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Links 16/3/2022: KDE's Okular Greenwashed and Microsoft Putting Ads in Applications

  • GNU/Linux

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • TechdirtTechdirt Podcast Episode 315: The Right To Repair

        Five years ago, we were joined on the podcast by author and law professor Aaron Perzanowski to discuss his book about the impact of copyright on property in the digital age, The End of Ownership. That book touched on the issue of repairing devices and the ways companies make it difficult, but his new book, The Right To Repair, puts this topic in the spotlight. This week, Aaron joins us to discuss the history and future of the right to repair around the world.

    • Kernel Space

      • Tracepoints and kernel€ modules

        While debugging, it’s invaluable to be able to trace functions in the Linux kernel. There are several tools for that task: perf, ftrace (with helper tool like trace-cmd), bpftrace, etc.

        For my own debug of kernel internals and in the last few years to debug the i915 module for Intel graphics, I usually use tracepoints or dynamic tracepoints (with perf probe) as the trigger for something I want to trace.

    • Applications

      • Linux LinksBest Free and Open Source Alternatives to Corel VideoStudio Pro

        Corel Corporation is a Canadian software company specializing in graphics processing. They are best known for developing CorelDRAW, a vector graphics editor. They are also notable for purchasing and developing AfterShot Pro, PaintShop Pro, Painter, Video Studio, MindManager, and WordPerfect.

        Corel has dabbled with Linux over the years. For example they produced Corel Linux, a Debian-based distribution which bundled Corel WordPerfect Office for Linux. While Corel effectively abandoned its Linux business in 2001 they are not completely Linux-phobic. For example, AfterShot Pro has an up to date Linux version albeit its proprietary software.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Tom's HardwareHow to Do a Fuzzy File Search in Linux

        When looking for files on the Linuz desktop, you may often rely on the search feature of your favourite file manager. The conventional searching approach is to apply an exact search, so that only files or directories that are a perfect match to the search string are displayed.

        A fuzzy search, on the other hand, performs an approximate search, and instead of identifying exact matches, displays matching results with each keystroke. The fzf utility identifies itself as a general-purpose fuzzy finder. Released under the MIT License, the cross-platform tool can be used across all flavours of Linux.

      • H2S MediaInstall Fotoxx Image Editor on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 LTS - Linux Shout

        Learn the commands to install Fotoxx on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy JellyFish or 20.04 Focal Fossa. The software is an image management and image editing program that focuses on simple and fast operation. Beginners in particular should be offered a tool to make working with digital images under Linux much easier.

        In contrast to programs like Shotwell , no internal database is used, but the existing folder structure on the data medium, as with gThumb or Geeqie. However, it should be noted that an internal index is created when the program is started for the first time so that metadata can be found more quickly. As long as this indexing is running, images can be viewed but not edited. Whether the program lives up to its reputation “for people who find F-Spot too limited but GIMP too complicated” is something you should try for yourself.

      • Red Hat OfficialHow to run pods as systemd services with Podman | Enable Sysadmin

        Podman is well known for its seamless integration into modern Linux systems, and supporting systemd is a cornerstone in these efforts. Linux commonly uses the systemd init system to manage local services such as web servers, container engines, network daemons, and all of their interdependencies. Extending these more traditional Linux system administration practices with the modern world of containers is a natural evolution.

      • How to Install and Configure LAMP on Debian 11 (Bullseye)

        One of the most important things to set up a Linux server is for the purposes of deploying a website(s). According to’s February 2022 survey of the 1 million busiest websites in the world, roughly 23.44% of them run on Apache.

        This tutorial will walk through the basics of installing and configuring a Linux server (specifically Debian 11 Bullseye) to function as a LAMP server.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install AnyDesk on Debian 11 Bullseye - LinuxCapable

        AnyDesk is a remote desktop software you can connect to your computer remotely and work from anywhere without being limited by the location of an internet connection. It is a cross-platform software that provides secure remote access for file transfer or VPN features but also works well as just another tool in professionals’ arsenal when they need more control over what’s going on their machine than someone else might offer them – whether it be family members who don’t understand how technology works yet; company executives looking at data differently because these people have much bigger picture view.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install AnyDesk on Debian 11 Bullseye. The tutorial will import the official repository and gpg key and update and remove the remote desktop software using the command line terminal.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install TeamViewer on Debian 11 Bullseye - LinuxCapable

        TeamViewer is a global remote connectivity platform that provides secure access to any device, anywhere in the world. It’s used for online meetings and file sharing between computers and controlled instrumentation such as robots or industrial machinery remotely via VPN connections (virtual private networks).

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install TeamViewer on Debian 11 Bullseye. The tutorial will import the official repository and gpg key and update and remove the remote desktop software using the command line terminal.

      • UNIX CopHow to restrict Access to Directory and Subdirectories on Nginx

        Hello, friends. In this post, we will continue with some tricks for Nginx. So today, you will learn how to restrict access to directory and subdirectories in Nginx. Let’s go for it.

      • UNIX CopPostgreSQL Streaming Replication

        PostgreSQL 12 can be considered revolutionary considering the performance boost we observe with partitioning enhancements,

        Streaming replication is a popular method you can use to scale your relational databases horizontally. It uses two or more copies of the same database cluster running on separate machines. One database cluster is the primary and serves both read and write operations; the others are the replicas, which help only read operations. You can also use streaming replication to provide the high availability of a system. For example, if the primary database cluster or server were to fail unexpectedly, the replicas can continue serving read operations, or (one of the replicas) become the new primary cluster.

        PostgreSQL is a widely used relational database that supports logical and physical replication. Logical replication streams high-level changes from the primary database cluster to the replica databases. You can stream changes to just a single database or table in a database using logical replication. However, in physical replication, changes to the WAL (Write-Ahead-Logging) log file are streamed and replicated in the replica clusters. As a result, you can’t copy specific areas of a primary database cluster, but instead, all changes to the primary are replicated.

      • H2S MediaSimple way to Install Tor Browser in Rocky Linux 8 - Linux Shout

        Secure your privacy while surfing online by installing Tor browser on Rocky Linux 8 RPM-based Linux using command terminal.

        When it comes to accessing the notorious dark web standard browsers are not safe without any third-party technology. Well, in such situations the Tor browser is required that uses the Tor network, used by around two million people every day. It is based on Mozilla Firefox. The name Tor was originally an acronym, standing for “The Onion Router”. The reference to an onion was not accidental but was intended to indicate that the Tor network consists of several layers due that users can surf the internet anonymously.

        Besides encryption features over the Tor network, modded Firefox also has some handy security add-ons pre-installed. Among others, NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere.

        For technical reasons, surfing with Tor is slower than in a normal browser because every request takes a detour. This is the price one has to pay for the gained anonymity. However, if surfing with the Tor browser is really slow, you can usually take countermeasures such as Request a new identity, Switch to a new channel, use bridges, Disable JavaScript or combine Tor access with a VPN.

      • Bash script: While loop examples

        The while loop in a Linux Bash script is a type of loop that continues to execute as long as the programmed condition remains true.

        while loops are useful when you need to repeatedly execute a set of instructions a certain number of times, or when you want to create an infinite loop. In this tutorial, you will see various examples of while loops in a Bash script so you can learn how they are written and what kind of purpose they serve.

      • How to install WebERP on Ubuntu 20.04

        Today, it is difficult for a business to achieve sustained growth without an application to help with management and planning. So today we will help you to install WebERP on Ubuntu 20.04

        WebERP is an accounting and business management system designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)2 with appropriate features for each of them. It is built with web technology and only requires a database manager and a functional web server.

      • Install Ajenti Control Panel on Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 11

        Using a Linux distribution that has a desktop environment and graphical tools is easy, but a server is something different. That is why tools are created with which we can manage them from a comfortable web interface where we can find everything we need. So, today you will learn how to install Ajenti control panel on Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 11.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install WonderCMS with Nginx on Debian 11 Bullseye - LinuxCapable

        WonderCMS is a fast and straightforward content management system requiring no database to create websites. It offers rich features such as custom login URL, SEO friendly design with WYSIWYG elements for editing your site in plain text or HTML code formats; flexible CSS framework so you can change up the look on individual pages without affecting other parts of the webpage, including headings/font sizes, etc. Along with native markdown support, which allows users easy ways to publish articles online using only paragraphs.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install WonderCMS using Nginx and PHP along with importing up-to-date repositories or using the default version and how to create a server block and set it up using the command line terminal on Debian 11 Bullseye desktop or server.

      • Linux Shell TipsHow to Install PHP 8 on Ubuntu 22.04/20.04

        In terms of popularity and domination in server-side programming, PHP has made a name for itself. It is the go-to programming language for the development of dynamic and responsive web applications and CMS platforms like Magento, Drupal, and WordPress.

        Therefore, if you wish to run such web-based applications or host CMS applications on your Ubuntu system, you must consider a proper PHP 8 installation guide.

      • Linux Shell TipsHow to Install AngularJS on Ubuntu 22.04/20.04

        AngularJS is the extensible Javascript framework that plays well with your HTML without abstraction. The primary appeal of Angular is that it works like the dynamic component HTML never had. AngularJS simplifies the process of getting started with development especially if you have the prerequisite met.

        With the lack of abstraction like other frameworks and fluid interoperability with HTML, AngularJS extends your control with features that include data binding, controller, and models based on plain javascript.

        Additionally, AngularJS is bundled with features such as directives that enable you to invent your own HTML syntax that may be specific to any application you may be developing.

