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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 12th, 2009 - Part 3


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twitterthe same two are in a much tighter, and happier looking, people pile here 12 21:20
balzacgay people ought to be represented in marketing campaignsMar 12 21:21
twitterI don't look at any of those pictures and imagine the models taking warm showers togetherMar 12 21:21
balzacbut unless a particular niche market is the focus of the campaign, no particular group should be appear to be the one you're marketing toMar 12 21:22
twitterI'm more than a little tired of marketing campaignsMar 12 21:23
balzacneither do IMar 12 21:23
balzacI'd say the group is a bit too tidy looking as wellMar 12 21:23
balzacwhere's the fat guy, the old guy, the pony-tail?Mar 12 21:24
balzacthat's a lot of chicks for a software sceneMar 12 21:24
twitterthat's how marketing campaigns are - use this and you will will be happy and healthyMar 12 21:24
balzacrightMar 12 21:24
twitterUbuntu seeks to create community.  I can understand how they would like to have pictures of people happy and comfortable with each other.Mar 12 21:25
balzacwell, authenticity strikes people more directlyMar 12 21:26
balzacit's a little bit contrivedMar 12 21:27
balzacI could round up a gaggle of freaks and nerds and it would probably be a lot more representative of Ubuntu users and geeks in generalMar 12 21:27
balzacprobably, those two dudes were laughing about how silly the combination of the posing and the slogan on the shirts were together.Mar 12 21:28
balzacwhatever. all I know is that ad made squirm. 800+ DiggsMar 12 21:29
balzac 12 21:30
balzacI personally find Digg, as a demographic group is pretty juvenile, but they're pretty well representative of the age and gender demographics of ubuntu as wellMar 12 21:31
balzacI suspect debian users are, on average, maybe 7-10 years older than ubuntu usersMar 12 21:31
balzacDigg has more ubuntu than debian users, in my estimationMar 12 21:31
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 12 21:32
balzacI thought naming Fedora "Leonidas" was a bit of a marketing flub as wellMar 12 21:33
balzaccode-nameMar 12 21:33
twitterM$ community 12 21:35
twitterI added the Nazis on the left, but the black shirted wonder twins and horror painting on the right are all part of the original image.Mar 12 21:36
twitteryes, I misspelled conformityMar 12 21:36
_Hicham_what do u think of Mark Shuttleworth?Mar 12 21:41
schestowitzBalrog_: no point writing about the French migration. It's covered widely already. Old news too (last year they announced the migration in AP)Mar 12 21:47
twitterI don't know Shuttleworth.  He says he believes in freedom and wants Ubuntu to be free.  I've never heard anything bad about him.Mar 12 21:47
twitterhere's a little fun for the bayimg vista page 12 21:48
balzacI think Shuttleworth is a natural leaderMar 12 21:48
balzacgood guyMar 12 21:48
balzacperhaps a bit overly-diplomaticMar 12 21:49
balzacI have the same complaint about Obama, but he's turned out pretty successfulMar 12 21:49
twitterI liked this image better though, 12 21:50
balzacnice one twitterMar 12 21:50
twitterthanksMar 12 21:50
balzacperfect conformity, world domination, what could go wrong?Mar 12 21:50
twittereverythingMar 12 21:51
twitterha haMar 12 21:51
balzacand pretty uniformly one ethnic group and one genderMar 12 21:51
balzacnot much age variation there eitherMar 12 21:51
twitterI see one or two females and a couple of brown guys all technically Caucasian.  Can't say much for ethnicity from here but know they all have to worship Bill Gates and greed to wear the black shirt.Mar 12 21:54
*Eruaran has quit (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")Mar 12 21:55
schestowitz*LOL* Longhorn academyMar 12 21:58
balzactwitter: you could just be a smart conformist who stumbles into that groupMar 12 21:59
balzacthey can't all be ambitious pricks, there have to be a few token normal folksMar 12 21:59
schestowitz "Economist Carl B. Shapiro, who endorsed the Clinton administration’s plan to break up Microsoft Corp. as an expert witness, has rejoined the U.S. Justice Department as the antitrust division’s chief economist, people familiar with the appointment said. "Mar 12 22:00
schestowitzTiemann sent me a headsupMar 12 22:01
schestowitz*headsupMar 12 22:01
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 12 22:02
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 12 22:03
balzacwhat about?Mar 12 22:05
schestowitzLet's see who stuffs the authorities with more cronies :-)Mar 12 22:06
schestowitzMicrosoft is trying to poison ObamAAMar 12 22:06
schestowitzVassallo: 12 22:06
schestowitzVarney: 12 22:06
schestowitzBarnett: 12 22:06
balzacRoy, pass this along to Tiemann, pleaseMar 12 22:06
balzac 12 22:06
balzacjkMar 12 22:06
schestowitznoMar 12 22:06
balzacI'm taking that downMar 12 22:07
balzacit's too sillyMar 12 22:07
schestowitzit isMar 12 22:07
schestowitzkind of kinkyMar 12 22:07
_Hicham_Microsoft will adopt LinuxMar 12 22:08
_Hicham_and provide open source solutions to its customersMar 12 22:08
