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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 20th, 2008 - Part II

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schestowitz "Subsequently, I was trolled by my very own brother "... so, when is Luniux going to reach 1% market share?...." and this item has come out on ZDNet (which we all know is essentially funded by Microsoft, right?): Linux - Still chasing that elusive 1% market share."Aug 20 15:55
blackrabbitI've noticed a lot of trolls latelyAug 20 16:01
blackrabbitespecially over the silverfish olympics dealAug 20 16:01
schestowitzWhere? It's true, it's in USENET and Slashdot, reportedly. Digg to..Aug 20 16:01
blackrabbitsomeone needs to shine a light on these foolsAug 20 16:02
blackrabbita smattering of random articles allowing comments on the netAug 20 16:02
schestowitzBTW, remember when we blocked Tor? Well, in the past few days the Tor trolls came here to disrupt. They needed to be kicked and banned. At least one of them came from a USENET forum.Aug 20 16:02
blackrabbitsome even take the time to comment on articles with fewer than 10 postsAug 20 16:02
schestowitzHave a look at.. [waity]Aug 20 16:03
schestowitz*[wait]Aug 20 16:03
blackrabbitif you need to block tor users, so be it, but please make an exemption for gpg key tor usersAug 20 16:03
blackrabbityou can block tor users without blocking gpg key tor usersAug 20 16:03
blackrabbitmany channels here do the sameAug 20 16:03
schestowitz ( Silverblight [sic] Boosters on Microsoft’s Payroll )Aug 20 16:03
blackrabbitone of the reasons why I signed up for gpg key tor serverAug 20 16:04
schestowitzI know you can't read it now, so the gist is that Microsoft employees leave comments in ZDNet and other places to promote their technology. Job title? "Evangelist." As signed...Aug 20 16:05
blackrabbitthanksAug 20 16:05
blackrabbitI am collecting these links, howeverAug 20 16:05
schestowitzI've exposed some agencies recently.Aug 20 16:05
schestowitz I need your help if you are aware of more such agencies that Microsoft hires.Aug 20 16:06
*mib_sntrml (i=18da6f0e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 16:09
*mib_sntrml has quit (Client Quit)Aug 20 16:09
blackrabbitschestowitz, have you tried moonlight?Aug 20 16:11
blackrabbitI heard from a few people attempting to use it that they couldn't use it with the olympics siteAug 20 16:11
schestowitz*LOL*. No. Haven't tried OpenSUSE in years, either. Aug 20 16:11
blackrabbitnow THAT'S interoperability in actionAug 20 16:11
schestowitzYes, blackrabbit, it's not compatible. Moonlight is just for the EU to be lulled into the illusion of inter-OH-perability.Aug 20 16:12
schestowitzLater I'll publish a video about Mono. BTW, for the time being, I stopped publishing in journals. It's slow, it's restrictive (can't say the truth), but the main reason was the Microsoft ads. They flood the Web, esp. Linux sites. I think I can just lodge in a site or two (I neglected, but is OK), even if I am not paid to publish.Aug 20 16:12
blackrabbitI wouldn't publish to a site running ms ads eitherAug 20 16:13
blackrabbitthough viewing sites I have adblockplus and noscriptAug 20 16:13
blackrabbitand flashblockAug 20 16:13
blackrabbitand a hosts file which blocks most ms ads the others dont catchAug 20 16:13
schestowitzThat's not the point, benJIman.Aug 20 16:13
blackrabbitwas mono really pulled from fedora or just the livecd?Aug 20 16:13
schestowitzTrust me, I've criticised people who write for publishers with MS ads. Even Joe Barr (may he rest in peace)Aug 20 16:13
schestowitzI'd be a hypocrite to carry on writing for that site after the ads were added (about a month ago). I hate having to proofread anyway. Slows down the flow...Aug 20 16:14
schestowitzMono is not in the Live CD by default. IIRC, F8 had Tomboy and Mono. Will have to check my notes to be sure.Aug 20 16:15
blackrabbitamazing, my office allows legal cannabis smokers to smoke during breaks but not access web sitesAug 20 16:16
schestowitz 20 16:16
schestowitz" On the surface it looks like one possible reason for going after the Apache Foundation might be to disrupt it directly, like is being done by the ongoing aggression versus Yahoo to rattle the developers and teams."Aug 20 16:16