        Secondly, AngularJS simplifies the management of complex DOM structures with the reusable component, and lastly, localization is advertised as one of the main features due to the ability to configure your app with aware filters with corresponding building blocks that make your app available in multiple locales.

    • Games

      • Jamie ZawinskiPlaying old PS3 games

        I can't believe that in the Twenty First Goddamned Century, some lunatic Playstation hacker went and implemented an ftp server, when rsync was sitting right there. Are you ok, guy? Do you hate yourself that much?

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • FSFEKDE's Okular becomes the world's first eco-certified computer program

          KDE's universal document viewer Okular is the first software to be awarded the Blue Angel ecolabel. The FSFE congratulates Okular to this milestone that confirms more environmental benefits of using and developing Free Sofware. Together with our Upcycling Android initiative we campaign for universal user freedoms in the EU in the upcoming months.

          Free Software comes with multiple benefits regarding user's freedoms, transparency, modularity and control - just to mention a few. Beyond these rather technical aspects, control over technology directly influences our societies and democracies. Ultimately, the reason why the FSFE is your charity to empower people to control technology.

          Less well-known are the benefits that Free Software offers towards a more sustainable digital society. Contemporary research shows an increasingly problematic correlation between the ongoing digitization and its impact on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Most of these greenhouse gas emissions stems from the production of hardware, its worldwide delivery, the energy to run that hardware and the energy needed for data flow and to connect all these devices aka Internet and streaming.

        • KDEFirst Ever Eco-Certified Computer Program: KDE's Popular PDF Reader Okular

          Okular, KDE’s popular multi-platform PDF reader and universal document viewer, has officially been recognized for sustainable software design as reflected in the recent award criteria for software eco-certification. In February 2022 Okular was awarded the Blue Angel ecolabel, the official environmental label awarded by the German government. Introduced in 1978, Blue Angel is the world’s earliest established environmental label, and Okular is the first software product to be certified with its seal. What is more, Okular is the first ️ever eco-certified computer program within the 30 organizations of the Global Ecolabelling Network! This network, of which Blue Angel is a member, represents over 50 countries.

    • Distributions

      • Kali Unkaputtbar

        All it takes is installing Kali Linux version 2022.1 or newer with btrfs as the file system and to enable snapshotting after installation and you will get: [...]

      • BSD

      • IBM/Red Hat/Fedora

        • Daniel StenbergFedora and curl-minimal

          In the Fedora project there is/was a proposal to introduce a curl-minimal package (and its companion libcurl-minimal) by default, as a way to provide default packages with smaller security risk areas. The full curl version packages would then be offered next to the minimal ones and require users to opt-in. (Related article on

          curl-minimal would disable lesser used protocols and features. The discussion around exactly which parts it should disable is ongoing. The proposal was at least initially shut down by the Fedora Steering Committee on March 8, 2022 but I get the sense the curl-minimal idea have not died yet.

        • Enterprisers ProjectIT talent: 4 ways to address a Kubernetes skills shortage | The Enterprisers Project

          Kubernetes adoption is on the rise. Due to its unique challenges and benefits, it is a popular conversation starter among IT professionals today. While your IT organization has the potential to be highly productive with Kubernetes by easily building, scaling, and monitoring containers, the transition to Kubernetes is very complex and can be difficult to manage.

          The Upskilling 2021: Enterprise DevOps Skills report identified cloud, modern compute tech and architecture, OS and container orchestration, and app technologies as skills that DevOps professionals must have. However, when it comes to these technical skills, many individuals and teams fall short. Addressing these skills gaps is essential to reaping the benefits, so it’s important to understand how to do that.

        • Enterprisers ProjectDigital transformation: 5 'human' mistakes to avoid

          The pandemic has made digital transformation a business necessity, with many organizations turning five-year plans into two-year mandates. But as companies expedite their digital initiatives, are they neglecting the “human element?”

          To ensure that all your employees can reap the benefits of digital transformation in their own jobs, here are five critical mistakes to avoid:

        • Red HatChoose the best camel for your integration ride, Part 3 | Red Hat Developer

          The previous installments in this series explored the motivations behind different community-supported runtimes for Apache Camel and enumerated in detail the benefits of each runtime. This final installment gives you a simplified and opinionated decision flow containing basic questions to help you identify which Camel runtime will work best for you.

          The obvious first question is what happens if your organization mandates all aspects of the development process, including the technologies and runtimes to use. If that's the case, the guidance in this series of articles would appear of no use. You can, however, suggest what in your view could be a positive change to their current choices.


          Apache Camel is known as the Swiss knife of integration, and you probably grasped by now that Camel goes even further than that. It offers a wide variety of different runtimes that help propagate a solid foundation for integrations.

          It's helpful to understand Camel's timeline and how it has evolved, continuously looking at new horizons. You can then find out which Camel runtime fits better in your world and take advantage.

          You can undoubtedly integrate systems with arbitrary languages and frameworks, but that's like random shooting from recoil. Apache Camel is like harnessing standard light energy to provide you with a sharp laser-pointing focus.

      • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

        • CNX Software1-Stream IPTV streaming software offers an alternative to Xtream Codes

          1-Stream is an IPTV streaming platform with smart load balancing that allows providers to scale their service and integrates geo-location to ensure content delivery from the closest available server for quicker load times and less buffering.

          One popular professional IPTV platform used to be Xteam Codes for which I wrote a detailed four-part review but they started having trouble on September 18, 2019 with Xtream Codes IPTV Panels having a legal dispute related due to piracy, despite not providing any streams, and it seems they may never come back online, as their latest update contesting the claims date from January 2021.

        • UbuntuCloud Adjacent Storage [Ed: New buzzwords for storage layer with surveillance built in -- basically a massive regression peddled by companies that work for spy agencies]

          Put simply, cloud adjacent storage is just a privately owned and operated storage system, within network reach of a cloud provider’s region, but without the pay-as-you-grow and access charges found in public clouds.

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • 22 years of Emacs

        Emacs and I have been together for 22 years now and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. Emacs itself is getting better and better with initiatives such as native-compilation and the Pure GTK patches. Its package ecosystem is in excellent condition and packages such as org-mode and eglot / lsp-mode make even the most demanding programming languages a joy to work with in Emacs.

        Here’s to another 22 years Emacs!

      • The VergeHow WordPress and Tumblr are keeping the internet weird

        Matt’s point of view is that the world is better off when the web is open and fun, and Automattic builds and acquires products that help that goal along. That bet is perhaps most pronounced with WordPress itself. Around 43 percent of all the websites on the internet run on WordPress, which is a piece of open-source software anyone can download and use for free. It is officially administered by the WordPress Foundation, but if you don’t want the hassle, you can just go to and pay Automattic to do most of the work for you. It is an absolutely fascinating model that has obviously worked really well, and I wanted to know more about why Matt set it up that way and what the challenges of that structure are.

      • Education

        • FedoraFedora Community Blog: Fedora Mentor Summit is here!

          We are excited to invite you to the first edition of the Fedora Mentor Summit. It’s an yearly event for our community members interested in mentorship as a practice. The event is on April 1st and 2nd – 1300 UTC to 1700 UTC. Registration is open now!

          This community members lead event is full of agenda of intriguing discussions, interesting talks and fun activities that everyone can be a part of. While the final schedule is still being planned, you can see the draft at the event fedocal.

        • EuroBSDConThe Call for Talk and Presentation Proposals for EuroBSDCon 2022 is now

          EuroBSDCon is the European technical conference for users and developers of BSD-based systems. The conference is scheduled to take place September 15-18, 2022 in Vienna, Austria. The tutorials will be held on Thursday and Friday to registered participants and the talks are presented to conference attendees on Saturday and Sunday.

          The Call for Talk and Presentation proposals period will close on May 26th, 2022. Prospective speakers will be notified of acceptance or otherwise by June 1st, 2022.

        • PC World10 surprisingly practical Raspberry Pi projects anybody can do

          But most people, particularly beginners, won’t use the Raspberry Pi to whip up crazy creations. There are near-endless practical uses for this bare-bones kit, from media streaming to extending the range of your Wi-Fi network, as the following 10 projects demonstrate. Time to put that $35 computer to real work. Heck, many of these will work just fine even on the $5 Raspberry Pi Zero.

      • Programming/Development

        • Barry KaulerXephyr and browser menu entry fixes

          Now fixed. The problem was caused by the xserver-xorg moving from autotools to meson. I also had to apply a patch to xephyr source, as reported in the above-linked post.

        • Project Aims to Port .NET Framework to Power [Ed: They are not our allies.]

          IBM and its Red Hat subsidiary are working with Microsoft to port the .NET Framework to Power, IT Jungle has learned. The project has been underway for a while, and the first bits of beta code should be available for developers to play with later this year.

        • The Qt Less Traveled [Ed: The worse issue is, that's proprietary so you cannot fix bugs in Qt]

          Qt is a high quality library, but it is also massive in number of features. This massive number results in a higher likelihood that there are bugs that go unnoticed lying around in its less frequently used features or combination of features.

          Our friends at hired us to solve some of those issues that had been affecting them for a while. QGIS is an open source geospatial information system (an application which allows users to design maps, analyze spatial data, and perform various ETL tasks) that makes use of the Qt library for its GUI components and relies on the QPainter framework for all of its map rendering and exporting functionality. Instead of trying to workaround these issues in their downstream project, the QGIS leadership instead invested some project funds to contract KDAB to fix these rare issues which were specifically affecting the QGIS application. Keep reading to follow our adventures through those less often traveled paths.

