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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 13th, 2009 - Part 1


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balzaclooks like palamida's gplv3 page is goneMar 13 00:00
balzac 13 00:00
schestowitzOhMar 13 00:00
schestowitzWell, they stoped maintaining itMar 13 00:00
schestowitzNo interns to do this anymoreMar 13 00:00
schestowitzI wonder if they swindle as a bizMar 13 00:00
schestowitzAlso, they used to link to usMar 13 00:00
schestowitzThey mailed me quite a few timesMar 13 00:00
Balrogmaybe they are doing a website-redesignMar 13 00:01
balzachmm...Mar 13 00:01
balzacmaybe they changed their tune - after a change in management...Mar 13 00:02
balzacit never hurts to be paranoidMar 13 00:02
Balrogdon't attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidityMar 13 00:02
Balrogor so I heardMar 13 00:02
schestowitzBalrog: it's blogspot no?Mar 13 00:03
Balrogthere's no proof, so let's investigate firstMar 13 00:03
schestowitzI though they redirected or something.Mar 13 00:03
schestowitzbalzac: I read about some changes there.Mar 13 00:03
schestowitzI can't recall which positions were shuffled or whateverMar 13 00:03
schestowitzBut they made some press release 1-2 months agoMar 13 00:04
schestowitzThey did an INVALUABLE services to GPLv3Mar 13 00:04
schestowitzBut RMS wasn't a fan of it (he told me). They try to make money from all thisMar 13 00:04
balzacit was exciting to read the updatesMar 13 00:05
schestowitzbalzac: Mar 13 00:05
balzacbut they didn't keep it up, nor enlist anyone elseMar 13 00:05
schestowitz"Palamida Assembles an Open Source Toolkit For Job Seekers  [...] Palamida Expands Detection Capability to Include 34621 Open Source ..."Mar 13 00:06
schestowitz 13 00:06
balzacreally, it ought to be the FSF that maintains the countMar 13 00:06
balzacbut the FSF is under-staffed and under-fundedMar 13 00:06
Balrogcount of...Mar 13 00:06
Balrog?Mar 13 00:06
schestowitz (New Bill Would Create New Accounting Regulator)Mar 13 00:07
balzacthe biggest lack being the lack of enough people who "get it" to staff the FSFMar 13 00:07
balzacBalrog: the count of GPLv3 licensed projects, which Palamida used to maintainMar 13 00:07
Balrogah.Mar 13 00:07
schestowitzIt doesn't matter anymoreMar 13 00:07
schestowitzIt goes well for GPLv3Mar 13 00:07
balzacI suppose not.Mar 13 00:08
schestowitzThey helped kickstarted itMar 13 00:08
schestowitzKicked the mythsMar 13 00:08
*tessier_ heads down to the LUG meetingMar 13 00:08
balzacBut Linus Torvalds needs to meditate on this situation.Mar 13 00:08
schestowitz*kick-start (not past tense)Mar 13 00:08
balzactessier: please ask them to call it a GLUGMar 13 00:08
schestowitzbalzac: Linus will come around, I hopeMar 13 00:08
balzacme tooMar 13 00:08
schestowitzIf he's not poisoned by marketing people like Zemlin.Mar 13 00:08
schestowitzTiemann would be a good fitMar 13 00:08
schestowitzhe's pro business and to a good extent he "gets" itMar 13 00:09
schestowitzDid you see Revolution OS?Mar 13 00:09
balzacbut I'm hoping a lot more than Linus will come around regarding issues which "open source" people have not been able to graspMar 13 00:09
balzacThe people with the money need to recognize and kick down enough money that the FSF doesn't even know what to do with it.Mar 13 00:09
balzacand GNUMar 13 00:09
balzacWhat about the potential of the Hurd?Mar 13 00:09
balzacRoy, I read a link to something RMS said about features he'd like to see in the HURD and it was like the design of *nix operating systems were set to begin advancing again.Mar 13 00:10
schestowitzIf Linu goes GPLv3, then it's OKMar 13 00:10
schestowitzAnd kicks out some blobsMar 13 00:10
schestowitzRemember the petition (ish)?Mar 13 00:10
balzacI found the link right on BNMar 13 00:10
schestowitzLinus didn't sign itMar 13 00:10
schestowitzhe wasn't on vacation, eitherMar 13 00:10
balzacweaselMar 13 00:10
schestowitzI checked at the timeMar 13 00:10
balzacit's because he's a squareMar 13 00:11
schestowitzMrket share.Mar 13 00:11
schestowitzLinus everywhere :-)Mar 13 00:11
schestowitzFreedom later.Mar 13 00:11
balzacseems like itMar 13 00:11
schestowitzBut I think he chose GPLv3 for devsMar 13 00:11
balzacor notMar 13 00:11
schestowitzYou dug into his iverviewMar 13 00:11
schestowitzcirca 2001Mar 13 00:11
balzac?Mar 13 00:12
schestowitzWhere he talks about working with people with beardsMar 13 00:12
schestowitzAnd funny feelings about GPLMar 13 00:12
balzaci'll look it upMar 13 00:12
schestowitzHis explanation anywayMar 13 00:12
schestowitzYou put it in FSDailyMar 13 00:12
schestowitzDeep linkMar 13 00:12
schestowitzMinute 3x:000Mar 13 00:12
schestowitzAl Viro used to post in COLA (USENET), not he's top patcher in LInuxMar 13 00:12
