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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 20th, 2008 - Part I

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trmanco 20 00:18
trmancothis something that would not please me if it happenedAug 20 00:18
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Aug 20 00:50
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 01:43
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*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 04:39
schestowitzRe: <trmanco>: it's just a speculation. No substance to it beyond speculation. Red Hat won't be acquired by Microsoft by proxy (Maritz). It would be suicide.Aug 20 06:04
schestowitzNice scam described here < > about books in academia recommended due to bribes from publishers/authors.Aug 20 06:57
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Aug 20 07:45
*santhosh_ (i=ca36b033@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 07:50
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*santhosh (i=ca36b033@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 07:51
schestowitzMicrosoft SUSE gets a boost: 20 07:51
santhoshHI schestowitzAug 20 07:51
santhosh 20 07:52
schestowitzThanksAug 20 07:52
schestowitzIt's on Saturday, right? (the protest)Aug 20 07:52
santhosh23rdAug 20 07:53
schestowitzHas the letter from FSF India been posted yet?Aug 20 07:53
santhoshNo. It is not posted AFAIKAug 20 07:53
schestowitzavinar said it might be on Tuesday (yesterday).Aug 20 07:59
schestowitzanivar, I meanAug 20 07:59
*Ziggyfish ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 08:30
santhoshschestowitz: I think he is still working on thatAug 20 08:32
schestowitzI gave some feedback on the letter, which hopefully will go public. Microsoft and its ilk are trying to break your good laws to recreate a digital imperialism, whereby American companies can kill Indian ones and FOSS.Aug 20 08:34
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 09:16
schestowitzkentma: have a look at < >. The collusion expands. How long before Novell is the next Citrix?Aug 20 09:18
kentmaI see that Novell are still pushing the "IPR in linux" angle.Aug 20 09:20
kentma"peace of mind"  - yuk!Aug 20 09:20
schestowitzYes, under the guise of 'interop'. Microsoft calls it "patent royalties" now.Aug 20 09:20
kentmaClearly, Microsoft have accepted that Windows is dead, otherwise they wouldn't be bothering with this.  To be honest, though, since the Desktop is similarly dead, and Microsoft have little traction in the mobility space, I wonder how much of a threat this really is?Aug 20 09:22
schestowitzIt's virtualisation that they try to 'tax' and control.Aug 20 09:23
schestowitzVirtual appliances too (rPath embraced SUSE). :-( The press coverage of this latest thing is highly disappointing. It's like FAUX news.Aug 20 09:24
*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 09:30
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 20 09:32
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 09:42
schestowitztrmanco: the thing you pointed to earlier was a speculation.Aug 20 10:22
trmancoyes, but its not a good IMHOAug 20 10:23
trmancogood one*Aug 20 10:23
schestowitzI wrote this earlier:  Re: <trmanco>: it's just a speculation. No substance to it beyond speculation. Red Hat won't be acquired by Microsoft by proxy (Maritz). It would be suicide.Aug 20 10:24
trmancoI wasn't on the channelAug 20 10:25
schestowitzYes, I know.Aug 20 10:26
trmancoisn't vmware in copyright infringement with the Linux Kernel?Aug 20 10:27
schestowitzYes, they are.Aug 20 10:29
trmancoyes a just found some proof -> 20 10:30
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 10:32
schestowitzTheir excuse might be that many companies do this and that they play nice with Linux (despite being proprietary). Either way, for Red Hat to be devoured like this would not make sense. I know nothing about Sam Dean, but I wouldn't take his speculation far. No-one paid attention to him based on my tour through RSS feeds this morning.Aug 20 10:32
trmancookAug 20 10:35
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 20 10:39
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 10:43
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Aug 20 10:47
pcoleDiane was outed from vmware-is that a fake oust or is it real? Corporate gaming is hard to keep up with.Aug 20 11:07
schestowitzGood question. Well, the new portrayed that as a revengeful sack, followed by a fall of the stock. Did you see what we posted about VMaritz (Microsoft's VMWare)?Aug 20 11:09