schestowitz"However, a licensing dependency injects a control and ownership over otherwise Free systems. What is happening to FOSS distros like Fedora and Ubuntu have been getting infected with Microsoft's licensing (e.g. Mono) could be a risk for Apache."Aug 20 16:16
blackrabbithonestly, I don't know how ms wiggled its way into apacheAug 20 16:16
schestowitz"these HP memos from 2002 is that MS could just be lining up its shots for a future lawsuit by using funding to leverage injecting proprietary material into general projects like Apache, Ubuntu, GNOME, etc., which it appears to be doing, and then cashing in (assuming MS is still around). Think a case like SCO but where MS has had a few years to ensure contamination has occurred before calling in the lawyers."Aug 20 16:16
schestowitz"It's up to regular users to look ahead at the development versions and not be chumps about accepting proprietary licensing in FOSS projects, especially from recidivist organizations."Aug 20 16:17
blackrabbitit seems like nothing can stop msAug 20 16:17
schestowitzPolice? Haha. Just kidding. They are easily b ribed, too. :-)Aug 20 16:18
blackrabbitbut in their country, anyone with money can get away with anything it seemsAug 20 16:18
schestowitzYes, Intel too.Aug 20 16:18
blackrabbityes, the ms/intel OLPC gangbang was quite effectiveAug 20 16:18
blackrabbitbunch of pricksAug 20 16:18
blackrabbitexcuse meAug 20 16:18
blackrabbitI had high hopes for OLPCAug 20 16:19
schestowitzIntel I would fight hard as well, but they fight companies, not communities (FOSS). That said, the OLPC thing made me hate Intel with passion. The things I saw them doing. To them, crime is something to take pride in and call "being competitive".Aug 20 16:19
blackrabbitin addition to several other OS and hardware scuttled by ms and/or intelAug 20 16:19
schestowitzYes, that too.Aug 20 16:19
schestowitzLet me find something.Aug 20 16:19
schestowitzActually, the thing I thought about is an interview with Mr. Mono, so I'd rather now. The point made there anyway is that Microsoft, by sidling with Intel, made superior Alpha chips die.Aug 20 16:20
schestowitz*rather notAug 20 16:20
schestowitzBarret sucked up to OLPC yesterday (in the IDF), surely just to carry on with that sweeping job they do... being coy, you know? Like 'joining' OLPC and then sabotaging deals with governments (e.g. Peru) using words, _from the inside_ of OLPC. It's irreparable and it was all written. But just as you find it in global warming, they dilute the pres using disinformation (placements).Aug 20 16:23
blackrabbitwhat forces are lined up to counter these two companies?Aug 20 16:25
blackrabbitisn't ms involved in the LF now?Aug 20 16:25
schestowitzHaha. Only by proxy (Novell et al).Aug 20 16:25
blackrabbitms and novellAug 20 16:26
blackrabbitreminds meAug 20 16:26
schestowitzI predicted that sooner or later the LF will cave just like the OSI. They just need to brainwash people using the press to the point where "Microsoft <heart> linux" == 1.Aug 20 16:26
blackrabbitms reminds me, with novell, of those pervs who make upskirt vidsAug 20 16:26
schestowitz "The Caldera antitrust lawsuit included some of the most damning evidence of Microsoft misconduct; breakware, black propaganda, all was there, the potential embarrassment being such that there was good reason for Microsoft to settle, then try to pretend it never happened. Now, however, maybe it didn’t ever happen - because the evidence is being pulped."Aug 20 16:26
schestowitz"AP reports that the 937 boxes of court-ordered documents, which have been in store since the lawsuit, are currently being destroyed at the behest of SCO, their owner and - surely coincidentally - Microsoft’s new friend. Some 40 boxes have been temporarily hijacked by Sun, which is busily scanning them for use in its own antitrust suit, but after it’s done so they’ll be off for pulping too."Aug 20 16:26
blackrabbitwowAug 20 16:27
blackrabbitms should release a shedderfishAug 20 16:27
schestowitzblackrabbit: vis-a-vis upskirtin', Japan made a 'law' for cameras. They must make a sound so as to prevent the perverts.Aug 20 16:27
blackrabbit"for all non-rose tinted ms articles and documents"Aug 20 16:27
blackrabbitlol really?Aug 20 16:27
blackrabbitwhat if you're deafAug 20 16:28
blackrabbitdo they flash? :PAug 20 16:28
*blackrabbit makes a bad punAug 20 16:28
