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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 29th, 2009 - Part 1


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DaemonFCit's pretty sad that anyone would pay to get Windows 7Apr 29 00:00
schestowitzIt has just occured to meApr 29 00:01
schestowitzLF welcomes Oracle's acquisitionApr 29 00:01
schestowitzBut waitApr 29 00:01
schestowitzLF is funded by OralceApr 29 00:02
schestowitzIt's like a bought opinionApr 29 00:02
schestowitzThey can't dislike itApr 29 00:02
DaemonFCVista shares core OS binaries with Server 2008 so pretty much everything they backport to it is bound to wind up in VistaApr 29 00:02
DaemonFCeven if they don't advertise itApr 29 00:02
schestowitzVista, Vista7 ~= CentOS, Red HatApr 29 00:02
schestowitz?Apr 29 00:02
schestowitz+GUI packagesApr 29 00:03
schestowitzCentOS with newer DE version :-)Apr 29 00:03
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 00:16
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 29 00:19
oiaohmOk so oin has gone for the safe path not use  there patents break the MS ones with prior art.Apr 29 00:19
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 00:19
schestowitzAYeApr 29 00:20
oiaohmI have though about XP in windows 7.   Since XP will now be part of Windows 7 does not not mean that it support has to run to the end of life of Windows 7?   That is a question no one has asked yet.Apr 29 00:22
oiaohmSupporting more OS's increases MS costs.Apr 29 00:22
*mib_e7s9hs (i=c352a48c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 00:26
Balrogoiaohm: youre not the first to ask that questionApr 29 00:34
Balrogit was on slashdot yesterdayApr 29 00:34
Balrog 29 00:34
DaemonFCfor whatever reason, Vuze freezes VistaApr 29 00:37
oiaohmThat is making network work with duel OS.Apr 29 00:37
DaemonFCI'm not the only one with the problem eitherApr 29 00:37
oiaohmBalrog: not if XP end of life has been extended.Apr 29 00:37
DaemonFCXP end of life is 2014Apr 29 00:37
oiaohmIf XP is embeded with Windows 7Apr 29 00:38
oiaohmDoes that force support longer DaemonFCApr 29 00:38
DaemonFCnoApr 29 00:38
oiaohmHmmApr 29 00:38
DaemonFCbecause they can say "We support it as a component of Windows 7"Apr 29 00:38
DaemonFCbut not as its own OSApr 29 00:38
schestowitzWhat a messApr 29 00:39
schestowitzCan you IMAGINE????Apr 29 00:39
schestowitzRed Hat 5 coming with Red Hat 9Apr 29 00:39
Balrogit's obviously a messApr 29 00:39
oiaohmSupporting the component still has most of the overhead as supporting it will a full OS.Apr 29 00:39
schestowitzFrom the early part of the decadeApr 29 00:39
DaemonFCno more so than supporting 8-9 versions/configurations of Internet ExplorerApr 29 00:39
BalrogClassic mode in OS X wasn't supported after 2002 ...Apr 29 00:39
Balrogand it worked until 2007Apr 29 00:39
schestowitzit's funy that MS ignores VistaApr 29 00:40
schestowitz"Vista 7 can run XP"Apr 29 00:40
schestowitzBut.. can it ru Vista?Apr 29 00:40
schestowitzMS: what's Vista?Apr 29 00:40
schestowitzMojave?Apr 29 00:40
oiaohmApple from the get go said classic mode would stop.   It was nothing more than a temp measure.  Apple really did not have the huge stock pile of applications to get covererted.Apr 29 00:42
DaemonFCThe have to support IE 5.01 through 8 on Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2, XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 x86 and x64, Windows XP X64 (x86, x86-64, and IA-64), Windows Vista RTM, SP1, and SP2 (x86 and x86-64), Windows Server 2008 (x86 and x86-64) and Windows 7 x86 and x86-64Apr 29 00:43
DaemonFC:PApr 29 00:43
oiaohmThat comes with a price.Apr 29 00:43
*Aondo has quit ( 29 00:43
oiaohmWhen you have to pay your developers nothing in supported platforms is free.Apr 29 00:44
*Aondo (i=stian@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 00:44
Balrogapple also prepared developers for itApr 29 00:45
Balrogthey released what would be the compatibility APIs in 98 (Carbon)Apr 29 00:45
oiaohmMS problem is lot of developers are not leaving XP.Apr 29 00:45
Balrogof course, they did change over time, but it wasn't too hard to port.Apr 29 00:46
oiaohmAnd are refusing to update products for Vista.Apr 29 00:46
Balrogoiaohm: and that Win7 shares a lot of code with vista and XPApr 29 00:46
oiaohmIf Windows 7 follows the same trend.Apr 29 00:46
oiaohmShares a lot code and being compadible are too different things.Apr 29 00:46
Balrogand what was shared is totally unsupported and 'frozen' nowApr 29 00:47
oiaohm  Biggest bug bear is language support in Vista does not work the same.Apr 29 00:48
BalrogOS X shares very little code with ClassicApr 29 00:48
BalrogI mixed up those two lines ...Apr 29 00:48
oiaohmIf you have multi language support in an application the platform might as well be as different as OS X and classic.Apr 29 00:48
oiaohmThe head ache is not much worse.Apr 29 00:49
Balrogoiaohm: can you explain that ine?Apr 29 00:49
Balrogline *Apr 29 00:49
oiaohmlocale to look up what country you are and get language matched text.Apr 29 00:49
BalrogOS X does it in a simple way. there's a<language>.lproj/<UI data> for each languageApr 29 00:50
oiaohmWindows XP is different to Vista and up in locale.Apr 29 00:50
oiaohmIe language support.Apr 29 00:50
