying to clarify SCOTUS’s ruling, brands will still be refused, say lawyers

        • Copyrights

          • Academics band together with publishers because access to research is a cybercrime

            What I find worrying is not that publishers, like Elsevier, Springer Nature or Cambridge University Press, want to protect their business against the Sci-hub threat. This is natural behaviour from a commercial point of view. These businesses (not sure about CUP) see their activity atacked, so they fight back to keep their profit up.

            The problem is with the academics. Why do they help the publishers? For whose benefit?

            I wrote again and again in the past that it is not enough to criticize the publishers for the bad bahaviour. Academic managers are to be blamed because they band with the publishers. Why does nobody asks them why?

          • La Liga Nominates Namecheap, eBay, Telegram and Shopify for 'Piracy Watchlist'

            Spanish football league La Liga has reported several pirate streaming sites and illegal IPTV services to the US Trade Representative. The sports organization's recommendations for the annual 'notorious markets' list also includes several third-party intermediaries such as Namecheap, eBay, Cloudflare, Telegram and Shopify.

          • BREIN Cracks Down on 'Open Directory' Piracy - But What is It?

            BREIN says it has closed down several "open directories" after they offered thousands of pirated eBooks to users in breach of copyright. With some operators now liable to pay settlements to the Dutch anti-piracy group, those familiar with more modern ways of obtaining content may be asking what this ancient form of file-sharing is all about.

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GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025
FSF's Defective by Design (DBD): Amazon Tightens the Digital Handcuffs
Reproduced verbatim
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Plenty of Issues, Plenty of Censorship
The OSI is abusive on many levels!
EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
In prior reports the staff representatives said that rewards typically went to people who granted many patents, i.e. didn't do proper examination and instead just allowed many fake patents get enshrined as EPs, causing fiasco (from which some patent attorneys could profit)
As The Web Gets Drowned Out, Sinking in a Pool of LLM Slop, Real News Sites With Real News Become Increasingly Rare If Not Extinct
This is a real problem
Links 09/03/2025: Moderna Patents Thrown Out, Climate United Sues E.P.A.
Links for the day
Links 09/03/2025: FiveThirtyEight Killed by Disney, Nature (Journal) Chooses Suicide by Slop
Links for the day
Hiding Problems Doesn't Work
transparent organisations will be more stable and sustainable
The Harder They Try to Censor, the Bigger the Scandal (and the Impact) Will Be
We don't plan to self-censor our coverage; sometimes we just delay publication a little
Gemini Links 09/03/2025: Leasehold Derangement Syndrome, Raspberry Pi, and More
Links for the day
All-Time Low for Microsoft in Africa
it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
French woman (frontaliere) trafficked to promote unauthorised cross border Swiss insurance
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
New York Times & Guardian reporting on Modern Slavery Act prosecution of Glodi Wabelua
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Diana & Adrian von Bidder-Senn, EVP, Palm Sunday & Debian death on wedding day
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
There are certainly many layoffs going on there, but many are described as "resignations" or "retirements" after RTO or some other form of relocation
Under the Pen Name "John O'Donnell" (LLM Slop, Not Real Article or Author) LinuxLinks Pushes Spammy Page
it happened some hours ago.
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 08, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 08, 2025
Graveyard of Mastodons: A Vast Number of Inactive Accounts
More than 80% of users in (the "big one") are no longer active
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Reading Cory Doctorow's 'Little Brother', Abandoning GAFAM Forever
Links for the day
No, We Don't Want to Go "Viral" (and You Probably Don't, Either)
"Viral" junk gets forgotten quickly
Windows is Being Eradicated
On the Web, in Africa in particular, user strings or UAs that say "Windows" are becoming more rare
For International Women's Rights Day (Today) Staff Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPO) Opened Up on Gender Discrimination at the Office
Office discrimination against women is widely known; unless you sleep with men in management
Links 08/03/2025: Tariff Self Harm and Mostly Solved Diseases Making a Comeback
Links for the day
Links 08/03/2025: Climate Change Causing Food Shortages, Selling Off Chrome Still in the Cards
Links for the day
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Driving in Japan, GrapheneOS, Tariffs Silver Lining
Links for the day
Working Like a Pack of Hyenas, the Microsofters Try Hard to Hide the Truth and Actively Censor Critics
They even target women
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Bylaws of the OSI a Shocking Oversight
That's what the OSI is right now: a salesperson
Thinking About Abandoning 'Google News' Altogether Due to Easy Poisoning by LLM Slop
As long as Google News keeps sending traffic to these leeches, it'll be very hard to justify relying on Google News for anything at all
Links 08/03/2025: Microsoft Failures, Further Attacks on Speech in Hong Kong
Links for the day
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Physical Albums, Analog Computing, Deleting All Social Control Media
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, March 07, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, March 07, 2025