_Hicham_since they can't afford to secure the whole crapMar 12 22:08
balzacIn 1987, I realized that GNU software was some of the best software to be found anywhere, and that the GNU Manifesto was really a business plan in disguise.Mar 12 22:08
balzacfrom: 12 22:09
balzacsmart guyMar 12 22:09
balzacIt's a good way to see the inherent opportunity in the GNU Manifesto, although it's more than that.Mar 12 22:10
schestowitzSomeone mailed me this:Mar 12 22:11
schestowitz"Richard A. Epstein is the James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law, at the University of Chicago, the Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution, and a visiting professor at New York University Law School. He has consulted from time to time with Microsoft. " 12 22:11
schestowitzShort story: Financial Times Gives Room for Microsoft Drones to Publish Attacks on EU CommissionMar 12 22:11
schestowitzopensuse download resorted only just now (2 days later): [opensuse-announce] Update: RestoredMar 12 22:12
MinceRthey might adopt some random *bsd insteadMar 12 22:13
benJImanActually most functionality was restored early yesterday, with a few issues that were resolved today.~Mar 12 22:13
MinceRm$, that is.Mar 12 22:13
Balrog_amazon / kindle messMar 12 22:17
Balrog_ 12 22:17
Balrog_ 12 22:17
Balrog_this was a tool to allow you to use non-kindle books on kindle (basically mobiread-type ebooks)Mar 12 22:18
_Hicham_ 12 22:18
Balrog__Hicham_: I saw that a week or two agoMar 12 22:19
schestowitz_Hicham_: Remember that only a few Microsoft products are profitable (and only in wealthy countries where margins eroded too). They now try to sell hardware (shops), patent licences, and services (with limited success). Zune and XBox (DRM on hardware) cost them billions.Mar 12 22:19
Balrog_between Apple and Linux, MS will loseMar 12 22:19
schestowitzI spoke to Bill Parish once and I still talk to Microsoft shareholders. I reckon Bill and Steve bluff a lot. Con artists are a dime a dozen these days.Mar 12 22:19
schestowitzWow, I can't wait to make a post with some new info I gotMar 12 22:20
schestowitz 12 22:20
schestowitzMicrosoft is in troubleMar 12 22:21
MinceRi hope crApple will lose tooMar 12 22:21
MinceRwe can't afford to have another microsoft.Mar 12 22:21
Balrog_MinceR: that's not going to happen.Mar 12 22:21
_Hicham_here in Morocco, almost every windows copy is piratedMar 12 22:21
schestowitz"BTW, Morgan Stanley put out a research note reducing their earnings expectations for Microsoft.  The note said that the PC industry was going to be down dramatically in 2009 and MSFT wasn't going to sell as much.  Look how it affected their stock, and the stocks of others that may be related to such news"Mar 12 22:21
schestowitz"I actually think that the idea of an actual enforcer in DOJ, not the reasons given in the MS downgrade, is what's behind MSFT's contrary motion."Mar 12 22:21
schestowitz_Hicham_: yes, in most of the worldMar 12 22:21
schestowitzElse, they move to LinuxMar 12 22:22
schestowitzOr sell PCs with Linux Mar 12 22:22
_Hicham_in the universities also hereMar 12 22:22
Balrog_Apple will probably get 33% of market share at most [maximum ever], IMOMar 12 22:22
_Hicham_in the government officesMar 12 22:22
schestowitzMinceR: Apple is too expensiveMar 12 22:22
_Hicham_everything is piratedMar 12 22:22
schestowitzIt targets rich people who buy 'dreams'Mar 12 22:22
_Hicham_piracy kills linuxMar 12 22:22
schestowitzThat's why Microsoft loves counterfeitingMar 12 22:22
schestowitzWIndows is gratisMar 12 22:23
MinceRschestowitz: which could mean that we won't have any choice if we want powerful pcs.Mar 12 22:23
schestowitzThey charge only if they can fool the costimerMar 12 22:23
schestowitzOr can afford to take her/him to courtMar 12 22:23
_Hicham_I think that we should help Microsoft enforce their anti-piracy policyMar 12 22:23
Balrog_Apple products still are more polished and mature (talking from a UI and end-user-experience point of view) levelMar 12 22:23
Balrog__Hicham_: The BSA is nastyMar 12 22:23
_Hicham_if no one can pirate Windows, sure Linux will winMar 12 22:23
MinceRBalrog_: that's not my experience.Mar 12 22:23
Balrog_MinceR: explain...or do you want a copy of Windows in your OS? :PMar 12 22:24
_Hicham_BSA is not sufficientMar 12 22:24
Balrog_(meaning, do you want to have a 'clone' of the Windows-UI)Mar 12 22:24
MinceRBalrog_: i've found osx to be extremely limited and their HIG to be bullshit.Mar 12 22:24
MinceReven that's preferable to a clone of the macos guiMar 12 22:24
schestowitzBSA: friends of Gates familyMar 12 22:24
Balrog_the HIG descend from the original mac GUIMar 12 22:25
schestowitzPeople who worked for Billy's dadMar 12 22:25
Balrog_which MS took fromMar 12 22:25
_Hicham_it is not necessary to copy from an OSMar 12 22:25
MinceRat least they didn't take all the stupidityMar 12 22:25
MinceRand btw apple stole from xeroxMar 12 22:25
Balrog_well, I find it more efficient with the OS X gui and allMar 12 22:25
MinceRlet's not pretend apple invented the wheel.Mar 12 22:25
Balrog_Xerox invested in AppleMar 12 22:25
Omar87Hello everyone.Mar 12 22:25
MinceRinvested? that's very far from the story i've heard.Mar 12 22:25
