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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 21st, 2009 - Part 1


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*mib_4wz8ry (i=41c7bd06@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:00
schestowitzRugged Linux Server For Rural, Tropical Environment?  < >Apr 21 00:01
schestowitzSlashdot has been weird in recent yearsApr 21 00:01
*mib_z5y5th (i=62f28229@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:01
schestowitzIt's Linux-shy and it has Microsoft marketing people in itApr 21 00:01
schestowitz.In the community that isApr 21 00:01
DavidGerardthat IT WOrld article reads like it was computer generatedApr 21 00:01
DavidGerarda markov chain or somethingApr 21 00:01
DavidGerardthe microsoft astroturfers on slashdot are marvellous funApr 21 00:02
*mib_vlsyvp (i=beaea7ef@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:03
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DavidGerardthey're getting tired and desperate, wondering how long the marketing funding will hold out or if they're next in the layoffsApr 21 00:04
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DavidGerardbrb, kid to bedApr 21 00:04
*mib_swucjl (i=432470b6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:06
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MinceRand if that wasn't enough /. has long ago been overrun by drooling crApple fanboysApr 21 00:06
*mib_0xxbf6 (i=ce293206@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:07
schestowitzMicrosoft makes less than $15 for each netbook Windows XP Home copy 21 00:07
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MinceRmy only question about the palm webos is: when will i be able to run native linux apps on it that have access to the gui and the phone hw?Apr 21 00:09
BalrogMinceR: no AFAIKApr 21 00:10
*mib_4l7fsu (i=41c7bd06@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:10
MinceRgnApr 21 00:11
*mib_ki3fxw (i=75c120e5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:12
schestowitzOoo got busy after the Sun/Oracle annnouncement. Hours later: 21 00:13
*mib_4l7fsu has quit (Client Quit)Apr 21 00:13
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MinceRbut when are they going to fix the color handling bugs?Apr 21 00:14
*mib_45eu6f (i=4105cd15@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:15
MinceRat least the font handling seems to be a little less shitty in ooo nowApr 21 00:16
*mib_lgjun3 (i=48b107c3@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:16
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mib_05oei7 mib_45eu6f mib_ermi8h mib_ey0o48 mib_obw0n1 MinceR Apr 21 00:16
schestowitz3.1 is out soonApr 21 00:17
schestowitzAlso, this is supposed to have some nice antialiasing bitsApr 21 00:17
mib_05oei7 mib_45eu6f mib_ermi8h mib_ey0o48 mib_obw0n1 MinceR Apr 21 00:17
balzac 21 00:18
balzacbilly bob's canada interview is hilarious, expecially with the sub-titlesApr 21 00:18
schestowitzWhat If Vista 7 Starter Isn't Meant to Just Stop Linux on Netbooks?  < >Apr 21 00:18
MinceRwriter seems to handle colors correctly, but calc still ignores background colorsApr 21 00:18
mib_05oei7 mib_45eu6f mib_ermi8h mib_ey0o48 mib_obw0n1 MinceR Apr 21 00:19
schestowitzMinceR: tell Oracle to fix itApr 21 00:19
MinceRi'm on 2.4Apr 21 00:19
MinceR:)Apr 21 00:19
schestowitz /s/tell/beg/Apr 21 00:19
MinceRi'll get the message to them by choosing to use gnome office insteadApr 21 00:19
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:21
_Hicham_Hi Roy!Apr 21 00:21
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schestowitzHey, what's up?Apr 21 00:23
_Hicham_nothingApr 21 00:24
*mib_5x0mng (i=52e4951a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:24
_Hicham_a friend asked me last night to fix his webcam driver on VistaApr 21 00:24
_Hicham_but it is very problematicApr 21 00:24
schestowitzhehe. New: 21 00:25
*mib_dpzzmt (i=ceff1ae4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:25
schestowitz_Hicham_: the friend, the Vista, or the webcam?Apr 21 00:25
balzac 21 00:25
balzacI wonder what oiahm would say about that ^^^Apr 21 00:25
_Hicham_schestowitz : Vista and the WebcamApr 21 00:26
