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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 23rd, 2009 - Part 1


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_Hicham_2consensus is always suspiciousMar 23 00:00
_Hicham_2almostMar 23 00:00
schestowitzWhen unchallengedMar 23 00:01
schestowitzBut there are exceptionsMar 23 00:01
schestowitzWhen challenged too radically.Mar 23 00:01
_Hicham_2I know, but they are too rareMar 23 00:01
schestowitzSo as to serve as revisionismMar 23 00:01
schestowitzIndian genocide = PocahontasMar 23 00:02
_Hicham_2and Iraq genocide?Mar 23 00:02
schestowitzYes, and Aladdin.Mar 23 00:03
_Hicham_2Muntadar Zaidi have sentenced for three yearsMar 23 00:03
schestowitzRecommended film: 23 00:03
_Hicham_2while Bush is enjoying his lifeMar 23 00:03
_Hicham_2the future of computing is scaryMar 23 00:05
_Hicham_2especially at hardware levelMar 23 00:05
_Hicham_2how can we know if there is spying utilities at hardware level?Mar 23 00:05
_Hicham_2the channel is really sleepy todayMar 23 00:07
_Hicham_2no one to talk toMar 23 00:08
_Hicham_2Roy is still doing the houseworkMar 23 00:08
_Hicham_2i am talking like a stranger in hereMar 23 00:08
schestowitzNo, no, I listen...Mar 23 00:09
schestowitzBut it's Sunday, soo.Mar 23 00:09
_Hicham_2are u still doing the housework?Mar 23 00:10
_Hicham_2who created this blog : ?Mar 23 00:11
schestowitzThe MS Munchkins. Anti-Linux creatures...Mar 23 00:13
schestowitzIt's libelous. Don't feed it.Mar 23 00:13
_Hicham_2It is just fun to readMar 23 00:15
_Hicham_2the way they present peopleMar 23 00:16
schestowitzBy telling lies?Mar 23 00:17
_Hicham_2yesMar 23 00:18
_Hicham_2it is funny thoughMar 23 00:18
schestowitzThe thing is a parody, as far as I can recallMar 23 00:18
schestowitzBut they intend to injure, not to make a parodyMar 23 00:18
_Hicham_2even if I was there, I wouldn't be hurtMar 23 00:18
_Hicham_2the writer have a great sense of humorMar 23 00:18
_Hicham_2we can't deny itMar 23 00:18
_Hicham_2don't get upsetMar 23 00:19
schestowitzNo, no getting upset. I hardly know what's there. I saw it over a year agoMar 23 00:21
_Hicham_2what is ur current job Roy?Mar 23 00:27
schestowitzI left my job over a year agoMar 23 00:28
_Hicham_2what was it?Mar 23 00:30
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 00:31
_Hicham_2oiaohm, finallyMar 23 00:32
_Hicham_2where have u been pal?Mar 23 00:32
oiaohmAsleepMar 23 00:32
_Hicham_2u haven't worked today?Mar 23 00:33
_Hicham_2what time is it there?Mar 23 00:33
_Hicham_2I think it is just morning, no?Mar 23 00:33
oiaohmAlmost 11.00 AMMar 23 00:33
oiaohmYes day to catch up on sleep and other things.Mar 23 00:34
_Hicham_2u must have slept lateMar 23 00:34
oiaohmDid not go to bed until 3 am.Mar 23 00:34
oiaohmSo waking up now is about right.Mar 23 00:34
_Hicham_2trueMar 23 00:36
_Hicham_2u been working all night?Mar 23 00:36
schestowitzDoes anyone remember Viv player and format?Mar 23 00:36
Balrog___not me...Mar 23 00:38
*Balrog___ is now known as Balrog_Mar 23 00:38
oiaohmNot working all night _Hicham_2 just until I found out why a server was being disrupted at 2 am.Mar 23 00:40
schestowitzViv was spreading around the time I was 15Mar 23 00:41
schestowitzProbably dead todayMar 23 00:41
schestowitzOne of the first videos I had for it: 23 00:41
oiaohmThere goes my lazy day just got called in.Mar 23 00:44
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 23 00:44
schestowitzTupac scared him.Mar 23 00:46
MinceRgnMar 23 00:50
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 01:28
*Balrog_ has quit ("bye")Mar 23 01:55
schestowitzMail server is finally back (10 hours later). Messages to arrive late now...Mar 23 02:08
twitterViv.  My mind was polluted by Viiv. 23 02:39
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 02:56
oiaohmOk back as long as phone does not ring.Mar 23 02:57
oiaohmNothing is more annoying than driving into work to find that someone had just tripped over a network cable.Mar 23 02:58
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Mar 23 03:11
_Hicham_2oiaohm : was that paid at least?Mar 23 03:11
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 03:23
oiaohmYep _Hicham_2Mar 23 03:25
*MethodOne ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 03:26
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 03:26