_Hicham_Hello Omar!Mar 12 22:26
Balrog_"Xerox invested $1 million in Apple by purchasing 100,000 shares at $10 each. Furthermore, Xerox signed an agreement with Apple to never purchase more than 5 percent of Apple's outstanding shares. Within a year, these shares split into 800,000 worth $17.6 million when Apple went public"Mar 12 22:26
Omar87_Hicham_: Hey!Mar 12 22:26
Balrog_http://www.vectronicsappleworl...Mar 12 22:26
Balrog_I'll find another source if you wishMar 12 22:26
Balrog_also read folklore.orgMar 12 22:26
schestowitzBalrog_: and now MS invests in AppleMar 12 22:27
Balrog_it says it right in the wikipedia articleMar 12 22:27
Balrog_ 12 22:27
schestowitzSo Microsoft steals from AppleMar 12 22:27
Balrog_well, MS did invest in appleMar 12 22:27
schestowitzLike Apple 'stole' from XeroxMar 12 22:27
Balrog_I don't know how it is nowMar 12 22:27
MinceRso m$ didn't steal either?Mar 12 22:27
Balrog_MS stole in a different wayMar 12 22:27
MinceRhow so?Mar 12 22:27
schestowitzMS claimed ctreditMar 12 22:27
schestowitzThey called it "Windows"Mar 12 22:27
Balrog_actually it turned out to be the stupidity of Apple's CEOMar 12 22:27
MinceRso did appleMar 12 22:28
schestowitzSo you'll think they pioneered it :-)Mar 12 22:28
MinceRapple keeps claiming credit for all sorts of things they didn't inventMar 12 22:28
_Hicham_the two Steves love each otherMar 12 22:28
Balrog_back in the late 80's Sculley perpetually licensed the GUI elements to MSMar 12 22:28
MinceRso do the apple fanboys on their behalfMar 12 22:28
schestowitz_Hicham_: one calls Linux cancer, another Steve has itMar 12 22:28
Balrog_"Apple came up with a list of 189 GUI elements; the judge decided that 179 of these elements had been licensed to Microsoft in the Windows 1.0 agreement"Mar 12 22:28
MinceRschestowitz: lolMar 12 22:28
Balrog_the rest were obvious or not original to AppleMar 12 22:29
Balrog_see 12 22:30
schestowitzMicron goes banandas < >Mar 12 22:31
schestowitzWhen will apple go bananas too?Mar 12 22:31
schestowitzNAND prices up by 90 per cent  < > Deflation. eh?Mar 12 22:31
schestowitzbrb, I've got to showerMar 12 22:31
Balrog_Apple needs those 32GB chipsMar 12 22:32
Balrog_here's the page on the UI ideas and PARCMar 12 22:32
Balrog_ 12 22:32
MinceRhow significant was xerox's investment in apple back then, compared to capital apple already had?Mar 12 22:33
Balrog_"When Apple went public a couple years later, Xerox' investment suddenly became worth over $17 million, far more than it made on the Star itself."Mar 12 22:33
MinceRthat doesn't answer my questionMar 12 22:34
Balrog_I'm trying to find how much aapl was when it went publicMar 12 22:35
Balrog_oh ... how much capital they had?Mar 12 22:35
MinceRwell, their market cap at the point they went public is probably sufficientMar 12 22:35
Balrog_they did have good Apple II salesMar 12 22:35
MinceRif we know whether what xerox invested is part of that or notMar 12 22:35
Balrog_another you think apple should have 'allowed' people to clone the Mac?Mar 12 22:37
Balrog_I find that not possible, due to the fact that much of the OS was burned-in-ROM and on the logic boardMar 12 22:38
Balrog_MinceR: any good reference for such info?Mar 12 22:39
Balrog_(like historical market cap)Mar 12 22:40
MinceRnope -- i've never done such research beforeMar 12 22:40
Balrog_ok :/Mar 12 22:40
Balrog_yeah ... the rom thing was a problem for clonersMar 12 22:40
MinceRi don't know if yahoo or google have such infoMar 12 22:40
Balrog_I looked ... they have prices but not capMar 12 22:40
MinceRi think cloning the mac would have opened new possibilities for the marketMar 12 22:41
MinceRand would have been technically advantageousMar 12 22:41
MinceRbut by no means the only wayMar 12 22:41
Balrog_no, the problem was more with Jean-Louis GaseeMar 12 22:41
Balrog_(if I spelled it right)Mar 12 22:41
Balrog_he felt that macs should be very, very expensiveMar 12 22:41
MinceRstrange... didn't they have the lisa for that?Mar 12 22:41
Balrog_at one point the price range was $3500 - $12000, if my numbers are rightMar 12 22:42
Balrog_nope, that happened after jobs was kicked outMar 12 22:42
Balrog_the original mac was $2500, which wasn't that bad for the dayMar 12 22:42
MinceRbtw, i find the sinclair ql much more interesting than the original mac at that timeMar 12 22:42
Balrog_explainMar 12 22:42
Balrog_it didn't have resources, fonts, a gui, menus, etc, etcMar 12 22:43
MinceR 12 22:43
MinceRto me what's most important is that it was the first pc with preemptive multitaskingMar 12 22:43
MinceRat a time when most pcs didn't even have multitasking in any formMar 12 22:43
MinceRthey did seem to have a gui, too -- though that might have been app-dependentMar 12 22:44
Balrog_remember ... the mac had 64kb of ROM, 128 kb RAM, and a 400kb diskMar 12 22:44
MinceRand no multitaskingMar 12 22:45
MinceRand no colorsMar 12 22:45
Balrog_and you had room for OS, an application, and a few documents in thatMar 12 22:45
Balrog_I'd take the mac's screen of those days over any color screen of those daysMar 12 22:45
MinceRthe worst thing about the mac was the concept, thoughMar 12 22:45