pcoleI saw the original link you put up when it first broke out.  I mean people high up in corps seem to make more $ by quitting then stayingAug 20 11:10
schestowitzIf Red Hat was ever acquired by a giant (maybe even Oracle, which it flirted with recently), then the biggest concern is IPR deals. What's VMWare's stance on it? I can't be good, can it?Aug 20 11:11
pcoleAnything closed sourced I suspect. Especially IPR since we (humans) as free thinkers can come up with ideas and algorithms that me be similar at the same time. So patenting that is against free thought.Aug 20 11:16
*santhosh has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Aug 20 11:16
pcoleIsn't Diane husband a coder at vmware?Aug 20 11:18
schestowitzI did not know this. It's worth googling.Aug 20 11:19
schestowitz 20 11:20
schestowitz'On July 8, 2008, VMware co-founder, president and CEO Diane Greene was unexpectedly fired by the VMware Board of Directors and replaced by Paul Maritz, a retired 14-year Microsoft veteran who was heading EMC's cloud computing business unit.[2] In the same news release VMware stated that 2008 revenue growth will be "modestly below the previous guidance of 50% growth over 2007." As a result, market price of VMware dropped nearly 25%Aug 20 11:20
schestowitz.'Aug 20 11:20
schestowitzOh, I see now. I didn't know they were married. "Diane Greene, Mendel Rosenblum, Scott Devine, Edward Wang and Edouard Bugnion founded VMware in 1998.[6] Greene had earned a Master's Degree in Naval Architecture from MIT in 1978, and in 1988 she earned a second Master's Degree in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley.[7] Rosenblum and Greene, who are married, first met while at Stanford."Aug 20 11:21
schestowitzSeveral months ago, I think it was Mendel Rosenblum (if not someone from Xen) who did an interview from Om Malik, (gigaom) the man who astroturfed for Microsoft  and after being caught published some interviews with them.Aug 20 11:23
schestowitzI want to find a relationship -- if any -- b/w Rosenblum and Microsoft.Aug 20 11:23
schestowitzHere's the interview: 20 11:24
schestowitzWith Ozzie: 20 11:24
schestowitz "Asked if he thinks the virtual appliance model is a threat to OS vendors, principally Microsoft, Rosenblum said, "If I were in their shoes ... I think the answer is yes.""Aug 20 11:26
*benJIman is dissapointed at lack of articles on microsoft buying more tokens.Aug 20 11:26
schestowitzI can't find a compelling relationship at all "The good news is that even Microsoft is helping by the way it's specifying the graphics level - you can read the state out of the chip. As for timing, that depends on graphics people. It's an example of what we'd like to see - let the hardware architects figure out how to make it happen." 20 11:27
schestowitzbenJIman: I know about it. I'm writing about it at the moment, but getting distracted.Aug 20 11:27
*schestowitz gives channel operator status to [H]omer_Aug 20 11:28
*ChanServ removes channel operator status from [H]omer_Aug 20 11:28
PetoKraus:DAug 20 11:54
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 12:10
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 20 12:12
*alfauros has quit (Client Quit)Aug 20 12:17
schestowitz ( Gartner believes Microsoft can take over VMware ), 2007Aug 20 12:36
pcoleMaritz is there already; what's to take?Aug 20 12:41
schestowitzI hardly believe that they'll go much further, but they can influence remotely. Just watch what they did to Xen using their Partner of the Year Citrix. We used to speculate that Xen would be bought by Novell. Regulation is an issue. Microsoft couldn't buy VMWare (a rival) and have it approved, but it could use someone to buy it and then influence... or turn VMWare into a shell.Aug 20 12:43
*blackrabbit (i=Frith@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x59AAEBAA) has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 12:44
*blackrabbit has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 20 12:44
PetoKrausvmware could opensourceAug 20 12:46
schestowitzHow would that change things? For Red Hat, you mean?Aug 20 12:47
PetoKrausnah, i doubt MSFT would touch LGPL'ed codeAug 20 12:48
pcoleSince Paul is there already (influence); what's stopping it from being a shell already? Unless others there are roadblocks to the M$ games.Aug 20 12:48
PetoKrausi mean, you get a player, right? it's for free, anyone can get a licenseAug 20 12:49