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schestowitz_Hicham_: why did the friend use Vista? :-)Apr 21 00:28
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_Hicham_schestowitz : it was preinstalled of courseApr 21 00:28
schestowitzSo the OEM is a problem tooApr 21 00:28
schestowitzA liability if you likeApr 21 00:28
DavidGerardwhat's the value proposition for ICC? why do intel not free it up and therefore sell more intel CPUs?Apr 21 00:28
schestowitzPart of the racketeering loopholeApr 21 00:28
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DavidGerardsun hasn't freed up forte either, but they have expressly declared that gcc compatiblility is neededApr 21 00:29
_Hicham_schestowitz : Vista locks people into itApr 21 00:29
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DavidGerardi.e. you can link forte modules to gcc modules for C in Solaris 10, and they aim for you to be able to link C++ in Solaris 11Apr 21 00:30
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DavidGerardthus ending one of the great pains in a solaris admin's life: stuff compiled with one compiler that won't work properly with stuff compiled with the other one, e.g. the operating systemApr 21 00:30
DavidGerardi suppose that's driven by minimising sysadmin pain, which is how sun makes friendsApr 21 00:30
*mib_hla9mm (i=4082acbc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:31
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DavidGerardon a different topic, the ad on this mibbit window is: "Win Primark - Win a thousand pound Primark voucher! Free competition."Apr 21 00:33
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DavidGerardi'm trying and failing to picture anyone buying €£1000 of primark in one go.Apr 21 00:33
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schestowitzLOLApr 21 00:34
schestowitzPrimarkApr 21 00:34
schestowitzMore like €£1Apr 21 00:35
*mib_a2x1xa (i=63f06451@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:35
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schestowitzSo you can buy 1000 tshirtsApr 21 00:35
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schestowitzby Dave Rosenberg forgot to include Novell in this list? 21 00:40
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*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:43
_Hicham_schestowitz : congratulations for the new wiki styleApr 21 00:44
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ushimitsudoki1schestowitz: the original article referenced by Rosenberg is more interesting, but not much about software. AIG isn't going anywhere, it just intends to change names ala Gator -> Claria. I heard an intersting tidbit about it on a NPR radio show, which it why it caught my eye hereApr 21 00:47
schestowitzHaliburton changed names tooApr 21 00:48
schestowitz_Hicham_: thanks. The Wiki needs your helpApr 21 00:48
ushimitsudoki1Sadly, changing names is usually quite effectiveApr 21 00:48
schestowitzOpen an account, swat typos, add pages, anything you see suitableApr 21 00:48
schestowitzushimitsudoki1: it isApr 21 00:48
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*mib_thz83o (i=c85dc762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:53
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schestowitzgnApr 21 00:57
*mib_c62gbd (i=836b0068@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 00:58
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balzacWho thinks Sun would be doing better now if they'd released the Solaris kernel under GPLv3?Apr 21 01:00
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ushimitsudoki1balzac: we as a society would be doing better. it looks like it doesn't really matter for Sun anymore now, though, I'd say.Apr 21 01:01
*mib_ueur6n (i=5acbe1e7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:03
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balzacwell, that's what can happen to companies which don't see the opportunity in embracing the gold standard of free software and open source software licensesApr 21 01:06
*mib_nv7sm3 (i=412eae06@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:06
balzacSun made Solaris irrelevant with the CDDLApr 21 01:06
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*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:06