Balrogthae package system is one part of OS X that I think really works wellApr 29 00:50
oiaohmYou might have binary compadiblity between XP and Vista but what is the point if you cannot display the right text to users.Apr 29 00:51
Balrog(app pagkages, that is)Apr 29 00:51
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 29 00:51
Balrogoiaohm: yeah, I know .. that really sucksApr 29 00:51
oiaohmThat kinda causes the developer rebellion.Apr 29 00:51
Balrogyes.Apr 29 00:52
oiaohmApple avoided developer rebellion.Apr 29 00:52
oiaohmLanguage support is one of the most complex things to do once.Apr 29 00:52
Balrogthough many developers were upset when Apple dropped carbonApr 29 00:52
Balrogyes, unfortunately :(Apr 29 00:52
oiaohmLet alone being force to do twice.Apr 29 00:53
Balrogheh yeah.Apr 29 00:53
oiaohmOS change from classic to OS X is nothing compared to the head aches ms made for developer from XP to Vista.Apr 29 00:53
Balrogdoes linux even do that right?Apr 29 00:53
oiaohmLinux define right.Apr 29 00:53
oiaohmLinux kernel it self really knows nothing about it.Apr 29 00:54
Balrogoiaohm: you're saying that rewriting a platform from scratch is less headaches for developers than building more on an existing platform.Apr 29 00:54
BalrogI meant for appsApr 29 00:54
oiaohmgnu gettext is cross platform.Apr 29 00:55
Balrogon a Mac, if you switch the locale in System Preferences, all the apps that have that locale will switch tooApr 29 00:55
BalrogI see.Apr 29 00:55
oiaohmLot of Windows developers are starting to use it with the cross over from XP to Vista too.Apr 29 00:55
oiaohmBecause they don't trust MS.Apr 29 00:55
Balrogit's gpl or lgpl?Apr 29 00:55
oiaohmlgplApr 29 00:56
Balrogok.Apr 29 00:56
oiaohmLinux kernel only knows utf8Apr 29 00:56
oiaohmIts not really in the language game.Apr 29 00:57
oiaohmSame with every other Unix and Posix out there.Apr 29 00:57
oiaohmGnu provided the language solution and everyone else used it.Apr 29 00:57
oiaohmSupprising very few applications are truly locked to Linux.Apr 29 00:59
oiaohmIf NT posix support worked over 95 percent applications on Linux would work on Windows without alteration.Apr 29 01:01
Balrogthere's a reason why it doesn't workApr 29 01:01
DaemonFCWindows has a POSIX subsystemApr 29 01:02
Balrogdoes it work right?Apr 29 01:02
DaemonFCSUAApr 29 01:02
DaemonFCyeah, even includes GNU core utilitiesApr 29 01:02
oiaohmNot word worked.Apr 29 01:02
DaemonFCand an X serverApr 29 01:02
oiaohmnot/noteApr 29 01:02
oiaohmFilesystem does not act like a posix one should.Apr 29 01:02
oiaohmAnd the list goes on.Apr 29 01:03
DaemonFCbasically with little more than a recompile, you can get POSIX apps to work on Windows in SUAApr 29 01:03
oiaohmThere is more than that.Apr 29 01:03
DaemonFCthey added a lot of stuff to NTFS to support UNIX-like featuresApr 29 01:03
DaemonFCSUA can use thatApr 29 01:03
oiaohmLike is the key word.Apr 29 01:03
oiaohmIt only like not a 100 percent match.Apr 29 01:03
oiaohmYou set particular bits on files and they disappear or cause other bits to be flaged on.   That can cause lots of problems.Apr 29 01:04
DaemonFCCygwin is better for compatibilityApr 29 01:04
DaemonFCbut SUA has better performanceApr 29 01:04
oiaohmSUA if things were done right it would be better on compatiblity than what Cygwin ever could me.Apr 29 01:05
oiaohmme/beApr 29 01:05
oiaohmThere is a big one that causes the problem and its filesystem level.  Unix file system support file names having everything bar / and nul in file names.Apr 29 01:06
Balrogyes.Apr 29 01:07
BalrogOS X supports everything except : in filenames, so the vfs layer converts : into / and vice-versaApr 29 01:08
oiaohmCorrect action for proper support in windows would basically require a more posix like filesystem.Apr 29 01:08
oiaohmThat works fine until you have applications using : in there filenames.   posix applications work fine with it.Apr 29 01:09
oiaohmSome native OS X applciations have some fun.Apr 29 01:10
oiaohmBut compared to the MS problem its nothing.Apr 29 01:10
Balrogoiaohm: posix applications see :Apr 29 01:11
Balrognon-posix apps see /Apr 29 01:11
Balroginternally it's stored as : , but that doesn't matter too muchApr 29 01:11
oiaohmEarly OS X had a bug where the posix side could set "this:that" as a filename and it would kinda go in as a filename.Apr 29 01:12
Balrogexplain.Apr 29 01:12
oiaohmThey might have fixed that.Apr 29 01:12
Balrogthis:that is a valid posix filename in OS XApr 29 01:12
Balrogthough non-posix apps will see it as this/thatApr 29 01:13
oiaohmThat was not happening at one point.Apr 29 01:13
oiaohmSo they fixed it.Apr 29 01:13
oiaohmThanks.Apr 29 01:13
Balrogew. well they fixed itApr 29 01:13
Balrogyeah, they had to do a lot to get UNIX 03 certifiedApr 29 01:13
oiaohmIt was working fine from the OS X side.Apr 29 01:14
DaemonFCeasier to run CoLinuxApr 29 01:14
oiaohmThat is the point DaemonFCApr 29 01:14
oiaohmIt should not be easier to run CoLinux is the support works.Apr 29 01:15
oiaohmYou would never do that on OS X.Apr 29 01:15
oiaohmThe support is there.Apr 29 01:15
Balrogwell at this point, ./configure, make, and make install works for 99% of unix appsApr 29 01:15
Balrogthe other 1% are those that rely on stuff like linux kernel headersApr 29 01:15