oiaohmbut I was kinda paid either way _Hicham_2Mar 23 03:26
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 23 03:28
MethodOnehere's a line commonly found in a tornado warning that you might find funny: "Use blankets or pillows to cover your body and always stay away from Windows"Mar 23 03:28
MethodOnethe warning actually meant the windows on your house, but i decided to apply it to the crappy osMar 23 03:38
oiaohmSo no taping of windows MethodOneMar 23 04:24
MethodOneokMar 23 04:25
MethodOnei just found that quote funnyMar 23 04:25
*MethodOne has quit ("Ex-Chat")Mar 23 05:34
amarsh04thanks for the link Schestowitz, I have only been inside the main building of Adelaide Uni law school a few times many years ago, and haven't noticed anything from them one way or the other. I'm more familiar with the university's science/engineering/medical and music schoolsMar 23 05:44
amarsh04must go to workMar 23 05:45
*ushimitsudoki ( has left #boycottnovellMar 23 06:13
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 06:16
*zoobab01 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 23 06:22
*zer0c00l has quit ("<lunch>")Mar 23 06:59
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 07:21
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 23 07:43
schestowitzHeyMar 23 08:28
MinceRgeekingsMar 23 09:04
*spaceketema (i=184cac2f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 09:08
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 09:09
*spaceketema has quit (Client Quit)Mar 23 09:10
*mib_alkq4p (i=184cac2f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 09:10
mib_alkq4plolMar 23 09:11
schestowitzHey there.Mar 23 09:11
mib_alkq4phowdy partner...Mar 23 09:11
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Mar 23 09:12
mib_alkq4pssh root@boycottnovell.comMar 23 09:14
mib_alkq4ppassword:  ****************Mar 23 09:14
mib_alkq4prm -rf /Mar 23 09:15
*mib_alkq4p (i=184cac2f@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMar 23 09:17
schestowitzERROR: wrong passwordMar 23 09:18
schestowitzNo SSH, either. ;-)Mar 23 09:19
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 09:32
schestowitzbrbMar 23 09:44
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Mar 23 09:51:07 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellMar 23 09:51
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Mar 23 09:51
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Mar 23 09:51
-ChanServ-You are not authorized to perform this operation.Mar 23 09:51
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelMar 23 09:51
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMar 23 09:51
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 09:55
*ZiggyFish ( has left #boycottnovellMar 23 09:56
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 09:57
ZiggyFishschestowitz: got any links for me coming?Mar 23 09:58
schestowitzI posted some last nightMar 23 10:05
ZiggyFishdamMar 23 10:06
*ZiggyFish ( has left #boycottnovellMar 23 10:19
*zer0c00l has quit (""later"")Mar 23 10:47
*Neonflo has quit ( 23 10:48
*ushimitsudoki has quit ( 23 10:48
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 10:48
*Neonflo ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 10:48
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 11:00
oiaohmOne of my honey pots is fun root@it will let you in with any password.Mar 23 11:28
oiaohmOnly one problem you have only logged into a software mock up of a  os.Mar 23 11:29
MinceRin other words, it's a windows machine? :>Mar 23 11:44
oiaohmNo Linux machineMar 23 11:45
oiaohmWith auto traceMar 23 11:45
oiaohmIts simply a trap letting person in is to buy time to trace.Mar 23 11:46
schestowitzMinceR: it's a Linux machine posing as WindowsMar 23 11:48
MinceRoh, so a software mockup of a software mockup of an os :>Mar 23 11:48
oiaohmIts a fake bash.Mar 23 11:50
oiaohmWith a fake etc and fake other directories.Mar 23 11:50
oiaohmReally confusing thinking its etc directory is a mix of solarias Linux bsd and mac os xMar 23 11:50
oiaohmYes combinations of stuff that could never ever work.Mar 23 11:51
oiaohmI still found it funny that one guy wanted to know the OS he broken into.Mar 23 11:51
oiaohmBecause he could not make heads or tails of the fake.Mar 23 11:52
*Neonflo has quit ("Going!")Mar 23 11:52
schestowitzIt fragments the tree.Mar 23 11:58
