In 2024, Under Linux Foundation Management, Produced and Published Only 5 Articles
It certainly looks like 12 months ago they got rid of the person they had left in charge of the site (after he worked for Microsoft)
THE Linux Foundation devotes only about 2% of its budget to Linux, which it 'merely' named itself after (the precursors didn't even use the word "Linux"). These people mostly do openwashing PR and spam/clickfraud services for clients, which include Bill Gates and Microsoft. The "Linux" in the name of this organisation is mostly a "cover"; one must understand what really goes on inside... but that leads to bitterness. How did things get this bad?
Remember when had 3-4 original articles per day?
Yes, we remember.
We'll always remember the names of the authors too. After Jim Zemlin et al (with 7-figure salaries) fired them all in one fell swoop and without prior warning/headsup the site became quiet, then chaotic. Now it's pretty much dead.
Unless the site publishes a new article tomorrow (extremely unlikely as it's a holiday in many countries that adopted a Gregorian Calendar), this year - yes, the whole year! - published only 5 original articles (we don't count the "training" one-liner spam/chaff). The articles are from July 1 (" Editorial Staff" or "Alexandra Moxin, CSO, Adaptech Group"), March 28 ("Richard Purdie is the Yocto Project architect and a Linux Foundation Fellow"), February 25 (" Editorial Staff"), earlier in the year (" Editorial Staff" or "Tamimi Ahmad, Solace") and February 9 (" Editorial Staff" on "Innovation as a Catalyst in Telecommunications"). Notice how as 2024 progressed they published less and less.
What will it be next year? 3 articles in total? For the entire year? It used to be ~3 per day. Why did Zemlin et al fire all the authors and editors? Are they running out of cash?
Greed and disdain for Linux.
This is what happens if Linux is bossed by people who don't even use Linux. They care about nothing except money. They marry scammers. Anything for money! Money, money, money!
As Ken Starks put it (Starks had devoted his life to bringing GNU/Linux to poor children): "To substantiate Mr. Anderson’s point above, The Linux Foundation not only ignores Linux on the Desktop, they do their best to forget that it exists. In 2008, I was awe-struck when I was invited to the second annual Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, as it is by invitation only. I chose Mr. Tom King to accompany me to this who’s-who-in-Linux event. During one of the schmoozing sessions in the meet and greet hall, Tom and I had a chance to talk with Mr. Zemlin about the lack of Desktop Linux in the discussions and panels. He stated so there was no ambiguity, that Desktop Linux was a byproduct of the Linux Enterprise and they had no interest in promoting or even acknowledging Linux on the Desktop. Why? Because it didn’t make them any money. That was the last year I sent my annual donation check to The Linux Foundation. The FSF now gets that money and it’s money well-spent, or so says they."
Notice that Jim Zemlin has increased his own salary to 1.3 million dollars a year (probably even more in 2024, maybe 1.4 million including the bonuses). Not bad for someone who cannot even code and whose sole claim to fame is, "I became the boss of Linus" (somehow). The salary increase he has given himself would (alone!) be enough to pay the salaries of all the former authors combined (to keep going).
These people exploit and burn the work (and brands) of volunteers; they do this burning for profit. They hand over control to Microsoft via GitHub (GPL violations factory/blender) and tarnish the brands in collaboration with Bill Gates. █