*mib_0tr9l2 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 01:15
oiaohmYep the small percent that is Linux dependant.Apr 29 01:15
oiaohmMost of them have native replacements.Apr 29 01:16
Balrogyes.Apr 29 01:16
Balrogor standard UNIX implementationsApr 29 01:16
oiaohmIn truth there is almost nothing in the Linux platform that is Linux.   other than the kernel and a few supporting tools.Apr 29 01:17
oiaohmLinux gets dominate there will always been room for another OS to take it down.Apr 29 01:17
*schestowitz does links and watches videos. c/w: 22 Year CIA Analyst Fired 4 Refusing to Falsify Iran Intell < >Apr 29 01:19
*mib_e7s9hs has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 29 01:20
*neonfloss has quit ("Leaving")Apr 29 01:22
oiaohm 29 01:24
oiaohmVery well deserved.   You cannot disreguard take down notices and expect not to be classed as adieing and abetting the crime.Apr 29 01:25
oiaohmReally Anti-virus compaines should sue them next to recover damages from there clients over infected torrents they refused take down notices on.Apr 29 01:26
oiaohmThe case that has go no press is that one of the other torrent trackers are in court to work out if there is a legal requirement to provide torrent filtering so blocked torrents cannot be put back up.Apr 29 01:29
oiaohmThere is going to be no jail time out of the other case.   Other torrent trackers in that country have been obeying take down notices.Apr 29 01:31
oiaohmTo be truthful neither media company or the torrent tracker company are sure where the law should be with removalApr 29 01:32
schestowitzThis guy's show is decent: 29 01:36
oiaohmThe other case does truly effect google.Apr 29 01:37
schestowitzMichael Moore giving it to CNN. quality!Apr 29 01:51
schestowitz 29 01:59
Balrogoiaohm: the judge was biasedApr 29 02:01
Balrogand paid off by the copyright organizationsApr 29 02:01
DaemonFCheh "!akick add Flyfox Dein behavior ist nicht conducive to der desired environment. Please kommen back when du konnen act like das civilized person. Danke"Apr 29 02:01
*mib_sbqn9a (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 02:03
*mib_sbqn9a has quit (Client Quit)Apr 29 02:03
*neonfloss ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 02:05
oiaohmBalrog so it would be fine publishing a paper where you knowing allowed killers for higher to advertise?  Its the same supporting law.Apr 29 02:05
Balrog.?.Apr 29 02:06
oiaohmLinking is not a defence.Apr 29 02:06
Balrogit isn't, but a biased judge won't provide a fair trialApr 29 02:07
oiaohmOnce you know crime is taking part you are required to take action that is the law.Apr 29 02:07
oiaohmIt not a case of the judge being bias.Apr 29 02:07
oiaohmThere legal arguements were crap.Apr 29 02:07
oiaohmIf you don't legally agree with a take down notice you can legally fight it.Apr 29 02:07
oiaohmThey choose not to so they have to take what is coming to them.Apr 29 02:08
oiaohmOr we open up a can of worms you cannot dream Balrog.Apr 29 02:08
DaemonFCMe: now you know I wouldn't approve of beating the shit out of an effigy of George W. Bush, that's what M-80's and anatomical correctness are forApr 29 02:09
DaemonFC:)Apr 29 02:10
oiaohmLot of torrent trackers are not effected by TPB ruling.  Since they have been obeying take down notices.Apr 29 02:11
schestowitzlinks posted, gnApr 29 02:12
*mib_0tr9l2 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 29 02:13
oiaohmThe other case that is under way to find out if torrent trackers should have torrent filtering or not is a more important case Balrog.Apr 29 02:13
oiaohmThat threating to be more harmful by far.Apr 29 02:14
Balrogoiaohm: what about the private torrent trackers?Apr 29 02:15
Balrogthat require invites/registrationApr 29 02:15
oiaohmSame rules basically.   Problem is to get into a private torrent network is not hard.Apr 29 02:16
oiaohmMost countries have the laws required to investage 1 of the members to get the access.Apr 29 02:16
oiaohmIdea that anything on the internet cannot be access by investagors is crap.Apr 29 02:17
oiaohmAustralia here I can have your computer taken without charge and held for 5 years.  You have to go to court to get it back and prove you were doing nothing illegal.   So getting into a private torrent network is simple.Apr 29 02:19
amarsh04night schestowitz, thanks for the EDS linkApr 29 02:19
DaemonFChere you have to have warrant or probable cause for them to enter or remove anythingApr 29 02:19
DaemonFCprobably cause would be like the neighbors heard shooting, or someone screamingApr 29 02:20
oiaohmProbalbe cause is fairly simple to make.Apr 29 02:20
DaemonFCor it was obvoous you were running a meth labApr 29 02:20
DaemonFCnot alwaysApr 29 02:20
DaemonFCit may or may not hold up in courtApr 29 02:20
DaemonFCif it doesn't, then the evidence is thrown outApr 29 02:20
DaemonFCit happensApr 29 02:20
oiaohmGood thing is a percent of those in the illegal networks are also in other illegal things.Apr 29 02:21
DaemonFCno evidence=weak case that the state probably losesApr 29 02:21
DaemonFCand possibly personal consequences for the cops that took the stuffApr 29 02:21
DaemonFCso they tend to cover their assApr 29 02:21