MinceRdesigning a computer for idiotsMar 12 22:45
schestowitzLogo tooMar 12 22:45
schestowitzAn apple a dayMar 12 22:46
Balrog_because the computers of the day were extremely hard to useMar 12 22:46
schestowitzBut they spend a lot of marketing nowMar 12 22:46
schestowitz300m per yearMar 12 22:46
MinceRi don't remember my sinclair zx spectrum being extremely hard to use :>Mar 12 22:46
Balrog_did you have to type obscure commands?Mar 12 22:46
MinceRi had to type commands in basicMar 12 22:46
Balrog_yeah, that's not what people wantMar 12 22:47
MinceRi had a manual, sadly it was in german -- later i got manuals in hungarianMar 12 22:47
Balrog_people want something you plug in and it worksMar 12 22:47
MinceRi don't care what people want, i care about what's powerful and what gets the job done :>Mar 12 22:47
MinceRand most importantly, what i wantMar 12 22:47
Balrog_ok, original mac was $2500, the 512k-ram model was $2000 ......Mar 12 22:47
Balrog_well what about wysiwyg?Mar 12 22:48
trmanco 12 22:48
Balrog_what-you-see-is-what-you-get?Mar 12 22:48
MinceRand a general-purpose computer will never expose all its functionality just by plugging it in, until it becomes capable of reading the thoughts of the userMar 12 22:48
MinceRwysiwyg is overratedMar 12 22:48
Omar87Guys, what do you think of those who say that Ubuntu didn't create anything new, and that it's just using what others have made?Mar 12 22:48
MinceROmar87: they're cluelessMar 12 22:48
Balrog_Under Gasee, a mac cost $3700 - $8700Mar 12 22:49
Balrog_gassee *Mar 12 22:49
Omar87Balrog_: What's a Gassee?Mar 12 22:49
MinceRubuntu created a debian spinoff with recent yet stable packages, a system that's easier to start using and they started using at least one practice that i consider good practiceMar 12 22:49
Balrog_Gassee is a former head of Mac development at AppleMar 12 22:50
Balrog_from the '80sMar 12 22:50
MinceRsure, they didn't do most of the work -- no one distro didMar 12 22:50
Balrog_He wrote about Microsoft tooMar 12 22:51
Balrog_ 12 22:51
Balrog_"Jean-Louis Gassée on why PC manufacturers don't sell non MS products"Mar 12 22:51
Balrog_in 1999Mar 12 22:51
MinceRi think the 'ubuntu didn't do anything' lie comes from novellMar 12 22:51
Omar87MinceR: Yeah, and I personally believe, that if it weren't for Ubuntu, Linux would have likely never made it to the market at least for ten more years or so.Mar 12 22:51
MinceRas they tried to smear the most popular distroMar 12 22:51
Balrog_good readMar 12 22:51
Balrog_(he was behind BeOS for a while ... good idea, not very mature/usable though)Mar 12 22:52
MinceRsadly, BeOS copied far too little from UnixMar 12 22:53
Balrog_I'm getting a lot of error-500's these daysMar 12 22:53
Balrog_Jobs was smarter with NEXTMar 12 22:53
MinceRi recall at least one good idea from nextMar 12 22:53
Balrog_when it came to that partMar 12 22:53
MinceRputting the scroll bar buttons next to each other :>Mar 12 22:53
Balrog_I have a cube that I am able to play withMar 12 22:53
Balrog_MinceR: you know you can turn that on in OS X?Mar 12 22:53
MinceRi don'tMar 12 22:54
MinceRvia property lists?Mar 12 22:54
Balrog_no, Prefs --> AppearanceMar 12 22:54
Balrog_'Place Scroll Arrows: Together / At top and bottom'Mar 12 22:54
MinceRit boggles the mindMar 12 22:54
MinceRhow can a single option hide among so few?Mar 12 22:54
MinceRanyway, i've turned it on in Qt and GTK+Mar 12 22:55
MinceR:)Mar 12 22:55
Balrog_what other options do you want other than [a] non-unified menubar and [b] mousefocus?Mar 12 22:55
Balrog_(with property lists, you can have both scrollbuttons next to each other on both ends of the scrollbar :P )Mar 12 22:55
MinceRhard to tellMar 12 22:56
MinceRi've tried to gather my thoughts about what i've gotten used to do and take for granted nowMar 12 22:56
Balrog_I personally can't stand mousefocusMar 12 22:56
Balrog_I can live with a non-unified menubar thoughMar 12 22:56
MinceRmultiple workspaces is a must haveMar 12 22:56
Balrog_OS X has that nowMar 12 22:57
Balrog_up to 16Mar 12 22:57
MinceRso is always on top and stickyMar 12 22:57
Balrog_MinceR: what on top?Mar 12 22:57
MinceRi'd like to have Desktop Wall and Zoom even though my current desktop doesn't have themMar 12 22:57
MinceRmaking a window stay on top of others even if it doesn't have the focusMar 12 22:57
Balrog_zoom == Ctrl + scrollMar 12 22:57
Balrog_ahh thatMar 12 22:57
Balrog_there are some apps that do that.Mar 12 22:58
_Hicham_MinceR : what distro do u use?Mar 12 22:58
MinceRalso, to mouse focus i'd add bringing the focused window to top if it stays focused for a second and the cursor is over itMar 12 22:58
MinceRkubuntuMar 12 22:58
Balrog_As I said, I can't stand mousefocusMar 12 22:58
Balrog_drives me insaneMar 12 22:58
MinceRi also use rolling up windows sometimes and minimizing more oftenMar 12 22:58
MinceRand occasionally turning off window decorations (to save space)Mar 12 22:59
MinceRi have a lot of keybindings to operate on windows, icewm-styleMar 12 22:59
Balrog_the thing with mousefocus is that you go somewhere, then start typing ... where is the text going?Mar 12 22:59
Balrog_what if it's a password?Mar 12 22:59