schestowitzI think not.Aug 20 16:28
schestowitzEither way, PJ has a good stash of material on Caldera and SCO(M)Aug 20 16:28
blackrabbitI'm sick to death of scoAug 20 16:29
schestowitzThey claim to be getting a big fund. Gates connections have been found already.Aug 20 16:30
schestowitzhttp://itmanagement.earthweb...Aug 20 16:30
blackrabbitI keep waiting for obama to declare gates a VPAug 20 16:30
blackrabbitremember when Gates called people asking about it?Aug 20 16:30
schestowitz*gap* no, never heard of it.Aug 20 16:31
blackrabbityes!Aug 20 16:31
blackrabbitgoogle it pleaseAug 20 16:31
schestowitzMcCain wants Ballmer as embassador.Aug 20 16:31
blackrabbitit was all over the newsAug 20 16:31
blackrabbitgates called democratsAug 20 16:31
schestowitz*ambassador. Aug 20 16:31
blackrabbitasking if he could be a VPAug 20 16:31
schestowitzWHAT??Aug 20 16:31
blackrabbitit was unrealAug 20 16:31
blackrabbityes, google itAug 20 16:31
blackrabbitthe guy wants to inject himself into politics big timeAug 20 16:31
schestowitz 20 16:32
blackrabbithe had the money now he wants power, IMOAug 20 16:32
schestowitzWell, he already controls a lot of the press.Aug 20 16:32
blackrabbittrueAug 20 16:32
blackrabbitgoogle it, believe meAug 20 16:32
blackrabbityou'll find mention of itAug 20 16:32
schestowitzWhat bothers me the most is that the man is a criminal, but people's brains have been washed so badly by his groupies and press that they think he was a Saint.Aug 20 16:33
blackrabbitschestowitz, most people's minds swim in brainwashing of mass mediaAug 20 16:33
schestowitzShould there not be a law against criminals in govt'. Oh wait... many things he just settled out of court.Aug 20 16:33
TallkenMS is the criminal in the people's mindAug 20 16:33
blackrabbityes, he is a criminalAug 20 16:33
blackrabbitmost people view ballmer as the root of it allAug 20 16:33
schestowitzLucky me, I don't live in the US, but some of my family does. I guess that a criminal running the nation wouldn't be all that far fetched.Aug 20 16:34
blackrabbitthey dismiss gates because they love the moneyAug 20 16:34
schestowitzThat's a good cap, bad cop game.Aug 20 16:34
blackrabbitthe UK isn't that much betterAug 20 16:34
blackrabbitno offenseAug 20 16:34
schestowitzAgain, a professor once told me convincingly about how they play that game. They now do this with Ramji.Aug 20 16:34
blackrabbitboth countries are well controlledAug 20 16:34
blackrabbitcorporate ruleAug 20 16:34
schestowitzThe UK may be worse.Aug 20 16:34
blackrabbitschestowitz, always a delight, I wish I could continue to day, duty callsAug 20 16:35
TallkenWhat about Russia? I still haven't understood in which direction they are going...Aug 20 16:35
schestowitzNot to mention Gardon and Tony and their connection with the Bilderberg, with which the Gates family too is associated.Aug 20 16:35
schestowitzRussian schools move to GNU/Linux, but the Groves/Gates axis intervenes now.Aug 20 16:35
*blackrabbit has quit ("Leaving")Aug 20 16:36
schestowitzI hope Groklaw will be writing about the Novell/Mirosoft deal. I hope to read another perspective of things. Has anyone found something other than 'mainstream press' drivel (quotes and PR)?Aug 20 16:42
trmanconot yetAug 20 16:54
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 16:54
schestowitzI asked her about it. Asay now has something up: 20 16:55
*trmanco will BRBAug 20 16:55
neighborleehi all how goes it ;0-Aug 20 16:55
schestowitzNovell greased him up though. Yuck! They sucked up to him for good coverage. They are just like Microsoft in that respect.Aug 20 16:55
schestowitzHowdy, neighborlee  it's not too good. (Not me, Novell)Aug 20 16:55
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 16:56
neighborleeschestowitz,oh, why whats  up ;0-Aug 20 16:56
schestowitzThe anti-Linux dance continues as Microsoft funnels another $0.1 bil' into it.Aug 20 16:56
neighborleeinfo at url you posted a moment ago ?Aug 20 16:56
schestowitzAshalee Vance ( a f*ckwit) is moving to the NYT: (what ever happened to standards?)Aug 20 16:58
schestowitzWell, no. Just a former Novell employee.Aug 20 16:58
schestowitzHere's my own take but I wrote it in a rush: 20 16:59
schestowitzDoes anyone here speak Polish. This just in: 20 17:09
