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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 15th, 2009


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*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 00:01
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 00:01
MinceRgnApr 15 00:30
schestowitzChalmers Johnson speaking freely < >Apr 15 01:08
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 15 01:14
schestowitzGreat article: 15 01:37
balzacgreat headlineApr 15 03:00
balzacNow it would be nice if some organization with deeper pockets would bow to the principles of Free Software - with a huge cash donation.Apr 15 03:05
balzacsome company which begins with a G...Apr 15 03:05
balzacand ends with an "oogle"Apr 15 03:05
balzacso the Hurd project could fund hardware compatibility developmentApr 15 03:06
balzacjust basic hardware compatibility so the project comes back out of hibernationApr 15 03:06
balzacnothing fancy...Apr 15 03:06
balzacThe fact is, hardware compatibility is a moving targetApr 15 03:11
balzacif the hardware manufacturers don't choose to cooperate, it's a losing battle to try to interoperate with themApr 15 03:12
balzacone of the very annoying canard is the idea that the hurd project lost developers' interest for lack of technical meritApr 15 03:13
balzacit was lack of corporate support, which the Linux kernel receivedApr 15 03:13
balzacand the hurd kernel did not receive, because the design was so advanced and the project initiator so consumed with freedom and innovationApr 15 03:14
balzacit's a shame and it needs to be corrected - with money to fund compatibility workApr 15 03:14
balzacand deals with low-end cpu makersApr 15 03:15
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 03:26
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 03:26
twitterAnyone awake tonight, comrades?Apr 15 03:31
*conley has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 15 03:32
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 03:33
oiaohmYepApr 15 03:48
twitterthere's always one!Apr 15 03:49
twitterAnything new?Apr 15 03:49
oiaohmOther than ksm is on time table to go into 2.6.31 linux kernel.Apr 15 03:50
oiaohmNot much.Apr 15 03:50
oiaohmksm is basicaly how to reduce ram usage without really altering anything.Apr 15 03:51
balzac-_^Apr 15 04:20
oiaohmksm exploits the page table feature of cpusApr 15 04:24
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 05:03
*twitter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 15 05:03
tessierAn Australian inventor is set to reap the lion's share of a $US388 million ($537 million) damages award from Microsoft after a US jury found the software giant stole his technology.Apr 15 06:16
tessierBwahahaApr 15 06:16
tessierFour of the six largest patent verdicts have been against Microsoft, but the Uniloc damages fee only amounts to about eight days of profit for the company.Apr 15 06:16
tessierNice respect for others' "IP" you got there MicrosoftApr 15 06:17
oiaohmNote that is damages.Apr 15 06:18
oiaohmNot on going payments to keep on using the patented stuff.Apr 15 06:18
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 06:21
tessier 15 06:22
oiaohmThe patent holder now has the right to block sales if MS does not come up with a good deal.Apr 15 06:23
oiaohmEach loss equals a higher price Windows has to be sold with to beat break even.Apr 15 06:27
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 06:37
MinceR"ksm" makes me think of the kde session manager, but something tells me that's not what you're talking about :>Apr 15 06:45
DaemonFCLinux 2.6.30-rc2 is outApr 15 06:48
DaemonFConly 5-6 more rc's to go most likelyApr 15 06:48
oiaohmNot what I ws talking about MinceRApr 15 07:01
oiaohm  << MinceRApr 15 07:03
MinceRicApr 15 07:05
oiaohmBasically a form of memory compression.Apr 15 07:06
MinceR 15 07:14
MinceRanother slashvertisement >> 15 07:22
DaemonFC 15 07:27
DaemonFCEFF Challenges Illegal Computer Seizure and Ongoing Data Searches by Campus PoliceApr 15 07:27
DaemonFCSome of the supposedly suspicious activities listed in support of the search warrant application include....[using] two different operating systems, including one that is not the "regular B.C. operating system" but instead has "a black screen with white font which he uses prompt commands on."Apr 15 07:28
DaemonFCI'm assuming they mean he dual boots Windows and Linux and someone saw him typing into a terminal?Apr 15 07:28
DaemonFCIs that probable cause?Apr 15 07:28
DaemonFCI guess I'm a terrorist now :PApr 15 07:28
MinceRi'm proud to be a terrorist.Apr 15 07:29
MinceRalso, what if he runs cmd.exe fullscreen? is that sufficient for being considered a terrorist now?Apr 15 07:30
DaemonFCMinceR: I made a video about this jsut nowApr 15 07:34
MinceR:)Apr 15 07:36
DaemonFCMinceR: I'm using my Ted Baxter voice to read off the criminal complaintApr 15 07:42
DaemonFClolApr 15 07:42
schestowitzStupid sSLashdot!Apr 15 07:52
schestowitzThey don't even attribute the lies to MicrosoftApr 15 07:52
schestowitzJust push the headlie[sic] like Microsoft wantsApr 15 07:52
schestowitzVista is provably insecure junksApr 15 07:52
schestowitzMinceR: the EFF might be exaggerating?Apr 15 07:53
schestowitzMaybe there is a different cause...Apr 15 07:54
DaemonFC 15 08:00
DaemonFC 15 08:01
schestowitzNemesis: 15 08:04
*DaemonFC has quit ("Windows is like playing Russian Roulette with six loaded chambers.")Apr 15 08:06
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 08:13
DaemonFC 15 08:15
kentma1mornin'Apr 15 08:25
schestowitzHeyApr 15 08:26
kentma1Hilsborough day todayApr 15 08:30
kentma1Just looking at ubuntu booting in 17.5 secsApr 15 08:31
