Look What the Linux Foundation Has Turned Linus Torvalds Into
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2020-05-11 15:02:07 UTC
- Modified: 2020-05-11 15:02:07 UTC
The video was uploaded a few days ago, showing him sitting alongside VMware's hired liar, who is paying the Linux Foundation [1, 2] to lie about their deliberate GPL violations (the licence which Torvalds loves and the Foundation hates, oftentimes badmouthing it too along with Microsoft; remember that several bosses of Torvalds are Microsoft employees, salaried by Microsoft while bossing him from the Board and from the Top Management)
Summary: Techrights finds it growingly worrying and outright worrisome that Torvalds is now "buddies" with serial GPL violators; "Linus Torvalds looks OK for someone in his mid 60s," a Finnish associate told us, taking note of the rapid change/deterioration in his health (as judged by diet/appearance [1, 2]) following his removal from power in 2018; they keep outsourcing everything in the Foundation -- at one point even Linux itself -- to Microsoft's GitHub and some hypothesise that he's not allowed to talk about it for fear of what it might entail, which shows who the real boss is

Torvalds aged 49 (yes, he has turned 50 since)