PetoKrausand it works wellAug 20 12:49
PetoKrausin hypervisors, well, i don't see in there :PAug 20 12:49
schestowitzMaritz was shoves through EMC, another Microsoft Partner of the Year (2008). Only **months** after he had joined the company he became CEO, ousting the co-founder.Aug 20 12:50
*blackrabbit (i=Frith@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x59AAEBAA) has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 12:51
schestowitzPetoKraus: Microsoft can touch GPL by proxy. That's what Novell and Citrix are for. Some journalists concurred on that...Aug 20 12:51
PetoKrausthat's true, but open source can be forkedAug 20 12:51
PetoKrausand copylefted opensource can't be proprietizedAug 20 12:51
PetoKrausi mean, what would they do with vmware if vmware opensourced? plug in .NET?Aug 20 12:52
schestowitzThey could use patents. GPLv2 has weaknesses.Aug 20 12:54
schestowitzJust watch how they managed to say "Novell gets X in SUSE", but others cannot have it, unless they pay Microsoft. They push a dagger in the GPL using s/w patents and secrecy.Aug 20 12:55
PetoKrausbut software patents are still irrelevant in europe, right?Aug 20 12:55
blackrabbitMicrosoft must be desperate, what with the Silverfish Olympics pushAug 20 12:55
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 12:56
PetoKrausi mean, i didn't follow last weeks, but...Aug 20 12:56
blackrabbitI wonder how long they'll show an old photo of Gates on MS dot comAug 20 12:57
blackrabbitwith a little silverfish button above his headAug 20 12:57
blackrabbithello schestowitz PetoKrausAug 20 12:57
Tallkendid anyone here follow a thread on openSuSE forums on July this year about AVG detecting a Windows virus in the kernel SCSI modules?Aug 20 12:57
schestowitzPetoKraus: they want to change things in Europe. India also.Aug 20 12:57
schestowitzA letter from the FSF will hopefully be out soon. They change the law, just like the MAFIAA does with help of corruptible politicians.Aug 20 12:58
pcoleThis is what caught my eye in the foxnews article concerning Novell get X in SUSE:  "Some customers have told us they want to be able to run Windows Server and Linux together seamlessly, but in many cases, they need help with the transition to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server from other Linux environments"Aug 20 12:58
pcoleIts the "from other Linux environments"Aug 20 12:59
schestowitzblackrabbit: yes, I saw that image. Someone in USENET brought it up and Joe Wilcox wrote about it last year, Bad cop, good cop.. carrot and stick... they glorify a criminal and then use that as an icon.Aug 20 12:59
schestowitzJust been pointed to this one (it's a 'wowwer'): 20 12:59
blackrabbitschestowitz, amazing what that company continues to get away withAug 20 12:59
schestowitzTallken: I haven't seen it. Got a link?Aug 20 12:59
schestowitzpcole: I've just posted something about it.Aug 20 13:00
schestowitzblackrabbit: read it.Aug 20 13:00
Tallkenschestowitz: ; as I said it's old, from July. either the guy is very dumb or it's a trollAug 20 13:00
schestowitzI try to see how I can weave that in with current news. It needs greater attention (the SCO/Caldera thing).Aug 20 13:00
TallkenJune actuallyAug 20 13:00
blackrabbitschestowitz, thanks, I scoop up links at the end of the day and read themAug 20 13:01
*schestowitz looksAug 20 13:01
blackrabbitIt should be interesting to see whether or not Adobe does anything to counter the coming Silverfish infestationAug 20 13:02
schestowitzblackrabbit: are you like RMS scoping links for wget? :-)Aug 20 13:02
blackrabbitschestowitz, I collect them and read them later, no I don't use wgetAug 20 13:03
schestowitzI don't think the EC can be relied on when it comes to killing XAML. It's too slow in its response. There will just be another IE6/Netscape-like riot.Aug 20 13:03
*blackrabbit has quit ("Leaving")Aug 20 13:20
*blackrabbit (i=Frith@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x59AAEBAA) has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 13:32
*dsmith_ has quit ()Aug 20 13:34
schestowitz 20 13:37
blackrabbitschestowitz, thanks for the pdfified news entries, eventually I'll get around to downloading them all. Would you consider a yearly tarball of them?Aug 20 13:53
schestowitzI used to have something similar to this, but the host put an end to CPU-greedy queries. 20 13:54
blackrabbitthanksAug 20 13:56
blackrabbitever consider torrenting them?Aug 20 13:58
blackrabbitwhat do you use to pdf themAug 20 13:58