oiaohmSo basically part of searching there computer for other evidence access to stuff turns up.Apr 29 02:21
oiaohmThat is the problem with these ideas of private trackers.Apr 29 02:22
DaemonFCthe thing to remember is the PLAIN SIGHT RULEApr 29 02:22
DaemonFCif a cop sees contraband or a crime, he never needs a warrantApr 29 02:22
oiaohmYep.Apr 29 02:22
DaemonFCso like, if I have a bag of weed under my seat in the car, he needs a warrant or probable causeApr 29 02:22
DaemonFCbut if it's on the seat in plain view, he can help himselfApr 29 02:23
DaemonFCand arrest me right thereApr 29 02:23
oiaohmSome people are dumb enough to leave burnt copy of dvd on table.  If cop asks were orginal is kinda stuffed when not having it.Apr 29 02:23
DaemonFCheh, they don't careApr 29 02:23
oiaohmDepends on the cop.Apr 29 02:23
oiaohmAnd how bad they want the guy for something.Apr 29 02:24
oiaohmThis is the problem the more illegal people in the network the simpler it is to get into.Apr 29 02:24
DaemonFCit's not a crime to pirate software in every caseApr 29 02:24
DaemonFCand never a crime to grab unlicensed music files or suchApr 29 02:24
oiaohmIt is enough to hold for questioning.Apr 29 02:24
DaemonFCit's almost always a civil matterApr 29 02:24
DaemonFCno it isn'tApr 29 02:25
oiaohmAs I said it depends on how much the cops want the guy.Apr 29 02:25
oiaohmDifferent laws.Apr 29 02:25
DaemonFCthey can only hold you for 24 hours and then they have to let y ou go if they can't charge youApr 29 02:25
DaemonFCand you don't even have to talk to themApr 29 02:25
DaemonFCin fact, you should NEVER talk to the policeApr 29 02:26
DaemonFCnot for any reasonApr 29 02:26
DaemonFCunless your lawyer is there and has advised you on what to sayApr 29 02:26
DaemonFCafter they read you your rights, shut the hell upApr 29 02:26
DaemonFCand don't say a word other than "I want to call my lawyer"Apr 29 02:27
oiaohmIllegal coping here has a 10 000 dollar fine connected here.Apr 29 02:27
oiaohmPolice normally don't bother about on people who are not normally crims.Apr 29 02:27
DaemonFCthe police are trained on how to soften you up and makje you nervous enough to start volunteering infoApr 29 02:27
DaemonFCchanging your storyApr 29 02:27
DaemonFCetc.Apr 29 02:28
DaemonFCbetter to just use your 5th amendment right to not incriminate yourselfApr 29 02:28
DaemonFCbecause everything you tell them becomes evidence against you in courtApr 29 02:28
DaemonFCyou have the right to make the state prove the charge at every step of the wayApr 29 02:29
oiaohmAustralia we don't have that protection.  5th amendment does not exist.  Forgetfulness gets used here a lot.Apr 29 02:29
DaemonFCthey are under the burden to prove that you did what you were charged with, your motivation, aggravating factorsApr 29 02:29
DaemonFCyou name itApr 29 02:30
DaemonFCeven if they find you guilty you could make the punishment more harshApr 29 02:30
oiaohmCommon mistake USA guys make here is cliaming the 5th.Apr 29 02:30
oiaohmHere you claim you cannot remember.  Not the 5th.Apr 29 02:30
DaemonFCI'd demad to contact the US embassyApr 29 02:30
oiaohmDepends who is holding you.Apr 29 02:31
oiaohmAsio does not have to turn you over to the US embassy for 7 days.Apr 29 02:31
DaemonFCno, I am a citizen of the United States and by treaty I have the right to contact officials of my governmentApr 29 02:31
oiaohmBut anything you do say to them in that time cannot be used in the court of law.Apr 29 02:31
oiaohmDoes not apply to asio.  DaemonFCApr 29 02:32
DaemonFCthey can't make me talkApr 29 02:32
DaemonFCwhat can they do, torture me?Apr 29 02:32
DaemonFCI'm pretty sure that would cause an incidentApr 29 02:33
oiaohm  << Think CIA.Apr 29 02:33
DaemonFCplease, they're probably renting satellite time from usApr 29 02:34
DaemonFClolApr 29 02:34
oiaohmasio also is nasty you legally cannot tell anyone what happen in those 7 days either.Apr 29 02:34
DaemonFCyeah, try meApr 29 02:35
oiaohmBasically for 7 days you don't exist.Apr 29 02:35
oiaohmWith court orders they can do it for a unlimtied ammount of time.Apr 29 02:35
oiaohmNot something to mess with.Apr 29 02:36
oiaohmOne case here were it pays to talk.Apr 29 02:36
DaemonFCyeah, or not step into a backwards country with medieval lawsApr 29 02:36
oiaohmCIA does the same.Apr 29 02:36
DaemonFCdependsApr 29 02:37
DaemonFCwhere they took you fromApr 29 02:37
DaemonFCand whyApr 29 02:37
oiaohmExcept they shove you on a aircraft and takes you to a country where USA laws don't apply.Apr 29 02:37
*neonfloss has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 29 02:37
ushimitsudoki1Wow. You are a US citizen right? You know the US gov't can declare you an "enemy combatant" with no proof and you are done right?Apr 29 02:37
DaemonFCno, they can'tApr 29 02:37
ushimitsudoki1Yes they ca: 29 02:38
ushimitsudoki14th Circuit Court approved.Apr 29 02:38
DaemonFCthe reason behind John Walker Lindh was that he was in AFGHANISTAN and engaged in illegal hostilities with US forcesApr 29 02:38
ushimitsudoki1They have done it at least twice to US citizensApr 29 02:38
DaemonFCbuig differenceApr 29 02:38
ushimitsudoki1"A federal appeals court yesterday backed the president's power to indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen captured on U.S. soil without any criminal charges, holding that such authority is vital during wartime to protect the nation from terrorist attacks."Apr 29 02:38