schestowitzPolish Competition and Consumer Protection Authority Blasts Microsoft, Forwards Case to European CommissionAug 20 17:10
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 20 17:11
*libervisco_ is now known as liberviscoAug 20 17:11
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 17:16
neighborleeschestowitz, what is the best approach to combat fud about .net being ecma standard ...Aug 20 17:22
neighborleecant find my urls atmAug 20 17:23
schestowitzIt's no protection against patent.Aug 20 17:23
MinceRooxml became an ecma standard quicklyAug 20 17:23
schestowitzI'll post some video about this shortly. Actually, now that you mention it, give me half an hours and I'll post a summary for you.Aug 20 17:23
neighborleeMinceR, yupAug 20 17:23
schestowitzECMA has clients, not standards.Aug 20 17:24
MinceRso ecma probably isn't discerning at allAug 20 17:24
schestowitzECMA is like a shop.Aug 20 17:24
neighborleeMinceR, and its a bad one at that as I recall..Aug 20 17:24
MinceRi don't know if they even had to pay ecma to make it a "standard"Aug 20 17:24
schestowitzECMA is widely known for its corrupt behavior and gaming.Aug 20 17:24
MinceRthe only standardization body i can respect nowadays is ietfAug 20 17:24
neighborleeis ecma the org. that approved ooxml ?Aug 20 17:25
neighborleebeen awhile since I thought about such thngsAug 20 17:25
MinceRit is, iircAug 20 17:25
schestowitzECMA shoves them down ISO's throat.Aug 20 17:25
schestowitzThey'll try XPS next. They still work on it.Aug 20 17:25
neighborleeone of the biggest issues as I recall, is the whole , having to get mono from novel only..that alone is a gpl violation isn't it ?Aug 20 17:26
MinceRis mono gpl-ed?Aug 20 17:27
neighborleeand the whole asp and , not being part of ecma standard right ?Aug 20 17:27
neighborleeMinceR, dont think it can be.Aug 20 17:27
neighborleeMinceR, its based on patent encumbered technologyAug 20 17:27
MinceRi don't think so either.Aug 20 17:27
MinceRthat can work with GPLv2 as long as they don't call it patent licensingAug 20 17:27
schestowitzYes, there are patents.Aug 20 17:27
schestowitzThe 'protection' from Microsoft and word from its execs confirm that they try to 'bless' just those that pay Microsoft... for MonoAug 20 17:28
schestowitzneighborlee: will post about it shortly.Aug 20 17:28
neighborleeah okAug 20 17:28
neighborleebut anyway I read here as wel as I had forgotten, that redhat never has suppported mono due to windows > linux not supported mono was added to fedora and it should not have been and  because there was no patent grant given to them, so yes its all a big nightmare, and thankfully fedora finallly removed mono at least from livecd ;)Aug 20 17:29
neighborleewhy any linux user would trust anything from the company that wants to destroy OSS is very much beyond me...I suspect those that support it are either very naive, or more likely M$ enthusiasts running silent to push M$ standards LOLAug 20 17:30
schestowitzWell, that would be Miguel, OOXML fan boy.Aug 20 17:31
neighborleeLOL yupAug 20 17:32
schestowitzOK, done with the post about Poland < >. On to Mono...Aug 20 17:32
MinceRXPS is yet another reason for adobe to start supporting linuxAug 20 17:32
neighborleewhat is xpsAug 20 17:32
neighborleesilverlight stuff ?Aug 20 17:33
TallkenStill about Foxconn [ ], some updates on that. ( "Testing 2.6.27-rc2 with the current released (not development) BIOS on the Foxconn G33M reveals the following: (...) )?  The fix is 3 lines long which fixes almost all problems. The fault here is incorrect reading (on purpose or not) of the ACPI spec by the BIOS makers, if I read well.Aug 20 17:34
TallkenLaunchpad bug #5536245 - 20 17:34
MinceRmicrosoft postscript/pdfAug 20 17:34
MinceRnamed after a dell line of computers ;)Aug 20 17:34
MinceRimo dell should sue them for trademark violationAug 20 17:35
neighborleeTallken, I recall hearing about that messAug 20 17:35
schestowitzMinceR: if they had sued them, Microsoft would kill Dell using 'margin death'.Aug 20 17:36
schestowitzJoachim Kempin, Microsoft OEM Chief: "I’m thinking of hitting the OEMs harder than in the past with anti-Linux. ... they should do a delicate dance"Aug 20 17:36
MinceRwhat's that? the OEM license pricing attack?Aug 20 17:36
MinceRi think someone should try suing microsoft for thatAug 20 17:36
neighborleewoah scary stuff ;0-Aug 20 17:37