MinceRi point it at a window and typeMar 12 23:00
Balrog_and if the mouse somehow gets moved?Mar 12 23:00
MinceRalso, passwords bring us to another thing: focus stealing preventionMar 12 23:00
Balrog_(I've had problems with that)Mar 12 23:01
MinceRit doesn't get moved, i control itMar 12 23:01
Balrog_Focus stealing prevention is a problem with terminalsMar 12 23:01
MinceRhow so?Mar 12 23:01
Balrog_how will the system prevent focus stealing when a terminal wants you to enter a passwordMar 12 23:02
Balrog_s/terminal/an app in terminal, like sshMar 12 23:02
MinceRmy terminals don't grab the keyboard aggressively, afaikMar 12 23:02
Balrog_but if you think you're in terminal and something else does...Mar 12 23:02
Balrog_you're screwedMar 12 23:02
MinceRi tend to know where the focus isMar 12 23:03
MinceRespecially considering that the terminal has a different cursor if it doesn't have the focusMar 12 23:03
Balrog_OKMar 12 23:03
MinceRsee, i'm not an apple user, i know what's going onMar 12 23:03
MinceR:>Mar 12 23:03
schestowitztrmanco: lies, damn lies, and MS benchmarks/TCOMar 12 23:03
Balrog_I use Linux as wellMar 12 23:03
Balrog_never with mousefocus thoughMar 12 23:03
Balrog_I used to use Windows back in the dayMar 12 23:03
MinceRi didn't like mousefocus until beryl made me tryMar 12 23:03
Balrog_as I said, mousefocus drives me madMar 12 23:03
MinceRi prefer it now :)Mar 12 23:04
trmancoschestowitz, ahh, it's already spread, awesomeMar 12 23:04
Balrog_trmanco: link?Mar 12 23:04
MinceRit means less clicking, basicallyMar 12 23:04
trmancoBalrog_, 12 23:04
schestowitzMinceR: it means moreMar 12 23:04
MinceRalso, i can just point at a window and use hotkeys with the same ease as clicking on their windowMar 12 23:04
MinceRschestowitz: it means less, actuallyMar 12 23:04
schestowitzIt means move the hand to the mouse just to fling itMar 12 23:04
MinceRno clicking to focus a window to start typingMar 12 23:05
schestowitzFrom one screen/app to anotherMar 12 23:05
schestowitzIf you typoMar 12 23:05
schestowitz*typeMar 12 23:05
MinceRi can switch focus from the keyboard tooMar 12 23:05
Balrog_alt-tabMar 12 23:05
schestowitzalt+keyMar 12 23:05
schestowitzorsuperMar 12 23:05
MinceRindeedMar 12 23:05
Balrog_on mac, you have cmd-tab between apps and cmd-~ within appsMar 12 23:05
Balrog_much more organized, IMOMar 12 23:05
schestowitzor alt+tab+shiftMar 12 23:05
MinceRi think that within app thing is rarely what i wantMar 12 23:06
Balrog_why can't others do something like that, and rather treat each windows as a separate app...?Mar 12 23:06
MinceRi tend to organize windows by task, not by appMar 12 23:06
Balrog_you can organize windows by taskMar 12 23:06
MinceRi tend to have GVIM windows spread all over my environmentMar 12 23:06
schestowitzMinceR: same hereMar 12 23:06
schestowitzEasy to remember this wayMar 12 23:06
MinceRalso, konsole windowsMar 12 23:06
schestowitztranslucent?Mar 12 23:06
Balrog_mine are translucentMar 12 23:07
MinceRpseudo-transparent currentlyMar 12 23:07
MinceRi'll upgrade from gutsy once i can find the time to backup my laptop and do the upgradeMar 12 23:07
MinceRthen i'll probably have kde4 and start using thatMar 12 23:07
schestowitzConficker getting bigger and meaner but BitDefender’s free disinfection tool is here to help! < >Mar 12 23:09
schestowitzSome people get apps that do stuffMar 12 23:09
schestowitzWindows gets apps that undo stufffMar 12 23:09
MinceR:)Mar 12 23:09
_Hicham_MinceR : it is not necessary to backupMar 12 23:10
_Hicham_I always do a dist upgradeMar 12 23:10
Balrog_what?!?!?!Mar 12 23:10
MinceRi still don't trust ubuntu to upgrade safelyMar 12 23:10
_Hicham_since 6.04Mar 12 23:10
Balrog_reboot with knoppix or your favorite diag discMar 12 23:10
_Hicham_till now 8.10Mar 12 23:10
MinceR2 upgrades were problematic. they didn't break but i had to manually kick apt through the process after the updater failed.Mar 12 23:11
Balrog_then dd if=/dev/hda | gzip > /path/to/backup.imageMar 12 23:11
Balrog_easy enough.Mar 12 23:11
MinceRi'm going to boot a livedvd and do thatMar 12 23:11
MinceRwhen i have the time :)Mar 12 23:11
_Hicham_MinceR : I can see why it failedMar 12 23:11
MinceR(and make sure it's unmounted or mounted readonly, of course)Mar 12 23:11
MinceRprobably because i have lots of extra packages installed.Mar 12 23:11
Balrog_make sure you boot noswap tooMar 12 23:11
MinceRbut it shouldn't haveMar 12 23:11
Balrog_knoppix noswapMar 12 23:12
Balrog_for knoppixMar 12 23:12
_Hicham_basically the updater downloads packages, then installs themMar 12 23:12
MinceRBalrog_: why? i don't backup my swap partitionMar 12 23:12
_Hicham_it is not too riskyMar 12 23:12
twitterbalzac, at this point, anyone who knows how to program has to live with their hands in their ears or have a moral problem to work for M$Mar 12 23:12
Balrog_then you should be okMar 12 23:12
Balrog_twitter: explainMar 12 23:12
balzac?Mar 12 23:12
_Hicham_twitter : what do u mean?Mar 12 23:12
_Hicham_it is not bad to port apps to windowsMar 12 23:12
MinceRmany people don't even know what "moral" isMar 12 23:13
_Hicham_i always do itMar 12 23:13
Balrog_MinceR: what else do you know about NEXT? Did you ever use a NEXT computer?Mar 12 23:13