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oiaohmOk any particular reason why boycott novell now goes to wiki schestowitzApr 21 01:07
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*mib_euo5qf (i=61712d7e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:07
balzacWe'll see if Larry Ellison and his giant yacht will be smarterApr 21 01:07
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balzac 21 01:07
DavidGerardi wonder if oracle will continue with btrfs, will make zfs suitable for linux or bothApr 21 01:08
oiaohmOracle coder working on btrfs does not particularly like zfsApr 21 01:08
DavidGerardschestowitz: you may want to take an archival copy of that tomboy blog post. it's getting quite a lot of flame comments.Apr 21 01:08
balzacoiaohm: what do you think of the intel GCC news?Apr 21 01:08
oiaohmIntel going into gcc is a clean up crew.Apr 21 01:08
balzacschestowitz went offlineApr 21 01:08
oiaohmBit like intel going into X.orgApr 21 01:09
balzacoiaohm: do not doubt the power of GNUApr 21 01:09
balzacI told you didn't I?Apr 21 01:09
oiaohmResults are going to be intresting.  The personal going in have years of complier development skills.Apr 21 01:09
oiaohmGcc is crap.Apr 21 01:09
oiaohmIt needs all the help it can get.Apr 21 01:10
*mib_7rwnxg (i=43aed639@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:10
balzacOpen Sourcers will bow to the hairy-side of the forceApr 21 01:10
oiaohmIntel will respect gcc licence.Apr 21 01:10
oiaohmIntel has many good reasons to go in there.Apr 21 01:10
balzacYou cannot imagine the POWAH of GAH-NOOApr 21 01:11
oiaohmgcc produced binarys are slow performing things.  So when atom processors and the like are benched marked on Linux they don't look as good as they could.Apr 21 01:11
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balzacrespect is dueApr 21 01:11
oiaohmIntell Icc complier also barely sells.Apr 21 01:11
oiaohmpgroup out sells intel in the complier world.Apr 21 01:12
balzacGNU means BiznassApr 21 01:12
oiaohmWe might see intel give up making there own complier.Apr 21 01:12
oiaohmDo you know the faults of gcc balzacApr 21 01:12
*mib_gyjjma (i=4ad3a682@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:13
oiaohmIts founded on a stack of flawed ideas.Apr 21 01:13
*mib_t6tbdv (i=770cd5e6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:13
oiaohmLack of link time optimisation makes gcc bloated and slow.Apr 21 01:13
oiaohmLack of formal internal design followed makes gcc source code messy.Apr 21 01:14
oiaohmBasically gcc has the same problems has.Apr 21 01:14
oiaohmThere is nothing wrong with being open source but that is still no justification to poor project management.Apr 21 01:14
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balzacoiaohm: looks like GCC has some juiceApr 21 01:16
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*mib_cdqu1o (i=548148b0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:17
balzacoiaohm: you're aware that almost every free software project starts technologically inferior to proprietary alternatives, right?Apr 21 01:17
mib_cdqu1oorganic growthApr 21 01:18
balzacnot all, but quite a lot - they start small, but by the strength of that GNU license, they rise up to the challenge of their rivalApr 21 01:18
balzacwinning the fight for survivalApr 21 01:18
mib_cdqu1onatural - evolutionary cs. designApr 21 01:18
mib_cdqu1ovs.Apr 21 01:18
*mib_0b4emb (i=4b6c1365@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:19
balzacThe strength of the Linux Kernel project was and remains the GNU licenseApr 21 01:19
mib_cdqu1oMore a snow ball effectApr 21 01:19
mib_cdqu1oor a black holeApr 21 01:19
mib_cdqu1osoftware gravitation.Apr 21 01:19
balzacmib_cdqu1o: you've got itApr 21 01:19
balzacit's the center of gravity which develops with a strong license which protects the code contributors from getting taken for a rideApr 21 01:20
mib_cdqu1ousing, administration and development. no clear divideApr 21 01:20
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balzacAs one tech writer puts it, the "disruptive technology" of GNU/Linux is GNUApr 21 01:20
mib_cdqu1oYou want the pictures from your camera, so you hack an existing driver and publish your research ecc.Apr 21 01:21
