Summary: We'll soon have 100 files in Git; if that matters at all...
THIS WEEKEND has thus far involved
maintenance; more maintenance than publication. Coding, extension, and general maintenance-related chores (including backups) can be just as important as publishing articles for assurance of uptime, long-term preservation, and censorship resistance. Because perverts, online bullies, megalomaniacs and corporations on "power trips" (egotistic gratification) are always eager to suppress what embarrasses them.
Progress of code/coding tasks cannot be measured in terms that are purely numeric. It cannot be
properly quantified by the number of files... or Git commits, or number of overall lines, or number of lines changed etc. All of these are subjective for many reasons (programming language, reuse, empty lines, efficiency and so on). In 2021 we gradually added tools we had developed for the site's operations. Not all were added, for a number of different reasons, but we're releasing more and more over time.
As of today, having added a couple more files, we're approaching a little milestone:
~/Git$ find * | wc -l
All of these are publicly available. And speaking of Git commits or mindlessly quantifying things, the campaign to dethrone Richard Stallman (RMS) was such an utter failure that the counter-petition more than doubled the 'cancel' signatures and may one day exceed 7,000 (not that it's so active anymore).

RMS letter in December 2021