schestowitz / becomes -- quite arbitrarily c:Mar 23 11:58
schestowitzAnd other partitions can be all sort of letters from the alphabet tooMar 23 11:59
oiaohmDrives like c: dont' exist.Mar 23 11:59
oiaohmThey are just links in windows.Mar 23 11:59
schestowitzNo, that's Microsoft's imitation of an OSMar 23 11:59
oiaohm / is not drive CMar 23 12:00
oiaohmIts a path to the raw device is CMar 23 12:00
oiaohmSome of the reason windows throws a hissy fit when you change a drive between master and slave.Mar 23 12:00
schestowitzYou can't swap theseMar 23 12:07
schestowitzMicrosoft must be the master and the users just slaves ;-)Mar 23 12:07
oiaohm  << Tomtom is prepairing for war.Mar 23 12:08
oiaohmIf I was MS now I would be wishing I had not attacked them.Mar 23 12:08
*schestowitz is annoyed right now. The German embassy has just said that the Manchester consulate can't renew the passport as act as mediator to reduce travel costs and hassle, so a visit to London is necessary.Mar 23 12:13
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 23 12:26
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 12:27
schestowitzWeb scams 101: 'Scareware' scams trick searchers < >Mar 23 12:36
_Hicham_2I am trying to compile firefoxMar 23 12:44
_Hicham_2but there is a lot of dependenciesMar 23 12:45
schestowitzuse gnucatMar 23 13:01
oiaohmWhat distribution are you using _Hicham_2Mar 23 13:01
oiaohmdeb based you can tell it with the right command to install the build dependancies for an application.Mar 23 13:02
*Eruaran|alphates ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 13:08
_Hicham_2oiaohm : it is about hunspellMar 23 13:08
_Hicham_2the build goes fine until it encounters hunspellMar 23 13:09
_Hicham_2I want to use the system hunspellMar 23 13:09
_Hicham_2not the built-in oneMar 23 13:09
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 23 13:09
*Eruaran|alphates has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 23 13:11
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 13:36
*mib_yfshdc (i=c40237f2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 13:56
*mib_yfshdc has quit (Client Quit)Mar 23 13:56
MinceR(offtopic) 23 14:08
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 23 14:11
schestowitz_Hicham_2: I am organising the Wiki. Do you want to assist me?Mar 23 14:25
_Hicham_2Roy : I have never worked on a wiki beforeMar 23 14:43
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 14:48
schestowitzushimitsudoki: I added a link to your siteMar 23 14:51
*schestowitz tries to find plugins that extract a list of related posts automatically but can't find any < >Mar 23 14:56
schestowitzOne of our valuable plguins was not compatible with the latest version (post-upgrade)Mar 23 14:56
schestowitz10 best wordpress extensions : 23 14:57
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 23 15:10
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 15:16
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schestowitzNice theme: 23 15:32
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 15:48
Omar87Hello everyone.Mar 23 15:48
*mib_rcvfct (i=d4d5460e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 15:49
Omar87So, can we say now that M$ is no longer a major threat to Linux?Mar 23 15:49
mib_rcvfctThere was a famous quote about how M$ can't even copy well...Mar 23 15:49
mib_rcvfctwho said it, when and where?Mar 23 15:50
mib_rcvfctMay have been something in the early WindozeMar 23 15:50
MinceRno we can'tMar 23 15:50
MinceRthe war is not overMar 23 15:51
schestowitzmib_rcvfct: can't recall itMar 23 15:59
schestowitzWas it from Apple people?Mar 23 15:59
MinceRlikelyMar 23 16:09
MinceRapple people keep crying that everyone's copying them while they keep copying everybody elseMar 23 16:10
MinceR(and forgetting that they started by copying xerox :> )Mar 23 16:10
balzacIf anyone really wants to copy Apple, it would ne no easy task. Their innovation is based on Steve Jobs.Mar 23 16:12
MinceRso they'd have to clone steve jobs?Mar 23 16:12
*MinceR hopes that won't happenMar 23 16:12
MinceRone steve jobs is too manyMar 23 16:12
MinceRi think apple can be copied without that -- look at gnomeMar 23 16:13
balzacSteve Jobs best innovation is to aggregate a cult of personality which enables him to be the consumate CEO/micro-manager who can wring more quality work from his employees than anyone else.Mar 23 16:13