schestowitzIt's not good code. It doesn't translate them properly.Aug 20 13:59
blackrabbitohAug 20 14:04
blackrabbitI need some program to throw images into a pdf quicklyAug 20 14:04
blackrabbitI'm scanning a lot of personal receipts and documents from my personal lifeAug 20 14:05
blackrabbitI don't want to load them all manually in order to pdfify themAug 20 14:05
trmanco 20 14:08
schestowitzI scanned all my photo albums a couple of years ago. JPEG though.Aug 20 14:08
schestowitztrmanco: let's see if there's new in formation there or just parroting of Microvell's plan against Free software.Aug 20 14:08
trmancoI'll go with your second optionAug 20 14:10
schestowitz"Novell doesn't mind, though. In fact it thinks selling its soul to Steve Ballmer was a tremendous idea."Aug 20 14:10
TallkenehehAug 20 14:10
trmancoI've been seeing this all over my feedsAug 20 14:10
trmancoit annoys meAug 20 14:12
schestowitzBlech.Aug 20 14:13
schestowitzI'll do another post about it. Give me 20 minutes or so to dig some stuff up. Novell is just a gentler version of SCO in my mind.Aug 20 14:14
trmancookAug 20 14:15
blackrabbittrmanco, how can they expand interoperability when directx still is not available for linux without wine or cedega?Aug 20 14:24
blackrabbitthis sort of interoperability claims should be illegalAug 20 14:25
blackrabbitschestowitz, JPEG, why not TIFF?Aug 20 14:28
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 20 14:28
schestowitzWould JPEG not be accessible in the far future? *cough cough* HDPhotoAug 20 14:29
blackrabbitI prefer TIFF for photo printsAug 20 14:31
blackrabbitJPEG, while the sizes are smaller and more convenient for storage, do reduce the quality of printsAug 20 14:31
blackrabbitI assume you're not intending to print these in the future?Aug 20 14:31
schestowitzblackrabbit: I don't print. I'm paperless and the JPEGs are of very high quality (about a meg per scan)Aug 20 14:32
blackrabbitsuperbAug 20 14:35
blackrabbitbeats having a shelf full of TIFFsAug 20 14:35
schestowitzI still have the originals (well, my parents have them), but quality degrades over the decades.Aug 20 14:36
blackrabbitI'm moving everything audio to FLACAug 20 14:37
blackrabbitogg is nice, but FLAC gets the job doneAug 20 14:37
blackrabbityes, quality does sharply declineAug 20 14:38
blackrabbitespecially with VHSAug 20 14:38
blackrabbitI have some tapes dating back to the emergence of the format and they are all showing major signs of lossAug 20 14:38
schestowitzHow old is blackrabbit ?Aug 20 14:39
blackrabbitI've never thought about that one, would make a good question for the author, but I think he's deadAug 20 14:42
blackrabbitI believe the representation of said rabbit in literature is without ageAug 20 14:42
schestowitzYou probably know the history of computing well. I'll post something in a minute. Tell me if you spot a mistake (now or later).Aug 20 14:42
schestowitzIt's up now: 20 14:53
blackrabbitthanks, i'll get to all of the links at the end of the dayAug 20 14:55
blackrabbitmy office firewalls http and gives you a day off without pay should you violate policyAug 20 14:56
*schestowitz understandsAug 20 14:56
blackrabbittor works well to get around their firewall, but it also ends up in a day without payAug 20 14:57
schestowitz "Microsoft adds $100m to Novell deal [...] The additional investment "is really motivated by the strong customer demand that we've seen over the past 18 months," said Susan Hauser, Microsoft's general manager of strategic partnerships and licensing." Wow! Microsoft sez so! It must be true.Aug 20 14:58
blackrabbitlol "strategic partnerships and licensing"Aug 20 15:07
blackrabbitwhy does that conjure up images of a well groomed nazi in my mindAug 20 15:07
schestowitzCode words. BTW, got a lot of traffic in recent days, so I'm hoping people search for answers. If you want a copy of the site, I can mail you the mysql DB (just need to manually remove password and such...)Aug 20 15:08
blackrabbitthanks for the kind offer, i'll just stick with links for right now, I have a lot on my plateAug 20 15:09
blackrabbithave you considered a forum on your site?Aug 20 15:09
schestowitzI haven't no. As for links, has the Web Archive made copies yet? Just in case, you know...Aug 20 15:10
blackrabbitI haven't checkedAug 20 15:11
blackrabbitI wouldn't trust the archiveAug 20 15:11
schestowitzWait, I'll have a look,Aug 20 15:11
blackrabbitit seems a lot of stuff gets pulled by corporations with cashAug 20 15:12