DaemonFCnotice how they didn't let him back onto US soil?Apr 29 02:38
DaemonFCthen he would have rightsApr 29 02:38
ushimitsudoki1Are you reading the article? This is plain fact.Apr 29 02:39
DaemonFCit's also illegalApr 29 02:39
ushimitsudoki1The US gov't can take a US Citizen on US Soil and lock them up, no criminal charges or trial needed.Apr 29 02:39
DaemonFCa judge can't just throw out parts of the constitutionApr 29 02:39
ushimitsudoki1Have you been asleep the past 4 years?Apr 29 02:39
DaemonFCthat so plainly refute themApr 29 02:39
DaemonFCI'd say it's more like paranoiaApr 29 02:40
DaemonFCand that hasn't happenedApr 29 02:40
DaemonFClast time I checked, Afghanistan was not a stateApr 29 02:40
DaemonFCbut if you insist, let's inform them of thatApr 29 02:40
ushimitsudoki1It *has* happened, twice in 2005 .. ON US SOIL. not in afganistanApr 29 02:40
ushimitsudoki1Read the damn article. Educate yourself.Apr 29 02:40
oiaohmThe catch with asio 7 days is they can get extentions if you don't talk.     If you are helping there investagation they cannot hold you past 7 days.Apr 29 02:40
ushimitsudoki1Americans may be held as 'enemy combatants,' appeals court rules - 29 02:41
oiaohmIt was designed to deal with crime groups who will not talk.Apr 29 02:41
ushimitsudoki1This is not a secret or paranoia or a consipircy or anything like that.Apr 29 02:42
ushimitsudoki1It's right there in any major news source you care to search on.Apr 29 02:42
oiaohmAll information got in those 7 days can be worked on but not used in a case against anyone.Apr 29 02:42
DaemonFClooks limited and unconstitutionally vague in spots anywayApr 29 02:43
ushimitsudoki1Some are US Citizens captured overseas, and some are US Citizens captured on US Soil. The place of capture does not matter to the court's decision.Apr 29 02:43
DaemonFCand you do have the right to appeal it all the way to the supreme courtApr 29 02:43
DaemonFCwhich does not usually side with such thingsApr 29 02:44
ushimitsudoki1No you don't. That's the problem. An "enemy combatant" has no right to trial or appeal. That's a large part of the issue.Apr 29 02:44
oiaohmUsa people have a lot higher idea of there rights.   Once on Australian soil Australian laws apply.  Weather you like it or not.Apr 29 02:44
DaemonFCyes they doApr 29 02:44
oiaohmSame with any other country.Apr 29 02:44
DaemonFCsupreme court ruled they doApr 29 02:44
ushimitsudoki1That's what "indefinitely detain" means.Apr 29 02:44
DaemonFCyes, it doesn't say you can't appealApr 29 02:44
ushimitsudoki1No speedy trial. No right to trial by peers. None of that.Apr 29 02:45
DaemonFCyou have those rightsApr 29 02:45
DaemonFCand that law is illegalApr 29 02:45
oiaohmAustralia allows holding of people for 7 days without charge and indefinitely if they do not work with int gathering groups.Apr 29 02:45
DaemonFCBush just had a lot of willing accomplicesApr 29 02:45
DaemonFChe didn't make it legal, he jsut had a lot of accomplicesApr 29 02:45
ushimitsudoki1If you want to argue that such measures are needed, that's one thing. However, you can't just deny they exist and have been both used by the gov't and approved by the courts.Apr 29 02:45
ushimitsudoki1It is a simple matter of public record that they have been.Apr 29 02:46
DaemonFCno, you're not mentioning that a lot of that has been reversedApr 29 02:46
DaemonFCupon later appealApr 29 02:46
DaemonFCas unconstitutionalApr 29 02:46
ushimitsudoki1Cite please?Apr 29 02:46
DaemonFC 29 02:47
oiaohmSo now CIA simple just takes the people out the country or gets them while they are over seas.  DaemonFCApr 29 02:47
ushimitsudoki1Because here is Obama's people saying the same thing in Feb 2009. "Solicitor general nominee says 'enemy combatants' can be held without trial" 29 02:47
oiaohmBeing unconstitutional don't stop the CIA from doing it.Apr 29 02:47
DaemonFC 29 02:47
ushimitsudoki1DaemonFC: your site is the National Security Letter Gag, nothing to do with the enemy combatants issue.Apr 29 02:48
oiaohmJust like the CIA getting caught importing drugs into the USA to fund there operations.Apr 29 02:49
oiaohmYour intel group in the USA is rouge.Apr 29 02:49
DaemonFC 29 02:50
oiaohmBy the way lot of the sat images from USA sats australia gets are download into pinegap.  Yes a joint USA Australian base.Apr 29 02:50
DaemonFC"For over 200 years, this Nation has adhered to the rule of law — with unparalleled success. A shift to a Nation based on extra-constitutional authority is prohibited, as well as ill-advised," she wrote.Apr 29 02:50
oiaohmWe don't have to pay for them.Apr 29 02:50
oiaohmYep you paid to put the sats up there and we use them for free.Apr 29 02:51
ushimitsudoki1DaemonFC: You keep linking to small parts of the Patriot Act rule unconstituional, like the Gag Letters and the Search Warrants without cause. These have nothing to do with the enemy combatants issueApr 29 02:51
ushimitsudoki1That is 3 links you have given that do not address the issue under discussion.Apr 29 02:51
DaemonFC 29 02:53
DaemonFCthere's an older oneApr 29 02:53