        • SICPWhen to “address” “technical debt”?

          It’s not old code that’s technical debt, it’s lightly-designed code. That thing that seemed like the solution when you first thought of it. Yes, ship it, by all means, but be ready to very quickly rewrite it when you learn more.

          Some of what people mean when they say “we need to bring our technical debt under control” is that kind of technical debt, struggling under the compound interest of if statement accrual as multiple developers have added behaviour without adding design. But there are other things. Cutting corners is not technical debt, it’s technical gambling. Updating external dependencies is not technical debt repayment, but it does still need to be done. Removing deprecated symbols is paying for somebody else’s technical debt, not yours: again you still have to do it. Replacing last month’s favoured npm modules with this month’s is not technical debt, it’s buying yourself a new toy.

        • Shell/Bash/Zsh/Ksh

          • Bash Scripting: Operators

            Using operators in a Bash script is how you determine whether a condition is true or not. And testing for conditions is how we program a Bash script to be dynamic by giving it the ability to respond differently depending on a scenario.

            Creating conditionals is why it is essential to know the various Bash operators. Operators let us test things like arithmetic functions, compare strings, check if a file exists, and a lot more.

            In this tutorial, you will learn about all of the operators that can be used in a Bash script on a Linux system. We will go over examples so you can learn how to use each type of operator in real context.

          • Bash Scripting: Command line arguments

            In some Bash scripts, there is an option to pass arguments to the script when you are executing it. This allows the user to specify more information in the same command used to run the script.

            This is yet another way for us to accept input in a Bash script, and make our script more interactive with the user executing it. Command line arguments are specified as extra bits of information (or flags/options) that are passed to the script.

            In this tutorial, you will learn how to accept command line arguments in a Bash script on a Linux system. Follow along with our example below to see how it works.

          • Bash Scripting Cheat Sheet

            The ability to automate tasks with Bash scripts in Linux is one of the operating system’s most powerful components.

            However, due to the sheer amount of scripting components, it can be intimidating for newcomers. Even longtime users may forget something every once in a while and that is why we have created this Bash scripting cheat sheet.

            For times like these, it’s very handy to have a compiled list of Bash scripting components that have been sorted by category. That way, it only takes a few moments to reference the list whenever you forget the exact syntax of an operator or conditional statement, etc.

            In this tutorial, we’ll present you with a curated list of the most handy things to know for Bash scripting. These are some of the most useful components, but they aren’t easy to remember for everyone. Next time your mind is blanking when writing a Bash script, take a look at the Bash scripting cheat sheet below for some quick help.

          • Bash scripting vs Python

            Bash scripting and Python are two different ways to program and automate tasks on a Linux system. Many Linux users choose to learn one or the other, and some even learn both.

            Although they have a lot of overlap in the purposes they serve, Bash scripts are mostly just shell commands that have been chained together, sometimes along with loops or conditional statements, and Python is a full fledged programming language, capable of creating everything from basic automation scripts to programs with graphical user interfaces.

            In this tutorial, you will learn about some of the differences between Bash scripting and the Python programming language, specifically in the context of what both are capable of and used for on a Linux system.

          • Bash scripting vs PowerShell

            Bash is the command interpreter for Linux systems and is well known as a tool that can be used for automation and repetitive tasks via Bash scripts. PowerShell serves the same purpose, but for Windows systems.

            With so much overlap in their functionalities, and with both being installable on a variety of operating systems, the inevitable questions of “which one is better” and “what are the differences” around bound to come up.

            In this tutorial, you will learn about some of the differences between Bash scripting and the PowerShell scripting, as we compare the two across a few key areas.

        • Rust

        • Java

          • OpenSource.comHow to find your Java Home when running multiple versions |

            When you install Java, it's part of the installer's job to tell your system where to find the right language when it's needed. That's why you're able to run Java applications—in fact, you may sometimes run Java applications without ever realizing what language they've been written in.

            Put simply, it just works, just as when you install Python to run a Python application, C to run an application written in C, and so on.

            But what happens when you install more than one version of Java on your system? In that case, you'll have to take on the extra responsibility of understanding where each version's JAVA_HOME is located.

  • Leftovers

    • Hollywood Reporter“Alien Drone Swarm” Form Giant Hovering QR Code Over Austin to Promote ‘Halo’

      Four hundred drones were suspended over the city during the South by Southwest festival to form a giant, hovering … QR code?

    • Counter PunchWill Smith: A Life in Football, Interrupted

      I didn’t know Flores but I watched him play in high school in Brooklyn. He was in my daughter’s class and everyone there held him in the highest regard, an outstanding young man with a bright future before him. My daughter kept me up on his career: Boston College, Belichick’s New England Patriots, then the Dolphins.

      I shuddered also because I knew how pro football “disappeared” people. My neighbor and good friend Will (Willie) Smith had been disappeared. One day he was an exceptional lineman; in the prime of his career, he had started every game in his two seasons of pro football. The next day it was over; he never heard from the league again.

    • TruthOutNew Hampshire Republicans Seek to Repeal State's Ban on Youth Conversion Therapy
    • Education

    • Hardware

      • IT WireIntel to invest €80b in EU in bid to catch up with rivals

        Among the plans are the investment of an initial €17 billion into a leading-edge semiconductor fab mega-site in Germany, the creation of a new research and development and design hub in France, and investment in research and development, manufacturing and foundry services in Ireland, Italy, Poland and Spain.

      • Computer WorldArm to cut up to 15% of jobs following failed takeover by Nvidia

        Arm CEO Rene Haas, who only joined the company in February this year, told staff on Monday that between 12% to 15% of staff will be made redundant as a result of the cuts, according to an internal memo seen by the Daily Telegraph.

        Arm employs 6,400 people worldwide, meaning between 768 and 960 jobs could be cut, primarily to UK- and US-based employees. The cuts won’t impact employees in engineering roles.

      • The Telegraph UKBritish tech champion Arm to slash hundreds of jobs

        Arm embarked on a rapid hiring spree after SoftBank acquired the company for €£24bn in 2016, promising to double staff over five years. The legally-binding jobs pledges it had made to the Takeover Panel at the time expired in September.

        Simon Segars, Arm’s former chief executive, had warned that its levels of investment would not be sustainable if the company was forced to go public instead of being sold to Nvidia.

      • HackadayIn 2045: Alpha Centauri

        We’ve talked about project Breakthrough Starshot which aims to send a solar sail probe to Alpha Centauri within 20 years. A little basic math and knowing that Alpha Centauri is 4.3 light years away means you are going to need to travel over 20% of the speed of light to make the trip in that time. Some new papers have proposed ways to address a few of the engineering problems.

      • HackadayMustool Scopemeter Review And Teardown

        There was a time when calculators became so powerful it was hard to tell them from little computers. The same thing seems to be happening now with multimeters. They now often have large screens and basic oscilloscope functionality. The specs keep getting better. While early cheap scopemeters were often relatively low frequency, many are now claiming bandwidths that would have cost quite a bit a few decades ago. A case in point is the Mustool MDS8207 which [IMSAI Guy] reviews and does a teardown of in the videos you can see below. It claims a 40 MHz bandwidth with 200 megasamples per second on a single channel.

      • HackadayTech In Plain Sight: Tough As Nails

        When you think of machines you see around you every day, you probably think about your car, computer, or household appliances. However, the world is full of simple machines. One simple machine in particular, the inclined plane, shows up a lot. For example, think of the humble nail. If you are a woodworker or even a homeowner you probably have bags of them. They certainly are all around you if you are indoors and maybe even if you are outdoors right now. Nails have been the fastener of choice for a very long time and they are a form of a wedge which is a type of inclined plane.

      • HackadayLED Flower Bouquet Is A Radiant Hacker Desk Decoration

        [Jeremy Cook] writes to us about a project of his – a bouquet of LED cube flowers. The flowers are PCB cubes made out of small castellated PCBs, each of those having an individually addressable LED in its center. Castellations hold the cubes together mechanically, and thanks to a cleverly chosen pinout, only two different kinds of PCB need to be ordered for building such a flower!

      • HackadayRun Your Own Server For Fun (and Zero Profit)

        It seems there’s a service for everything, but sometimes you simply learn more by doing it yourself. If you haven’t enjoyed the somewhat anachronistic pleasures of running your own server and hosting your own darn website, well, today you’re in luck!

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • Pro PublicaLawmakers Approve Payments to Parents of Children Who Died of Catastrophic Brain Injuries

        In a legislative session highlighted by culture war battles and redistricting, Florida lawmakers gave a measure of mercy to a group of parents whose children died of catastrophic birth-related brain injuries.

        Following up on action taken last year, the Legislature voted to give $150,000 stipends to parents whose children were once enrolled in a state program called the Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association, or NICA, but had been dropped from the rolls when the children died.

      • TruthOutUS Sewer Data and Surges Abroad Should Remind Us the Pandemic Isn't Over
      • TruthOutWhite House Says Funding for Testing and Vaccines for Uninsured May Run Out Soon
      • VOA NewsUS Senate Approves Bill to Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent

        The Senate unanimously approved a measure Tuesday that would make daylight saving time permanent across the United States next year.

        The bipartisan bill, named the Sunshine Protection Act, would ensure Americans would no longer have to change their clocks twice a year. But the bill still needs approval from the House, and the signature of President Joe Biden, to become law.