balzacVirtually all users of Linux (and all otherMar 13 00:14
balzacforms of Un*x) are unkempt, longhaired, beast-bearded dirty GNU hippies, andMar 13 00:14
balzacI am sick and tired of having to deal with them.Mar 13 00:14
balzacwell, he has a sense of humor, so I'm not taking that at face valueMar 13 00:14
balzacbut it reminds me so much of Markos Moulitsas, the gate-keeper, blocker of impeachment, the man who takes it upon himself to criticize KucinichMar 13 00:15
Balrogread this? 13 00:15
balzacAgreed. One thing that made Linux so successful (over other GPL-licensed OS projects like Hurd): we do as little politics as possible. - MingoMar 13 00:16
balzacyeah right!Mar 13 00:17
schestowitzPeter Brown is no "hippie"Mar 13 00:17
balzacI believe the HURD project was quite deliberately disenfranchised.Mar 13 00:17
schestowitzBalrog: many objected without reading it!Mar 13 00:17
schestowitzThey acted as Linus yet menMar 13 00:17
Balrogreally?Mar 13 00:17
Balrogthat's not good :(Mar 13 00:17
balzacwell, Linus apparently discourages discussing politicsMar 13 00:18
balzacso if you ask any deeper questions, you're in the way of making efficient, open source, corporate softwareMar 13 00:18
balzacRMS will discuss politics and have opinions because he's a socially-influential visionary, not a corporate toolMar 13 00:18
schestowitzPJ --Mar 13 00:19
schestowitzPJ defended GPLv3Mar 13 00:19
balzacP?JMar 13 00:20
balzacoopsMar 13 00:20
schestowitzWhen Linus attacked RMS in GL comments PJ deleted his commentMar 13 00:20
balzacpamela jonesMar 13 00:20
balzacgroklawMar 13 00:20
schestowitzIt was too read for GroklaqMar 13 00:20
balzachehehMar 13 00:20
schestowitzi put it in diggMar 13 00:20
BalrogLinus and RMS post on Groklaw?Mar 13 00:20
schestowitzfront pageMar 13 00:20
BalroglinkMar 13 00:20
schestowitzhold onMar 13 00:21
schestowitz 13 00:21
balzachehehMar 13 00:21
balzacNow, because I don't want anyone to miss the meat of what you said, here it is without the sauce:Mar 13 00:22
balzacshe stung him.Mar 13 00:22
schestowitzhe hasnt commened sinceMar 13 00:23
schestowitznot that i saw itMar 13 00:23
Balrog"make your decisions based on fear and loathing" ... what about Novell and now Tom-Tom ...???Mar 13 00:23
balzac"My explanation for why the GPLv3 is bad is that if you make your decisions based on fear and loathing, they will be the wrong ones." Linus TorvaldsMar 13 00:23
balzacLinus really is wound up about RMSMar 13 00:23
balzacwhat a squareMar 13 00:23
Balrognow that fear is becoming realityMar 13 00:23
Balrog:[Mar 13 00:23
schestowitzlinus is afraid nowMar 13 00:23
balzache needs to ____ or get off the potMar 13 00:23
schestowitzpoj linked to it again last monthMar 13 00:23
zoobab01what the Linux devs needs is a good patent lawsuit against kernel.orgMar 13 00:24
schestowitzall of a suddemn he discovred sw patsMar 13 00:24
*schestowitz eatsMar 13 00:24
balzaceither that, or a kernel coup is needed to get things moving again...Mar 13 00:24
schestowitzhodld onMar 13 00:24
balzacwell, that's enough sedition for nowMar 13 00:24
balzacThere's got to be some money scraped together for the Hurd so people have a choice of running a GPL'ed operating system without being subject to Lord Torvalds' impetuousness.Mar 13 00:25
balzaceither that, or enough people get interested in developing itMar 13 00:25
Balroghurd has its problems :(Mar 13 00:26
Balroguse a bsd kernelMar 13 00:26
schestowitzyes!Mar 13 00:26
Balrogit can be relicensed with GPLv3, can it not?Mar 13 00:26
balzacwell, the project is what I'm talking about, not an out-of-date code baseMar 13 00:26
schestowitz 13 00:26
balzacprobably it all needs to be refactoredMar 13 00:26
schestowitzOOPsMar 13 00:26
Balrogyeah :/Mar 13 00:26
schestowitzthis one: 13 00:26
BalrogMS is not in good shapeMar 13 00:27
schestowitzdoaMar 13 00:27
balzacok, I've got to flyMar 13 00:27
balzacttylMar 13 00:27
Balrogtalk laterMar 13 00:27
*schestowitz done eating (can typo properly)Mar 13 00:27
schestowitzbalzac: have a ice 'flight'Mar 13 00:29
schestowitz*niceMar 13 00:29
*Smari is trying to wrap his head around the topic.Mar 13 00:32
twitterah, now here's a fun story 13 00:34
twitterWindows 7 won't fix M$'s netbook revenue hole.Mar 13 00:34
twitterslapMar 13 00:34
Balrogtwitter: please don't use 'M$' in slashdot attemptsMar 13 00:34
twitterfrom all M$'s usual buddiesMar 13 00:34
Balrogwon't get you anywhereMar 13 00:34
SmariGetting Slashdotted ain't all it's made up to be.Mar 13 00:36
BalrogI know, I know...Mar 13 00:36
twitterI refuse to type the name, it wastes my time, but I will hit one extra key to make the standard, jargon file abbreviationMar 13 00:36
Balroguse 'MS'Mar 13 00:36
Balrogthat will work fineMar 13 00:36
