[Meme] Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols Defending Crime Again
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2022-07-14 01:34:51 UTC
Modified: 2022-07-14 01:34:51 UTC
Microsoft, according to SJVN, "hasn't been evil for about eight years now" in this piece that's hours-old. Article full of lies, distortion, and revisionism (retirement is well overdue, get off the Linux Foundation money).
To those of us (over 99.999% of people impacted by this) who do not work at the EPO the misuse of words like "products" (monopolies are not products) should be disturbing
Kuhn: I'd like to interject for a moment, we made an alliance with the Microsoft-dominated LF to outsource projects to Microsoft GitHub and rich people gave us money to do this