      • CNNSenate passes bill that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent

        The bill has bipartisan backing including several Republican and Democratic cosponsors.

      • NPRThe Senate approves a bill to make daylight saving time permanent

        The Senate passed a bill Tuesday that would make daylight saving time permanent across the U.S. beginning in 2023. The so-called Sunshine Protection Act of 2021 was approved by unanimous consent, but would still require House approval and President Biden's signature to become law.

      • NewYorkTimesA Groggy Senate Approves Making Daylight Saving Time Permanent

        So on Tuesday, with almost no warning and no debate, the Senate unanimously passed legislation to do away with the biannual springing forward and falling back that most Americans have come to despise, in favor of making daylight saving time permanent. The bill’s fate in the House was not immediately clear, but if the legislation were to pass there and be signed by President Biden, it would take effect in November 2023.

      • Taiwan NewsVariant that combines Delta and Omicron identified; dogs sniff out virus with high accuracy

        New research adds to evidence that trained dogs could help screen crowds to identify people infected with the coronavirus.

        At two community screening centers in Paris, 335 volunteers getting traditional PCR tests also provided sweat samples. Overall, 78 people with symptoms and 31 people without symptoms tested positive by PCR. Given the sweat samples to smell, the dogs were 97% accurate at detecting the infected patients, and 100% accurate at detecting infection in the asymptomatic patients, according to a report posted on Tuesday on medRxiv ahead of peer review. They also were 91% accurate at identifying volunteers who were not infected, and 94% accurate at ruling out the infection in people without symptoms.

    • Integrity/Availability

      • Proprietary

        • The VergeVimeo is telling creators to suddenly pay thousands of dollars — or leave the platform

          Lois van Baarle, a digital artist based in the Netherlands, joined Vimeo 13 years ago as a student studying animation, back when it was still an indie creator platform. When van Baarle started making subscriber-only Patreon content in 2020, Vimeo seemed like the best option for hosting her videos — Patreon itself didn’t offer video hosting, and YouTube didn’t have the same features to protect her work, like controlling where her videos could be embedded.

        • The VergeMicrosoft says Windows 11 File Explorer ads were ‘not intended to be published externally’ [Ed: This is how Windows will die. And users of Windows will not be able to concentrate or be productive. Microsoft is lying to the media. But it also bribes the media. So a lot of the media repeats the lies.]

          Microsoft appears to be testing a new type of ad inside File Explorer on Windows 11. Microsoft MVP and Twitter user Florian Beaubois discovered an ad in the latest test build of Windows 11, prompting users to check out the Microsoft Editor. While the ads might have appeared for some Windows 11 users, Microsoft says it was a mistake.

        • Pseudo-Open Source

        • Security

          • FOSSLifeWhat Is Shadow IT? [Ed: Letting people use Windows? That sounds like much greater a shadow than what's described here. Windows is designed to be not secure.]

            When employees use unauthorized personal devices for work or when teams download unapproved software for internal use, these activities are part of a practice known as shadow IT, which has growing security and compliance implications for organizations.

          • Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt/Fear-mongering/Dramatisation

            • Beta NewsLinux and Raspberry Pi machines become top targets for credential hacking [Ed: Ian Barker is at it, boosting Microsoft by attacking "Linux"]
            • Help Net SecurityAttackers using default credentials to target businesses, Raspberry Pi and Linux top targets [Ed: This is not a problem with Linux, but to distract from massive Microsoft breaches they'd latch onto anything at this stage...]

              Findings from a Bulletproof report highlight the issue posed by poor security hygiene as automated attacks remain a high security threat to businesses. The research gathered throughout 2021, showed that 70% of total web activity is currently bot traffic.

              With attackers increasingly deploying automated attack methods, default credentials are the most common passwords used by these bad actors, acting in effect as a ‘skeleton key’ for criminal access.

          • Privacy/Surveillance

            • TechdirtSen. Ron Wyden Catches ICE Illegally Collecting Americans’ Financial Data

              ICE wants data and doesn’t care how it gets it. Its recently-elevated pursuit of all things not considered naturally American has increased its demands for information on… well, everybody. It works with private sector data brokers and data analysts to hoover up location info — something not strictly limited to movements at or near borders. Nor is it limited to the non-Americans ICE believes should be tracked, captured, and ejected.

            • India TimesMeta to hire 2,000 staff for Spanish hub for regional expansion

              Spain will become an important link for Meta's development in Europe as its two subsea cables connecting the region with the Americas and Africa will land in Spain and the company plans to build a data centre in Castile-La Mancha in central Spain.

            • Papers PleaseHow many people fly without REAL-ID?

              As of 2016, almost 2,000 people a day were allowed through TSA checkpoints at US airports either without showing any ID at all, or with other forms of ID that the TSA or its contractors initially considered “unacceptable”.€ 

              According to an internal TSA presentation, there were 149,068 calls (an average of 407 per day) “ID Verification” calls to the TSA’s ID Verification Call Center (IVCC) in 2016.

              The previous year, 2015, there were 112,016 such calls (an average of 306 per day).

            • Dutch digital identity system crisis

              Dutch digital identity verification system DigiD has announced the phasing out SMS as second factor. That way they require citizens to install a smartphone app in order to use digital services from the government, municipalities, the health sector and others. These applications only work on iOS and Android phones, with reliance on third party services. Plenty of members of our community choose not to use a device that is tied to vendor-specific services. There is a threat our community will practically be locked out of the digital infrastructure the government has set up for us to use. Official alternatives are to ask a friend with the app for help or go back to snail mail and physical meetings.

    • Defence/Aggression

      • Democracy NowWhat’s Next for Putin? New Yorker’s Joshua Yaffa on Ukraine’s Resistance & Russian Antiwar Protests

        We speak with Joshua Yaffa, longtime Moscow correspondent for The New Yorker, who has just left Ukraine after reporting on the Russian invasion for the past two weeks. He says Russian attacks in Ukraine are becoming increasingly indiscriminate as the army is unable to take over the capital of Kyiv to facilitate Putin’s goal of a regime change, noting, “Putin has raised the stakes for himself so extraordinarily high that I don’t think he’ll be convinced to back down based on something like street protests.” He also describes support from Ukrainian civilians for a no-fly zone, which many fear could start a war between the U.S. and Russia and increase the likelihood of a nuclear disaster.

      • Democracy NowReport from Kyiv: Facing Military Setbacks, Russia Is Increasingly Targeting Ukrainian Civilians

        The mayor of Kyiv has declared a 36-hour curfew after a series of Russian missile strikes hit residential areas of the capital of Ukraine on Tuesday. Meanwhile, talks are resuming today between Ukraine and Russia, and the prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia are traveling to Kyiv to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. We get an update from outside of Kyiv from Peter Zalmayev, director of the Eurasia Democracy Initiative, on the Russian invasion. “They’re not having any military successes, so they’re just bent on revenge and anger that they’re venting on civilians,” says Zalmayev. He says if Russian attacks continue on the same trend, Ukraine could see up to 50,000 civilians killed in the war, and that any agreement between the two countries will be flawed, as “the Russian side has shown that they cannot be trusted.”

      • Krebs On SecurityLawmakers Probe Early Release of Top RU Cybercrook

        Aleksei Burkov, a cybercriminal who long operated two of Russia’s most exclusive underground hacking forums, was arrested in 2015 by Israeli authorities. The Russian government fought Burkov’s extradition to the U.S. for four years — even arresting and jailing an Israeli woman to force a prisoner swap. That effort failed: Burkov was sent to America, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to nine years in prison. But a little more than a year later, he was quietly released and deported back to Russia. Now some Republican lawmakers are asking why a Russian hacker once described as “an asset of supreme importance” was allowed to shorten his stay.

      • Common DreamsUN Chief: Russia's War on Ukraine Risks 'Meltdown of Global Food System'

        The head of the United Nations warned Monday that Russia's assault on Ukraine is pushing the global food system to the brink of disaster as wheat prices skyrocket and key supply chains are thrown into chaos, threatening a hunger crisis in Europe and well beyond.

        "Russia and Ukraine represent more than half of the world's supply of sunflower oil and about 30% of the world's wheat," U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said in remarks to the press in New York City. "Ukraine alone provides more than half of the World Food Programme's wheat supply... All of this is hitting the poorest the hardest and planting the seeds for political instability and unrest around the globe."

      • Common Dreams'Dangerous Moment': Worst of Russian Assault Feared as Kyiv Announces 35-Hour Curfew

        Authorities in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv announced a 35-hour curfew beginning Tuesday evening as the city braces for the most intense Russian assault yet, with the mayor warning that "a difficult and dangerous moment" is looming.

        "It is prohibited to move around the city without special permission, except to go to bomb shelters," Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said Tuesday, noting the curfew will begin at 8 pm local time and remain in effect until Thursday morning.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | No, Ukraine Was Not Wrong to Give Up Its Nukes

        Many now recall that Ukraine once, briefly, had a massive nuclear weapons arsenal—and then gave it up.

      • Mint Press NewsBehind the Azov-Brazil Connection: How Neo-Nazis Are Pushing to “Ukrainize” Brazil

        SÃO PAULO – During the last two weeks, a small group of Brazilian bolsonaristas became social media celebrities as they crossed the border into Ukraine to fight against Russia – posing with assault rifles on Instagram, reciting prayers to the special forces, and sharing video monologues praising the brotherhood of people from around the world who had gathered in a training base near the Ukrainian city of Lviv to kill Russian “communists.” The group’s inexperience was demonstrated by the fact that most of their social media posts included their geo-location information.