Balrog_or the OS?Mar 12 23:13
MinceRwe live in a cult of the Almighty Money.Mar 12 23:13
MinceRBalrog_: i know that's where darwin started and that Doom was developed on/for next before it was ported to dosMar 12 23:13
_Hicham_Ubuntu 9.04 is said to be fastMar 12 23:13
MinceR(so the ripoff osx is based on started somewhere in the next times)Mar 12 23:14
_Hicham_i don't know if I should test it on my computerMar 12 23:14
_Hicham_basically there is nothing to fearMar 12 23:14
Balrog_I wouldn't call OS X a ripoff .. why do you?Mar 12 23:14
_Hicham_but there was some serious hardware problemsMar 12 23:14
_Hicham_like the recent beta Ubuntu  8.10 that killed dead many ethernet cardsMar 12 23:15
schestowitz         MinceR < we live in a cult of the Almighty Money. >Mar 12 23:15
_Hicham_that is a real problemMar 12 23:15
schestowitzNot anymoreMar 12 23:15
MinceRBalrog_: because apple parades around about how secure and stable it is, when they didn't do any of the work that led thereMar 12 23:15
Balrog_you mean totally bricked?Mar 12 23:15
schestowitzWe've lived in debt culutreMar 12 23:15
Balrog_oh, apple did a lot of workMar 12 23:15
MinceRand they gave little to nothing back to the communityMar 12 23:15
schestowitzNot it's depressionMar 12 23:15
MinceRand then we get oppression through the BSA and other meansMar 12 23:15
Balrog_the security fixes that took place between 10.2 and 10.4 were importantMar 12 23:15
MinceRapple is pushing sw patentsMar 12 23:15
MinceRwow, they ported fixes and patched what they've broken?Mar 12 23:16
schestowitzTreuMar 12 23:16
schestowitzDid you see Apple's latest mischieft?Mar 12 23:16
schestowitzWaitMar 12 23:16
MinceR(they didn't really hurry with the porting, though -- see BIND)Mar 12 23:16
schestowitzApple's patent exclusion could roil Web standardsMar 12 23:16
schestowitzOn March 5 Apple dropped a small bombshell on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards body, excluding one of its patents from the W3C Royalty-Free License commitment of the W3C Patent Policy for Widgets 1.0. The patent in question covers automatic updates to a client computer in a networked operating environment.Mar 12 23:16
schestowitz 12 23:16
MinceRalso, apple is doing a lot of patent FUD nowadaysMar 12 23:16
schestowitzThese guys really turns FOSS into something 'unsexy': 12 23:16
schestowitzMinceR: yesMar 12 23:16
MinceRso i think they should screw themselvesMar 12 23:17
schestowitzThey learned from Steves[sic]Mar 12 23:17
Balrog_we'll seeMar 12 23:17
MinceRand the fanboys who believe the 'we're teh omg-FLOSS company' lies from apple should do a reality check.Mar 12 23:17
Balrog_but they are working with SunMar 12 23:17
schestowitzMinceR: read that CNET Asay articleMar 12 23:17
schestowitzHe sucks up to AppleMar 12 23:17
schestowitzAMar 12 23:17
MinceRschestowitz: i knowMar 12 23:17
schestowitzCharacterising them as a FOSS playerMar 12 23:17
schestowitzWishful thnkingMar 12 23:17
MinceRas i've said before, he's a bitch of apple.Mar 12 23:18
MinceR:>Mar 12 23:18
schestowitz"hey, I use Apple, I like FOSS, leave! Apple! Alone!"Mar 12 23:18
schestowitzBut, but... DRM...Mar 12 23:18
schestowitzAsay:LALALALALALALA! I can't hear youMar 12 23:18
MinceRschestowitz: i don't think the depression changed anything about the Cult of the Almighty MoneyMar 12 23:18
Balrog_I smell prior artMar 12 23:18
Balrog_with this patentMar 12 23:18
schestowitzMinceR: trueMar 12 23:18
schestowitzNot they are hopefulsMar 12 23:18
schestowitzLike DisneyWorldMar 12 23:18
schestowitzNow they are CinderllaMar 12 23:19
schestowitzIn the early daysMar 12 23:19
schestowitzCinderella Mar 12 23:19
Balrog_really prior artMar 12 23:19
MinceRhm, that web standard issue reminds me of when apple sabotaged the <video> element in html5Mar 12 23:19
MinceRtogether with nokiaMar 12 23:19
schestowitzYesMar 12 23:19
schestowitzI thought it was that initiallyMar 12 23:19
schestowitz'Too' freeMar 12 23:19
Balrog_meaning oggMar 12 23:19
schestowitzNot goodMar 12 23:20
Balrog_?Mar 12 23:20
schestowitzNot DRM.. bad.Mar 12 23:20
schestowitzBalrog_: yesMar 12 23:20
MinceRyes, ogg theora as a recommended codec that all browsers should supportMar 12 23:20
schestowitz 12 23:20
MinceRthey couldn't have that as it doesn't have DRMMar 12 23:20
Balrog_well, tests of ogg theora vs. h.264 show that h.264 quality is much betterMar 12 23:20
schestowitzStephan Wenger, Nokia: "Compatibility with DRM. We understand that this could be a sore point in W3C, but from our viewpoint, any DRM-incompatible video related mechanism is a non-starter with the content industry (Hollywood)."Mar 12 23:20
Balrog_or rather, quality-to-size rationMar 12 23:20
Balrog_ratio *Mar 12 23:20
MinceR(shows how much of Jobs claiming he doesn't want DRM is true)Mar 12 23:20
Balrog_the only DRM that h.264 has is in the app storeMar 12 23:21
MinceRBalrog_: h.264 is patent-encumbered, isn't it?Mar 12 23:21
Balrog_err, itunes storeeMar 12 23:21
schestowitzApps store reminds me of candy storeMar 12 23:21
Balrog_store *Mar 12 23:21
schestowitzApps wrapped up in bonbon boxesMar 12 23:21
MinceRwhich makes it ineligible for a web standardMar 12 23:21