schestowitzneighborlee: I'll do a short post on Mono because it just embeds links that answer the question.Aug 20 17:37
Tallkenneighborlee: yah, the guy at Ubuntuforums had the patience to disassemble the DSDT of the BIOS. A new BIOS was sent to him which works fine.Aug 20 17:37
Tallkenneighborlee: after annyoing Foxconn a bit, of course xDAug 20 17:37
neighborleeLOL yupAug 20 17:37
Tallkenneighborlee: since at first they wouldn't bother :/Aug 20 17:37
schestowitzThere's this one too: "We should whack them [Dell over GNU/Linux dealings], we should make sure they understand our value." --Paul Flessner, MicrosoftAug 20 17:37
MinceRthey're losing leverage in that fieldAug 20 17:38
neighborleebut I  mean,  was a big company like this that stupid to think no one would try disassembling ??Aug 20 17:38
schestowitzWell, watch the latest about Poland. It's the FOURTH country in less than a week.Aug 20 17:38
neighborleeyeah, thats going to get messyAug 20 17:38
neighborleeschestowitz, ok thxAug 20 17:39
TallkenMicrosoft is being dumb IMHO. If they fixed their OS, implemented POSIX layer by default instead of selling separately and used BSD stuff they would have no trouble, would make life easier for everyone and would behave like a decent company... but no, they must act like thieves... BahAug 20 17:40
MinceRi think the problem is that they simply can't implement anything properlyAug 20 17:41
TallkenAnd we must say MS is only facing competition from OSS because their business model wouldn't allow proper and decent products to crop up, leading an healthy competition from which a good software ecossystem would have arisen...  They are getting what they deserveAug 20 17:41
schestowitzneighborlee: here's what might help your argument: 20 17:41
MinceRand of course that their leaders are assholes.Aug 20 17:41
Tallken"Let me see... pay for crappy SW or join the only good thing that it's left?"Aug 20 17:41
Tallkenlol MinceRAug 20 17:42
neighborleeTallken, you just described most of the business world ;)Aug 20 17:42
neighborleeTallken, let alone, god forbid our own government ( in this case I mean sadly, us of a )Aug 20 17:42
schestowitzI suppose you heard about gates wanting to be Vice President? Aug 20 17:42
*mib_iypbn9 (i=47b8a207@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 17:43
neighborleeooooooomy gosh...laughing stock ;)Aug 20 17:43
schestowitzFrom the man who brought you: "Thanks to Mr. Gates, we now know that an open Internet with protocols anyone can implement is communism; it was set up by that famous communist agent, the US Department of Defense." --Richard StallmanAug 20 17:43
schestowitzHe also called it communism, but so did Ballmer and Allchin.Aug 20 17:43
*mib_iypbn9 has quit (Client Quit)Aug 20 17:43
Tallkenneighborlee: I'm still a dreamer, I want to believe MS can get their things right... If they just would fix their things and stop breaking the other people's stuff!!!!Aug 20 17:44
Tallkenwhere have I seen a joke about an old dog with a close government supervision?Aug 20 17:44
neighborleehehAug 20 17:44
neighborleeTallken, its not a bad dream..but it wont happen atm by its current people in charge ;)Aug 20 17:45
MinceRwell, obviously a market where anyone can compete and market forces decide who prospers is communism.Aug 20 17:45
Tallkenya :/Aug 20 17:45
TallkenroflAug 20 17:45
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Aug 20 17:45
Tallkenif your company can't compete, it is xDAug 20 17:45
TallkenI never expected China to bow down to MSAug 20 17:46
neighborleemy vision of a world is where no competition is in existence..but it wont happen easily because the world is ruled by greed ;)Aug 20 17:46
TallkenI do hope they start using proper LinuxAug 20 17:46
Tallkenif they want to pay it goodAug 20 17:46
Tallkenbut not to has not meritAug 20 17:46
Tallken*but not to (some company) has not merit to earn itAug 20 17:47
schestowitzTallken: China is owned by Gates. For a long time. He's friends with them.Aug 20 17:47
Tallkenneighborlee: people get lazy easilyAug 20 17:47
Tallkenneighborlee: I believe competition is the way forwardAug 20 17:47
Tallkenneighborlee: with a strong supervisionAug 20 17:47
neighborleeyou dont have to compete, when you work with your neighbor ;)Aug 20 17:47
Tallkenneighborlee: from someone :/Aug 20 17:47