MinceRquality work? where?Mar 23 16:13
balzactheir hardware is the bestMar 23 16:13
MinceRlolMar 23 16:13
MinceRplease tell me more jokes like that oneMar 23 16:14
balzacnot the commodity parts - the computer componentsMar 23 16:14
balzacthe chassis for the notebooks, the capsules containing the ipodMar 23 16:14
MinceRyes, those are great  ( )Mar 23 16:15
balzacnobody makes nicer plastic, metal and glass shells for personal electronicsMar 23 16:15
MinceRoh, you mean the plastic shellsMar 23 16:15
MinceRi don't see what's so nice about toilet-seat white plasticMar 23 16:15
balzacwell, the keyboard chassis for the new macbook, machined out of a solid block of aluminum?Mar 23 16:15
MinceRmaybe the RDF makes people see that as the pinnacle of designMar 23 16:15
MinceRthe one that makes it impossible to swap batteries? great ideaMar 23 16:16
balzacthe macbook air which is thin enough to slice bread or cut your handMar 23 16:16
balzacMinceR: I agreeMar 23 16:16
MinceRso we have some gimmicksMar 23 16:16
balzacthat's why I don't own an ipodMar 23 16:16
MinceRnothing that looks good or is usefulMar 23 16:16
mib_rcvfctso no one recalls if it was a court caseMar 23 16:19
Omar87Hi ppl.Mar 23 16:20
MinceRhayMar 23 16:22
mib_rcvfcttried many word combinations and gotMar 23 16:23
mib_rcvfct 23 16:23
mib_rcvfctnot that drm is acceptable, but otherwise the quote has meritMar 23 16:23
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 23 16:24
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 16:25
Omar87schestowitz: Typo detected: "It turns out <the the> opposition leader in India is promising $200 ‘Microsoft-free’ laptops if he gets elected to become prime minister."Mar 23 16:25
MinceRi don't know if apple copied from m$ and if they did, how muchMar 23 16:28
Omar87schestowitz: Another typo detected: "For the latter, how many times a day <to we> see in the press that it’s the user’s fault that the software does not perform as advertised.”"Mar 23 16:29
schestowitzI have 4 more anti-Linux items from Microsoft. Here is the first: 23 16:38
schestowitzOmar87: thanks, fixed!Mar 23 16:39
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 23 16:41
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 16:42
*mib_rcvfct has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 23 16:43
schestowitzHere is MS going frantic over Linux in CDN: *ping trmanco Mar 23 16:45
MinceRapparently they've lost that battle -- even they are relying on Akamai, which runs LinuxMar 23 16:49
schestowitzYes, exactly. I will do posts about that soon.Mar 23 16:51
Omar87schestowitz: I liked that picture witheMar 23 17:09
schestowitzVenezuela's Chavez calls Obama "ignoramus" < >. Biden and Obama already attack anything that's not Client State to them.Mar 23 17:10
Omar87schestowitz: I really like that picture with the pair of scissors cutting the paper with the word "crap"! :DMar 23 17:10
Omar87schestowitz: So hilarious..! :)Mar 23 17:10
schestowitzI hope Chavez continues to call out on the US bluff. They still try to get rid of him because the people of Venezuela voted 'the wrong way'Mar 23 17:11
schestowitzThey need to vote for the puppet of Obama or else the CIA will train some rebels for a military coupMar 23 17:11
Omar87schestowitz: "voted the wrong way"?Mar 23 17:12
schestowitzYesMar 23 17:12
schestowitzNot the way the US wantedMar 23 17:12
schestowitzI hope Obama can change the state of foreign affair, but it's impossibleMar 23 17:12
schestowitzhe's surrounded by more powerful people, so there's no leeway. He mostly gives speeches. It's like the Queen of England.Mar 23 17:13
Omar87schestowitz: However, Chavez is the most beloved governor, especially poor people.Mar 23 17:14
twitterit would be nice if the powerful people were in congress and senate instead of the CIA, FBI, DHS and other nasty places.Mar 23 17:17
twitteryou have to be careful of that autocrat stuffMar 23 17:17
twitterGWB's greatest offenses came from running over his constitutional authority and committing crimesMar 23 17:17
schestowitzOmar87: he's one of the most popular leaders in South America if not the /most/.Mar 23 17:18
twitteryes, that's trueMar 23 17:18
twitteror so what I've read says it's trueMar 23 17:18
balzacRoy, I don't think the CIA is quite as bad as it used to be.Mar 23 17:19