blackrabbitor so i've heardAug 20 15:12
schestowitzI don't know how deep it goes, but it has dozens of snapshots:*/bo...Aug 20 15:12
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 15:14
schestowitzI'm a little surprised that traffic in the site rose despite the fact that it's summer. 12 months in a row it has gone up for...Aug 20 15:14
blackrabbitgood newsAug 20 15:15
blackrabbithopefully the trend continuesAug 20 15:15
schestowitzThis one went missing (Microsoft financial fraud is possible), but I found it and made a copy locally. More in 20 15:16
blackrabbitthanksAug 20 15:16
schestowitzAn hour ago I posted this one about  a similar incident a professor told me about. I contacted the author, but he didn't give a convincing answer (just a workaround): 20 15:17
blackrabbitis the other guy still supporting your site or has he taken a time out?Aug 20 15:17
blackrabbitthe other person pictured on bnAug 20 15:17
schestowitzI think it's a time out. Shane.. well, I don't want to go into private lives... but he probably spends more time with the family now. He's still around.Aug 20 15:17
blackrabbitregarding ipv6, I have that article flagged for today's readingAug 20 15:17
schestowitzAnother one... which was gone... let me find it.Aug 20 15:18
blackrabbithope he continues sometime in the futureAug 20 15:18
blackrabbitdid you ever find out what the lxer guy is up to?Aug 20 15:18
blackrabbitif you recall one of our previous discussions about himAug 20 15:18
blackrabbitthe guy who was investigating ms connections in gov and politicsAug 20 15:19
blackrabbitand media, etc.Aug 20 15:19
blackrabbitwho did a book or something?Aug 20 15:19
schestowitzA friend couldn't find this first article about Microsoft and Linux (ZDNet connection): 20 15:19
schestowitzBut I'm trying to track down another example about back doors and Microsoft giving code to governments... it vanished.Aug 20 15:19
schestowitzNa... I give up. I can't find the b*stard.Aug 20 15:21
schestowitzblackrabbit: Tom Adelstein wrote a post in Linux Journal for the first time in months. It happened days ago.Aug 20 15:22
blackrabbitvery good, thanks, I hope he continues his investigationsAug 20 15:23
blackrabbitperhaps you could inquire about this if you're interested, he had a grand startAug 20 15:23
schestowitzHe won't. He hardly writes and he seems to be depressed.Aug 20 15:23
blackrabbit:(Aug 20 15:23
blackrabbityou think something weighed on him?Aug 20 15:24
schestowitzNo, not quite. A career change though.Aug 20 15:24
blackrabbitohAug 20 15:25
schestowitzBTW, what's needed is a digestible thing like an index, a mind map, a query tool. Many posts are not reachable and nobody goes through 200 pages of court documents, not to actually end up making use of the info. has over 3500 posts but I struggle to find old posts.Aug 20 15:25
schestowitzDon't worry about me though. I have just about enough to carry on investigating for a year or two. I think PJ goes on thanks to donations.Aug 20 15:26
PetoKrauswell mind mapAug 20 15:26
PetoKrausall those things like tags, categories.... fulltext search... should create something like mind mapAug 20 15:27
schestowitzYes, I have an old mind map.Aug 20 15:27
schestowitzWait, I'll find it.Aug 20 15:27
PetoKrausbut i guess everyone knows the feeling, when he knows what is he looking for, but can't remember a single thing of these :DAug 20 15:27
schestowitzIt's old though: 20 15:27
schestowitzAnother parrot: "Despite hackles, the partnership between Novell and Microsoft has been a success with customers. Microsoft has given Novell more enterprise traction and the software giant gets to co-opt open source slightly." People who speak to customers say that it's BS. They don't need that deal. It's just an MS/Novell lie.Aug 20 15:33
blackrabbitlolAug 20 15:51
blackrabbitis zdnet a ms mouthpiece?Aug 20 15:51
schestowitzSo they say. Here's a breakdown:Aug 20 15:52
schestowitzOn Microsoft's side they have: Ed Bought (sic), George Who [sic], Mary Jo Foley... all are very, very pro-Microsoft and most make a living that way. Then they have some other anti(ish)-Linux, pro-SCO trolls like Murphy and Dana who runs the 'open source' blog uses just Windows. That's it. Oh! And they had Carrol, a Microsoft employee too... Adrian trolls Linux regularly with the  "Linux 1%" chorus and other myths.Aug 20 15:54
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Aug 20 15:55

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