kentma1I'm wondering how fast it could be with LinuxBios?Apr 15 08:32
DaemonFCheh, which is not a lot better than a hard diskApr 15 08:32
DaemonFCand the guy measured it with an iphone :PApr 15 08:32
kentma1hehe :-)Apr 15 08:32
schestowitzSurvey: Majority Of CEOs In Valley Expect More Job Cuts < >Apr 15 08:32
DaemonFChe should have compared hard disk and ssd with bootchartApr 15 08:32
kentma1DaemonFC: indeed he shouldApr 15 08:33
DaemonFC 15 08:33
schestowitzIndustry Moves: Former Philanthropy Chief Brilliant Leaves Google < > . Weird last name: "Brilliant"Apr 15 08:34
kentma1My aa1 boots quickly.  I'd have to time it, but I'm pretty sure it's << 1 min.Apr 15 08:34
kentma1The RN had a Frigate or Destroyer called "Brilliant" afaircApr 15 08:34
DaemonFCextents before:123934 after:1 DONE ino=1075216994Apr 15 08:36
DaemonFCholy shitApr 15 08:36
schestowitzNo #ODF support in iWork. Shame on AppleApr 15 08:40
schestowitzYahoo Plans More Layoffs; HotJobs On The Block < >                   Apr 15 08:40
DaemonFCironicApr 15 08:40
schestowitz "March 31st, 2009 alancocks"Apr 15 08:46
schestowitzIs someone taking the piss out of Alan Cox?Apr 15 08:46
schestowitzis there really a surname "Cocks"?Apr 15 08:46
DaemonFCpossibleApr 15 08:47
schestowitzIt looks as thought it might be fake. The picture always looked suspicious, but the article less soApr 15 08:47
DaemonFC 15 08:52
DaemonFCA "computer bought the farm" message is an error message displayed on GNU Hurd when one of the servers that provide kernel-like functions reaches a "hopeless" situation (after which it is usually terminated). This is a rough equivalent of a kernel panic in monolithic Unix-like kernels. Its corresponding error code is the Hurd-specific EIEIO.Apr 15 09:01
DaemonFCuggggghApr 15 09:01
*Eruaran has quit ("No Ping reply in 90 seconds.")Apr 15 09:11
*Eruaran|alphates ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:12
MinceRschestowitz: i don't knowApr 15 09:20
*root (n=root@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:23
*root is now known as zer0c00lApr 15 09:23
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 09:23
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 15 09:25
MinceRr4wrApr 15 09:28
schestowitz 15 09:31
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:32
*zer0c00l (n=root@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:32
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 15 09:33
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:33
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 09:36
schestowitzNew signs that patents are weakening: 15 09:43
*DaemonFC has quit ("Windows is like playing Russian Roulette with six loaded chambers.")Apr 15 09:43
*kentma1 has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 15 09:43
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:43
*zer0c00l (n=root@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:44
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 09:44
*zer0c00l (n=root@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:48
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 09:51
*zer0c00l (n=root@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:53
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 09:53
*zer0c00l (n=root@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 09:54
*zer0c00l has quit (Client Quit)Apr 15 09:55
schestowitzGreat Timing: USPTO Gives Amazon Patent For 'Reliable Ratings': Where does it end?Apr 15 09:57
schestowitzCringely does not like the word "blogging" either: 15 10:04
*Eruaran|alphates has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 10:12
schestowitzStudent sentenced for F-ucked up grade hack < >Apr 15 10:13
schestowitz "Cisco Systems has dismissed predictions of a 10 per cent reduction in headcount from a JPMorgan analyst."Apr 15 10:14
schestowitz"London police lied to Tomlinson's family, while citing that family as an excuse to prevent press investigation into Tomlinson's death." 15 10:16
schestowitzThis is amazing: protest=crime. Police arrest 114 people in pre-emptive strike against environmental protesters < >Apr 15 10:18
schestowitzThailand just murders protesters 15 10:20
oiaohmMS will have to turn on software patents.Apr 15 10:20
oiaohmAt this stage MS is paying out more than what they are getting from patents.Apr 15 10:20
schestowitzSo how to defeat FOSS and Linux?Apr 15 10:25
oiaohmThere is only one way.Apr 15 10:25
schestowitzIt's a bit like someone buying a gun to defend oneself... only to realise others buy guns tooApr 15 10:25
oiaohmBe truly better.Apr 15 10:25
oiaohmIn every way.Apr 15 10:25
schestowitzoiaohm: and be worth the cost [of Windows]?Apr 15 10:25
schestowitzAs MS put it, without the API, there are dead ducksApr 15 10:25
oiaohmThat is how orcale stays where they are.Apr 15 10:25
MinceRthat's like saying others won't buy guns unless you doApr 15 10:26
oiaohmMS really need a major case of get house in order.Apr 15 10:26
schestowitzWith Oracle, I think it's lock-in tooApr 15 10:26
oiaohmNot really.Apr 15 10:26
oiaohmpostgresql can run basically any Oracle designed database.Apr 15 10:26
schestowitzEnterpriseDB is non-lossy escape route?Apr 15 10:27
oiaohmJust Oracle does it better.Apr 15 10:27
oiaohmEnterpriseDB has no problems with Oracle.Apr 15 10:27
schestowitzPosgres claimed 90% of the performance of Oracle 2 years agoApr 15 10:27
oiaohmThe last 10 percent is really hard to get.Apr 15 10:27
oiaohmAnd Oracle is maintaining it.Apr 15 10:28
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 10:28
oiaohmOracle has better management tools that postgres as well.Apr 15 10:28
schestowitzI can imagine..Apr 15 10:28