mib_cdqu1oNo incentive in disclosureApr 21 01:21
mib_cdqu1oin non-disclosureApr 21 01:21
oiaohmLinux is evolution.Apr 21 01:21
oiaohmLinux kernel is not as big as mess as gcc has got in places.Apr 21 01:21
mib_cdqu1oyou cannot kill development except with patents.Apr 21 01:22
oiaohmevolution without some form of natural seletion is not good.Apr 21 01:22
mib_cdqu1oinvisible handApr 21 01:22
oiaohmGcc for years was ok you want to port do what you want to it.Apr 21 01:22
oiaohmDon't care that it breaks the cross complier supportApr 21 01:23
mib_cdqu1ogood core and vital community.Apr 21 01:23
_boo_it's not documented properly, oiaohmApr 21 01:23
balzacoiaohm: why don't you just take a moment to feel the disturbance in the forceApr 21 01:23
oiaohmDon't care that you are only surface is wrong.Apr 21 01:23
balzacfeel the gnu power, the hairy side of the forceApr 21 01:23
oiaohmDifference between Linux and Gcc is a good maintainer.Apr 21 01:23
oiaohmLot of open source projects forgot the importance of the maintainer.Apr 21 01:24
oiaohmThe door keeper of quality.Apr 21 01:24
balzacare you throwing your name in the hat?Apr 21 01:24
*mib_nq13i3 (i=54cb431a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:24
oiaohmMaintainer is a very specialised skill set.Apr 21 01:25
oiaohmI am too blut to be a good Maintainer.Apr 21 01:25
balzacblut you areApr 21 01:25
mib_0b4embthe maintainer is also responsible for all code & bug-fixes to said appApr 21 01:25
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oiaohmMain job of a good maintainer is not really doing the coding.Apr 21 01:26
oiaohmFor the large projects.Apr 21 01:26
oiaohmIts more management.Apr 21 01:26
mib_0b4embyes, the maintainer should get more recognitionApr 21 01:26
oiaohmMaking sure patch quality is there.Apr 21 01:26
oiaohmMaking sure bugs are allocated to developers.Apr 21 01:27
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oiaohmMaking sure documentation gets made.Apr 21 01:27
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mib_0b4embi would still like to see roy put up a BN forumApr 21 01:28
oiaohmFor good mainatiners most of the time one the project gets big they don't have time to write code.Apr 21 01:28
mib_cdqu1oMicrosoft reinvents the "Commons": 21 01:28
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balzacgood nightApr 21 01:29
mib_y46t88OpenSuse is best avoid then?Apr 21 01:29
mib_cdqu1ohttp://www.englishbreakfastnetwo...Apr 21 01:29
balzacyes, avoid itApr 21 01:29
*mib_y5a7yp (i=770cd5e6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:29
mib_cdqu1ocome onApr 21 01:29
mib_cdqu1oOpen Suse is fine because it will survive Novell.Apr 21 01:30
oiaohmThe other thing is the importances of those maintainers being paid full time to do it.Apr 21 01:30
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mib_y46t88Like this quote"Many SUSE developers have already left the building." :)Apr 21 01:32
oiaohmI have watched projects over the years.  The projects with good quality maintainers payed full time have developed faster than ones without it.Apr 21 01:32
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mib_cdqu1oNovell systematically destroyed Suse which was by far the most consumer ready distributionApr 21 01:39
oiaohmMythApr 21 01:40
mib_cdqu1oI still believe that Gnome is a conspiracy.Apr 21 01:40
oiaohmMandriva/Mandrake was always equal to SuseApr 21 01:40
mib_cdqu1oOk, but Mandriva and Suse are in the same boatApr 21 01:40
oiaohmSuse was dieing before Novell took over.Apr 21 01:41
mib_cdqu1onoApr 21 01:41
oiaohmIt was.Apr 21 01:41
oiaohmMore people were using mandrake than it.Apr 21 01:41
mib_cdqu1o:-)Apr 21 01:41
mib_cdqu1oListen son...Apr 21 01:41
oiaohmNovell just speed it up.Apr 21 01:41
mib_cdqu1oThe consumer market doesn't commercially matter --yetApr 21 01:42
mib_cdqu1oWhat counts is servers.Apr 21 01:42
oiaohmThen that is redhat.Apr 21 01:42
mib_cdqu1oRedHat totally disengaged from the consumer marketApr 21 01:42
oiaohmAgain redhat was also kicking suse tail before Novell took over.Apr 21 01:42
mib_cdqu1oSuse was THE kde distributionApr 21 01:42
*mib_g4ogvz (i=54cb431a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 01:43
oiaohmI know the history of Suse well.Apr 21 01:43
