[Meme] Blindly Trust Rust
Rust is the safest way to program.
First, you need to get it from a proprietary platform.
That platform is controlled by the NSA's foremost back doors partner.
Ignore the fact that the Chief Security Officer (CSO) also spent decades at the NSA before coming to GitHub.
Ignore loads of security flaws found in Rust all the time (with emergency fixes issued).
Ignore GitHub's massive security breaches.
Ignore limited hardware (or architecture) support and complexity associated with builds. Monoculture is all about security, right? Ask Ireland about them darn potato crops...
Don't worry, Rust will still be around in 50 years, just like C.
GitHub will also be online for another 50 years. So what if it stagnates linearly and offices get shut down amid mass layoffs?
Don't worry about the mass resignations at Rust.
Heck, the people who leave in protest are all "nazis"! Good riddance!
So come on, work on improving your Rust skills. Start upskilling.
Maybe those skills will be relevant for longer than the existence of Google Reader, Google+, Google Code, and Microsoft CodePlex.
Maybe not.
Rewrite everything in Rust today. The Microsoft/GAFAM-dominated will thank you a lot. █