oiaohmBasically be better in every way.Apr 15 10:28
schestowitzWell, for now at least, they run and to an extent defend LinuxApr 15 10:28
schestowitzAs long as they don't injure Red Hat, there's not much to fearApr 15 10:28
schestowitzSmall DBs, esp. Web-based use sqlite or mysqlApr 15 10:29
MinceRwell, you must have seen a different oracle from the one i've usedApr 15 10:29
MinceRbecause the one i know has a horrible suite of management toolsApr 15 10:29
schestowitzI only uses Oracle from the CLIApr 15 10:29
schestowitzMany years agoApr 15 10:29
schestowitz*usedApr 15 10:29
schestowitzSo my impression of mysql is better than that of OracleApr 15 10:30
schestowitzAt this current pace, fragile software will likely break the Internet apart: 15 10:33
schestowitzThere's still hope for a Mono-free GNOME: 15 10:34
ushimitsudoki1Good article. Would really like to hear the meaning behind " I'm known to not be a fan of Mono, but for the same reason I'm not a fan of Python or Java"Apr 15 11:02
ushimitsudoki1Python and Java are very different languages, so it seems odd (to me) to use both of them as a sort of grouped comparison against monoApr 15 11:02
oiaohmOracle is one of those things you either like the tools or hate them.Apr 15 11:13
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 11:28
schestowitzI have just extracted the text from a Microsoft memos that shows its strategy against Linux CDNs. 15 11:39
schestowitz*memoApr 15 11:40
oiaohmMS game plan is failing them.Apr 15 11:46
schestowitzI'll do lots more memos like this later this year :-)Apr 15 11:46
oiaohmTomtom attack kinda worried MS.Apr 15 11:46
oiaohmLinux vendors even small ones are not sure walk overs.Apr 15 11:47
schestowitzWow. Asay has really gone mental: 15 11:50
schestowitzYeah... like Sun would by a rival of Java and SolarisApr 15 11:50
schestowitzCNET foolsApr 15 11:50
MinceRwell, unless m$ buys sun, sun buying novell could stop some of m$'s dealingsApr 15 11:51
MinceRbut it would have to be a hostile takeoverApr 15 11:51
MinceRbut more likely it would encourage m$ to buy sunApr 15 11:51
MinceRbut for the purpose Asay mentions it would be (s)uselessApr 15 11:52
MinceRsuse sucks, building on it makes no senseApr 15 11:52
schestowitzushimitsudoki1: I sent this to the author last week suggesting that he covers it. He hates Mono too.Apr 15 11:56
ushimitsudoki1schestowitz: would love to see a return to a mono-free GNOME. mono is one of the main reasons I'm not using GNOME now.Apr 15 11:57
MinceRhow much does gnome rely on mono now?Apr 15 11:59
ushimitsudoki1MinceR: basically just 2 applications: tomboy and fspot unless something has recently changedApr 15 11:59
MinceRicApr 15 12:00
oiaohmSun not going to buy Novell.Apr 15 12:06
oiaohmWhat really would be the point of that.Apr 15 12:07
oiaohmGet tied up in MS licencing.Apr 15 12:07
oiaohmSun would have to be basically nuts to want that.Apr 15 12:08
DaemonFCschestowitz: I ended up installing Mono into wine long enough to carve up an XP Pro image with nLiteApr 15 12:10
DaemonFC:PApr 15 12:10
*mib_pzx89i (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 12:12
schestowitzushimitsudoki1: I heard that fspot too gets a replacementApr 15 12:14
schestowitzfspot rewritten without the MS DNAApr 15 12:15
ushimitsudoki1schestowitz: I hope so. I would like to think that if one of the two apps is being "cleaned", then someone will pick up the other. Sure would be nice to bring GNOME "back in the fold", as it were. If you find a reference about the fspot re-write, I'd be interested in seeing itApr 15 12:16
*mib_pzx89i has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 15 12:18
schestowitzMatt Asay has lost it: 15 12:21
schestowitzushimitsudoki1: someone from Debian told meApr 15 12:21
*DaemonFC has quit ("Windows is like playing Russian Roulette with six loaded chambers.")Apr 15 12:22
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 12:24
tacone 15 12:25
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 12:25
*tacone ( has left #boycottnovell ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting.")Apr 15 12:25
oiaohmApparmor is techically crap.Apr 15 12:26
oiaohmIt has not been updated to work.Apr 15 12:26
DaemonFCI don't bother with anything like thatApr 15 12:28
oiaohmDaemonFC you will at least use capiblities to de power suid bit applciations.Apr 15 12:30
kentmaThe gnote article is interesting, and I do hope we can end the mono nonsense.  Even the name, "mono", is suspiciously reminiscent of "one true way".Apr 15 12:30
schestowitzOr monkey businessApr 15 12:32
schestowitz"Running out of things to talk about, Matt? What Sun needs to do is innovate on top of Linux, not let the innovation of Linux run on top of Solaris. Why should Sun buy Linux when the only money to be made on it is in services?"Apr 15 12:33
schestowitz"The author is totally wrong. Solaris (OpenSolaris) is Sun's differentiator. It has technologies like ZFS and DTrace (and its own kernel, which is many ways is superior to Linux's) that Linux can't use to its GPL license being incompatible with the OpenSolaris license"Apr 15 12:33
schestowitz"Apr 15 12:33
schestowitz    I think that the "Sun-setting" headlines are overstated. Look at Sun's recent quarters; 4 profitable quarters in a row prior to the start of the recession (the recession hit Sun in their qtr ending March 2008.) The only accurate criticism of Sun has been and continues to be that they haven't balanced their cost structure with their revenues in the post-dotcom world."Apr 15 12:33
*iwmw ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 12:35