mib_cdqu1oand the Desktop leader at Novell becameApr 21 01:43
oiaohmNot really.Apr 21 01:43
mib_cdqu1othe anti-KDE technology trollApr 21 01:43
mib_cdqu1oeverything worked fineApr 21 01:43
oiaohmmandrake always had a KDE isntall mode.Apr 21 01:44
oiaohmProblem is I have been a KDE user for a Long time.Apr 21 01:44
mib_cdqu1oNovell added red carpetApr 21 01:44
oiaohmI barely have used Suse.Apr 21 01:44
mib_g4ogvzi'm not keen on mandrakeApr 21 01:44
mib_cdqu1oWhy?Apr 21 01:44
mib_cdqu1oBecause red carpet was developed by ximian.Apr 21 01:44
oiaohmNovell aquired red carpet.Apr 21 01:44
mib_cdqu1oSuse, the KDE distribution, with a loyal customer base.Apr 21 01:45
mib_cdqu1oNat and Icaza don't give a shit and standardise on Gnome.Apr 21 01:45
mib_cdqu1oBecause it is their technologyApr 21 01:45
mib_g4ogvzWhats red carpet?Apr 21 01:45
mib_cdqu1oThis was not a customer demandApr 21 01:45
oiaohmgnome installer mib_g4ogvzApr 21 01:45
mib_g4ogvzOK thanksApr 21 01:46
mib_cdqu1oA half-baked ximian technology that broke your installApr 21 01:46
mib_g4ogvzsounds like a Windows in-place upgrade!Apr 21 01:46
mib_g4ogvzthat always messes up...Apr 21 01:46
mib_cdqu1oXimian = we write and own a technology preview, spread it, and then let the infected payApr 21 01:46
oiaohmmib_g4ogvz: worse.Apr 21 01:46
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mib_cdqu1oOr: next exampleApr 21 01:47
oiaohmI agree the idea to change from KDE to Gnome was stupid.Apr 21 01:47
mib_cdqu1oIt was not stupid per se.Apr 21 01:48
oiaohmSuse was not the only distribution to make that mistake.Apr 21 01:48
mib_cdqu1oNovell made the mistake for SuseApr 21 01:48
oiaohmIt was stupid you users expect one thing change to something they don't expect and think you will keep market.Apr 21 01:48
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mib_cdqu1oThe whole gnome project is a divide et impera project.Apr 21 01:49
oiaohmI really wish Icaza would not have a following.Apr 21 01:49
oiaohmHe as causes lots and lots of problems.Apr 21 01:49
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mib_cdqu1oThe problem is that he does not abide to european quality standardsApr 21 01:50
mib_g4ogvzI was reading about Linspire here. That whole Linspire thing sounds so outdated now.Apr 21 01:50
mib_cdqu1oLindowsApr 21 01:50
mib_cdqu1oIt was announced as Lindows, then changed to Linspire.Apr 21 01:50
mib_cdqu1oQuestion: Where is the Linspire source code gone?Apr 21 01:50
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oiaohmAfter getting a big block of cash from MS to do that.Apr 21 01:50
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mib_g4ogvzYeah I mean things have matured now, there are many stable easy to use Linux OS now.Apr 21 01:51
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mib_cdqu1oSame with United Linux = Turbo, Connectiva, Suse etc standardise their platformApr 21 01:51
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mib_cdqu1oYes, and the problem of all the old distributions is rpm lock-in.Apr 21 01:52
mib_cdqu1oDo you know MoonOs?Apr 21 01:53
oiaohmLOLApr 21 01:53
oiaohmI don't call Linux desktop stable.Apr 21 01:53
mib_cdqu1oIt is just another Ubuntu derivateApr 21 01:53
oiaohmThey are many key things that have to happen first.Apr 21 01:53
mib_g4ogvzI'm listening.......Apr 21 01:53
oiaohmLinux imported X11 internally its was crap.Apr 21 01:53
mib_cdqu1oMore tests?Apr 21 01:54 driver subsystem rewrite has to complete.Apr 21 01:54
oiaohmLinux kernel is slowly getting on top of its locking issues.Apr 21 01:54
oiaohmand at some point the mess of the audio stack has to be taken on.Apr 21 01:55
mib_g4ogvzWhat are locking issues?Apr 21 01:55
oiaohmCauses system to pause when it should not mib_g4ogvzApr 21 01:55
mib_cdqu1oBut I find no problems with audio anymore.Apr 21 01:55
mib_g4ogvzOKApr 21 01:55
mib_cdqu1oAudio works out of the boxApr 21 01:55
oiaohmStick you nose in the source code of the audio driver stack.Apr 21 01:55
mib_cdqu1oexcept when they try somethign new.Apr 21 01:55
oiaohmIt needs work.Apr 21 01:55
oiaohmpulseaudio also need to go.Apr 21 01:56
oiaohmIts a extra layor with features that should be in the main driver level.Apr 21 01:56
mib_cdqu1oYou mean a CUPS for audioApr 21 01:56