      • Mint Press NewsChris Hedges: Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death

        The Cold War, from 1945 to 1989, was a wild Bacchanalia for arms manufacturers, the Pentagon, the CIA, the diplomats who played one country off another on the world’s chessboard, and the global corporations able to loot and pillage by equating predatory capitalism with freedom. In the name of national security, the Cold Warriors, many of them self-identified liberals, demonized labor, independent media, human rights organizations, and those who opposed the permanent war economy and the militarization of American society as soft on communism.

      • Counter PunchBusiness as Usual: Facebook, Russia and Hate Speech

        The Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin, and Russians in general emerge as the latest contenders, the comic strip villains who those in the broadly designated “West” can now take issue with.€  According to a Meta spokesperson, the Russian attack on Ukraine had made the company make temporary “allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as ‘death to the Russian invaders.’”€  Cryptically, the same spokesman goes on to say that, “We still won’t allow credible calls for violence against Russian civilians.”€  Meta gives us no guidelines on what would constitute a “credible call”.

        Twitter has also permitted posts openly advocating homicide and assassination.€  US Senator Lindsey Graham was caught up in the bloodlust of permissiveness, using the platform to ask whether Russia had its own Brutus.€  “Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military?”€  The only way to conclude the conflict was “for somebody in Russia to take this guy out.”

      • Counter PunchWaltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death

        That is why they have resurrected it.

        The decision to spurn the possibility of peaceful coexistence with Russia at the end of the Cold War is one of the most egregious crimes of the late 20th€ century. The danger of provoking Russia was universally understood with the collapse of the Soviet Union, including by political elites as diverse as Henry Kissinger and George F. Kennan, who called the expansion of NATO into Central Europe “the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-Cold War era.”

      • Counter PunchDemonizing Russia Risks Making Compromise Impossible, and Prolonging the War

        Over five days from 25 August, German soldiers looted and burned the town of Louvain, killing hundreds of its inhabitants and destroying its medieval library, one of the greatest in Europe, which was filled with irreplaceable books and manuscripts.

        The massacres in Belgium – the German policy of Schrecklichkeit or frightfulness aimed at preventing popular resistance – outraged the world, having a particularly powerful impact in Britain where the atrocities fostered support for the war and led great numbers to volunteer to fight. On 2 September, just as the sack of Louvain was coming to an end, Rudyard Kipling published a poem reflecting the general anger, four lines of which read: ‘For all we have and are/ For all our children’s fate/ Stand up and take the war/ The Hun is at the gate!’

      • Counter PunchRevisiting Kyiv's Babyn Yar
      • TruthOutFacing Military Setbacks, Russia Is Increasingly Targeting Ukrainian Civilians
      • TruthOutRussia's War on Ukraine Risks "Meltdown of Global Food System," UN Chief Says
      • The NationA Russian Strike Kills Foreign Fighters in Ukraine

        Lviv, Ukraine—A Russian air strike on a military base in the far west of Ukraine on Sunday was Moscow’s closest attack yet to NATO territory. The International Peacekeeping and Security Center, near the town of Novoyavorivsk, is only 12 miles from the Polish border, and was hosting up to 1,000 foreign fighters, who had crossed the border to fight in the newly formed Ukrainian Foreign Legion. According to Ukrainian officials, at least 35 people were killed in the strike and some 134 were wounded. The Russian government says that, in fact, it killed 180 foreign fighters. “The destruction of foreign mercenaries who arrived on the territory of Ukraine will continue,” a representative of the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement online. Additional translation work by Nikolai von Bismarck.

      • The NationStand With Ukraine
      • Common DreamsBiden Will Head to Brussels for Talks With EU Leaders Over Ukraine War

        The White House on Tuesday confirmed reporting that U.S. President Joe Biden will head to Brussels next week to meet with European leaders about Russian President Vladimir Putin's ongoing and deadly war on Ukraine.

        "While he's there, his goal is to meet in person face-to-face with his European counterparts and talk about, assess where we are at this point in the conflict in the invasion of Ukraine by Russia," said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. "We've been incredibly aligned to date."

      • Common DreamsUN Warns Women and Girls in Ukraine Are Paying 'Highest Price' for War

        The United Nations' annual Commission on the Status of Women opened Monday with a warning that women and girls in Ukraine are paying "the highest price" for Russia's invasion of the country, as millions of people are forced to flee the country and those who have remained face daily intensifying violence.

        "All crises and conflicts exact their highest price from women and girls; from Myanmar to Afghanistan, from the Sahel to Haiti, from Palestine to Syria, to Somalia, to Yemen, to Ethiopia," said Sima Bahous, undersecretary-general and executive director of U.N. Women. "The horrifying war in Ukraine now joins this list."

      • Common DreamsOpinion | The Racist Double Standard of Refugees Who Are Welcome and Those Who Are Not

        In the weeks since Russian President Vladimir Putin initiated the invasion of Ukraine, Brown and Black people fleeing Ukraine continue to experience racism and violence, including in neighboring EU countries. Romanian police officers aggressively removed Ukrainian Roma women from refugee-dedicated rooms just recently. Polish police officers also pointed guns at African students. This war, a looming humanitarian catastrophe, has unleashed new, overt, and cruel manifestations of racism on the continent, revealing longstanding double standards at the global level.

      • Common DreamsWar in Ukraine a Windfall for Weapons Industry

        Russia's deadly assault on Ukraine is a bonanza for arms manufacturers, which are lined up to profit as the United States and its allies increase military spending in an effort to bolster Kyiv's forces.

        "The spiraling conflict over Ukraine dramatizes the power of militarism and the influence of defense contractors."

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Crack Down on Russian Oligarchs by Cracking Down on US Tax Havens

        As part of sanctions against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the United States, United Kingdom, and other European Union nations are cracking down on Russian oligarchs, freezing assets and tracking the yachts, private jets, and luxury real estate holdings of oligarchs.

      • Common Dreams'We Understand That We Cannot Enter': Zelenskyy Says NATO Doors Closed to Ukraine

        Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a speech Tuesday that his country "must recognize" that NATO membership is not a feasible goal, nodding in the direction of one of Moscow's longstanding demands as Russia's military continues its devastating invasion.

        "For years we heard about open doors, but we understand that we cannot enter," Zelenskyy said during a video address to leaders of the United Kingdom's Joint Expeditionary Force as Russia ramped up its assault on the capital city of Kyiv.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Putin Has Given the Masters of War Exactly What They Wanted

        The Cold War, from 1945 to 1989, was a wild Bacchanalia for arms manufacturers, the Pentagon, the CIA, the diplomats who played one country off another on the world’s chess board, and the global corporations able to loot and pillage by equating predatory capitalism with freedom. In the name of national security, the Cold Warriors, many of them self-identified liberals, demonized labor, independent media, human rights organizations, and those who opposed the permanent war economy and the militarization of American society as soft on communism.€ 

      • Counter PunchNATO and Its Assimilation of Europe

        NATO was one part of a plan by Washington to assimilate the countries of Europe into its imperial sphere. The other big part of this plan was known as the Marshall Plan, after then-Secretary of State George Marshall, an Army General. This plan focused on the economic integration of Europe into the expanding imperial sphere of Washington—a situation that was largely a result of the United States not only surviving the war mostly unscathed, but profiting greatly from it. In the beginning, this “integration” was much closer to subjugation, as Washington imposed its designs on the mostly destroyed European economy.

        The Marshall Plan was simple in design. It provided grants and loans to seventeen nations in Europe to rebuild infrastructure, create capitalist-oriented economies, and insure those economies allegiance to Wall Street and Washington. Although the offer to join was also made to the USSR and other countries in so-called eastern Europe, Moscow and its allies considered the terms to be untenable with their desires for independence from the capitalist nations. Given the rabid anti-communism of Washington and other western governments, Moscow was certainly correct in its analysis and wise to reject the “invitation.”

      • Counter PunchHow Russian (and US) Oligarchs Funnel Money Through Charities
      • Counter PunchCould the Ukraine War Go Nuclear?

        The threats come amid the fraying of nuclear arms control agreements between the two nuclear superpowers that had stabilized strategic relations for decades.

        As an arms control expert, I see the war in Ukraine as an added strain but not a fatal blow to the system that has helped to keep the world from nuclear devastation. That system has evolved over decades and allows U.S. and Russian officials to gauge how close the other side is to launching an attack.

      • Counter PunchBiden's Sanctions on Afghanistan Threaten to Kill More People Than Two Decades of War

        But getting out was the right move.

        In fact, the real mistake was the opposite: The Biden administration did not end the war, but continued it by other means, which€ are turning out to be more violent and destabilizing. The economic sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies are causing widespread, severe hunger in this desperately poor country.

      • Counter PunchThinking About the Unthinkable in the Ukraine Crisis

        But to think so would be mistaken. As the military and humanitarian situation in Ukraine deteriorates, Thomas Friedman writes, “it will become more and more obvious that our biggest problem with Putin in Ukraine is that he will refuse to lose early and small, and the only other outcome is that he will lose big and late.”

        Putin can’t stand to lose, which means a preference for total destruction of Ukraine rather than a settlement. More devastation will confront the US and NATO with frightening choices.

      • TruthOutGinni Thomas, Wife of Clarence Thomas, Attended “Stop the Steal” Rally on Jan. 6
      • NBCRussia is nearly isolated online. What does that mean for the [Internet]’s future?