Tallkenneighborlee: well ya too much competition is stupidAug 20 17:48
neighborleesomeone far better than myself said that..his first name was j esus  :)Aug 20 17:48
TallkenlolAug 20 17:48
Tallkenwell yaAug 20 17:48
Tallkenbut the world ain't perfectAug 20 17:49
neighborleeits supposed to be ;)Aug 20 17:49
schestowitz - How Microsoft bought ChinaAug 20 17:49
neighborleeomg china..what a MESS that isAug 20 17:49
schestowitz 20 17:49
neighborleepolllution, civil rights vanquished..sheeshAug 20 17:49
TallkenI prefer to ensure I've the power to make it perfect than expecting it to be... It's the essence of competition.Aug 20 17:50
neighborleewell think of it like a perfectly working ecosystemAug 20 17:50
neighborleeall parts work along with each otherAug 20 17:50
neighborleeno competition, just interactionAug 20 17:50
neighborleeyou see now ? ;)Aug 20 17:50
neighborleeif they dont work together, you get global warming, and we all know what thats doing dont we ;)Aug 20 17:51
neighborleeyet our dear government  wants to consider drilling offshore...what-a-joke ;)Aug 20 17:52
neighborleeyeah lets spill more oil in our oceans ;)Aug 20 17:52
schestowitzThey already spill e-waste in AfricaAug 20 17:52
schestowitzLet them eat cak... err... I mean, mercury.Aug 20 17:52
neighborlee:)Aug 20 17:53
schestowitzStep one for change: reduce greed, promote culture, folklore.Aug 20 17:53
neighborleeexactlyAug 20 17:53
neighborleegreed causes all of our problemsAug 20 17:53
schestowitzHollywood, one of the benefactors of the consumer-producer divide, fights such change using brainwash it can generate.Aug 20 17:54
neighborleeyeah im ashamed of hollywoodAug 20 17:54
neighborleecapable of much, yet creators of not much goodAug 20 17:54
schestowitzSo it's a circular catch really. It raises the young generation to cherish material things. Oh! And being good is sissy, whereas being bad and dangerous is "cool".Aug 20 17:54
neighborleeyupAug 20 17:55
neighborleewherein they miss the boat, as in reality  being bad is easier, as being good is a promise to work effectively to maintain good relations with others and help your fellow  man create harmonyAug 20 17:56
neighborleeas jesus said..those taking the wide road find it easy but it leads to des truction..the narrow road which is hard leads to life.Aug 20 17:56
schestowitzWell...Aug 20 17:56
neighborleesorry for religion insertion, but its true.Aug 20 17:56
schestowitzThat's fine.Aug 20 17:57
neighborleemy friend calls me a jesus freak LOLAug 20 17:57
neighborleein mostly humorous tone, but hey ;)Aug 20 17:57
schestowitzDestruction of youth, or anything benevolent thing like FOSS or CCL for that matter, is part of the plan.Aug 20 17:57
neighborleeyupAug 20 17:58
TallkenbahAug 20 17:58
TallkenI see it this wayAug 20 17:58
Tallkenthe good will know something is wrongAug 20 17:58
Tallkenand find the goodnessAug 20 17:58
Tallkenand promote the goodnessAug 20 17:58
neighborleetell that to islamAug 20 17:59
Tallkenthe bad and lazy will embrace the easy thingsAug 20 17:59
schestowitzOr buy the perception of goodness. Just watch a criminal Gates buying his way to glory.Aug 20 17:59
Tallkenneighborlee: well okAug 20 17:59
Tallkengood pointAug 20 17:59
neighborleesadly yes it is ;(Aug 20 17:59
Tallkenbut what can we do? "teach" them? Who are we to feel morally superior?Aug 20 17:59
TallkenThat's what they doAug 20 17:59
Tallkennot usAug 20 17:59
neighborleemorally superior is irrelevantAug 20 18:00
Tallkenwe must have a strong vision of our worldAug 20 18:00
Tallkento resist their attacksAug 20 18:00
Tallkenand shut them up when we have the right toAug 20 18:00
schestowitzThis is related to the "Microsoft hater" label. Denouncing crime is wrong, doing crime (Microsoft) is to be tolerated.Aug 20 18:00
TallkenI'm not saying we do not denounce itAug 20 18:01
Tallkenok, I can't reply properlyAug 20 18:01
schestowitzNo, not that...Aug 20 18:02
schestowitzWell, the point I was making is that in order to gag critics of crime there are labels that are used. Zealot, extremist, basher, hater, etc.Aug 20 18:02
Tallkenwhat I meant is: ensure the message of the good gets passed; don't whine (too much) of the evil ones; criticise contructively their message; ensure bad actions are punished without undermining the others authority, but still get the message transmittedAug 20 18:03