twitterGetting the news out is fun.Mar 13 00:36
twitterM$ works for me.Mar 13 00:36
Balrogthe '$' is a bit too 'radical' in this caseMar 13 00:36
BalrogunfortunatelyMar 13 00:36
twitter 13 00:36
twitterdon't tell me what to do.Mar 13 00:37
twitterI get enough of that from people who mean me harm.Mar 13 00:37
schestowitz "Time to Sue or Prosecute MS for racketeering"Mar 13 00:37
twitterM$ is still funny to me, and it makes the trolls so angry.Mar 13 00:38
Balrogand it makes sure no articles get modded upMar 13 00:38
Balrogthat was my pointMar 13 00:38
twittermy articles are modded down regardlessMar 13 00:39
twitterIt's not because of my language, it's because M$ does not like what I say.Mar 13 00:39
twitterThey can't really argue with what I say, so they smear me and play games with the mod system.Mar 13 00:40
twitterI'm happy to say that it does not work for themMar 13 00:40
Balrogwell some critical-to-MS articles have been slashdotted latelyMar 13 00:40
schestowitzI agree with Balrog Mar 13 00:40
twitterSelf censorship is self defeating.Mar 13 00:40
Balrogno, use itMar 13 00:40
Balrogon your blog, other places like thatMar 13 00:40
Balrogslashdot should be kept a little more 'civil'Mar 13 00:40
schestowitzAll-time high in 2008 I see..Mar 13 00:41
schestowitzThe edtitors overwrite the "M$"Mar 13 00:41
twitterwhen you go down the path of letting others tell you what to do, you end up avoiding important concepts like "freedom" to be "polite" and not look "radical"Mar 13 00:41
twitterThe editors have quit overwriting the M$Mar 13 00:41
Balrogwhat about this page:Mar 13 00:41
Balrog 13 00:41
Balrogbut then again, people don't like kdawsonMar 13 00:42
schestowitzWhich people?Mar 13 00:42
schestowitzTrolls?Mar 13 00:42
twitterpeople don't like RMS, ERS, Bruce Perens ....Mar 13 00:42
twittertrollsMar 13 00:42
schestowitzI see the cowboykneel[sic] slurs tooMar 13 00:43
schestowitz*ESRMar 13 00:43
twitterwoopsMar 13 00:43
Balrogyeah, mostly trollsMar 13 00:43
Balrogkdawson is known to post controversial stuffMar 13 00:43
Balrogin any case, this tom-tom mess is causing people to wake upMar 13 00:43
twitterI think you get the point.  You should not let the trolls tell you that truth is controversial and what words or expressions to use.Mar 13 00:44
twitterWords control your thoughts.Mar 13 00:44
twitterControl people's language and you have won most of your arguments before they spew your talking points for you.Mar 13 00:44
twitterbblMar 13 00:45
Balrog 13 00:52
Balrogabout that topicMar 13 00:53
schestowitzyes, seen itMar 13 00:53
schestowitzscrool downMar 13 00:53
Balrogyes?Mar 13 00:53
schestowitzYou're trackbacking it againMar 13 00:53
schestowitzI also posted this in USENETMar 13 00:53
schestowitzuseful reference to haveMar 13 00:53
BalrogDilger makes interesting posts.Mar 13 00:54
schestowitzYes, but not many of them anymoreMar 13 00:54
Balrogyes, he's pro-Apple, but much of what he says makes a lot of senseMar 13 00:54
Balroghe's not making many posts *at all* :(Mar 13 00:54
Balrogonce a week; twice if you're luckyMar 13 00:54
Balrogthe appleinsider ones (by "Prince McLean") don't countMar 13 00:55
Balrogseems like I successfully tore out Mono from my Gentoo systemMar 13 00:56
schestowitzTesting Ubuntu Jaunty and Ext4 WITHOUT Trashing Your Data  < >. The Microsoft shills have some fun with thisMar 13 00:56
BalrogMoonlight 1.0.1 is still there, but it's easy to remove if I need to do that :)Mar 13 00:56
schestowitzBalrog: congrats. WTF was it there for in the first place?Mar 13 00:56
Balroggot pulled in some wayMar 13 00:57
schestowitzemerge monononoMar 13 00:57
BalrogMoonlight 1.0.x is very simple; doesn't depend on any monoMar 13 00:57
Balrogsome depsMar 13 00:57
Balrogand I had no '-mono' use flahMar 13 00:57
Balrogs/h/gMar 13 00:57
schestowitzLOL. Jaunty: Apt is broken? Move to another country! < >Mar 13 00:58
schestowitzpin Smari Mar 13 00:58
schestowitz*pingMar 13 00:58
SmarihmMar 13 00:58
Balroglet's do depclean...Mar 13 00:58
SmariyaMar 13 00:58
schestowitzDid you find the EDGI links?Mar 13 00:59
schestowitzIt's those pages that get most attentionMar 13 00:59
schestowitzThe darkest secrets of the company.Mar 13 00:59
schestowitzAlso "evangelism" coursesMar 13 00:59
schestowitzThe arts of turning dumping to charityMar 13 00:59
SmariEdgi stuff seems to be very slim..Mar 13 01:00
schestowitzhow so?Mar 13 01:00
schestowitzThere are many long postsMar 13 01:00
schestowitzSome exhibits are over 20 pages longMar 13 01:00
SmariThen I'm doing it wrong.Mar 13 01:00
schestowitzWith list of EDGIed deployment in various countriesMar 13 01:01
schestowitzSummary here: 13 01:01
SmariAhMar 13 01:04
schestowitzThere's tons moreMar 13 01:04
schestowitzLots more to come later this year: 13 01:04
