WITH Vista 11 failing at adoption (hence Microsoft keeps quiet about metrics; one needs to turn elsewhere for statistics) and Microsoft boosters openly complaining about bugs and about user-hostile behaviour we're already staring at a dying operating system or languishing old monopoly, taken not exactly by surprise as many people shift to newer form factors. They just don't use computers the way they used to...
“...quite a few people are also quite aware of what is happening and threatening to leave for GNU/Linux or actually leaving...”
--psydruid"I am quite sure that the main reason for the existence of Vista11 is to push TPM chips into all consumer notebooks and desktops," an associate noted this morning. "That will then get daisychained to UEFI in Vista12."
As psydruid put it, "quite a few people are also quite aware of what is happening and threatening to leave for GNU/Linux or actually leaving..." (see links above)
Well, UEFI 'secure' boot will give them a harder time; that was the whole point of it.
"At the moment we prepare a bunch of improvements for Gemini."Moreover, Microsoft is nowadays shamelessly manipulating Windows users and "that was also apparent in the post on Thurrott's site," psydruid noted. "Microsoft (and Intel) are going to be experiencing a death by a thousand cuts. Microsoft isn't going to survive the transition to ARM and RISC-V and the little market share it will still have is going to be eroded the same way it is on x86 [...] it's just another branch of the battle to bring games to Linux + OpenGL/Vulkan but gaming is often the only reason why people still run Vista at home..."
At the moment the EPO is exceptionally quiet, as I note in the video above, but we have a lot more coming (The EPO’s Overseer/Overseen Collusion and Microsoft GitHub Exposé, where we've only scratched the surface thus far).
At the moment we prepare a bunch of improvements for Gemini. It helps ensure that Techrights does not depend on the Web more than it needs to.
The EPO's site remains a source of lies and paranoia. The management at EPOnia is afraid of the media actually investigating things instead of parroting press releases. ⬆