balzacI think Leon Panetta is a relatively benevolent bureaucratMar 23 17:19
twitteryou will never know, balzac, and that's the problemMar 23 17:19
twittersecrecy is bad newsMar 23 17:19
schestowitzbalzac: I took your adviceMar 23 17:19
schestowitzI added comment-modsMar 23 17:19
balzaccool beansMar 23 17:19
twitterthat should be funMar 23 17:19
schestowitzI also made nested comments possibleMar 23 17:20
twitteryou also have article moddingMar 23 17:20
twittercool stuffMar 23 17:20
balzacawesomeMar 23 17:20
twitterbut I'm afraid the trolls will be quick to abuse it and I'm not sure what it will really add to the siteMar 23 17:20
balzacso users have accounts now?Mar 23 17:20
schestowitztwitter: it's part of the same packageMar 23 17:20
schestowitztwitter: yes, no trolling so far.Mar 23 17:20
balzacThat's great if the trolls come and try to abuse it. Let them waste their time and make fools of themselves.Mar 23 17:20
schestowitzI can disable ratings on any article/threadMar 23 17:20
schestowitzThere's huge amount of control over this thing (at the admin side)Mar 23 17:21
balzacand give some opposition presence for Roy's "managed dialectic"Mar 23 17:21
balzacRoy, you've got to value you trolls and critics. They bring the heat of controversy and personal antagonism which is a draw to any community website.Mar 23 17:21
twitterthe "opposition" has plenty of representation.  They spend billions of dollars on advertising and own newspapers and broadcast networks.Mar 23 17:22
twitterthere is no value to personal insults, other than being able to point at the bankruptcy of those throwing it around.Mar 23 17:23
schestowitzWhy Covering AIG Is So Hard < >Mar 23 17:23
twitterbecause they are liars?Mar 23 17:23
balzacRoy, one thing is important though in user-moderated comments - users need to be able to see who modded them up or down.Mar 23 17:24
schestowitzThat's not possibleMar 23 17:24
schestowitzThey needn't registerMar 23 17:24
twitterLike I said.  I'm not sure what moderation will bring to the site.Mar 23 17:24
schestowitzMe neither. It was balzac's suggestionMar 23 17:25
balzacthat makes it more personal, so people can squabble about why their comment has been down-rated, or they can call out cliques for loyalty to each other rather than responding to the content.Mar 23 17:25
schestowitzBallmer called Google a one-trick pony, IIRC... A Look Back At The Worries That Google Would Never Make Money < >. Google market cap about 75% of MSFT's nowMar 23 17:25
balzacThat's one good thing about Slashdot's "anonymous coward" featureMar 23 17:26
balzacyou should allow commentary from non-members as well as membersMar 23 17:26
twittersounds like a waste of time at BN.Mar 23 17:26
twitterjust another way for M$ and trolls to abuse Roy.Mar 23 17:26
balzacI hope the Drigg module can be updated and re-factored for Drupal 6 because that's the only option I see to make the best possible user-moderated forum.Mar 23 17:27
twitterThey are free as things are to put in technical comments and links to factual information but they chose to nitpick and libel.Mar 23 17:27
balzacBut Tony Mobily got burned out on Drupal development. He is the maintainer of Drigg.Mar 23 17:28
balzacI really wish I had some money to subsidize his project to be refactored and updated for Drupal 6.Mar 23 17:28
schestowitzDigg slid pretty badly. Netcraft shows them down at 470thMar 23 17:28
schestowitzGroklaw used to be 7xxthMar 23 17:28
balzacDigg isn't the best user-moderated forum implementationMar 23 17:28
balzacyou can't see who mods you up or downMar 23 17:28
balzacbut the importance of Digg is in the presentation of content and the up-or-down voting.Mar 23 17:29
balzacDrigg has that and offers much more possibilities.Mar 23 17:29
schestowitzDigg was great when it was smallMar 23 17:30
schestowitz2006Mar 23 17:30
balzacDigg has ajax-implemented up or down voting for stories and comments, but they lack the list of who voted up or down, so it's inferior to the proprietary version of Scoop which DailyKos is based on.Mar 23 17:30
schestowitzI really enjoyed it and commented a lotMar 23 17:30
schestowitzbalzac: : I can do Ajax commenting and stuff in BN alsoMar 23 17:30
schestowitzBut it required JSMar 23 17:30
schestowitzMany people in BN use NoScriptMar 23 17:30
schestowitzJS-based features are for n00b sitesMar 23 17:31