SmariniceMar 13 01:05
SmariI'll have to check this later... got to sleepMar 13 01:06
Balrogschestowitz: ok to keep moonlight around for now?Mar 13 01:06
schestowitzbe back later..Mar 13 01:06
Balrog:/Mar 13 01:06
schestowitzBalrog: no.Mar 13 01:06
SmariI shall!Mar 13 01:06
schestowitzReject itMar 13 01:06
Balrogok. Easy enough to remove, in any case.Mar 13 01:06
schestowitzMoonlight is already rejected by FedoraMar 13 01:06
schestowitzRed Hat too, to an extentMar 13 01:07
schestowitzIt's a Microsoft productsMar 13 01:07
schestowitzThey support and help itMar 13 01:07
BalrogWe're stuck in a way, due to coursecastMar 13 01:07
schestowitzIt elevates Microsoft patentsMar 13 01:07
schestowitzLeverages the monopolyMar 13 01:07
Balrog 13 01:07
schestowitzMiguel develops some of it at Microsoft, literally.Mar 13 01:07
Balrog 13 01:07
Balrogbased on silverlight 2Mar 13 01:07
schestowitzNo Linux supportMar 13 01:08
Balrognope.Mar 13 01:08
schestowitzSilver Lie is not intended to workMar 13 01:08
Balrog:(Mar 13 01:08
schestowitzThey should use standardsMar 13 01:08
schestowitzEven Flash is better than Silver LieMar 13 01:08
schestowitzAt least Linux is supportedMar 13 01:08
schestowitzSilver Lie != Moon LieMar 13 01:08
schestowitzJust a Novell Big LieMar 13 01:08
BalrogI know ... :(Mar 13 01:08
_Hicham_are u sure fedora rejected mono?Mar 13 01:09
schestowitzsilverlight is not flash: 13 01:09
schestowitzThat's the shortest explanation I could come up withat the time (over  ayear ago)Mar 13 01:09
schestowitz_Hicham_: moonlightMar 13 01:09
schestowitzNot monoMar 13 01:09
BalrogI hear that Fedora 10 livecd has no monoMar 13 01:09
schestowitz_Hicham_: 13 01:09
schestowitzBalrog: yesMar 13 01:09
schestowitz 13 01:10
schestowitzFor details about Mono and Fedora in general (links in between as well + context)Mar 13 01:10
PeterFASo, what do you think is slowing the adoption of Linux/Free-Free software?Mar 13 01:11
_Hicham_moonlight isnt in ubuntu eitherMar 13 01:12
schestowitzPeterFA: to an extent the patent attacks tooMar 13 01:13
schestowitzLike SCOMar 13 01:13
schestowitzWe can just pretend it makes no differenceMar 13 01:13
Balrogwhy is Mono anywhere anyway? it doesn't do anything for me...Mar 13 01:13
PeterFAHow do patent attacks stop Linux adoption?Mar 13 01:13
schestowitzPeople tell me the CIO points at Microsoft's FOrbes placements with threatsMar 13 01:13
PeterFAThreats didn't stop the pirating of music files.Mar 13 01:13
schestowitzPeterFA: they can slow it downMar 13 01:13
schestowitzLike a bully with a baseball bat keeping you at homeMar 13 01:14
PeterFAHmm.Mar 13 01:14
PeterFAI guess Microsoft is just building the situation expecting a fall.Mar 13 01:14
PeterFAThis way they can go down fighting.Mar 13 01:14
BalrogMS is desperateMar 13 01:14
PeterFAAnd maybe steal some money from the Linux market.Mar 13 01:14
schestowitzPeterFA: yes, SCO tooMar 13 01:15
PeterFABalrog, do you think Microsoft is in serious condition?Mar 13 01:15
schestowitzThey have nothing to lose nowMar 13 01:15
BalrogI think they are...they're killing projects left and rightMar 13 01:15
schestowitzPeterFA: not maybe, they already doMar 13 01:15
Balrogeven ones that have been around for yearsMar 13 01:15
schestowitzMicrosoft already makes money from Linux salesMar 13 01:15
Balroglike flight simulatorMar 13 01:15
schestowitzSince like 3 years ago, at leastMar 13 01:15
Balrogsold millions of copies, yet they kill ilMar 13 01:15
Balrogs/i/tMar 13 01:15
schestowitzAllison knew about this long agoMar 13 01:15
schestowitzHe spoke to the press about itMar 13 01:15
Balrogs/i/lMar 13 01:15
schestowitzHe speaks to me tooMar 13 01:15
PeterFAMicrosoft only makes money from Office and Windows.Mar 13 01:16
schestowitzPreety muchMar 13 01:16
schestowitzOffice in particularMar 13 01:16
PeterFAEverything else fails.Mar 13 01:16
schestowitzWindows is saddled onto PCsMar 13 01:16
schestowitzFor mere bucklsMar 13 01:16
schestowitzBecause of LinuxMar 13 01:16
PeterFAYeah, and enter Google Docs and Open Office.Mar 13 01:16
schestowitzMicrosoft is afraid of DocsMar 13 01:16
schestowitzit's shills attack itMar 13 01:16
schestowitzAlso its former employeesMar 13 01:16
schestowitzFrom new shellMar 13 01:16
schestowitz*shellsMar 13 01:16
schestowitzLike that recent 'study'... turns out to come from former undeercover SoftieMar 13 01:17
PeterFAI should use Google Docs for the sheer principle of it.Mar 13 01:17
schestowitzLies and dman lies and all that..Mar 13 01:17
schestowitzPeterFA: no, use oooMar 13 01:17
schestowitzSaaS lockinMar 13 01:17
schestowitzGoogle is also no without faultsMar 13 01:17
schestowitz Mar 13 01:19
schestowitzMicrosoft plans to attack WineMar 13 01:19