kentmaSun will most likely survive;  one of the main reasons is that unlike Novell and SCO, they haven't been basing their business models on squeezing their customers for licences to use computers generally.  They also have Java, and even Solaris, although I suspect that releasing Solaris into the wild might be a good move, for Sun to do it effectively, it would need to have built up an alternative revenue model, or it would just go bust quickly.Apr 15 12:36
schestowitzken gets it right (he says "Free software" now): "My name is Ken Starks and I am one of the most active Free Software advocate" 15 12:37
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 15 12:37
schestowitzCarla's video card went bust: Everything Broke Today. So, How Was Your Day? < >Apr 15 12:40
DaemonFCI only need XP for one thing, that's UstreamApr 15 12:43
DaemonFCthe Linux version of Flash is not capable of using my microphoneApr 15 12:43
DaemonFCIt's been in Adobe's bug tracking system forever but they aren't fixing itApr 15 12:44
schestowitzMore stupid ideas. Five Reasons Why Microsoft Shouldn't Buy Sun < >Apr 15 12:46
schestowitzDaemonFC: the microphone thing came up before. It's just you/your hardware,not FlashApr 15 12:47
DaemonFCno, it's a Flash issueApr 15 12:47
schestowitzI only ever use Flash for videos that could equally well be using OggApr 15 12:47
schestowitzThere's nothing inherent in Flash that I need. It just wraps some video streamApr 15 12:47
DaemonFCGeneral webcam and microphone functionality is not enabled. (239246)Apr 15 12:47
DaemonFCfrom their release notesApr 15 12:47
DaemonFCI'm not the only one that's ran into itApr 15 12:48
schestowitzWho uses Flash for chats? Some few sites mightApr 15 12:48
DaemonFCUstream uses itApr 15 12:49
schestowitzBut anyway, I did not know thatApr 15 12:49
DaemonFCso if you're on a 64-bit Linux distro you can't use your microphone with flashApr 15 12:49
DaemonFCeven if it's 32-bit flash in a 32-bit browserApr 15 12:49
DaemonFCthough that will still pick up your video streamApr 15 12:50
DaemonFCAdobe has gone the Nvidia route....."Customers shouldn't have to debug their own software so why should we provide source code?" followed by "Our users tell us feature X doesn't work, this is a known issue and will be fixed by us alone whenever the hell we feel like fixing it"Apr 15 12:51
DaemonFC:PApr 15 12:51
schestowitzOh wait.Apr 15 12:51
schestowitzSo it works on 32-bit?Apr 15 12:52
DaemonFCas far as I knowApr 15 12:52
*Ap0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 12:52
iwmwwasn't adobe always like that, DaemonFC ?Apr 15 12:53
DaemonFCso I either have to dual boot Linux with Linux or I have to just use 32-bit Linux with a PAE kernel, or I can leave XP on a partition since I already have a license for that and when some other problem crops up where I need Windows, I have XPApr 15 12:53
DaemonFC:PApr 15 12:53
iwmwask rmsApr 15 12:54
DaemonFCwell, no, Adobe wasn't always like thatApr 15 12:54
schestowitzI've just heard back about the Sun thing from the author.... All in good fun re:Sun/Novell. Savio's was more terrifying. What bizarre speculation has not been heard yet? Exxon buying Microsoft?Apr 15 12:54
iwmwwhen it made such decision then?Apr 15 12:54
DaemonFCThey used to say "We don't have any Linux products, we aren't GOING to, have a nice day"Apr 15 12:54
*Ap0G33 has quit (Client Quit)Apr 15 12:55
DaemonFCnow they're supporting Linux because Silverlight supports LinuxApr 15 12:55
*Ap0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 12:55
schestowitzMy CPU is 64-capable but I dual-boot 32- and 64-bitApr 15 12:55
schestowitzYou should tooApr 15 12:55
schestowitzYou won't need to dual-boot with WindersApr 15 12:55
schestowitzJust boot into a 32-bit sessionApr 15 12:55
iwmwmcdonalds buying appleApr 15 12:55
schestowitzEven a very stale oneApr 15 12:55
schestowitzLike eliveApr 15 12:56
schestowitzCan it even do Flash, being a livecd?Apr 15 12:56
DaemonFCThat's crazy, X86-64 was meant to supercede x86-32, and thanks to various bits of proprietary software that won't support it 5 years laterApr 15 12:56
DaemonFCyou have to install a full operating system over a 1 megabyte pluginApr 15 12:56
schestowitziwmw: no, that would be too realistic... or Disney. All revolve around delusionsApr 15 12:56
DaemonFC:PApr 15 12:56
iwmwwow... mcd buying apple is realistic...Apr 15 12:57
schestowitzYou pay the Apple TuxApr 15 12:57
DaemonFCI think it's funny that Microsoft is accusing anyone else of overcharging and bullying their customersApr 15 13:00
DaemonFCAt least the Mac OS isn't pure shitApr 15 13:00
DaemonFC:PApr 15 13:00
iwmwhow do you knowApr 15 13:00
iwmwdid you ever (very horror word) "USE" it?Apr 15 13:01
DaemonFCwell, because it doesn't lock up constantly or harass you with "Apple Genuine Advantage"Apr 15 13:02
DaemonFCmostlyApr 15 13:02
DaemonFCand it can generally do things like use all the RAM you paid for and installApr 15 13:02
schestowitzhehe2 is moving: 15 13:02
DaemonFCThat WGA shit is intrusive even if you haven't "pirated" WindowsApr 15 13:02
DaemonFCalways popping up and wanting to frisk the userApr 15 13:03
schestowitzSome people are locked outApr 15 13:03
schestowitzInnocent peopleApr 15 13:03
schestowitzFriends of mine evenApr 15 13:03
schestowitzMicrosoft is pissing off its innocent paying customersApr 15 13:03
*Ap0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 15 13:04
schestowitzSo many bright people fail to realise that their government lies to them re: unemployment by changing the definition of this term.. 15 13:04
schestowitzImpi Linux is no more  < > Seems like BOSS -- duplication of effort.Apr 15 13:07
*Ap0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 13:07
schestowitzGoogle is probably doing the best it can by disabling comments here: 15 13:08