oiaohmCUPS being userspace makes perfect sence.Apr 21 01:56
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oiaohmMost operations from cups is to userspace items.Apr 21 01:57
mib_cdqu1oWhat I wonder is why there is no hub for one issue that deals with it completelyApr 21 01:57
oiaohmX11 need to be fixed first.Apr 21 01:57
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mib_g4ogvzI agree if you mean there needs to be 1 co-ordinating body for development.Apr 21 01:58
oiaohmX11 like had a really major defect.  Single thread emulating multing threat a core.Apr 21 01:58
mib_cdqu1oSay one well funded project that is tasked to care about support for "all webcams"Apr 21 01:58
oiaohmSo tool kits like GTK were protecting X11 from it.Apr 21 01:58
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oiaohmInstead of fixing X11.Apr 21 01:58
oiaohmThis is the problem.Apr 21 01:58
oiaohmPeople have the dumb idea put another layer on top that will fix it.Apr 21 01:58
oiaohmDon't fix the core.Apr 21 01:59
mib_cdqu1oX.orgApr 21 01:59 alterations move sections into kernel space where they should have been.Apr 21 01:59
oiaohmSo fixing up threading issues.  Application accessing video card issues....Apr 21 01:59
mib_cdqu1oThe problem is when you have the hackish hardware support bazar with x projectsApr 21 02:00
oiaohmRunning a service means that you have to get cpu time to the service so you can process application requests.Apr 21 02:00
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oiaohmRunning the same feature in kernel.Apr 21 02:00
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oiaohmProcessing the request comes out of the applications time.Apr 21 02:00
mib_g4ogvzI think one body should take the role of co-ordinating what needs to be done, maybe FSF??Apr 21 02:00
oiaohmOne body is not required.Apr 21 02:00
oiaohmSimplely people stoping being stupid.Apr 21 02:01
oiaohmYou don't hack the tool kit level to fix a X11 problem.  Instead you should fix the soruce.Apr 21 02:01
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mib_g4ogvzThats being optimistic:)Apr 21 02:01
oiaohmYou don't fix X11 confliting with other applications by staying userspace.Apr 21 02:02
oiaohmThat has happend.Apr 21 02:02
mib_g4ogvzInteresting....Apr 21 02:02
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oiaohmWe need equal to happen in the audio section of Linux.Apr 21 02:02
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oiaohmthey have had years of making sound servers and they have not learnt yet it is not the solution.Apr 21 02:02
oiaohmX11 under the rebuild is more secure too.Apr 21 02:03
oiaohmIt no longer need to run as root.Apr 21 02:03
oiaohmSecuirty is another thing users are overlooking.Apr 21 02:04
mib_cdqu1ogurcoo syncronises some players but violates the coding sytels of bloo, Bla syncronises just your ipod, blbla is based on Funsung donated code but works with 50% of all fudzi players, blafoo is part of the KDE project, so Gnome develops its own solution, blopy makes python availableApr 21 02:04
oiaohmLinux Desktop has never been secure.Apr 21 02:04
mib_cdqu1oYou see what I meanApr 21 02:04
mib_cdqu1oHardware from the grounds up is bad.Apr 21 02:04
oiaohmKDE and Gnome are working more with each other these days.Apr 21 02:04
mib_cdqu1oYou would need one hacker group that works just on say MP3 playersApr 21 02:05
mib_g4ogvzYeah it's a sorry mess really. Now that you explain it. Just seems to work for me though...Apr 21 02:05
mib_cdqu1odoes all the bindingsApr 21 02:05
oiaohmNot really.  How many MP3 players are the for windows.Apr 21 02:05
mib_cdqu1obottom-up doesn't workApr 21 02:05
oiaohmLow level API's must work correctly.Apr 21 02:05
mib_cdqu1oCUPS is an example how the printer mess was solvedApr 21 02:05
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oiaohmCUPS is a lower level thing.Apr 21 02:06
oiaohmCUPS also does not really need kernel space.Apr 21 02:06
mib_cdqu1oIt was a project, there were 300 ways to print with 20 different drivers depending on the moon phaseApr 21 02:06
oiaohmNetwork connected printers you really would not run drivers in kernel space.Apr 21 02:06
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mib_g4ogvzLolApr 21 02:06
mib_cdqu1oI am speaking of pre 2001Apr 21 02:06