schestowitzIt's the app that will knock the last nail on its coffinMar 13 01:19
PeterFAschestowitz, how?Mar 13 01:19
schestowitzzoobab01: Mar 13 01:19
Balrogattack wine????Mar 13 01:19
schestowitzsee Easter 2007 disclosure re: Novell/MSMar 13 01:19
schestowitzWine is there.Mar 13 01:19
schestowitzThey screw the devsMar 13 01:19
PeterFACan the bottle withstand the chair?Mar 13 01:19
Balrogwhat about TransGaming?Mar 13 01:19
Balrogthey're working on DX10 supportMar 13 01:20
schestowitzYesMar 13 01:20
schestowitzMicrosoft ain't happyMar 13 01:20
Balrogand to comply with LGPL, will have to give it back to WINEMar 13 01:20
schestowitzIt's like dancing on Micfrosoft's graveMar 13 01:20
PeterFAThe funny thing about Wine is that it has better 3D performance :)Mar 13 01:20
schestowitzGet all of MS' APIsMar 13 01:20
BalroglolMar 13 01:20
schestowitzPlus freedom, plus power of LinuxMar 13 01:20
schestowitzIt's like a baggageMar 13 01:20
PeterFAThat will truly be a golden age for computing!Mar 13 01:20
PeterFAschestowitz, if Microsoft dies, you'll be known as the one who said it first.Mar 13 01:21
schestowitz"I bought Linux, got Windows for 'free'"Mar 13 01:21
PeterFARevenue will never seize.Mar 13 01:21
schestowitzJust the APIsMar 13 01:21
BalrogMS doesn't need to dieMar 13 01:21
schestowitzIt won'tMar 13 01:21
Balrogjust scale down and come to their sensesMar 13 01:21
schestowitzUnlike SCOMar 13 01:21
schestowitzIt'll leech off somethingMar 13 01:21
schestowitzPatents over after Bilski?Mar 13 01:21
schestowitzMaybe nowMar 13 01:21
schestowitzNotMar 13 01:21
schestowitzButMar 13 01:21
Balrogbut will it do that? probably notMar 13 01:21
schestowitzThey have ACT shills running amokMar 13 01:21
schestowitzPushing patents into EUMar 13 01:22
schestowitzIndia too is being manipulatedMar 13 01:22
schestowitzEearily quiet thereMar 13 01:22
schestowitzThe activists say nothingMar 13 01:22
PeterFAschestowitz, got a twitter?Mar 13 01:22
schestowitzNeither do Red Hat employees in India thoughMar 13 01:22
schestowitzPeterFA: 13 01:22
schestowitzno twttterMar 13 01:23
PeterFAschestowitz, get twitter, it'll help you promote your blog.Mar 13 01:23
schestowitz upgraded todayMar 13 01:23
schestowitzNot we get mail notifications for repliesMar 13 01:23
PeterFAschestowitz, go to and watch the videos.Mar 13 01:23
schestowitzAnd they work on data export AFAIKMar 13 01:23
PeterFAschestowitz, what's identic.caMar 13 01:23 13 01:23
schestowitzPeterFA: no needMar 13 01:24
schestowitztwitter is small #sMar 13 01:24
schestowitzand it's also useless for archivingMar 13 01:24
PeterFAschestowitz, what's better?Mar 13 01:24
schestowitzWe get fine readership as it isMar 13 01:24
schestowitzAbout 1m pages/month on the good onesMar 13 01:24
PeterFAI see.Mar 13 01:24
schestowitzWhen I do ComesMar 13 01:24
schestowitzSo twitter would be peanutsMar 13 01:24
schestowitzWould rather spend time here brainstormingMar 13 01:25
PeterFAschestowitz, if I get with good content, mind dropping a link from one of your blogs to my site?Mar 13 01:25
schestowitzSureMar 13 01:25
schestowitzIn daily linksMar 13 01:25
*PeterFA dances.Mar 13 01:25
PeterFAI'll get a ton of valid traffic.Mar 13 01:25
PeterFAYou have the exact audience I want.Mar 13 01:26
PeterFAThe willing to try Linux.Mar 13 01:26
schestowitzNot reallyMar 13 01:26
schestowitz50% of us already use itMar 13 01:26
schestowitzThe rest probably browser from workMar 13 01:27
schestowitzBN scares some newbiesMar 13 01:27
schestowitzOne person told me that realising all the mess Microsoft is causing drive him away, so he undubscribedMar 13 01:27
schestowitzNew users don't understand freedomMar 13 01:28
schestowitzThey don't know RMSMar 13 01:28
schestowitzThis goes too deep for themMar 13 01:28
schestowitzWhen you introduce them to the crimes committed to fight Free softwareMar 13 01:28
*Smari has quit ("Leaving")Mar 13 01:28
schestowitzIt's omnplexity they prefer not to witness. Same with GroklawMar 13 01:28
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 13 01:36
schestowitzNice: 13 01:37
PeterFAOk, well, at least it gets me some Googlages.Mar 13 01:44
schestowitzGood comment from Asa: 13 01:44
schestowitz"Then again, as Nicholas Negroponte states, the newest OLPC machine is still 18 months away, and "a lot can change with regard to Microsoft and ARM" in that time. We hope it does -- we would hate to see the Third World's computing needs left to those $10 laptop guys. " 13 01:53
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 13 02:10
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PeterFAschestowitz, what is something you think I could do for you?Mar 13 02:26
schestowitzWe need text for the docs in the Wiki (antitrust)Mar 13 02:27
schestowitz 13 02:27