        Russia is three weeks into a test that the internet has never seen before: A major economic and global power is nearly isolated online after international sanctions cut off many services from abroad and the Russian government clamped down harder on online speech and access inside its borders.

        How the situation plays out is likely to shape the future of the [Internet], not only for everyday Russians but also for the collective understanding of what was supposed to be a global network, not one divided by a “digital iron curtain.”

      • The HillSaudi Arabia reportedly considering accepting yuan instead of dollar for oil sales

        Nearly 80 percent of global oil sales are priced in dollars, and since the mid-1970s the Saudis have exclusively used the dollar for oil trading as part of a security agreement with the U.S. government, according to the Journal.

    • Environment

      • Common DreamsOpinion | The World's Climate Refugees Must Not Be Forgotten

        Going beyond the headline figures of rising temperatures and sea levels, the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) captures the full scale of the threat to human life in a heating world. It explains how extreme weather, drought, habitat and species loss, urban heat islands, and the destruction of food sources and livelihoods are all intensifying. And the scientific community is now more certain that climate change is having a direct influence on migration.

      • Common DreamsClimate Suit Claims Fossil Fuel Development Poses 'Existential Threat' to Utah's Youth

        Seven young people on Tuesday launched a new climate case against the Utah government, arguing that fossil fuel development violates their state constitutional rights.

        "Utah's fossil fuel development policy poses an existential threat to Utah's children, sacrificing their health, safety, and lives for the short-term profits of the fossil fuel industry."

      • Common Dreams'Disgraceful': Oil-Soaked Senators Force Out Bloom Raskin Over Climate Stance

        Sarah Bloom Raskin withdrew her nomination as Federal Reserve vice chair for supervision on Tuesday, prompting progressive condemnation of the fossil fuel-funded U.S. senators—especially right-wing West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin—who fiercely opposed her prospective appointment.

        "Days before helping Republicans sink Sarah Bloom Raskin's Fed nomination, Joe Manchin told fossil fuel executives that they should seek a 'return on investment' from the politicians they fund."

      • Counter PunchMethane Acceleration Sets Record

        That level of 1,900 ppb is triple the pre-industrial level of 700 ppb. Furthermore, it is suddenly mysteriously accelerating over just the past 13 years. In turn, this exceptional acceleration could hasten global warming considerably. Of even more concern, the acceleration appears to be regenerating on its own accord sans human influence.

        “Methane levels are growing dangerously fast,” according to Euan Nisbet, Earth scientist at Royal Holloway, University of London. (Source: Scientists Raise Alarm Over “Dangerously Fast “Growth in Atmosphere Methane, Nature, February 8, 2022)

      • TruthOutClimate-Friendly Fed Nominee Withdraws After Manchin Says He’ll Vote Against Her
      • TruthOutAOC Demands Accountability for High Gas Prices as Crude Oil Price Drops
      • Common DreamsBiggest Oil Giants Made 'Eye-Popping' $205 Billion in Profits in 2021: Report

        While millions of working people have been hurt by surging gas prices, a new analysis out Tuesday shows that 25 of the world's biggest fossil fuel corporations collectively pulled in an "eye-popping" $205 billion in profits last year—and Big Oil is exploiting Russia's war on Ukraine to charge even more at the pump in 2022 and advance its financial interests.

        "All this money helps to line the pockets of wealthy oil executives who receive massive chunks of their compensation in company stock."

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Biden's Climate Action Woefully Inadequate to Meet Escalating Crisis

        The Biden administration's rhetoric about confronting the climate crisis obscures a frightening reality: Joe Biden's policies are keeping us on a path to climate catastrophe. The latest report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that the climate crisis is happening faster and more intensely than predicted. We need urgent action, instead, we have the Biden administration.

      • Energy

        • Counter PunchIf High Gas Prices Are So Painful, Shouldn’t We Move Away From Fossil Fuels?

          Such logic is based on the idea that oil companies have no control over the price of oil and that high prices are stemming, almost “naturally,” from an imminent scarcity of oil as a result of a ban on Russian energy imports.

          Whether or not this is true, an economy based on a source of energy that is so fickle will always be vulnerable. So where are the calls for ending our dependence on oil and gas?

        • Common Dreams100+ Groups Urge Biden to Pardon Human Rights Lawyer Steven Donziger

          More than 100 environmental and human rights groups on Tuesday sent a letter to U.S. President Joe Biden urging him to pardon Steven Donziger, the attorney under house arrest for refusing to hand over privileged client information in a high-profile environmental case.

          "Powerful interests are... trying to send a chilling message to environmental activists around the world that fighting against corporate interests can cost them their liberty and more."

        • DeSmogLegal Action Against Shell Board Previews Wave of Lawsuits Against Company Directors

          Boards should prepare for legal action based on their response to climate change, a DeSmog investigation has found.

          Lawyers, insurers, and campaigners have been anticipating litigation against company directors for some time and say the chances are only growing as corporate requirements to address climate risks get tougher.

      • Wildlife/Nature

        • Counter PunchBees in the Anthropocene: Four Thoughts

          As long as we consider them ours, can we save them? Here are four thoughts about protecting bees for bees’ sake.

          Thought 1. Honey is bee food.

    • Finance

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Counter PunchBiden Is A Dishonest Trump

        The redemptive quality of Donald Trump is that he is a real sado-masochist. He, like us, will overplay his hand until his death, or his defeat, which he will not accept. The thing that separates us from Donald Trump is that he has no consequences for his actions and those of us who do can live vicariously through his success. There are a number of obvious reasons we shouldn’t do this but what is the alternative?

        Trumpism is here to stay and we are seeing that a man who ran on being “not Trump” is like him in many ways he doesn’t even realize. Trumpism then is a structural phenomenon on both sides of the aisle. What is Trumpism? An expression of a failed state.

      • The United KingdomLetter from DCMS Secretary of State to the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum

        Last Summer, the government published its Plan for Digital Regulation, which set out our commitment to developing a strategic, pro-innovation approach to digital regulation. Now that we are outside the EU, we have the flexibility to design our regulatory approach in a way that unlocks innovation, delivers the full benefits of the digital economy, and promotes UK leadership on the world stage.

        The DRCF has a vital role to play in delivering on this vision through its work to create a more coherent regulatory ecosystem. I therefore wanted to highlight the government’s priorities for the digital regulatory landscape, as well as cross-cutting policy areas relevant to the DRCF’s work, for your consideration as you finalise the DRCF’s work plan for 2022/23. There are a number of areas where the government thinks the DRCF can make a vital contribution, whether in terms of strengthening industry and consumer confidence, or in sharing its expertise and research.

      • IT WirePublic hearing into second tranche of cyber laws

        The Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2022 addresses outstanding elements of new cyber laws passed by the Parliament last year, as recommended by the PJCIS in its Advisory report on the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 and Statutory Review of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018.

        The Committee will hear from witnesses representing a range of industry sectors including: IT, telecommunications, education, health care, logistics, energy, utilities, and key union groups - and also hear from key government agencies, such as the Australian Signals Directorate and the Department of Home Affairs.

      • The NationWhat We’re Still Getting Wrong About the Unabomber

        It is uncomfortable to admit that the manifesto, while the product of a morally unjustifiable actor, is not the ranting of a lunatic. Violence doesn’t need to be justifiable to be comprehensible. As citizens of an imperial power, we are in fact quite good at understanding and even justifying violence—in the name of progress, democracy, economic stability, the rights of women—so perhaps we should be a bit more curious about the function of our parallel and ghoulish obsession with the supposedly inexplicable violence of psychologically aberrant individuals. While Kaczynski was certainly disturbed, repeated popular attempts to “understand” his individual problems (there have been four feature-length films and two Netflix series since his capture, not to mention innumerable plot arcs organized around similar characters) seem more like anxious efforts to ignore something else.

        Like all manifestos, “The Industrial Society” is extreme, unspecific, and problematic, but it contains remarkable moments of cogency. Its popularity with anarchists, radical environmentalists, and other black-bloc types makes sense. Its opening lines are not out of place 27 years on: [...]

    • Misinformation/Disinformation

      • RTLThis is not a genuine listing for 'a Russian tank on eBay'

        Similar claims have been circulated by Facebook users here, here and here. The image has also been shared alongside a similar claim on Twitter, Reddit and Tik Tok.

        However, the image has been doctored.

        An eBay spokesperson told AFP in a March 10 email the image does not show a genuine ad found on eBay. "These posts do not represent images of actual, recent eBay listings," the spokesperson said.

    • Censorship/Free Speech

    • Freedom of Information/Freedom of the Press

      • TechdirtUK’s Online Safety Bill To Criminalize Dick Pics… And Hold Social Media Companies Liable For Any That Are Sent

        The UK’s euphemistically named Online Safety Bill is a disaster waiting to happen. The crux of the bill: any time anything bad happens online, we blame internet companies for it and take some of their money. As the bill has continued to go through discussions, it’s been getting worse and worse. The latest is that in an effort to criminalize the sending of unsolicited dick pics, the UK is going to add that to the Online Safety Bill. They refer to it as “cyberflashing” and liken it to other forms of indecent exposure.

      • Online Safety Bill returns to Parliament amid chorus of criticism even from Tories

        Journalists will apparently have an “expedited right to appeal if their content is removed”, though this leaves open the issue of who gets to be identified as a journalist and who does not.