oiaohmI started using Linux in 1995Apr 21 02:07
oiaohmcups was dominate back then.Apr 21 02:07
mib_cdqu1oCUPS just solved itApr 21 02:07
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oiaohmProblem is audio guys use cups as an expample.Apr 21 02:07
oiaohmaudio is not printers.Apr 21 02:07
oiaohmMinor delays don't effect printers.Apr 21 02:08
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mib_cdqu1oAh!Apr 21 02:08
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mib_cdqu1oI seeApr 21 02:08
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mib_cdqu1oFrom a consumer perspective:Apr 21 02:08
mib_cdqu1odo I get sound at allApr 21 02:09
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mib_cdqu1oIf I cannot play the ogg file, what is the reasonApr 21 02:09
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oiaohmAnd why did the sound just click.Apr 21 02:09
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mib_cdqu1ocable?Apr 21 02:09
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oiaohmJust because I changed to a console.Apr 21 02:09
mib_cdqu1omy software player?Apr 21 02:09
mib_cdqu1omy kernel?Apr 21 02:09
mib_cdqu1omy settings?Apr 21 02:09
mib_cdqu1odo I have to install additional drivers?Apr 21 02:10
oiaohmhaving pulseaudio + alsa gives confusion.Apr 21 02:10
oiaohmCould be alsa it could be pulseApr 21 02:10
mib_cdqu1oUsers believe in running code = soundApr 21 02:10
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oiaohmcould be that pulse was not geting cpu time.Apr 21 02:10
oiaohmSo sound is badly laged.Apr 21 02:11
mib_cdqu1othey like a certain music player when it does play the mp3 fileApr 21 02:11
oiaohmBasically kernel is needed.  So sound processing comes of the application sending it processing time.Apr 21 02:11
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mib_cdqu1oand they think a player garbage if it does not play per defaultApr 21 02:11
oiaohmSound server is just trouble.Apr 21 02:11
mib_cdqu1oWith the risk of overengineeringApr 21 02:11
oiaohmExactly the same way X11 is.Apr 21 02:12
mib_cdqu1oof courseApr 21 02:12
mib_g4ogvzThanks 4 the info, heading 4 bed, goodnight.Apr 21 02:12
oiaohmFuture form of X11 will not have this problem.Apr 21 02:12
oiaohmApplications will be able to directly write to screen by passing the X11 server.Apr 21 02:12
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mib_cdqu1oOh, I did this with my VGA cardApr 21 02:13
oiaohmX11 server basically becomes 3 things remote sending, resource placement and configuration.Apr 21 02:13
mib_cdqu1oassemblerApr 21 02:13
mib_cdqu1owhile the Unix freaks had their X-ServerApr 21 02:13
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oiaohmAll Unix's are taking on the New X11 design.Apr 21 02:14
oiaohmUnix was not interested in desktop usage so X-server suxed.Apr 21 02:14
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mib_cdqu1oHow it it solved by Mac OS ?Apr 21 02:15
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mib_cdqu1oWhat you forget is that X servers provide for features today hardly anyone uses.Apr 21 02:17
oiaohmMac OS droped X11 completely.Apr 21 02:17
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oiaohmX server code resource management design is great.Apr 21 02:17
oiaohmEmbeded people have tried to design better for years.Apr 21 02:18
oiaohmEvery time they have returned to the X server design.Apr 21 02:18
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oiaohmSections of X server is good.Apr 21 02:18
oiaohmOk there is a lot of crap in there too mib_cdqu1oApr 21 02:18
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oiaohmwayland project is way smaller than current X11.   It contains most of the good design bits of X11.Apr 21 02:19
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Ziggyfishschestowitz, I do like the new home page, but just an idea, you should change the collors to suit the site betterApr 21 03:44
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Recent Techrights' Posts

The Ultimate and Inevitable Fall of OpenAI (Even Brave is 'Bigger' Now)
"When you advertise at the Super Bowl, you’ve reached just about every consumer in America. It’s the last stop. If you’re not profitable yet, you never will be."