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EruaranUbuntu impresses againMar 13 08:09
EruaranThat Fujitsu dual boot notebook I mentioned yesterdayMar 13 08:10
EruaranInstalled XP/Ubuntu on it todayMar 13 08:10
EruaranThe only thing I needed to do was change "vesa" in x to "intel"Mar 13 08:10
EruaranEverything else just workedMar 13 08:10
EruaranIncluding the customers 3 mobile broadband dongleMar 13 08:11
EruaranUbuntu detected it correctly and asked if I wanted to configure it, click 'configure now', the wizard asks basic questions, click next, next and youre upMar 13 08:12
EruaranIt worked better than 3's own self installing software on Windows XP didMar 13 08:12
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 128 (Network is unreachable))Mar 13 08:12
EruaranAnd got us online fasterMar 13 08:12
Eruaranslam dunkMar 13 08:12
*Eruaran grins a satisfied grinMar 13 08:13
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 13 08:16
schestowitzHi, Eruaran Mar 13 08:57
EruaranHi RoyMar 13 08:57
schestowitzFound yesterday: 13 08:58
EruaranI wonder what kind of watch it wasMar 13 09:01
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 09:23
MinceRgeekingsMar 13 09:29
Eruaranhello MinceRMar 13 09:32
*amarsh04__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 13 09:39
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 09:42
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Mar 13 09:47
*mib_0pqosm (i=cba14f50@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 09:53
mib_0pqosmmicrosoft are liars theives and should die nowMar 13 09:54
mib_0pqosmEveryone hates microsoft liarsMar 13 09:54
mib_0pqosmI use linux because its honest and stable and fast and doesnt spy on meMar 13 09:55
*mib_0pqosm has quit (Client Quit)Mar 13 09:55
Eruaranspeaking of spying...Mar 13 09:55
schestowitzYes....Mar 13 09:56
EruaranMight be timely to remind of thisMar 13 09:57
Eruaran 13 09:57
schestowitzYes...Mar 13 09:57
schestowitzThere was anther article in CNET the other dayMar 13 09:58
schestowitzBack doorsMar 13 09:58
schestowitz'hacking'Mar 13 09:58
schestowitzIn AustraliaMar 13 09:58
EruaranyesMar 13 10:01
schestowitzNZ Linux users fight the copyrights cartel now.Mar 13 10:04
schestowitz 13 10:05
*mib_69g7a0 (i=c1824411@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 10:10
mib_69g7a0hiMar 13 10:11
*mib_69g7a0 has quit (Client Quit)Mar 13 10:11
*amarsh04__ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 10:43
schestowitz"Obama" brand :-) 13 10:46
*MinceR_ (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 10:49
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 13 10:57
*amarsh04__ is now known as amarsh04Mar 13 10:59
*MinceR has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 13 11:00
*mib_yeiv4l (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 11:30
schestowitzChristopher Hitchens cut off on fox news? < >Mar 13 11:32
*mib_yeiv4l has quit (Client Quit)Mar 13 11:33
EruaranmehMar 13 11:37
schestowitzRegarding the news from France, one person says Microsoft is trying to rub it off as "anti-American". ""A good counter will be to focus on the tax dodging and legal troubles. A comment (not mine) on /. talked about die-hard ms ideologues rather firing people than pass up on buying MS Office."Mar 13 11:46
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 11:52
Omar87Hi allMar 13 11:52
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 11:53
EruaranhiMar 13 11:59
schestowitzHeyMar 13 12:00
zer0c00lhi EruaranMar 13 12:00
EruaranI've been idling in #kubuntuMar 13 12:01
EruaranCan't help noticing the randoms that enter now and againMar 13 12:01
EruaranHit and runsMar 13 12:02
Eruaranenter channel > bash KDE a bit > leaveMar 13 12:02
zer0c00lhahahaMar 13 12:07
zer0c00li use kde 3.5 ;)Mar 13 12:07
zer0c00ldebianMar 13 12:07
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 12:08
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRMar 13 12:08
ZiggyFishgo the broncosMar 13 12:08
ZiggyFishBroncos won 19-18Mar 13 12:08
schestowitzHi, ZiggyFish Mar 13 12:09
EruaranUsing KDE 4.2.1 here. Its good.Mar 13 12:09
ZiggyFishheyMar 13 12:09
ZiggyFishschestowitz: how are you?Mar 13 12:10
schestowitz Conroy confirms NBN decision "just weeks away"Mar 13 12:11
schestowitzZiggyFish: I'm all right. Annoyed ATM.Mar 13 12:11
schestowitzMicrosoft is sending out shillsMar 13 12:11
schestowitzTomTom spin.Mar 13 12:11
schestowitzMicrosoft paid mouthpiecesMar 13 12:12
ZiggyFishschestowitz: in the TomTom case Microsoft don't have a leg to stand onMar 13 12:12
EruaranGot an interesting comment from a customer todayMar 13 12:13
ZiggyFishschestowitz: am going to Uni this year, and was supprised that they have the option of booting into Linux(Ubuntu)Mar 13 12:14