MinceRoiaohm: ksm only applies to readonly pages, right?Apr 15 13:09
schestowitzPJ: "PHP, the authentic PHP is not free software, and Zend is in some dealings with Microsoft lately. The Quercus-GAE license is here. An article on Java support, and some controversy about it. Finally, the Zend/Microsoft partnership, Microsoft pointing to Zend as an example of its openness (to run Open Source on Windows), and Zend's plans regarding Microsoft's Azure. It's getting interesting over at Google App Engine."Apr 15 13:10
*Ap0G33 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 15 13:14
schestowitzBoies Schiller Partner Named as Head of FTC's Competition Bureau < >. It remains to be seen if he's as crooked as predecessors like Deborah MajorasApr 15 13:14
DaemonFCschestowitz: The funny thing was when the licensing server for Windows went downApr 15 13:14
DaemonFCand those articles said don't install any updates til they fix itApr 15 13:15
DaemonFCbut Vista pings MS even if you don't get any updatesApr 15 13:15
DaemonFCso some copies suicided just because of Vista's scheduled checkinApr 15 13:15
MinceRphoning home is an old m$ traditionApr 15 13:15
MinceRthey even did it in win95Apr 15 13:15
schestowitzFresh complaints about Microsoft's crimes in browser bundling (1990s): 15 13:16
schestowitzWin95?Apr 15 13:17
schestowitzI thought Real Player started itApr 15 13:17
MinceRi've read a report of win95 trying to dial home with a modem on install if it found one; it would set the modem silent so that it would be more difficult to noticeApr 15 13:19
oiaohmThat was pirated win95Apr 15 13:26
oiaohmVirus infected.Apr 15 13:26
oiaohmI had every legal version of 95 at one point.Apr 15 13:27
MinceRicApr 15 13:27
oiaohmOnly ones I found that did that was the illegal ones.Apr 15 13:27
oiaohmvirus infected illegal stuff is nothing new.Apr 15 13:27
oiaohmphone number owned to a porn company of all things.Apr 15 13:28
oiaohmthat the modem would dial.Apr 15 13:28
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 13:30
DaemonFCmeh, people grab things that are obviously infectedApr 15 13:37
*Ap0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 13:45
*Ap0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 15 13:45
iwmwi especially like the line there in statement:  Other browsers that are rated superior to IE cannot compete on their merits.Apr 15 13:50
iwmwMinceR: will it be able to dial home if firewall is installed?Apr 15 13:54
iwmw3rd party oneApr 15 13:54
*magentar_ (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 13:55
*magentar has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 15 13:56
schestowitzShill O'Shill (Shane O'Neill) is still boosting Windows at Linux's expenseApr 15 13:57
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 14:02
Omar87Hi all.Apr 15 14:02
*magentar_ has quit (Client Quit)Apr 15 14:03
*magentar_ (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 14:03
schestowitzYoApr 15 14:06
*iwmw has quit ("Leaving")Apr 15 14:07
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 14:08
schestowitz "I see Ubuntu gains as being more significant. Mac is down from 28 percent in 2008, while Ubuntu is up from 21 percent last year and 17 percent in 2007."Apr 15 14:08
schestowitzUK lags in open source in the enterprise < > Probably the same in other Bush-dominated countries... even Portugal and Hungary (because of MS cronies)Apr 15 14:11
schestowitzWeird. The European Commission finally responded to me constructively about their FOSS 'think' tankApr 15 14:14
schestowitzWe can probably obtain all the documents then, so it paid off.Apr 15 14:14
*magentar_ has quit (Client Quit)Apr 15 14:14
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 14:14
schestowitz (Linux-ready MIPS64 SoCs jump to 32 cores)Apr 15 14:15
trmanco 15 14:15
trmancotime for me to change? can't live without compizApr 15 14:15
Omar87So, guys, is OpenSuse as bad as SLES?Apr 15 14:27
trmancoopen suse is sles sisterApr 15 14:30
trmanco 15 14:31
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellApr 15 14:37
schestowitz 15 14:39
schestowitz"Here're a few hints:Apr 15 14:39
schestowitz- GNOME was originally developed by Miguel de IcazaApr 15 14:39
schestowitz- Miguel de Icaza then turned into a Microsoft fanboiApr 15 14:39
schestowitz- Miguel de Icaza started and spearheaded the MONO projectApr 15 14:39
schestowitz- The MONO project is sponsored in large part by NovellApr 15 14:39
schestowitzAnd as a bonus:Apr 15 14:39
schestowitz- Miguel de Icaza worked (at least for a while) at Microsoft.Apr 15 14:39
schestowitzYou put it together. The circle is complete."Apr 15 14:39
schestowitzBut he didn't work for Microsoft, did he? he tried to.Apr 15 14:39
schestowitzHis colleague Nat Friedman worked for Microsoft for quite some timeApr 15 14:40
trmancohe uses windows nowApr 15 14:41
trmancoso bad for himApr 15 14:41
trmancojust because he started gnome, that doesn't mean he is "the boss of gnome" does it?Apr 15 14:42
schestowitztrmanco: "Maybe it’s finally time we put some serious consideration into a Compiz Desktop Environment. With GNOME pretty much throwing us aside on support and with KWin replicating our features left and right, it’s hard to stay on board."Apr 15 14:42
schestowitzThat's interestingApr 15 14:42
schestowitzI did wonder how KWin so quickly got all the eye candy of CompizApr 15 14:42
schestowitzI reckons they just rip and replaces code.Apr 15 14:42
schestowitztrmanco: who uses Windows?Apr 15 14:42
schestowitzOther than de Icaza with his WIndows-only script he raved about a while ago?Apr 15 14:42
trmancoIcaza I guessApr 15 14:43
schestowitzAny proof?Apr 15 14:43