ushimitsudoki1We are talking about the fact that US Citizens can be declared "enemy combatants" and held for indefinite periods of time. They do not have a right to speedy trial or other constitutional rights. The courts have upheld this practice, and both the Bush and Obama administrations support it publivlyApr 29 02:53
oiaohmpatriot act covers the right of the goverment to block you from speaking.Apr 29 02:53
ushimitsudoki1DaemonFC: again that does not address the enemy combant practice.Apr 29 02:53
oiaohmNot being held as an ememy combant.Apr 29 02:54
ushimitsudoki1There are a ton of things in the Patriot Act I think are unconstitutional, it is little surprise to see parts of it struck downApr 29 02:54
oiaohmUSA laws with ememy combant are like our 7 days except you are allowed to talk to other people and what ever you say can be used against you.Apr 29 02:54
ushimitsudoki1But that does not address the practice of declaring US Citizens enemy combatants.Apr 29 02:55
oiaohmSo yes being held as a ememy combant in the USA you can ask for lawer but they can select the lawer.Apr 29 02:55
ushimitsudoki1For example, you are looking for something that has changed from: "Bill Lets U.S. Citizens Be Held as Enemy Combatants" : 29 02:56
DaemonFCthe 107th and 108th congress were a bunch of far right wingnuts passing everything they could as quickly as they couldApr 29 02:58
DaemonFCand letting the courts sort out hundreds of questionable laws laterApr 29 02:58
oiaohmNotice something here.Apr 29 02:58
ushimitsudoki1Sure sure, I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that the power is out there.Apr 29 02:58
oiaohmAustralian Enemy Combatants get treated the same no matter there cit.Apr 29 02:58
ushimitsudoki1You can't just deny it - people need to acknowledge it and work to have the powers removed if they feel strongly enough about itApr 29 02:59
oiaohmUSA suxs.Apr 29 02:59
ushimitsudoki1Sure, I think it is unconstiutional as seven hells and a goddamn abomination to the spirit of America, but I'm not a Senator, eitherApr 29 02:59
oiaohmThere is really no need for a special law for cits over being a Enemy Combatant.Apr 29 03:00
oiaohmEither you are one or you are not.Apr 29 03:00
DaemonFCwell, I think the Republicans have really fucked themselves overApr 29 03:01
DaemonFCcause only like 20% of Americans now identify with themApr 29 03:01
oiaohmUsa 20 percent of the popluation can be enought to win power.Apr 29 03:02
oiaohmDependign on voter turn out.Apr 29 03:02
DaemonFCthey'll fade off into obscurityApr 29 03:04
oiaohmThe USA idea that when you are a member of a party that you cannot choose to vote agaist that party is another stupid thing.Apr 29 03:04
DaemonFCthey're probably going to lose a few more seats in 2010Apr 29 03:04
oiaohm2010 is going to be a nasty year.Apr 29 03:04
oiaohmNext round of house losses to the USA public should be in full swing by then.Apr 29 03:07
oiaohmMaybe another round of bank bail outs.Apr 29 03:08
DaemonFCwell, if they remember who caused all of this there's gonna be another fire sale on the RepublicansApr 29 03:08
oiaohmOr current for not passing laws to stop it.Apr 29 03:09
oiaohmThere are laws that could be passed to disarm the next round.Apr 29 03:09
oiaohmSo far not passed yet.Apr 29 03:09
DaemonFCwell, it's a landslideApr 29 03:09
DaemonFCthere's only so much that can be done to stop it til it settlesApr 29 03:09
oiaohmThere is a lot.Apr 29 03:10
DaemonFCI think even if Obama does an excellent job, then we could still be shrinking next yearApr 29 03:10
oiaohmNext one works on cheep interest to get you in then after time a major interest jump.Apr 29 03:10
DaemonFCespecially if the Republicans manage to slow him downApr 29 03:10
oiaohmPass a law forbiding that from happening.Apr 29 03:10
oiaohmAnd most of the secound wave disappears.Apr 29 03:10
oiaohmIt will be fully in Obama hands if it happens or not.Apr 29 03:11
oiaohmSo 2010 both major parties could be in the hated stack.Apr 29 03:12
oiaohmDo you have a thrid party there by any chance that could take major advantage of this DaemonFCApr 29 03:14
DaemonFCdoubt itApr 29 03:14
DaemonFCthird parties in American politics only hurt their own causeApr 29 03:15
DaemonFCthey siphon votes from the major party that is most like themApr 29 03:15
DaemonFCleading to a more favorible outcome to the major party that is least like themApr 29 03:15
oiaohmWe have the greens here who when invents like this have happened have ended up with the blance of power.Apr 29 03:15
DaemonFCthe 3rd parties here tend to overwhelmingly hurt the RepublicansApr 29 03:16
oiaohmSo you don't have a netural 3rd party.Apr 29 03:16
DaemonFCsicne they tend to be far right fascists that gain maybe 1-2% of the voteApr 29 03:16
DaemonFCbasically you've got the far right fascists like the Prohibition, Nazi, and "Constitution" partiesApr 29 03:17
DaemonFCthat are too radical even for the RepublicansApr 29 03:17
oiaohmGreatApr 29 03:17
oiaohmYou guys are stuffed in the party department.Apr 29 03:17
DaemonFCyou have the Libertarians which siphon some of the moderate RepublicansApr 29 03:17
DaemonFCand to the far left you have the Socialists and the GreensApr 29 03:18
oiaohmGreens here are more netural.Apr 29 03:18
DaemonFCbut I'd say that 80% or more of the third party votes go to the extreme far rightApr 29 03:18