EruaranHe said we were the only place he found where we could 1. actually answer his questions and 2. not just take FOSS seriously but promote FOSS and use it...Mar 13 12:15
EruaranOur city is full of idiotMar 13 12:15
Eruaran*idiotsMar 13 12:15
ZiggyFishlolMar 13 12:15
EruaranI think some will soon go out of businessMar 13 12:15
EruaranThe competition doesn't get itMar 13 12:16
ZiggyFishEruaran: let's just hope there are more companies like yours arroundMar 13 12:16
EruaranLinux users are OUR customers and not our competitions customers... and the competition doesn't understand how big that userbase isMar 13 12:17
EruaranWhat this guy told me about everywhere else he went was simple: "they don't want to know"Mar 13 12:18
schestowitzZiggyFish: dual-booting is getting common in universitiesMar 13 12:18
EruaranSo him, and an increasing number of other people in my city come to usMar 13 12:18
schestowitzEruaran: excellent.Mar 13 12:19
EruaranThey want hardware, they want advice, they want info, they know what they want and they don't want to be told what they wantMar 13 12:19
EruaranI remember when our company director expressed a concern once that if we promote software that actually works good nearly all of the time we'll put ourselves out of business :PMar 13 12:20
EruaranThat was before he realised that hardware failures still happen, that not every Linux user is a C++ god, and that if you can give people answers that no one else can give it builds respect and confidence... and it was before he realised that we don't want Linux users going to the competition :PMar 13 12:23
EruaranANDMar 13 12:23
EruaranThat was before he realised that if he doesn't know how to help someone, he can just punt them over to us :PMar 13 12:24
EruaranI have to remember to enter the Fujitsu A1110 in our database tomorrowMar 13 12:26
EruaranWe're building a database over timeMar 13 12:26
EruaranOf our experiences installing Linux on notebooksMar 13 12:27
EruaranSo, if someone wants to know, anyone in the company can simply refer to it and is able to tell a customer in moments what they can expect if Linux is installed on the notebook they enquire aboutMar 13 12:28
EruaranIn short, Ubuntu on the Fujitsu A1110 is a dream.Mar 13 12:30
schestowitzMoney is in hardwareMar 13 12:37
schestowitzNot in software anymoreMar 13 12:37
schestowitzSame in serversMar 13 12:37
schestowitzThat's why HP and IBM thrives while Microsoft enters debtMar 13 12:37
schestowitzPeople need to be given the s/w of their choiceMar 13 12:37
schestowitzThat's why IBM and HP also invest in LinuxMar 13 12:37
ZiggyFishgoogle has a lot to do with that I believeMar 13 12:38
schestowitzIt helps them sell hardware, independently of MicrosoftMar 13 12:38
schestowitzRationale for Symbian was similarMar 13 12:38
schestowitzThink about it this wayMar 13 12:38
schestowitzShop makes $300 selling netbooks (gross)Mar 13 12:38
schestowitzMicrosoft? Just $5 if it runs Windows.Mar 13 12:38
schestowitzWho's to gain more?Mar 13 12:39
EruaranWhen economics are tough, value shifts back to the hardware, and services that people require to repair/maintain hardwareMar 13 12:41
*ZiggyFish ( has left #boycottnovellMar 13 12:46
schestowitzYes, same with many things like footwearMar 13 12:46
schestowitzEruaran: did you see this morning's post about Microsoft's latest dead product?Mar 13 12:47
Eruaransorry was afkMar 13 13:01
Eruaranno I haven't seen it yetMar 13 13:02
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 13:11
_Hicham_Hi All!Mar 13 13:11
EruaranhiMar 13 13:11
schestowitzHey there, wbMar 13 13:12
_Hicham_how r u doing Roy?Mar 13 13:12
schestowitzAll OK, just writing some posts ARMMar 13 13:15
schestowitz*ATMMar 13 13:15
_Hicham_I am looking for the best Desktop environment for my desktop machineMar 13 13:15
_Hicham_i installed Ubuntu, Debian, and FedoraMar 13 13:15
_Hicham_but all three of them were too slowMar 13 13:15
_Hicham_I think gnome is the causeMar 13 13:15
_Hicham_i should opt for more minimalistic DEMar 13 13:16
_Hicham_what do u think?Mar 13 13:16
EruaranMint+Fluxbox ?Mar 13 13:16
EruaranLInux Mint Fluxbox edition is minimal and sexyMar 13 13:17
_Hicham_did u test it on an old machine?Mar 13 13:17
EruaranNoMar 13 13:17
Eruaran:PMar 13 13:17
EruaranBut I reckon its worth a lookMar 13 13:17
EruaranI've heard nothing bad about it and the general consensus seems to be that its great for older hardware and running from usb etcMar 13 13:18
Eruaranwhich reminds meMar 13 13:19
_Hicham_Mint is based on Debian?Mar 13 13:19
EruaranI was gonna download Mint with fluxbox for that very reason... run it on a usbMar 13 13:19
EruaranUbuntuMar 13 13:19
_Hicham_that is cool thenMar 13 13:20
_Hicham_is it up-to-date?Mar 13 13:20
Eruaran 13 13:23
Eruaranlooks goodMar 13 13:24