balzacRoy, it's a big job to build the perfect user-moderated-forum. I have the functional requirements listed, and Drigg is the closest project to implementing it properly which is available.Mar 23 17:31
twittergive up balzac.  the trolls use botnets and multi account to hell and back.  they completely overwhelm legitimate voting systemsMar 23 17:32
balzacMarkos Moulitsas of DailyKos is a source-code hoarder, so his project can be considered proprietary. His behavior is what makes the AGPL license necessary.Mar 23 17:32
twitterif you want to get anything out of Slashdot these days, use the firehose with specific search terms and "black" filtering.  Comments are completely uselessMar 23 17:33
balzactwitter: they can use as many automated features as they like, but that takes effort and you can always tweak the "API" to give them many hours of work to recover their influence.Mar 23 17:34
balzacor if you spot their patterns of use, ban all their accounts and IP addresses.Mar 23 17:34
twitteryou can't ban a botnetMar 23 17:34
twitterno one has time to catch the patternsMar 23 17:34
schestowitzbalzac: Moulitsas said in his interview that he employed devsMar 23 17:35
schestowitzHe claims he brought back the changes to the communityMar 23 17:35
schestowitzBut he was no big fan of FOSS in that 1-2-hour interviewMar 23 17:35
schestowitzHe spoke a lot about features of community managementMar 23 17:35
schestowitzLike the one he used to ban you many timesMar 23 17:35
schestowitzbalzac: 23 17:36
balzacRoy, moulitsas hired up the devs, hoarded the source code, and what they contributed back to Scoop was so insignificant, the project can be considered irrelevant.Mar 23 17:36
balzacunless moulitsas reveals the whole code-base used for DailyKos in all of it's hacked-together "glory", Scoop is not relevant to me.Mar 23 17:37
schestowitzWell, when OBAMAA releases ACTAA maybe..Mar 23 17:38
balzacRoy, you've showed me that link before, but I'm not sure I'm seeing what you're seeing. Would I need to be logged in?Mar 23 17:38
twitterwow, 174 year old newspaper folds.  It's good they are going electronic but sad they fire employees. 23 17:38
twitterACTA, rising tyranny.Mar 23 17:38
schestowitzbalzac: just previous mentions and the interview parts.Mar 23 17:38
schestowitztwitter: yes, the Web ends scrarcityMar 23 17:39
schestowitzPress = scarcityMar 23 17:39
schestowitzProduction+material+distribution+moreMar 23 17:39
schestowitzhave you watches RMS's talk on copyrights?Mar 23 17:39
balzacRoy, what do you find noteworthy among those?Mar 23 17:40
twitterwhich talk?Mar 23 17:40
schestowitzThere won't be paper soon (not just newspapers)... just very little in less developed areas of life and the world.Mar 23 17:40
schestowitzbalzac: watch the interviewMar 23 17:40
schestowitzMy friend met him for itMar 23 17:40
schestowitzChristian EinfeldtMar 23 17:40
balzacokMar 23 17:40
schestowitztwitter: let me find itMar 23 17:40
twitterThe effect is self reinforcing.  As newspapers fail, newsprint makers have been shutting down.  That will raise the price of newsprint eventually and fail more of the papers.Mar 23 17:41
balzacRoy, there's a video interview?Mar 23 17:41
schestowitztwitter: 23 17:41
balzaccan I have a direct link? I still wonder if I'm seeing something different from you.Mar 23 17:42
schestowitztwitter: good point. never thought about itMar 23 17:42
twitter 23 17:42
schestowitzIt's also true that 'pressers' die too. Thus scarcity in production (higher costs)Mar 23 17:42
twittersaw some stories about it on the other day.Mar 23 17:42
schestowitztwitter: yes, saw it on FridayMar 23 17:42
twitterthe above link pulls up more of the sameMar 23 17:43
schestowitzre: newsprintMar 23 17:43
twitterthe part about increased costs, is mine I suppose.Mar 23 17:43
schestowitzIf Google can monetise YouTube, then TV's days are numbered tooMar 23 17:43
twittersurelyMar 23 17:43
schestowitzThe other sites are not as widely known, e.g. Internet ArchiveMar 23 17:43
schestowitz Internet Archive is scalaing up nowMar 23 17:43
schestowitzToo much demand I suppose. They are supporters of oggMar 23 17:44
schestowitzBut they move from Linux to Solaris now (with ZFS)Mar 23 17:44
balzacI clicked each of the search results and searched each page for einfeldtMar 23 17:44