schestowitzStephan Wenger used to work for MicrosoftMar 12 23:22
Balrog_two of its patents were ruled unenforcebleMar 12 23:22
schestowitzHe thinks that Web needs DRMMar 12 23:22
MinceR(and no RAND bullshit, thank-you-very-much)Mar 12 23:22
Balrog_unenforceableMar 12 23:22
schestowitzWhat would timbl say?Mar 12 23:22
Balrog_*Mar 12 23:22
MinceRBalrog_: that leaves how many?Mar 12 23:23
trmancowtf -> 12 23:25
trmancoDescription:   Stupid content tracker (1.6.1-1)Mar 12 23:25
MinceRthat's the official description of GitMar 12 23:25
trmancoThis is a stupid (but extremely fast) directory content manager. It doesn't do a whole lot, but what it _does_ do is track directory contents efficiently.Mar 12 23:25
Balrog_git == stupid personMar 12 23:25
Balrog_not?Mar 12 23:25
MinceRyesMar 12 23:25
trmanconoMar 12 23:25
schestowitzMinceR: it's called gitMar 12 23:26
schestowitzWhat would you expect?Mar 12 23:26
trmancoLinus says whoever use VS or SVN are stupid.Mar 12 23:26
schestowitz"lame"Mar 12 23:26
schestowitzacronym, I knowMar 12 23:26
trmancouses* CVS*Mar 12 23:26
Balrog_NO!!!!!Mar 12 23:26
MinceRi see the main website use both "Git" and "git"Mar 12 23:26
Balrog_if you want to use CVS, use SVN insteadMar 12 23:26
Balrog_more modern implementationMar 12 23:26
MinceR"I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First Linux, now git."Mar 12 23:27
MinceR 12 23:27
Balrog_Linus says it has the same problems as CVS thoughMar 12 23:27
MinceRSubversion is just a better reimplementation of the CVS modelMar 12 23:27
schestowitzMinceR: sounds like RMS-esque choiceMar 12 23:27
trmancoI use Git and BazaarMar 12 23:27
schestowitzgeek humourMar 12 23:27
MinceRi think it's funnyMar 12 23:27
schestowitztrmanco: that's bizarreMar 12 23:27
trmancomaybe Mercurial in the futureMar 12 23:27
MinceRi use Git and tlaMar 12 23:27
trmancoschestowitz, bizarre?Mar 12 23:28
MinceR(though only git for personal projects)Mar 12 23:28
MinceRbizarre bazaar?Mar 12 23:28
Balrog_bzrMar 12 23:28
trmanconever heard of TLAMar 12 23:28
Balrog_what about Monotone?Mar 12 23:28
trmancoahhMar 12 23:28
schestowitzPlayful Mar 12 23:28
MinceRTLA is another distributed vcsMar 12 23:28
schestowitzCan't recall what RMS calls itMar 12 23:28
schestowitzPlayful somehingMar 12 23:28
*trmanco got git push 'edMar 12 23:28
MinceRit's slow and it works with text patches mostlyMar 12 23:28
trmancoorigin masterMar 12 23:28
trmancoall patches are textMar 12 23:29
MinceRand after knowing the power of Git, it's really a pain to use :>Mar 12 23:29
schestowitz"enjoying playful cleverness"Mar 12 23:29
schestowitzThat's itMar 12 23:29
Balrog_I hear that monotone [mtn] is really slowMar 12 23:29
MinceRtrmanco: it does store the full file sometimes though, doesn't it?Mar 12 23:29
MinceRthere's that "pristine" thing i don't fully know :)Mar 12 23:30
trmancoMinceR, which one?Mar 12 23:30
MinceRTLAMar 12 23:30
trmancoI dunnoMar 12 23:30
trmancoI also use git gui and gitkMar 12 23:30
MinceRi use them too, also qgitMar 12 23:31
MinceR(actually i prefer qgit to gitk because it's prettier)Mar 12 23:31
trmancoI'm still to human to read diffs in black and greenMar 12 23:31
MinceR:)Mar 12 23:31
MinceRkompare might helpMar 12 23:31
trmancoMinceR, yes, gitk has a strange UI... its made out of TCL/TKMar 12 23:31
MinceRindeedMar 12 23:32
trmancolooks like crap, but usefulMar 12 23:32
MinceR:)Mar 12 23:32
MinceRand git gui is awesomeMar 12 23:32
trmancoyeahMar 12 23:32
balzaclartMar 12 23:33
MinceRno uMar 12 23:33
schestowitzGroklaw RSS feed are finally working again.Mar 12 23:34
Balrog_ATSC digital TV has patents on itMar 12 23:34
schestowitzApple dissed: Linux, Microsoft and Sun to discuss the future of operating systems, but where's Apple? < >Mar 12 23:34
balzacthat's kinda lameMar 12 23:34
balzacit's like the UN Security Council, if they don't consider you a threat, you can't comeMar 12 23:35
Balrog_hehMar 12 23:35
Balrog_that's not a good thing, because they're ignoring a possible threatMar 12 23:35
Balrog_but then again, apple has their own ideasMar 12 23:36
trmancotime to go, cya guysMar 12 23:36
balzaclaterMar 12 23:36
balzacwhy would the Linux Foundation guy be meeting with Microsoft reps?Mar 12 23:37
balzacwhat is the point?Mar 12 23:37
balzacand how does Sun relate?Mar 12 23:38
schestowitz*ping* Smari Mar 12 23:38
benJImanSun & OpenSolarisMar 12 23:40
MinceR"where's Apple?" << obviously, they'll grab the BSDL-ed code once it's ready and claim they've invented the whole thingMar 12 23:41
balzachehehMar 12 23:41
Balrog__a lot of their code is from NEXT and a lot is originalMar 12 23:42
Balrog__yes, a lot is BSDL tooMar 12 23:42
balzacJim Zemlin is there as a moderatorMar 12 23:42
MinceRand a lot of the code in NeXT isn't theirs either :>Mar 12 23:42
balzacthat's funnyMar 12 23:42
Balrog__which code in NeXT?Mar 12 23:42
Balrog__the kernel and all? much is BSDL, but not allMar 12 23:42
Balrog__definitely not the stuff that led to CocoaMar 12 23:42
MinceRmach and some random *bsdMar 12 23:43
Balrog__that differentiates OS X from other UNIXMar 12 23:43
*Balrog__ is now known as BalrogMar 12 23:43
balzacyou know what this event is?Mar 12 23:43