*mib_6yj925 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 13:25
*mib_6yj925 has quit (Client Quit)Mar 13 13:26
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Mar 13 13:30
Balrog_hi allMar 13 13:42
Balrog__Hicham_: how fast is your desktop machine?Mar 13 13:42
EruaranhiMar 13 13:49
_Hicham_Balrog : my desktop machine is 700Mhz PIII, 512 Ram, S3 Savage Video Card 8MbMar 13 14:04
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 14:04
_Hicham_what do u think is suitable for this machine?Mar 13 14:04
schestowitz"I was guest of honor at a star chamber held by my "boss" and her boss and two from the support department.  The same themes and the quoted parts are almost identical phrases. Gist: not running windows personally  ==  bad attitude"Mar 13 14:10
schestowitzI'm hearing from people who are harassed for not using Windows.Mar 13 14:10
schestowitzAs if not using Windows is "not being normal", i.e. troublemakerMar 13 14:10
schestowitzHorrid.Mar 13 14:11
schestowitz"both mgt and labor union acting as MSFT police. Anyway a few hundred students have hands on experience now with several desktop environments and several operating systems."Mar 13 14:12
schestowitz""It did not work to put these in rotted housing with no fire alarms, bad heating, inadequate missing locks, etc.  It did not work to charge them 150% the market rate for aforementioned housing.  It did not work to threaten them with a gun (later turned out to be replica).  It did not work to go around in gangs and beat the fuck out of them.  There are still a few left."Mar 13 14:12
schestowitz"So the degree program will have to be closed to get rid of them, before people out in town find out that they've been defrauded by MS, and by pushers, these recent years. The EFF or other groups might find these tactics useful to know about."Mar 13 14:12
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 13 14:19
_Hicham_ 13 14:23
EruaranlolMar 13 14:26
schestowitz -> European Parliament resolution on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communicationsMar 13 14:32
schestowitzA friend says: "Suitability for use in European business is called into question due to the inability guarantee freedom from backdoors and</a>, like other closed source applications, it is to be classed as "least reliable"."Mar 13 14:33
schestowitzPalm Linux is coming to stores soon: Sprint Announces Pricing Plans for Palm Pre < >Mar 13 14:45
schestowitzPoliticians Overreacted To Terrorist 'Threat' Online < >. Or maybe the threat is created in part by invasions.Mar 13 14:48
schestowitzTomTom Can License FAT Without Violating the GPL  < >Mar 13 14:56
_Hicham_TomTom should just drop FATMar 13 14:59
_Hicham_FAT is just fatMar 13 14:59
_Hicham_FAT should go on a dietMar 13 14:59
_Hicham_it wastes a lot of spaceMar 13 14:59
Balrog_but then how will windows users use tom-tom devicesMar 13 15:04
Balrog_or better, use disks in tom-tom devicesMar 13 15:04
schestowitz+1Mar 13 15:04
Balrog_(like flash drives or sd cards)Mar 13 15:04
*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellMar 13 15:05
Balrog_schestowitz: That slashdot article is full of holesMar 13 15:05
Balrog_read the commentsMar 13 15:05
EruaranYou don't need to use FATMar 13 15:05
schestowitzUS Supreme Court shows no determination to see this (c.f. Rambus)Mar 13 15:05
Balrog_I know :(Mar 13 15:06
Balrog_but what about Europe?Mar 13 15:06
schestowitzEU is OKMar 13 15:06
Balrog_Tom-Tom is Europe-basedMar 13 15:06
schestowitzFAT patents trahsed in GermanyMar 13 15:06
schestowitzEU accused Rambus of ambush, maybne racketeeriMar 13 15:06
EruaranYes, have the case heard in GermanyMar 13 15:06
schestowitzzoobab01 would knowMar 13 15:06
schestowitz*maybe racketeeringMar 13 15:07
schestowitzI have an article or press release in mind, but not sure where to find it now.Mar 13 15:08
EruaranUsers don't care if a device has FAT or something else on itMar 13 15:08
EruaranUsers just want it to workMar 13 15:08
schestowitzAOL is now headed by a GooglerMar 13 15:08
schestowitzImportant in case AOL does something that favours GoogleMar 13 15:08
schestowitzOr... if AOL snubs the Vole.Mar 13 15:08
schestowitzEruaran: use Windows update to forcible put the ext2 driver on WindowsMar 13 15:09
Balrog_which ext2 driver?Mar 13 15:09
schestowitzAuthorities need to restore standards that are safe, even fircibly.Mar 13 15:09
Balrog_ext2ifs is not foss, and is buggyMar 13 15:09
schestowitzIf Microsoft abuses its monopoly and has an ambush going..Mar 13 15:09
schestowitzBalrog: so find an alternativeMar 13 15:09
EruaranThe end result of cases like this is that companies like TomTom will seek alternatives, and will use them.Mar 13 15:10

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