Where Did the CEO of Sirius Run Away to Last Month? A No-Content Company With 4,000 Pounds and No Employees.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2023-04-13 14:28:48 UTC
Modified: 2023-04-13 14:28:48 UTC
Filed a week ago:
One-person shop with little funds in the bank:
Summary: The CEO of Sirius 'Open Source' Limited left last month not because of some lucrative job offer from another company; he's back to a one-person non-business (placeholder/pot) registered at the address of the accountant with a single-page Web site (see below); it's most likely that he runs away from the 'scene of the crime' given how rampantly he has been purging any remnants of his time at Sirius
You can run, or delete pages, but you cannot hide. Bullied people always remember.
Georgia, Syrian Arab Republic, Cyprus, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Turkey, and Russia
"In the past 18 months," Berkholz writes, "I’ve lost 75 pounds and gone from completely sedentary to fit, while minimizing the effort to do so (but needing a whole lot of persistence and grit)."