schestowitzGNOME was created by a lot of peopleApr 15 14:43
trmancoI saw a video a while back, he was using windowsApr 15 14:43
schestowitzCan you find it , please?Apr 15 14:43
trmancoI'll try to find proofApr 15 14:43
trmancogotta go to WC now, brbApr 15 14:43
trmancoI saw the video on his blogApr 15 14:45
trmanco90% of what he shares in his google reader thing are related to microsoft technologiesApr 15 14:46
trmancohe also shares stuff from linux hatersApr 15 14:47
schestowitzWell, he KNOWS the personApr 15 14:49
schestowitzWhether he's a friend of his or not, he knows the person and therefore probably feels similarlyApr 15 14:49
schestowitzLinux is not yet "linux WIndows" ->> Hate; badApr 15 14:49
trmanco 15 14:52
trmancoit's now the proof, it's something elseApr 15 14:52
trmanconow*Apr 15 14:52
trmanconot*Apr 15 14:52
trmancocan't find the video for now, so my claim was false... for nowApr 15 14:56
trmancoI'll look into it in a while, I just remember that a saw a screencast on his blog, I think, he/a guy was showing some similarities between visual studio with .net and monoApr 15 14:57
schestowitzI think he dual-bootsApr 15 15:09
schestowitzHe has WIndows-only swApr 15 15:10
trmancono, it wasn't himApr 15 15:17
trmancoit was some other guyApr 15 15:18
trmancoI found a post, but no videoApr 15 15:18
trmanco 15 15:19
trmanco 15 15:19
oiaohmMaking the Mono VM use LLVM as a code generation backend.   << anyone spot the problem here.Apr 15 15:20
*mib_amdbz0 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 15:21
oiaohmOpens the door complete to code in mono and just release native code.Apr 15 15:21
oiaohmSo removing need of .net installation.Apr 15 15:21
*trmanco look up LLvmApr 15 15:22
DaemonFCI think as far as Windows goes I probably just will stay on XP until they absolutely will not support it anymoreApr 15 15:22
trmancoah low levelApr 15 15:22
schestowitztrmanco: ah OKApr 15 15:23
DaemonFCthey've already bumped the EOL date to August of 2014Apr 15 15:23
schestowitzI was gonna write: "Miguel de Icaza uses Windows, according to one of our readers (maybe dual-boot)."Apr 15 15:23
schestowitzI'll rephrase thisApr 15 15:23
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 15:23
trmancoschestowitz, but I still have the damn sensation it was his video... I just can't find it :|Apr 15 15:23
schestowitzDaemonFC: how optimistic of themApr 15 15:23
schestowitzWill they even exist in their current form then?Apr 15 15:23
DaemonFCschestowitz: Yeah, it was going to be cut off in 2011Apr 15 15:23
DaemonFCbut customers complainedApr 15 15:23
DaemonFCso they gave it another 3 yearsApr 15 15:24
schestowitzThat's like SCO saying it'll give patches until 2010Apr 15 15:24
DaemonFC:PApr 15 15:24
schestowitzTurning to a legal firm and selling all its software in 2008Apr 15 15:24
DaemonFCwell, Microsoft still technically supports Windows 2000Apr 15 15:24
DaemonFCtil August next yearApr 15 15:24
schestowitzIt runs old machinesApr 15 15:24
schestowitzThey don't have cut-down OSesApr 15 15:24
schestowitzMaybe the XO changed thatApr 15 15:24
schestowitzBut there's nothing like Puppy, DSL, XfceApr 15 15:25
DaemonFCmeh, XP will be harder to shakeApr 15 15:25
DaemonFCthey have corporate AND home users on itApr 15 15:25
DaemonFCand those users hate Vista and 7Apr 15 15:25
schestowitzA lot of people in developing countries can't move to XPApr 15 15:25
schestowitzThey need new PCsApr 15 15:25
DaemonFCand they're putting XP on new hardware even yetApr 15 15:25
DaemonFCwith netbooksApr 15 15:25
DaemonFCthey're gonna have to support it to some degree for a long timeApr 15 15:25
DaemonFCXP was massively popular, but I don't see people running out to empty the shelves of Windows 7Apr 15 15:26
DaemonFCI just don't see it happeningApr 15 15:26
DaemonFCI think that it will probably just be old PCs that die that get anyone to "upgrade"Apr 15 15:28
*mib_amdbz0 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 15 15:28
DaemonFCand they don't even have any upgrade path from any version of XP to Windows 7Apr 15 15:29
DaemonFCyou HAVE to formatApr 15 15:29
DaemonFCwhich means hours of backing up all your files if you do decide to install 7Apr 15 15:29
*magentar has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 15 15:36
schestowitzMono and patents -- revisited: 15 15:42
schestowitzDaemonFC: not correct, XP was not popularApr 15 15:43
schestowitzIt was scarcely acceptedApr 15 15:43
schestowitzYou can find old articlesApr 15 15:43
schestowitzIt was accepted well COMPRED to VistaApr 15 15:43
schestowitzSo it's a relative thingApr 15 15:43
schestowitzit's like saying bread is well accepted in a restaurant where rice is filled with cockroaches, so BreadIsgreat(TM)Apr 15 15:44
*mib_wktp14 (i=a6ccf7b5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 15:44
schestowitzVast majority won't go for Windows 7  < >Apr 15 15:50
schestowitzWindows botnets/zombies spewing spam harm the environment: 15 15:51
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Apr 15 15:52
schestowitzXBox 360 is broken again: 15 15:54
schestowitzBritish ISPs to let foreign company spy of 4 million people's E-mails: 15 15:59
schestowitzAndroid is indeed not just for phones anymore: 15 16:01
trmancocan wget download raw*.php files?Apr 15 16:02
ushimitsudoki1trmanco: php is executed server-side.Apr 15 16:04
trmancoyeah I know that, but there has to be a way to download the non-compiled php fileApr 15 16:05
ushimitsudoki1trmanco: not unless the server allows it. it's not compilation by the wayApr 15 16:06
ushimitsudoki1trmanco: the "raw" .php is never sent to the client.Apr 15 16:06
trmanco:|Apr 15 16:06
ushimitsudoki1that's what "server-side" meansApr 15 16:06