Links 10/02/2025: Ban on D.E.I. Language, Listeria Risk/Outbreak
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Links 10/02/2025: Announcing "Stringless" and Mental Health Improvement
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Links 10/02/2025: Facebook Mass Layoffs, "Meta" Did What Aaron Swartz Had Done But to the Tune of 81.7 Terabytes
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Microsoft Tarnishing the Brand of Arch
Of course Arch can do whatever it wants, but being associated with Microsoft is a badge of shame
Adding Slop to Your Blog Only Makes One Assume All the Text is LLM Slop
Simon Coter from Oracle has turned to slop
Macao is Leaving Microsoft Behind
Windows is falling to new all-time lows
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, February 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, February 09, 2025
Microsoft's WSL (LSW) Shows That It Can Never Love Linux, Only Windows
that's just how Microsoft rolls
Activism in Times of War and a Coup
'Linux' Foundation works for fascism
What the Silencing of Neatnik Tells Us About Linus Torvalds Inside a Microsoft-Dominated 'Linux' Foundation
Is Linus Torvalds free to express his mind as he wishes about every topic, even just any technical topic?
Windows Down to 11.35% in Senegal, as Measured by statCounter
Another all-time low (Windows was at 99% in 2009)
"Latest Technology News" in BetaNews is LLM Slop Promoting OOXML and Proprietary Software at the Expense of LibreOffice and OpenDocument Format (ODF)
Remember that "open-source" and Open Source aren't the same; the former is fake
Links 09/02/2025: Coffee, Toxic Productivity, and Programming
Links for the day
Debian's Human Rights violations & Swiss women Nazi symbolism
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Links 09/02/2025: Software Patents on MP3 and Another Scam Dressed Up as "Crypto"
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Links 09/02/2025: Russian Energy Cut Off, LLM Pushers Show Signs of Desperation
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Richard Stallman (RMS) Does Not Have Media Companies and Lobbyists on His Side, But His Message Spreads Regardless
The message of RMS is spreading in spite of all the smears
GNU/Linux Rises to All-Time High in Chile
sharp rise for GNU/Linux in Chile
Links 09/02/2025: Hottest January on Record, Panama Blackmailed
Links for the day
Why We Still Love Gemini Protocol
Gemini Protocol may seem like something "old" (it's actually very new) and something "nobody would use", but many people use it
Gemini Links 09/02/2025: "Died as a Mineral" and Game Interface for a Non-Game
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, February 08, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, February 08, 2025
Links 08/02/2025: UK Back Doors and Religious Fundamentalists in Positions of Higher Power
Links for the day
Today's IBM (Red Hat) Isn't the Company That Fought a Microsoft-Sponsored SCO in Court
IBM is nowadays in a state of rapid disintegration
When You Simply Rebrand Almost Everything as "Hey Hi" ("AI"), "Hey Hi Workloads", "Hey Hi Datacentres" and Whatnot
The "growth" has been a growing lie for years if not decades
Microsoft Windows Falls to 12% in Myanmar
Remember that Microsoft is virtually 0% in mobile
This is the Man Who's Attacking Linus Torvalds et al in "a Disease" (Social Control Media)
One thing that Richard M. Stallman and Torvalds can agree on is that Social Control Media should be avoided
Gemini Links 08/02/2025: "Thought Leaders" and Returns to Gemini Protocol
Links for the day
Links 08/02/2025: MElon Coup, Mass Layoffs at Facebook, and PlayStation Network Down
Links for the day
Unlike GAFAM, Free Software Serves You, It Does Not Serve Governments and MElons (Overlapping Forces)
Tired of oligarchy controlling your life through gadgets and "apps"?
On Wars Against Founders
We need to insist that founders remain
When It Comes to Social Control Media, Linus Torvalds is Channeling Techrights
GAFAM workers know exactly who to aim at
New EPO Paper: Promoting (Rewarding) People Who Grant Many Illegal European Patents to Make More Money (at Europeans' Expense) While Patent Courts in the EU Are Themselves Illegal
now the coup is sort of complete and even the "courts" are part of the corruption
Slopwatch: Carnival of LLM Slop and FUD Spewed by Bots, Pasted in by MaKenna Hensley and Day
Welcome to the Web in 2025. Articles about "Linux", "Security", and the Web (e.g. "Firefox") are fake.
Links 08/02/2025: News Corp Admits Traffic Declines, Wildlife Trafficking Tackled
Links for the day
Gemini Links 08/02/2025: Lamp and Notions
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, February 07, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, February 07, 2025