Tallkenthat's the whine partAug 20 18:03
Tallkenwe have to be careful to provide more than enough proof to make it a rational discussionAug 20 18:03
Tallken*critic, not discussionAug 20 18:03
Tallkenotherwise everytime we get called zealot, whateverAug 20 18:04
schestowitzAnother MS/Novell parrot spotted: 20 18:04
Tallkenthe whole community gets a little less confidenceAug 20 18:04
Tallkenthe whole community gets a little less confidence from outsidersAug 20 18:04
schestowitzIf they don't understand it, why just repeat the press release?Aug 20 18:04
schestowitzEvidence is accumulated too.Aug 20 18:05
TallkenI don't believe in a perfect world; I believe we must build with the appropriate use of "force"; but we're the good guys, thereby the use of quotes in "force"Aug 20 18:07
schestowitzRegulation sounds better.Aug 20 18:07
TallkenPlus there are sometimes, speaking not of the current time nor place, where goodness is asking to get p0wn3dAug 20 18:07
schestowitzEnforcement using fine is not the way to go; too many companies operate criminally as a matter of routine. It's the norm. Microsoft's stock options are an example of this.Aug 20 18:08
Tallkenwe're the fighters of one side; neithers us or any of the fighters should be the regulatorsAug 20 18:08
neighborleepeaceful demonstration worked for ghandi,,,and well we know whom else it worked for, though at some cost of course :(,,sorry for more religion insertions, but it is relevant if we talk about such things I think ;)Aug 20 18:08
schestowitzThere are established market rules though. The wealthy makes it all deviate even from the constitution.Aug 20 18:09
Tallkenthough in Portugal when it was for the OOXML vote, one of ANSOL (National Association of Free Software) stepped down from the comitee because he considered he would be partial only too... have his place occupied by one Microserf xDAug 20 18:09
schestowitzneighborlee: stop apologising. It's fine.Aug 20 18:09
Tallkenman I didn't know whether I'd laugh or cryAug 20 18:09
neighborleeok.Aug 20 18:09
schestowitzPortugal and OOXML . *SCREAM*Aug 20 18:10
Tallken:PAug 20 18:10
schestowitz"Not enough chairs in the room.."Aug 20 18:10
schestowitzMSBBC now makes it sounds like Microsoft does the world a favour with it's anti-Linux anti-VM second-class product: 20 18:12
TallkenROFL didn't know about the chair issueAug 20 18:13
Tallkenso sadAug 20 18:13
schestowitzLet me find it.Aug 20 18:15
Tallkeni found it already schestowitzAug 20 18:15
Tallkensearched the site ;)Aug 20 18:15
schestowitz 20 18:15
schestowitz 20 18:15
schestowitzI left a comment there at the time. It was the early day when Microsoft was even more aggressive and corrupt than the second time around (it even bribed).Aug 20 18:16
neighborlee < this is always a good one,detractor from within says alot,,even though its 4 years old but stillAug 20 18:18
trmanco 20 18:19
TallkenPermission to dump four anti Windows links which may or may not be of interest/already known?Aug 20 18:19
schestowitzneighborlee: it's also good because it's prophetic.Aug 20 18:19
Tallken(got them from the Favorites)Aug 20 18:19
neighborleeschestowitz, yeahAug 20 18:19
schestowitzTallken: go ahead.Aug 20 18:19
Tallken -> `Trusted Computing' Frequently Asked QuestionsAug 20 18:20
schestowitzOh, that Fobes nonsense. There was another one in BusinessWeek  and the Microsoft Munchkins soon used it against FOSS. It's incorrect. It fits old figures to match the analysis.Aug 20 18:20
Tallken -> Why I hate Microsoft "A personal, lengthy, but highly articulate outburst"Aug 20 18:20
schestowitzForbes wants to give the Microsoft takes on Open Source and BW won't tell you that investments in OSS are at an _ALL-TIMES HIGH_.Aug 20 18:20
schestowitzTallken:  I know the guy who wrote this.Aug 20 18:21
schestowitzHe used to post a lot in USENET, but he rarely does this now.Aug 20 18:21
Tallken -> Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going. [NOTE: last mirror available! original site doesn't work]Aug 20 18:21
Tallken -> A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content ProtectionAug 20 18:21
Tallkenand that's itAug 20 18:21
Tallkenlol you do?Aug 20 18:21
schestowitzHaven't see that 3rd one.Aug 20 18:22
schestowitzMake a local copy just in case.Aug 20 18:23