        Free speech advocates, as well as Conservatives like David Davis are also concerned about the Bill’s attitude towards ‘legal but harmful’ content which could be suppressed. Dorries is seeking to reassure people with these concerns, saying that:

        “Companies will only be required to remove “legal but harmful” content if it is already banned in their own terms and conditions. This only applies to the biggest platforms carrying the highest risk, and we are updating the legislation to ensure platforms focus on priority categories of harm that are set out in secondary legislation.”

      • UK Considering Legislation That Would Imprison Internet Trolls

        At question is pending legislation called the “Online Safety Bill,” which ostensibly punishes social media companies that allow harassment. Yet it may be expanded to include new criminal penalties for individuals who engage in mean speech online.

        “Trolls could face two years in prison for sending messages or posting content that causes psychological harm under legislation targeting online hate,” the Times of London reports. “The Department for Culture, Media & Sport has accepted recommendations from the Law Commission for crimes to be based on ‘likely psychological harm.’ The proposed law change will shift the focus on to the 'harmful effect' of a message rather than if it contains ‘indecent’ or ‘grossly offensive’ content, which is the present basis for assessing its criminality.”

      • VOA NewsFox News Cameraman, Ukrainian Journalist Killed in Ukraine

        U.S. broadcaster Fox News on Tuesday announced that cameraman Zakrzewski had died in Ukraine. Kuvshynova, a 24-year-old Ukrainian journalist, also was killed in the same attack.

        Zakrzewski, 55, was killed when the vehicle the news crew were in was struck by incoming fire in Horenka, near Kyiv, according to a memo shared with the broadcaster's staff.

        Kuvshynova, a Ukrainian journalist who was with them at the time, also was killed, said Anton Gerashchenko, the adviser to Ukraine's minister of Internal Affairs.

      • ShadowproofUK Supreme Court Slams Door On Assange Appeal, Extradition May Be Authorized

        “Whether Julian is extradited or not, which is the same as saying whether he lives or dies, is decided through a process of legal avoidance—avoiding to hear arguments that challenge the U.K. courts’ deference to unenforceable and caveated claims regarding his treatment made by the United States, the country that plotted to murder him,” declared Stella Moris, his partner.

      • Counter PunchRotten Rulings: Julian Assange and the UK Supreme Court

        District Court Judge Vanessa Baraitser initially ruled on January 4, 2021 against the US, finding that Assange would be at serious risk of suicide given the risk posed by Special Administrative Measures and the possibility that he would end his days in the ADX Florence supermax facility.€  It took little to read between the lines: the US prison system would do away with Assange; to extradite him would be oppressive within the meaning of the US-UK Extradition Treaty.

        The US Department of Justice appealed to the High Court of England and Wales, citing a range of implausible arguments.€  Baraitser, they argued, could have sought reassurances from the prosecutors about Assange’s welfare.€  A number of diplomatic reassurances were duly offered after the fact.€  Assange would not be subjected to SAMs, or spend his time in the supermax facility.€  Adequate medical attention to mitigate the risk of suicide would also be provided.€  Just to sweeten matters, the publisher would be able to serve the post-trial and post-appeal phase of his sentence in Australia.

      • Common DreamsAssange's Fiancée Releases 'Heartbreaking' Response to UK Court Ruling

        Press freedom advocates are heralding what one called a "heartbreaking" statement by the fiancée of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange after the U.K. Supreme Court on Monday rejected the imprisoned journalist's attempt to appeal his pending extradition to the United States, where he faces up to 175 in prison for espionage charges.

        "Julian was just doing his job, which was to publish the truth about wrongdoing."

      • Craig MurrayAssange Extradition: On To The Next Hurdle

        With Julian still, for no rational reason, held in maximum security, the legal process around his extradition continues to meander its way through the overgrown bridlepaths of the UK’s legal system. Today the Supreme Court refused to hear Julian’s appeal, which was based on the grounds of his health and the effect upon it of incarceration in the conditions of the United States prison service. It stated his appeal had “no arguable legal grounds.”

      • Don't Extradite AssangeStella Moris statement on UK Supreme Court’s refusal to hear Assange Appeal

        “Just this morning on our way to school, our four-year-old son asked me when daddy will come home. Julian’s life is being treated as if it were expendable. He has been robbed of over a decade of liberty, and three years from his home and his young children who are being forced to grow up without their father. A system that allows this is a system that has lost its way.

      • Democracy NowU.K. Supreme Court Won’t Halt Extradition of Julian Assange to U.S.

        Britain’s highest court has rejected an appeal from Julian Assange, who is seeking to block his extradition to the United States. The ruling means British Home Secretary Priti Patel will have the final decision on whether to turn Assange over to the Biden administration. Assange faces espionage charges that could bring up to 175 years in prison, after he published classified U.S. documents on WikiLeaks that exposed war crimes. Assange’s lawyers argued he could face prolonged solitary confinement in a U.S. supermax prison — conditions tantamount to torture. This is Simon Crowther, a legal adviser with Amnesty International.

      • India TimesAssange set to make submissions to UK minister after losing Supreme Court appeal

        Under the next steps in the legal process, the case will now be remitted to Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, whose function thereafter is limited to referring the decision for extradition to the Home Secretary. The minister then decides whether to order or refuse extradition to the United States on a number of statutory bases. The defence is entitled to make submissions to the Home Secretary within the following four weeks, in advance of her making any decision.

      • AxiosU.K. Supreme Court denies Assange permission to appeal extradition

        What they're saying: The U.K. said the appeal was denied because "the application does not raise an arguable point of law."

      • BBCJulian Assange denied permission to appeal against extradition

        Home Secretary Priti Patel is then expected to make a final decision. If she approves the extradition, that is the stage when Mr Assange could make his fresh challenge, said his lawyers Birnberg Peirce.

        Mr Assange faces an 18-count indictment from the US government, accusing him of conspiring to hack into US military databases to acquire sensitive secret information relating to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, which was then published on the Wikileaks website.

        The Wikileaks documents revealed how the US military had killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents during the war in Afghanistan, while leaked Iraq war files showed 66,000 civilians had been killed, and prisoners tortured, by Iraqi forces.

      • ReutersWikiLeaks' Assange denied permission to appeal extradition decision at UK Supreme Court

        The extradition decision will now need to be ratified by interior minister Priti Patel, after which Assange can try to challenge the decision by judicial review. A judicial review involves a judge examining the legitimacy of a public body's decision.

      • UPIBritain's Supreme Court won't hear Julian Assange extradition appeal

        The possibility of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange facing trial on espionage charges in the United States increased Monday when a top British court refused to hear his extradition appeal.

        A three-judge panel of Britain's Supreme Court ruled that Assange's appeal of a December High Court decision allowing his extradition to the United States did not "raise an arguable point of law," his attorneys said.

      • The Washington PostEmployee bursts onto live Russian state TV to denounce war: ‘They are lying to you here’

        “We were silent in 2014 when it all started,” she said, referring to the year when Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine. She said the silence continued when Kremlin critic and opposition activist Alexei Navalny was poisoned. “We just silently watched this anti-human regime,” she said, “and now the entire world turned their backs against us.”

      • NYPostRussian journalist appears in court after storming TV studio to protest invasion of Ukraine

        The brave Russian journalist who stormed her TV network’s studio to speak out against the invasion of Ukraine was found guilty Tuesday of flouting laws against protesting in the country.

        Marina Ovsyannikova was fined 30,000 rubles after being detained Monday over the fearless stunt, Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported.

        Her lawyer posted a photo to Twitter Tuesday showing Ovsyannikova appearing in court.

      • Rolling StoneRussian Journalist Interrogated for 14 Hours After Anti-War Protest

        The journalist who crashed a Russian state-run news broadcast to protest the invasion of Ukraine says she was interrogated for 14 hours and denied access to her lawyer and was not able to contact her family.

        Marina Ovsyannikova made the remarks at a brief news conference on Tuesday following an appearance in court. Kevin Rothrock, an editor at Meduza, an independent Russian and English-language news outlet, reports that Ovsyannikova was fined 30,000 (about $280) for inciting protests and released. Ovsyannikova says she will speak more on Wednesday after she gets some sleep.

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • TechdirtBeneficiary Of First Amendment Protections Says Fourth Amendment Shouldn’t Be Respected By Cops, Courts

        The New York Post editorial team has apparently decided some rights are more important than others. The Post has the First Amendment right to publish its opinion on other rights, even when it’s clearly in the wrong. And it’s willing to do so because it has long enjoyed an unhealthy relationship with the city’s police force, which often makes the Post appear to be part of the NYPD’s PR unit.

      • Common DreamsIdaho Becomes First State to Replicate Texas-Style Abortion Ban

        Reproductive rights advocates are calling on Idaho Republican Gov. Brad Little to veto the forced-pregnancy legislation passed by the state House on Monday, which made Idaho the first state in the country to pass a "copycat" proposal modeled on S.B. 8 in Texas.

        Like S.B. 8, Idaho's S.B. 1309 takes enforcement of the restriction out of the hands of the state and places it with ordinary citizens by allowing them to sue abortion providers who provide care after six weeks of pregnancy—before many women know they are pregnant.

      • The NationNew York’s Lieutenant Governor’s Race Has a New Addition: Competition

        Ana María Archila never imagined she’d actually run for office. It was daunting enough coming to a new country, learning a new language, and figuring out how to organize her fellow immigrants in a place that often treated them like second-class citizens. “I didn’t aspire to do traditional politics from the inside,” she said.

      • The NationHow Progressives Won the School Culture War—in New Hampshire!

