Here is the collection of these screenshots magnified (can alternatively zoom in over the above image, using the Web browser; this is the whole brochure)
THE FREE software community is under attack. It's a conquest, an invasion. Few people who enrich themselves are taking into private hands projects that are otherwise the Commons and they pretend it's all just "love" (as in "Microsoft loves Linux"), "sharing" (to themselves), and "diversity". Microsoft is already writing blog posts on behalf of the OSI, only a year or so after Microsoft gave a lot of money to the OSI. What next?
"Several years ago when their staff contacted me (using Microsoft products, obviously) it was made rather apparent that PR people got contracted, including bulk mailers. Is this what the Linux Foundation boils down to? Maybe."In this series we rely on disgruntled insiders who are aware of what's wrong and understand the immorality. In the above image we tried to keep it concise as there's lots more (not even in the finer prints but in standard fonts, in plain sight). Notice the use of the term pertaining to E-mail; it says "blasts" (the term "blast" is used dozens of times for a lot of events and "products"; what are you, a Linux front group or a marketing SPAM operation?).
Several years ago when their staff contacted me (using Microsoft products, obviously) it was made rather apparent that PR people got contracted, including bulk mailers. Is this what the Linux Foundation boils down to? Maybe.
Here is what we recently wrote about the subject.