Tallken:)Aug 20 18:24
TallkenI'm rereading thoseAug 20 18:24
TallkenIt's been a long time since I read themAug 20 18:24
schestowitzTallken: I have a script running in BN, so any URL you put here is saves locally on my external HDD.Aug 20 18:25
Tallkenlol ok okAug 20 18:25
schestowitzBut it doesn't do IRC because I fold these posts.Aug 20 18:25
Tallken€«The modern age only started when Gutenberg invented movable type printing in Europe, which enabled information to be preserved and disseminated even if princes and bishops wanted to ban it. For example, when Wycliffe translated the Bible into English in 1380-1, the Lollard movement he started was suppressed easily; but when Tyndale translated the New Testament in 1524-5, he was able to print over 50,000 copies before they caughtAug 20 18:25
Tallkenhim and burned him at the stake.€»Aug 20 18:25
TallkenroflAug 20 18:26
Tallkenpoor guyAug 20 18:26
Tallken€«By 2008, you may find that the costs of turning TC off are simply intolerable.€» of, bad date prediction...Aug 20 18:26
Tallken*okAug 20 18:26
schestowitzIs Apple into that too (I know the answer)?Aug 20 18:27
schestowitzIBM seems to be pushing this into GNU/Linux too. I don't trust their little 'open' Lotus plot.Aug 20 18:27
schestowitzHaha. Dana 'borrowed' my picture: 20 18:28
schestowitzHorrible, horrible headline: "Microsoft invest in Linux again"   They invest in killing GNU/Linux as a Free/free platform/OS.Aug 20 18:34
Tallkendo your ISPs have NNTP servers? Mine doesn't :'(Aug 20 18:55
*self_liar (i=c92b2321@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 18:55
self_liarhelloAug 20 18:55
schestowitzHi there.Aug 20 18:55
self_liarschestowitz:thanks roy for  a lot of articles ,Aug 20 18:55
schestowitzThere's a war against NNTP. They use paedophelia as an excuse for killing it.Aug 20 18:56
self_liarschestowitz: it takes your time,but is very important do document the m$ attacksAug 20 18:56
schestowitzThey could probably blame "terrorist" or "piracy" instead. There's just too much free speech for them to cope with on USENET.Aug 20 18:56
self_liarschestowitz: give me a link for infoAug 20 18:56
schestowitzself_liar: yes, I fell behind because of it. Catching up with MS at the moment.... lots of news.Aug 20 18:57
schestowitzI could always use some input... links and stuff to ensure we don't miss something from the puzzle.Aug 20 18:57
self_liarschestowitz: if the takes a lot of time, write 1 or 2 articles each dayAug 20 18:58
self_liarschestowitz: i understand your lack of timeAug 20 18:58
self_liarschestowitz: that dotexeAug 20 18:58
self_liarschestowitz: is eet?Aug 20 18:58
schestowitzNo.Aug 20 18:58
schestowitzIt's someone from USENET, I think.Aug 20 18:58
schestowitz[H]omer would say that it's Gary Stewart or Scott Douglas. They are probably paid AstroTurfers. Been out there for ages.Aug 20 18:59
neighborleeschestowitz, is that link up for ecma stuff, sorry if I missed it I have been busy in another channel(s) ;)))Aug 20 18:59
schestowitzYes, it's the latest post.Aug 20 19:00
Tallkenthe man who invented Gmane has my love for all eternity xDAug 20 19:01
Tallkenall Mailing List software should have a news-to-ML gatewayAug 20 19:01
self_liarschestowitz: it'is possible m$ create a odf plugin ?Aug 20 19:02
self_liarschestowitz: or it's a eternal  fairy tale?Aug 20 19:02
schestowitzThe censorship of NGs through ISPs is a real blow to democracy. They cull out thousands of NGs because of some rotten apples.Aug 20 19:02
schestowitzThey'll create some very crappy and then use lots of popups to steer users towards OOXML.Aug 20 19:02
self_liarschestowitz: ok , a bad odf implementationAug 20 19:03
self_liara lot of people was speculating abou kde fork,but who needs a fork is gnomeAug 20 19:04
schestowitzThey are in it for the money. Had they decided to play nice, they'd have joined ages ago (ODF, not MOOX)Aug 20 19:04
self_liargoneme should be live,but it's notAug 20 19:04
schestowitzThere won't be a KDE fork. They add the same functionality (customization) gradually. They restore power.Aug 20 19:05
self_liarschestowitz: I know ,but a gnome fork can be goodAug 20 19:06
self_liarschestowitz: kde is great ,of course,until now (without mono )Aug 20 19:07
schestowitzself_liar: for MonoAug 20 19:07

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