        It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. For months now, Republican Party leaders have trumpeted their intention to run hard on parent grievances en route to routing the Democrats in the midterms. According to this narrative—partially based on the 2021 elections in Virginia, then endlessly echoed by Democratic pundits—parents frustrated over school shutdowns, Covid restrictions, and the focus on race and social justice in schools are the new swing voters, poised to flee the Democratic Party.

      • The NationBrittney Griner Is a Political Prisoner

        Brittney Griner, one of the most recognizable basketball players on earth, is in a Russian prison on marijuana possession charges. But anyone who thinks she is there solely because of the racist war on drugs is living in a fantasy land.

      • The NationHowardena Pindell’s Decades-Long Fight to Integrate the Art World

        “If you look at the face of Congress, you don’t see the country. You see only one class of people,” Howardena Pindell told me recently. Fine art, she added, also “tended to be that way.” Major art institutions remain Congress-like assemblages of white, male elites, and Pindell, 78, has never given up her fight to change that.

      • The NationAre We Still Fighting the Battles of the New Left?

        The New Left of the 1960s is often seen as a transatlantic, if not global, rebellion of the young against the cultural and political values of their parents’ generation as well as the Vietnam War. Part of what made this New Left “new” was its adherents’ disillusionment with existing political organizations and parties: Social democratic reformism, traditional labor parties, and the Soviet bloc were seen as either too bureaucratic or not sufficiently democratic. In general, the New Left, which championed numerous causes (the anti-war movement, women’s rights, gay rights, civil rights, environmentalism, etc.) pursed nonhierarchical associations based on direct democracy. Given its anti-authoritarianism and desire to resist hierarchies, the New Left sought a politics of permanent democratic renewal. A key challenge facing it, then, involved the risk of succumbing to the very institutional formalization that it sought to resist. Indeed, it’s typical to ascribe the New Left’s undoing by the 1970s to its inability, if not refusal, to wield institutional political power.

      • The NationTruth, Light, and the Origins of the Fight Against Sexual Assault on College Campuses

        She almost didn’t notice them anymore, all the white men staring out from portraits on the walls of Yale University’s halls. No darker faces. No female faces. But when Pamela Price entered Yale as a proud Black nationalist with an Angela Davis–style afro in the freshman class of 1974, culture shock hit hard. It wasn’t just the class differences, though those were huge. Coming soon: This article was adapted from Sherry Boschert’s 37 Words: Title IX and Fifty Years of Fighting Sex Discrimination (The New Press).

        Low, moat-like walls surrounded the stone residence colleges and many other Yale buildings, sending a subliminal message to “keep out.” Somehow the school made Black students feel like foreigners, which alienated her. Black students got the message that they were at Yale only because of affirmative action, as though invisible asterisks were affixed to their records. Price could feel people assume that she was inferior because she was a Black person and assume that she wasn’t serious because she was a woman. She knew that Yale had accepted Black students only because people fought and raised hell for their right to be there, to not be excluded. Price had seen worse; she would find her way through this too.

      • ABCSaudi Arabia's human rights record may be overlooked over need for cheap oil, groups say

        The mass execution of 81 people in one day by Saudi Arabia, condemned by activist groups as a “massacre,” has prompted fresh fears that the kingdom’s human rights record will once again be overlooked amid the global energy crisis.

      • Democracy Now“Shocking Act of Bloodletting”: Saudi Arabia Executes 81 as West Asks Kingdom to Increase Oil Output

        The U.S. is refusing to directly condemn Saudi Arabia after the kingdom announced on Saturday it executed 81 people, including seven Yemeni men and one Syrian man. Rights groups say many of those executed were people arrested for participating in human rights demonstrations and that many of the defendants were denied access to a lawyer, held incommunicado and tortured. This comes as the U.S. is said to be in talks with Saudi officials about upping the kingdom’s oil supply to ease gas prices in the West. “It’s very clear that the Saudi government thought that they could take advantage of the Ukraine crisis to quietly carry out this execution,” says Sarah Leah Whitson of Democracy for the Arab World Now. Whitson says President Biden’s continued attempts to negotiate with Saudi Arabia while condemning the human rights abuses perpetrated by Russia are “pathetic,” undermining international law and U.S. credibility on human rights. She also says the Saudi government is trying to pressure the U.S. to scrap a lawsuit she is leading on the state-sanctioned murder of the Saudi journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi in exchange for increasing oil production.

      • Common DreamsRight Groups Condemn Saudi Mass Executions as 'Brutal' Display of 'Autocratic Rule'

        Prominent international human rights groups and defenders on Tuesday condemned Saudi Arabia's recent execution of 81 people in a single day and called on the fundamentalist monarchy to enact a moratorium on capital punishment and commute the death sentences of all condemned prisoners.

        "The death penalty is incompatible with fundamental tenets of human rights and dignity, the right to life, and the prohibition of torture."

      • Counter PunchThe Long Goodbye to a Union

        As leftists, most want to be believers. We want to believe that through our work we’re helping others and all boats will rise in terms of social and economic gains. Once again, this time during the war in Ukraine, I’m wrong again and wrong in a way that hurts both emotionally and intellectually. Unions were traditionally the way the lives of many people were improved, but that refrain was lost long ago in the chilly winds of globalization and supply side economics. Each worker had to fend for himself/herself in the global economy and take on the elite and bosses individually rather than collectively.

        The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), of which I’m a retired member of its affiliate, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), recently hosted a fundraiser by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). The aim of the fundraiser was to help support Ukrainian families in the war now being fought there. Not a bad idea on its face. One organization in the ITUC is the Free Trade Unions of Ukraine, an AFL-CIO partner. Sounds good, but as Shakespeare observed, “ay, there’s the rub.” The CIA and the State Department are in on the support of this labor organization that includes the neo-Nazi Ihor Kniazhansky of the neo-Nazi Battalion (“The AFL-CIO’s Nazi Friendly Union in Ukraine,” Covert Action Magazine, March 10, 2022). All the reader needs to do is go back to the political landscape of 2013-2014 to today and a host of fascist organizations are present in the Ukraine. Many countries of Eastern Europe are populated with far-right elements both in and out of governments there. Hungry and Poland are two nations that come to mind.

      • IFF Explains: Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited Loan 'glitch'

        Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited (BFIL), a subsidiary of IndusInd Bank recently admitted to disbursing 84,000 loans without getting customers' consent recorded owing to a ‘technical glitch’. Though the bank took corrective steps upon the receipt of the complaints, there is very little regulatory oversight and acknowledgement of these instances in general.

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

    • Monopolies

      • TechdirtNew York Times Begins The ‘Wordle’ IP Purge, Gets ‘Wordle Archive’ Taken Down

        There are lots of reasons to have fallen in love with Wordle. The simple nature of the game. The ability to post spoiler-friendly brags for how you did on any given puzzle. The clean design. But here at Techdirt, we obviously became smitten with how Wordle’s creator, Josh Wardle, professed no interest in the ongoing monetization combined with zero interest in wrapping any IP around the game. In fact, the couple of times that other folks out there attempted to build Wordle clones or apps that had similar names and monetize them, Josh handled it all as kindly as possible.

      • Public KnowledgeGreg Guice To Testify Before House Energy & Commerce Committee on 5G - Public Knowledge

        Public Knowledge Government Affairs Director Greg Guice will testify before the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce Wednesday, March 16 at 10:30 a.m. His testimony in the hearing on “5G and Beyond: Exploring the Next Wireless Frontier” will argue that we must use every spectrum access tool available – along with expert agency coordination – to meet the nation’s growing spectrum demand. The testimony will also urge Congress to ensure that our spectrum policy prioritizes the public interest as we move into the next wireless frontier.

        The following is an excerpt from the testimony:

        “The environment for exploring spectrum opportunities has greatly evolved over the last few decades. The ‘connectivity revolution’ has changed the way we engage with our world. [T]he number of connected devices per home rose from 11 in 2019 to 25 by 2021 – a growth of over 100% in 3 years. That number is shocking until we consider the devices beyond our smartphone and laptop that are now connected. Televisions, watches, earbuds, speakers, doorbells, and alarms all rely on a connection to spectrum, much of which depends on unlicensed technologies.

      • Patents

        • Common Dreams'Appalling': Deal on IP Waiver Reportedly Limited to Covid Vaccines

          While welcoming a possible "major breakthrough" in talks to temporarily waive intellectual property rights for Covid-19 vaccines, global justice campaigners on Tuesday also expressed frustration with reporting that the deal does not extend to tests and treatments for the deadly virus.

          "The progress made has only come because developing country governments stood firm and because so many ordinary people campaigned."

      • Copyrights

        • Torrent FreakPrimeWire Removes Pirate Movies & TV Shows To Frustrate Court Injunctions

          After being sued by a coalition of major Hollywood studios and Netflix, pirate streaming giant PrimeWire has moved to yet another new domain. According to its operators, the action was taken to counter domain seizures. In an additional twist, all links to copyrighted movies and TV shows have also been removed but the MPA believes that PrimeWire is playing games.

        • Torrent FreakCourt Overturns ‘Pirate’ IPTV Prison Sentences Due to Unenforceable Copyrights

          The Patent and Market Court of Appeal has overturned the prison sentences of three men who were criminally prosecuted for their involvement with IPTV service ATN. The Swedish court ruled that, while the service broadcasted copyrighted content from beIN in 2016, these rights are not enforceable as Qatar hadn't signed up to the Rome Convention at the time.

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