Keeping Productive This Christmas
We've (pre)paid for hosting till almost January 2026 and fully back on the saddle
We're now exactly a week away from Christmas (it doesn't feel like it in Manchester*) and at the moment we back up the entire site (lots of files) to a third machine (or fourth if one also counts the server). The site has copies in 3 separate locations around the world. It's still proud to be censorship-resistant, boasting 100% source protection record and no downtime for reasons other than DDoS and social engineering. The site is now over 18 and it's earning respect from editors of major news sites, including some of the biggest news sites in the UK. They apparently follow this site for updates on patent issues, Free software issues, as well as to get a sense/taste of topics they too can cover. They have more sympathy and empathy towards us; they offer us their support.
Birthday out of the way (we went out), today we shall return to our normal publication pace. During Christmas expect everything to be the same. We'll be publishing many articles and maybe find time to record some videos too (the main peril there is, we lack enough topics to cover in video for it to be worth plugging all the equipment and then testing it properly).
On Christmas 3 years ago I spent a couple of hours responding to threats made by the mobster whom we now sue [1, 2]. Everything I said back down has aged very well; my predictions came true. His professional and personal life - even his health - is now in ruins. He thought it would be "funny" and cheap to take his harassment to the next level, but it turned out not to be that way. He already tried to escape with a settlement at least 3 times; we turned him down (declined) every time. Some people's stubbornness will generally lead to self-destruction; stalking and libelling people - even in their own IRC network (24/7) - is unhealthy behaviour. Trying to reach out (for help) to people from Microsoft who physically assault and nearly kill women is a major own goal. To say the least...
A week after Christmas there's time for "new year's resolutions". But stubborn Microsofters refuse to see the light and improve themselves. They perceive or see volunteers from the FSF and freelance journalists as the problem. They need to look at the mirror. Christmas is a good time to do that. Oh, well, but they're atheists who dislike compassion. To them, Microsoft is the sole "true religion". Maybe there's no redemption for them except - as I said months ago - them going bankrupt. Microsoft will throw them under the bus, as usual. It happened before. It happens all the time. β
* I cannot recall it being this warm in Manchester in mid-December at 7AM.