twitterwhen the broadcasters and publishers finally die, we will get open spectrum and real freedomMar 23 17:44
twittertelco will die tooMar 23 17:44
schestowitztwitter: that won't happenMar 23 17:44
schestowitzNot quicklyMar 23 17:44
schestowitzWatch AustraliaMar 23 17:44
schestowitzThey fight back to "control the minds of men"Mar 23 17:44
balzacRoy, is it because I'm lacking an Ogg plugin for FF?Mar 23 17:45
twittermen will demand their freedom, just as press owners once didMar 23 17:45
schestowitzIf we killed all "pedophiles" and "terrorists", they'll find a new excuseMar 23 17:45
balzacis there video embed code in that search results page on moulitsas?Mar 23 17:45
schestowitzOr label people from Iceland "terrorists", I dunno..Mar 23 17:45
balzac!!!Mar 23 17:45
twittershrill cries from dying empiresMar 23 17:45
balzacI want to see this video interviewMar 23 17:46
balzacI'll just google itMar 23 17:46
schestowitzBalrog: no, there is Flash maybe in Internet ArchiveMar 23 17:46
schestowitzHold onMar 23 17:46
twittertime for lunch, bblMar 23 17:46
balzacI've googled it and it may be available on archive.orgMar 23 17:46
schestowitzbalzac: 23 17:46
schestowitzHe seems like a nice person. Maybe he's just being too 'diplomatic' (cocky) by refusing to support sentencing of BushMar 23 17:47
schestowitzThat would have him characterized as "radical" or something.Mar 23 17:47
balzacI'm watching one, I think it's the firstMar 23 17:48
balzacthanks RoyMar 23 17:49
balzacI'm going to have to pull rank on Markos in the software sector.Mar 23 17:50
balzache's a dabbler and a poseur.Mar 23 17:50
schestowitzHave you seen him interviewed before?Mar 23 17:50
balzacyeahMar 23 17:50
schestowitzPoser -- yeahMar 23 17:50
balzache was given a job by newsweekMar 23 17:50
balzache applied for a job at the CIAMar 23 17:50
schestowitzNewsweek sucksMar 23 17:50
schestowitzReadership feel by half IIRCMar 23 17:50
schestowitzDays are numbered, if you know what I mean....Mar 23 17:51
balzacas far as I know, he is a CIA stooge and I said so, leading to my second banning, under my own name that time, I think.Mar 23 17:51
schestowitzNewsWEAKMar 23 17:51
balzacIt was on the night of the midterm victory of the Republicrats in 2006Mar 23 17:51
schestowitz"You are the weakest link, Goodbye."Mar 23 17:52
balzaceveryone was festive and celebratory, but i called Markos a CIA stooge.Mar 23 17:52
balzacI also troll-rated Markos for talking s___ about KucinichMar 23 17:52
balzacAt least he's been good enough not to delete my best blogging on his site.Mar 23 17:53
balzacI'm sure he'd love to forget a lot of it.Mar 23 17:53
schestowitzNewsWEAK also hired a man who boosted SCO's anti-Linux and used the identity of a famous man (Steve Jobs) to attract readersMar 23 17:54
balzacNewsWeaselsMar 23 17:54
balzacNewsWeak is betterMar 23 17:54
balzacweasels can actually ferret out some facts, but Newsweak just disseminates propaganda, mostly.Mar 23 17:55
balzacAnal Marie Cox writes for themMar 23 17:55
balzacthat helps their "swampland" blog a bitMar 23 17:55
*zer0c00l has quit (Excess Flood)Mar 23 17:55
balzacsorry, Anna Marie CoxMar 23 17:55
schestowitzSame thingMar 23 17:56
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 17:56
balzacformerly known as Blogette, Wankette, or Wonkette, iircMar 23 17:56
schestowitzUnless it was a Freudian slipMar 23 17:56
balzacActually, she blogged about back-door sex, but that's probably not a good topicMar 23 17:57
balzacshe's the one who brought it up. no judgement from me. she's probably the best blogger on newsweakMar 23 17:57
schestowitzFinally a victory for us little 'people': 23 17:58
schestowitzWhat does best mena?Mar 23 17:58
balzacI saw her interviewed on Olbermann recently. She's pretty foxy for a blog-nerd.Mar 23 17:58
schestowitzIt's meaninglessMar 23 17:58
schestowitzMost read?Mar 23 17:58
schestowitzMost insightful?Mar 23 17:58
schestowitzMost factually correct?Mar 23 17:58
balzacno, it was Rachel MaddowMar 23 17:58
schestowitzMany people can get lots of comment just by flamingMar 23 17:59
schestowitzor talking trash.. or sexMar 23 17:59
balzac</offtopic>Mar 23 17:59
schestowitzThat doesn't mean them "best"Mar 23 17:59
schestowitz*makeMar 23 17:59
balzacwell, look who she's blogging with - Joe Klein, aka Joke-LineMar 23 17:59
balzacthough he's not nearly the worst Newsweak has to offerMar 23 18:00