balzacit's a circle-jerkMar 12 23:43
MinceRyeah, crap is what differentiates osx from real Unix :>Mar 12 23:43
MinceRoh, that explains why apple isn't there -- they do it in a closed system. :>Mar 12 23:44
balzacright, apple wanks in solitudeMar 12 23:44
MinceRwho's Jim Zemlin?Mar 12 23:44
balzacLinux Foundation guyMar 12 23:44
MinceRnot in solitude -- rather, in the circle of their fanboysMar 12 23:44
BalrogCocoa is something OS X has that others don'tMar 12 23:45
balzacthe analogy is losing it's meaningMar 12 23:45
MinceRnot that others really need itMar 12 23:45
balzacAll I'm saying is that OS summit is a wank-festMar 12 23:45
balzacThere's ego involved, I know that muchMar 12 23:45
MinceRwhat i'd ask is what is m$ doing thereMar 12 23:46
balzacProbably it's for two humbled proprietary software vendors to acknowledge reality in a controlled environment which will protect their egos.Mar 12 23:46
MinceRother than wasting precious oxygenMar 12 23:46
balzacnot fully acknowledge reality, but make baby-steps in that directionMar 12 23:46
balzacSun was humbled by GNU some time ago, and now it still clings to OpenSolarisMar 12 23:47
MinceRicMar 12 23:47
balzacthat's not bad, the license isn't terribleMar 12 23:47
BalrogOpenSolaris is CDDL anyway...Mar 12 23:47
balzacNow Microsoft is the new one in the support groupMar 12 23:47
schestowitzbalzac: agreed, I hate that meeting tooMar 12 23:47
balzacCDDL - shoulda been GPLv3Mar 12 23:47
schestowitzThey even invited the anti-Linux infiltratorsMar 12 23:47
schestowitz"infiltrator" not being my wordMar 12 23:47
schestowitzI heard people who spoke to the Sam Ramji shill use itMar 12 23:48
balzacyep, so much pomp and ceremony has to be for the purpose of protecting the egos of people whos heads are up their asses.Mar 12 23:48
schestowitzSuing Linux while trying to steal FOSS devs with bribesMar 12 23:48
schestowitzTo Linux: pay usMar 12 23:48
schestowitzTo FOSS devs: here's incentive, dump LinuxMar 12 23:48
MinceRCDDL is sun's way of saying they're frustrated by the success of GNU and LinuxMar 12 23:48
MinceRand of showing that they're hostileMar 12 23:49
balzacWell, they considered GPLv3Mar 12 23:49
balzacand Linus Torvalds said "we'll upgrade to GPLv3 as well and we'll get your code"Mar 12 23:49
balzac(paraphrasing)Mar 12 23:49
balzacand so they went CDDL insteadMar 12 23:49
MinceRa pityMar 12 23:49
balzacbecause they couldn't stand the idea of getting assimilated by GNU/LinuxMar 12 23:49
MinceRit would be a win in itself to convince Linus to switch to GPLv3 :)Mar 12 23:49
balzacand then Linus Torvalds clings to his security blanket - not upgrading to GPLv3Mar 12 23:50
balzacThat's his line in the sandMar 12 23:50
BalrogLinus should switch to GPLv3Mar 12 23:50
balzacbecause he's still convinced that he's the "Neo" of this matrix.Mar 12 23:50
balzacBut no, RMS is NEO in this matrix.Mar 12 23:50
Balrogthat would help prevent any more MS-Novell type dealsMar 12 23:50
MinceRgnMar 12 23:53
schestowitzBalrog: +1Mar 12 23:53
balzaclater MinceRMar 12 23:53
balzacindeedMar 12 23:53
BalrogRMS will be at my university later this monthMar 12 23:53
BalrogI'll should get to speak to him in personMar 12 23:54
Balrogs/I'll/IMar 12 23:54
twitteryou could just email himMar 12 23:55
balzacWhy doesn't Linus Torvalds upgrade to GPLv3?Mar 12 23:55
twitter$Mar 12 23:55
balzacBalrog: do both.Mar 12 23:55
BalrogI'll see. I always like talking to people in personMar 12 23:55
Balrogdoes RMS respond to all email?Mar 12 23:55
twitteryesMar 12 23:55
balzacquite a bit of mineMar 12 23:55
balzacI doubt Linus Torvalds would respond to an emailMar 12 23:56
schestowitzBalrog: there's already too much about the migration: 12 23:56
schestowitzNo point in making more noiseMar 12 23:56
schestowitzIt's not newsMar 12 23:56
twitterRMS has made advocacy his mission.Mar 12 23:56
schestowitzIt's just the numbers from OSORMar 12 23:56
schestowitzThat's the newsMar 12 23:56
schestowitzSome numbers, maybe quotesMar 12 23:56
schestowitzThe news is from 2008Mar 12 23:56
schestowitzFrench police deal blow to Microsoft < >Mar 12 23:57
schestowitzAFP probably broke the news at the timeMar 12 23:57
BalrogI posted that here a while agoMar 12 23:57
schestowitzIIRC, Pearly gates was meeting the Mayor of Paris at the time to shove a nickle up his *.Mar 12 23:57
Balrogwhen it appeared on slashdotMar 12 23:57
schestowitzHe prevented schools from moving to Linux tooMar 12 23:57
Balrogbut yeah, that's really going backMar 12 23:57
schestowitzHe 'agreed' with the  mayor to do the dumping routineMar 12 23:58
schestowitzThen he want to Dubai/UAE and did the same thing around the same timeMar 12 23:58
schestowitzI put it in BN to be documentedMar 12 23:58
twitterah ha, Dina Bass comes through again. 12 23:58
schestowitz 12 23:58
schestowitzBah!sMar 12 23:59
twitterI'd read some stupid shill article pointing to bloomberg.  I should have known the source was better.Mar 12 23:59
schestowitztwitter: oldish newsMar 12 23:59
schestowitzI posted this in some places earlierMar 12 23:59
schestowitzIt's actually not good for Vista7Mar 12 23:59

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