ushimitsudoki1:)Apr 15 16:06
trmancoI'm playing some crack site game... just asking, I'm stuck at level 7 :|Apr 15 16:07
trmancoushimitsudoki1, wanna try :-PApr 15 16:07
ushimitsudoki1sure i will take a lookApr 15 16:07
*ushimitsudoki1 is now known as ushimitsudokiApr 15 16:07
trmancoushimitsudoki, 15 16:08
trmanco:-PApr 15 16:08
trmancoone of my friends gave me the linkApr 15 16:08
trmancoI started at 1Apr 15 16:08
ushimitsudokitrmanco: got itApr 15 16:15
trmancoI'm stuck, I'll try again laterApr 15 16:15
trmancowowApr 15 16:15
trmancoushimitsudoki, so what is the trick?Apr 15 16:16
ushimitsudokitrmanco: you want the answer or just a hint?Apr 15 16:16
trmancoushimitsudoki, I hint for now will do :-PApr 15 16:16
schestowitzLinux PCs to be distributed in India? Acer's Festive Offers on Notebooks, PCs in Kerala < >Apr 15 16:16
ushimitsudokitrmanco: view the source. pay close attention to everything that is included.Apr 15 16:16
trmancook, I'll look more closelyApr 15 16:17
trmancoushimitsudoki, I can't find anything :| except for class=login various times for no reasonApr 15 16:21
schestowitzPicture of an upcoming Linux-based set-top box: ( Android army marches into living rooms )Apr 15 16:21
ushimitsudokitrmanco: look at the bg image.Apr 15 16:21
trmancoushimitsudoki, what image?Apr 15 16:22
ushimitsudoki<body bg="images/included.gif"> <- look at this imageApr 15 16:23
trmancoomg :OApr 15 16:24
trmancothat :OApr 15 16:24
trmancowhat a dork I am, ushimitsudoki thank you very much :D just learned something today :DApr 15 16:24
ushimitsudoki\(0_0)/Apr 15 16:25
trmancoI completely missed itApr 15 16:25
schestowitzWhy can't ISPs hold E_mail privately where it belongs? How long before all E-mail -- except self-hosted -- is on some 'cloud'/Apr 15 16:25
schestowitzPIC: 15 16:26
trmancogrrr, it still won't workApr 15 16:28
trmancobrbApr 15 16:28
schestowitzPIN Crackers Nab Holy Grail of Bank Card Security  < >Apr 15 16:30
schestowitzThis is serious: Homeland Security profiles conservatives, libertarians as “right-wing extremists” < >Apr 15 16:33
schestowitz (CW-11 news claims clip of them airing YouTube prank infringes copyright)Apr 15 16:34
trmancoushimitsudoki, did you check to see if the credentials were correct?Apr 15 16:38
ushimitsudokitrmanco: not until you said it didn't work. it doesn't seem to work though. maybe there is something more to do to them?Apr 15 16:39
trmancoI have no idea :| I'm completely lost nowApr 15 16:40
MinceRwhere can i get _reliable_ data on os market share on netbooks sold?Apr 15 16:45
schestowitzHas anyone heard of concrete5 < >?Apr 15 16:50
schestowitzI never came across it (and I look closely). Seems like another "Cuil="-like "Google killer"Apr 15 16:50
schestowitzMinceR: global?Apr 15 16:51
schestowitzIn Germany about 40+% was Linux some months agoApr 15 16:51
schestowitzASUS said 40%Apr 15 16:51
schestowitzNPD does not tell US share, eitherApr 15 16:51
schestowitzThat's another big lieApr 15 16:51
schestowitzTo say that the problem is that NPD does US-only. It does not do this, either.;Apr 15 16:52
MinceRglobalApr 15 16:52
*zer0c00l has quit ("sleep")Apr 15 17:10
*trmanco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 17:13
trmanco_just had a power failure :XApr 15 17:13
*trmanco has quit (Nick collision from services.)Apr 15 17:15
*trmanco_ is now known as trmancoApr 15 17:15
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schestowitz "Venezuela's Social Development Ministry had reportedly already migrated 93% of its PCs and all of its servers to open source"Apr 15 17:48
schestowitz"Which is why SLED, SLES, and OpenSuSE don't have a place in my company. Why not OpenSuSE? Because it indirectly benefits Novell by growing the SuSE "ecosystem" and potentially attracting ISV interest." Why not to use SUSE/OpenSUSE/SLES/SLEDApr 15 18:05
schestowitzExclusive: Second Life Starts To Grow Again < >Apr 15 18:08
schestowitzcApr 15 18:15
schestowitz"The Ultimate PC" is built with GNU/Linux: 15 18:15
balzacHugo Chavez has good taste in softwareApr 15 18:18
schestowitzAnother reason for Windows 2k and XP users to upgrade to GNU/Linux: (Mozilla considers dumping Firefox support for Win2k, early XP)Apr 15 18:19
schestowitzbalzac: yes, he does, not just in SWApr 15 18:19
schestowitzI guess sympathising with his view on Bush make me, too, a terrorist/"dictator" defenderApr 15 18:19
schestowitzThe US has already tried to toss him with a coop. Promoting democracy or demoting democracy if people 'vote the wrong way' (the way that helps the US)?Apr 15 18:20
balzacindeedApr 15 18:22
balzacEvo Morales is smart tooApr 15 18:22
balzacHe chewed a coca leaf at a recent drug conference in ViennaApr 15 18:22
schestowitzTo Bush, "giving the US sovereignty" is good leadershipApr 15 18:22
schestowitzIt started in 1953 in the earliestApr 15 18:23
schestowitzThey tossed the Iranian leader who was electedApr 15 18:23
schestowitzReason? They called his a "communist"Apr 15 18:23
schestowitzHe was no more "communist" then the popeApr 15 18:23
schestowitzIt was libelApr 15 18:23
schestowitzThey got rid of him because he wanted independenceApr 15 18:23
schestowitzThe British petroleum business did not like this.Apr 15 18:23
schestowitzSo he needed to goApr 15 18:23
schestowitzThey (UK and US) also supported SddamApr 15 18:24
schestowitzThey gave him weaponsApr 15 18:24
schestowitzUntil he stopped taking orders thatApr 15 18:24
schestowitzThat was /after/ he gassed JurdsApr 15 18:24
schestowitz*KurdsApr 15 18:24
schestowitzAlso, they know he had /means/ of WoMD because _they held the receipt_ so to speakApr 15 18:24
*_Hicham_ (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 18:25