DaemonFCso I'm glad to have themApr 29 03:18
oiaohmWith a bias to doing waht is good for the envoroment.Apr 29 03:18
DaemonFCbecause otherwise there's be mroe Republicans in officeApr 29 03:18
DaemonFCthat DID change the Alaska senate race you know?Apr 29 03:19
DaemonFCthe number of votes gained by the "Constitution" nutjobs could have won the seat for the Republicans had they gone thereApr 29 03:19
oiaohmMost insane party we have here is the party party.  Yes only thing on there ticket it to throw a party.Apr 29 03:20
DaemonFCbut since the extreme rightwingers got those votes, the Democrat wonApr 29 03:20
oiaohmSo far never won a seat.Apr 29 03:20
DaemonFCWe have the Libertarians, that's the largest third partyApr 29 03:20
DaemonFCI don't think they hold any state or federal officesApr 29 03:20
DaemonFCbut they usually get a good 5-10% of the voteApr 29 03:21
DaemonFCdepending on the factorsApr 29 03:21
DaemonFCI mainly use them as a protest vote if there's no Democrat on that part of the ballotApr 29 03:21
DaemonFCB-)Apr 29 03:21
oiaohmlibertarians might be like our greens.Apr 29 03:22
DaemonFCnoApr 29 03:22
oiaohmDo the have the policy of looking at stuff fairly.Apr 29 03:22
DaemonFCLibertarians want all government abolished as far as possibleApr 29 03:23
DaemonFCall regulations dropped as much as they can beApr 29 03:23
oiaohmOk that created this mess.Apr 29 03:23
DaemonFCno it didn'tApr 29 03:23
DaemonFCbut it would create a different mess at least :DApr 29 03:23
oiaohmRemoving regulations caused the mess.Apr 29 03:24
oiaohmGoing a little too far.Apr 29 03:24
DaemonFCWhat created the mess the US is in now is NeoconservatismApr 29 03:24
DaemonFCnot the same thing as LibertarianismApr 29 03:24
oiaohmResults could be close to the same.Apr 29 03:24
oiaohmYes over regulation is a problem.Apr 29 03:24
DaemonFCdeeply religious, police state types who are also in the back pocket of corporate lobbyistsApr 29 03:24
DaemonFCneoconsApr 29 03:24
oiaohmBut too little is just a big problem.Apr 29 03:25
DaemonFCGeorge Bush is basically their poster childApr 29 03:25
oiaohmI am worried more about action.Apr 29 03:25
oiaohmNot the funding and bribes behind them.Apr 29 03:25
oiaohmSome countries have run quite well with the goverment bribed to hell.Apr 29 03:26
DaemonFCI'd prefer to see Democrats, then Greens, then LibertariansApr 29 03:26
DaemonFCI would never vote for a RepublicanApr 29 03:26
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 03:26
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 03:26
oiaohmThe important thing is the bribes causing the right actions.Apr 29 03:27
DaemonFCthe Democrats usually take part of the Green/Libertarian platform and incorporate thatApr 29 03:27
oiaohmOur democarts are almost dead.Apr 29 03:27
DaemonFCI don't think good government is possibleApr 29 03:27
Omar87Haha, Craig Mundie is a very weird guy, is he naive? Or is he playing naive?Apr 29 03:27
dsmith_helloApr 29 03:28
dsmith_funny how windows is suppose to be so great, but the server has so many malware scanners insatlled on it nowApr 29 03:28
DaemonFCbut if we could get a couple more parties in their fighting each other, it would get betterApr 29 03:28
dsmith_lolApr 29 03:28
DaemonFCI think so anywayApr 29 03:28
Omar87Omar87: hi guys, btw.Apr 29 03:28
DaemonFCCraig Mundie is the Minister of Disinformation I thinkApr 29 03:28
DaemonFC:)Apr 29 03:28
DaemonFC*thereApr 29 03:28
DaemonFChttp://www.welovetheiraqiinformationmi...Apr 29 03:29
DaemonFC:)Apr 29 03:29
Omar87DaemonFC: Damn it! What a brainwasher!Apr 29 03:29
DaemonFCthere's Iraqi uniforms on ebayApr 29 03:30
DaemonFClolApr 29 03:30
dsmith_no wayApr 29 03:30
dsmith_with or without bloodApr 29 03:30
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DaemonFCWe should be trying to get Puerto Rico into the union while Republican opposition is minimalApr 29 03:35
DaemonFCguaranteed to be 2 senators, 6 congressmen, and another 11 electoral votes in the bag for DemocratsApr 29 03:36
DaemonFC:PApr 29 03:36
DaemonFCif they could do that and get Washington DC representation in the House of Representatives, it would be the last nail in the coffin of the RepublicansApr 29 03:37
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 03:38
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*the_mad_hatter ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 29 04:36
the_mad_hatterRoy, how about an article covering,, and 29 04:37
DaemonFCschestowitz: 29 04:45
DaemonFCuh huhApr 29 04:45
DaemonFCmy opinion on the guy just went down about 12 notchesApr 29 04:45
the_mad_hatterThe same forces that drove the development of Linux have driven the development of TPB.Apr 29 04:54
the_mad_hatterAnd that has got to scare the living daylights out of Microsoft and the Mafia.Apr 29 04:55
oiaohm_Who the heck is claiming that stupidity.Apr 29 05:00
the_mad_hatterI am.Apr 29 05:00
oiaohm_Same forces that drove the development of LinuxApr 29 05:00
oiaohm_Drives creative commons.Apr 29 05:01
oiaohm_Developers of Linux respect copyright.Apr 29 05:01
oiaohm_The ugler side of the computer world drives TPB.   Illegal aquired software undermines objectives of open source.Apr 29 05:02
the_mad_hatterNope. TPB development was driven by the human need to share.Apr 29 05:04