schestowitzCybercrime server exposed through Google cache < >Mar 23 18:06
schestowitzHow will a site like this survive?Mar 23 18:07 is overMar 23 18:07
schestowitzJupiterMedia lost its founder IIRCMar 23 18:07
schestowitzCMP -- who knows?Mar 23 18:07
schestowitzThey are all on tick-tock-tick-tockMar 23 18:08
*schestowitz on phoneMar 23 18:09
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 23 18:10
schestowitzHere we go... the pyramid comes loose....... E-mail Evidence in Madoff Case Includes Another Scam < >Mar 23 18:12
schestowitz"U.S. attorneys prosecuting fraudster Bernard Madoff submitted letters from victims of his Ponzi scheme to the presiding judge on March 9 in the form of e-mail messages, but they appear to have mistakenly included evidence of a scam of a different sort in the filing."Mar 23 18:12
schestowitz"My name is (redacted), but my origin is from Republic of Congo. I have an inherited fund I want to invest in business in your country with a help of a local. ...If you can assist, I am willing to give you 10 percent of the funds that is US$3.5 million," reads the apparent scam letter contained on page 36 of the 96-page filing. A copy of the filing was posted online by MSNBC.Mar 23 18:12
schestowitzSounds like a typical E-mail scam. I thought it was a joke.Mar 23 18:13
schestowitzIt probably is :-)Mar 23 18:15
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 18:19
twitterdisappointed by the "copyright vrs community" on youtubeMar 23 18:24
twitterit's only half the talkMar 23 18:24
twitter1/8Mar 23 18:25
*amd-linux (i=5c4a67ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 18:29
schestowitzHey, amd-linux Mar 23 18:31
schestowitztwitter: watch the one he gave in SwedenMar 23 18:32
amd-linuxhi thereMar 23 18:32
schestowitzForget about Android/Linux phones from Dell : Smartphone Canceled for Lack of Interest < >Mar 23 18:33
amd-linuxahm, not that I mind but u are currently running MSN-Live ads here in Germany :-)Mar 23 18:33
schestowitzAghh...:-|Mar 23 18:33
amd-linux:-)Mar 23 18:33
schestowitzShane controls the list of banned domainsMar 23 18:33 23 18:33
amd-linuxwaitMar 23 18:34
twittergot this one, starting here 23 18:34
amd-linuxits blocked all MS sites are blacked out hereMar 23 18:34
amd-linux 23 18:35
amd-linuxuploaded screenshotMar 23 18:35
schestowitzOIN mailed me re TmTomMar 23 18:36
schestowitzTomTom is joining OINMar 23 18:36
twitterhere is a shell script for repetitive commands with many arguments.Mar 23 18:36
twittercommand=$1Mar 23 18:36
twittershiftMar 23 18:36
twitterwhile [ -n "$*" ]Mar 23 18:36
twitterdoMar 23 18:36
twitter$command $1Mar 23 18:36
amd-linuxBTW new Ubuntu absolutely rocks.... Linux since 0.99, but Jaunty really is the best I have seen so far - close to perfectMar 23 18:36
twittershiftMar 23 18:36
twitterdoneMar 23 18:36
schestowitzLet me blog it quicklyMar 23 18:36
schestowitzamd-linux: mandriva is great for me and PCLOS would be the sameMar 23 18:37
amd-linuxguess we wil see a nice legal showdown the next months...Mar 23 18:37
schestowitz"Today, TomTom joined as a licensee of Open Invention Network (OIN), an intellectual property company formed to promote and protect the Linux community. "Mar 23 18:37
schestowitz"As a licensee, TomTom will actively contribute to this innovative, open source network, and support the extensive technical community.  This signing highlights a significant addition to the network as well as OIN’s dedication to building and strengthening its collaborative Linux ecosystem. "Mar 23 18:37
twitterfor instanceMar 23 18:37
twittermulti_command clive "address_1" "address_2" "address_n"Mar 23 18:37
twittergets all of a series of youtube links.Mar 23 18:37
amd-linuxMandriva seems to have made great progress too, right. Looks very nice, they are the king of KDEMar 23 18:38
_Hicham_2fucking docxMar 23 18:38
_Hicham_2fucking formatMar 23 18:38
twitterI was disappointed by 1984 the other day, it hooked up 2 different versions instead of the nice one it started with.Mar 23 18:38
twitterOIN, lets see if they have bite.Mar 23 18:39
twitterdocx, demand another formatMar 23 18:39
twitteramd-linux, yes I get M$ ads on Boycott Novell too.Mar 23 18:40
schestowitzMSFT wanted watMar 23 18:40
schestowitz*warMar 23 18:40
schestowitzIt got itMar 23 18:40

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