schestowitzAnd a lot of the weapon that is used against US troops there did not come from Russians. It was given by the US at the time (Stinger missiles for instance)Apr 15 18:25
schestowitzAds Have Senators Laboring Under False Assumptions < >Apr 15 18:27
schestowitz "A Wall Street Journal report on her appointment stated that she would work on "climate change and health care" and that "she may also develop business among newer defense and technology firms."" Authorities that are run by PR... when you know things are amissApr 15 18:28
*_Hicham_ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 15 18:33
schestowitzThe good and the bad in Linux development out for all to see: That massive filesystem thread < >Apr 15 18:34
schestowitzArch Linux running the latest kernel < >Apr 15 18:42
*_Hicham_ (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 18:43
trmanco 15 19:02
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 19:04
schestowitzIs good... is nice :-)Apr 15 19:06
schestowitzMicrosoft does this too BTWApr 15 19:06
schestowitzPeople found that Microsoft curses IE6 in its page source in its sites. Its Web developers needed IE hacks to make things workApr 15 19:07
*_Hicham_ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 15 19:07
schestowitzGNOME PackageKit updates < >Apr 15 19:08
*mib_wktp14 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 15 19:27
balzac :: Germany Bans Cultivation of Monsanto CornApr 15 19:32
balzacMonsanto is the Microsoft of agribusinessApr 15 19:32
balzacthey're far worse than Microsoft, because they cause the BSOD to happen in your DNA code, not merely your computerApr 15 19:33
balzacBut I'm sure they share many of the same "IP" lobbyists with MicrosoftApr 15 19:33
balzacand the drug companiesApr 15 19:34
balzacI had a conspiracy theory the other day about the mass die-off of exotic amphibiansApr 15 19:34
balzacThese jungle toads are very special and valuableApr 15 19:35
balzacfor their DNAApr 15 19:35
balzacsuppose some biotech company made the strain of fungus which kills them, so only the labs still have living specimins of these multi-billion dollar exotic toad speciesApr 15 19:36
*schestowitz looks at URLApr 15 19:36
balzacI'm pretty paranoid about these companies, I'll admit freely. I think almost nothing is beneath them to do.Apr 15 19:37
schestowitzI'm not up to dare re: GMApr 15 19:37
schestowitzI know all the basicsApr 15 19:37
schestowitzBut you're well ahead of meApr 15 19:37
balzacThey're just carrying on like the villains from a science fiction novelApr 15 19:37
balzacnothing unexpectedApr 15 19:37
schestowitzIf they want to ban dangerous things, they could ban skiingApr 15 19:37
schestowitzIf they want to ban dangerous stuff, they could ban lobbingApr 15 19:38
schestowitzBut they are too busy PromotingDemocracy() and FightingTerror() and FightingDrugs();Apr 15 19:38
balzacI'm in favor of stem cell research, but I'm against monsanto ruining the gene pool with their sinister experimentsApr 15 19:38
balzacthey're mixing DNA from all kinds of species and then doing Microsoft-style "dumping" of their seeds to eliminate the diverse, traditional seed linesApr 15 19:39
schestowitzbalzac: check this: gNewSense 2.2 released - "This release features the return of 3D acceleration -- as free software." 15 19:43
schestowitzNo hybrid.. just Free software ;-)Apr 15 19:43
balzacthat's good newsApr 15 19:44
schestowitzyes, it's a beautiful day today tooApr 15 19:46
schestowitzJust opened a window..Apr 15 19:46
schestowitzNew site: 15 19:50
balzacsweetApr 15 19:51
*mib_wktp14 (i=20b3ed18@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 20:04
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*Balrog ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 20:38
Balroghello everyoneApr 15 20:38
schestowitzWbApr 15 20:41
Balrogschestowitz: anything new of importance?Apr 15 20:43
schestowitzYes, quite a few thingsApr 15 20:45
schestowitzI was just preparing a batch of daily links. It's massiveApr 15 20:45
schestowitzThe GNU system now does 3D tooApr 15 20:45
schestowitzgNewSenseApr 15 20:45
Balrogcool. what drivers?Apr 15 20:49
Balrog(for the GPU)Apr 15 20:51
schestowitzI can't recall.Apr 15 20:56
schestowitzBut it's a milestoneApr 15 20:57
schestowitzOGL too is Free now. Same with OCLApr 15 20:57
schestowitzThey should rename it FreeGL ;-) Heh.Apr 15 20:57
Balrogwasn't OpenGL and OpenCL always so? They are all published standards, free to useApr 15 21:03
*conley has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 15 21:13
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 21:13
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 21:14
schestowitzBalrog: yes, but the word Free is better than openApr 15 21:27
schestowitzOpen refers to visibility or trust, Freedom refers to social conditionApr 15 21:27
*magentar has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 15 21:32
schestowitzExcellent show: 15 22:06
*silentivm has quit ("*** [make] Error 2")Apr 15 22:20
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 22:25
Omar87HiApr 15 22:25
schestowitzGrumpy Nader: 15 22:27
schestowitzHollywood lackeys attack Nader: 15 22:31
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 23:02
taconeschestowitz: there ?Apr 15 23:03
schestowitzAye. What's up?Apr 15 23:03
taconejust fyi MonoNo made it to linux outlaws podcastApr 15 23:04
taconeguess they read BNApr 15 23:05
taconeand Gnote news also.Apr 15 23:06
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MinceRgnApr 15 23:43
silentivmgnApr 15 23:43
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 15 23:53

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