oiaohm_Really the ugler side it a hinderance to Linux.Apr 29 05:04
oiaohm_Share what the_mad_hatter.Apr 29 05:04
the_mad_hatterIt's no hindrance to Linux at all.Apr 29 05:04
oiaohm_It is a hindrance.Apr 29 05:05
the_mad_hatterShare life. Share favorite songs. Why do you think Facebook is so popular? Or Wikipedia?Apr 29 05:05
oiaohm_Crack downs on illegal software have seen people put development time into Linux.Apr 29 05:05
ushimitsudoki1I agree with oiaohm_, piracy of Windows has been recognized even within Microsoft as an effective process for getting people involved with the microsoft way as early as possible. It is this aspect of software piracy that is a hinderance to LinuxApr 29 05:06
the_mad_hatterWhile that is true, we will win, because we are better.Apr 29 05:06
oiaohm_There are creative commons music that no is listerning.Apr 29 05:06
oiaohm_Some of it could be great.Apr 29 05:06
oiaohm_Why no one listerning to because they get illegal stuff for free.Apr 29 05:06
the_mad_hatterSome of it is great. But remember Sturgeon's Law.Apr 29 05:06
oiaohm_Instead of developing a culture like the open source world where people are truly sharing and developing.Apr 29 05:07
oiaohm_TPB mostly generates large numbers of takers.Apr 29 05:07
the_mad_hatter99% of everything is shit.Apr 29 05:07
ushimitsudoki1If Photoshop was not so easily pirated, and was full price to any who wanted to use it, I dare say it would be a bit less popular.Apr 29 05:07
oiaohm_Sharing is only sharing when you can share improvements back.Apr 29 05:08
ushimitsudoki1The same argument applies to a lot of large, expensive and "industry standard" software packagesApr 29 05:08
the_mad_hatterDon't blame piracy. Instead tell everyone how good "The Gimp" is.Apr 29 05:08
oiaohm_NoApr 29 05:08
the_mad_hatterAccentuate the positve.Apr 29 05:08
the_mad_hatterpositive.Apr 29 05:08
oiaohm_If people had no other option bar to use Gimp and others like it.Apr 29 05:09
oiaohm_Improvements would have to be done.Apr 29 05:09
ushimitsudoki1It's not so much "blaming" piracy as recognizing it exists as a significant factor. It's one of many issues that FLOSS has to recognize and addressApr 29 05:09
the_mad_hatterThat's a negative.Apr 29 05:09
oiaohm_That is the under mining.Apr 29 05:09
ushimitsudoki1It's not the sole reason - there is rarely a *sole* reason.Apr 29 05:09
the_mad_hatterNo, Free Software does not have to address it. Free Software has to advocate Free Software.Apr 29 05:09
ushimitsudoki1Because there is only "one true way" to promote FLOSS?Apr 29 05:10
oiaohm_Open source is based on its mempers scractching iches.Apr 29 05:10
oiaohm_membersApr 29 05:10
the_mad_hatterI'm a salesman. Been one for a long time. You win more sales by being positive, than by whining about unfair competition.Apr 29 05:10
oiaohm_Without people using having annoyances stuff does not improve.Apr 29 05:10
the_mad_hatterI don't do Open Source. I do Free Software.Apr 29 05:11
ushimitsudoki1It's not whining. You are mischaracterizing the position. Recognizing that piracy has a negative impact on FLOSS adoption on many cases is a simple acknowledgement of reality, and one factor that might be addressed in effective promotion.Apr 29 05:11
oiaohm_People here you said TPB have same drive for development.Apr 29 05:11
oiaohm_As LinuxApr 29 05:12
oiaohm_Its not.Apr 29 05:12
the_mad_hatterIn that case get your ass out there, with a positive message about why people should use Free Software.Apr 29 05:12
oiaohm_Linux is based on the idea of problem fix.Apr 29 05:12
the_mad_hatterYes it is. It's about sharing.Apr 29 05:12
oiaohm_Linux is not about sharing.Apr 29 05:12
oiaohm_Never has been.Apr 29 05:12
the_mad_hatterGPL.Apr 29 05:12
ushimitsudoki1It's doesn't mean breaking down and going emo and crying over how unfair life is, but for example, illustrating that copyright and proper software licensing takes an enourmous amout of effort and "hidden costs" to companies might be an effective message to some organizationsApr 29 05:12
oiaohm_Linus had a iche wanting a posix based os.Apr 29 05:12
oiaohm_So did a lot of other people.Apr 29 05:13
the_mad_hatterAnd the positive message is?Apr 29 05:13
oiaohm_From there they all worked on it and developed it.Apr 29 05:13
the_mad_hatterGPL.Apr 29 05:13
oiaohm_They are not what you call taking.Apr 29 05:13
oiaohm_They are taking and improving.Apr 29 05:13
ushimitsudoki1The positive message is that FLOSS offers an alternative free of worries about infringment and licensing violations. That is an effective point.Apr 29 05:13
oiaohm_Evolution.Apr 29 05:13
the_mad_hatterNo, they are sharing. GPL.Apr 29 05:13
oiaohm_GPL gives the right to alter the_mad_hatterApr 29 05:14
oiaohm_GPL is about allowing code Evolution.Apr 29 05:14
oiaohm_Not just sharing.Apr 29 05:14
the_mad_hatterNo, the positive message about Free Software is lower costs, reliability, ease of migration, and easy customization.Apr 29 05:14
oiaohm_How much shared on TPB is changing from its past form.Apr 29 05:14
oiaohm_How much in TPB is being customised.Apr 29 05:15
the_mad_hatterGPL is about sharing. I make a change that I distribute, I have to share it back.Apr 29 05:15

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